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README 2014-05-10 12:53:32 7.8 KiB 2014-05-10 12:53:32 3.9 KiB 2014-05-10 12:53:32 2.7 KiB 2014-05-10 12:53:32 6.1 KiB 2014-05-10 12:53:32 6.4 KiB


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* Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2013 ForgeRock AS
The purpose of the parsing tool is to parse comments from the functional test xml files.
The comments must have preset tags in order for the them to be properly captured by the
parsing tool. This README files will describe what is needed in the comments of
the functional test xml files, and how to build and run the parsing tool.
***Function Test XML Files - Test Group Tags***
Each directory will be assumed to contain the tests within a test group.
Each test group needs to have the following tags.......
#@TestSubgroupName [only necessary for some test groups, like Security]
It is not critical in which xml file or where in the xml file these tags are located,
as long as the xml file is in the proper directory for the test group. For convenience,
the tags for the test group should be near the top of the xml file which is used
for setting up for the test group test cases.
The following is an example for the test group, functional-tests/testcases/security/pwd_storage,
and is located in file, security_setup_pwd_storage.xml
Place group-specific test information here.
#@TestGroupName Security
#@TestGroupPurpose To test the security functionality.
#@TestSubgroupName Password Storage Schemes
Some test groups will not have the tag, #@TestSubgroupName.
For instance, the test group tags for the Backend group are
Place group-specific test information here.
#@TestGroupName Backends
#@TestGroupPurpose To test the backend functionality.
***Function Test XML Files - Test Suite Tags***
Each xml file will be treated as a test suite. Each file should contain the following tags......
The tags should be located near the top of each file. The exact location is not critical.
The following example is from the test suite, MD5 Tests, which is located in
Place suite-specific test information here.
#@TestSuiteName MD5 Tests
#@TestSuitePurpose Test the MD5 storage scheme.
#@TestSuiteGroup MD5 Storage Scheme Tests
#@TestScript security_pwd_MD5.xml
***Function Test XML Files - Test Case Tags***
Each functional test xml file will have multiple test cases.
Each test case should have the following tags........
The tags should be located near the beginning of each test case.
The #@TestMarker should match the value of #@TestSuiteName. The parsing tool needs this
correlation to match each test case with the proper test suite.
The #@TestIssue should be the number in IssueTracker that corresponds to the feature or defect
which this test case is testing. Do not add the hyperlink to the issue web page.
The parsing tool adds the hyperlink when it runs.
As many #@TestStep tags may used to define the steps that are involved in each test case.
There should be one #@TestStep tag for each step. There is no limit to the number of test
steps which may be defined. Each test step may have multiple lines.
The #@TestResult may have multiple lines.
The following example is from the file,
Place test-specific test information here.
The tag, TestMarker, must be the same as the tag, TestSuiteName.
#@TestMarker MD5 Tests
#@TestName MD5 Preamble
#@TestIssue xyz
#@TestPurpose Change password storage scheme to MD5.
#@TestPreamble none
#@TestStep Client calls ldapmodify
with the filename to the appropriate file.
#@TestPostamble none
#@TestResult Success if OpenDS returns 0
The following is another example from the file,
Note that this example contains three test steps.
Place test-specific test information here.
The tag, TestMarker, must be the same as the tag, TestSuiteName.
#@TestMarker MD5 Tests
#@TestName MD5 Test 1
#@TestIssue xyz
#@TestPurpose Test MD5 password storage scheme.
#@TestPreamble none
#@TestStep Admin changes a user's password to convert
so it is stored as MD5 scheme.
#@TestStep The user binds with the new password.
#@TestStep Admin retrieves the user's password and
checks for the required {MD5} prefix.
#@TestPostamble none
#@TestResult Success if OpenDS returns 0 for the ldap
operations and the password has the {MD5} prefix.
***Building the Parser Tool***
No other packages are necessary for building the java files other than those
that come with the jvm. Java version 1.5.0 was used to build the java files.
Command line build while in the directory containing the java files.....
javac *.java
***Running the Parser Tool***
Three parameters are required to run the parsing tool from the command line, directory-to-testcase-files,
directory-for-output-files, and file format.
Command line execution.....
java -cp [path-to-class-files] GenerateOpenDSTestSpecs [directory-to-testcase-files] [directory-for-output-files] [file format]
The directory-to-testcase-files is the directory from where the parsing tool will begin searching
for functional test files to parse. The parsing tool will only search one or two levels below
the value for this parameter.
The directory-for-output-files is where the parsing tool will place the output xml files.
The file format is necessary because the same code is used for the unit-integration tests where
java files are parsed for test specifications rather than xml files. The file format must be
"xml" for the functional tests.
An example command line execution of the parsing tool would be
java -cp /export/ParseTestCode GenerateOpenDSTestSpecs /export/src/opends/tests/functional-tests/testcases /export/testspecs xml
the class files for the parsing tool are in /export/ParseTestCode
the directory-to-testcase-files is /export/src/opends/tests/functional-tests/testcases
the directory-for-output-files is /export/testspecs
the file format is xml.