index.xml revision 7310
10139N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
10139N/A !
10139N/A ! This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
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10139N/A ! Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
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10139N/A ! You can also obtain a copy of the license at
10139N/A ! trunk/opendj/legal-notices/CC-BY-NC-ND.txt.
10746N/A ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
10139N/A ! and limitations under the License.
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10595N/A ! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
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10139N/A ! Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS.
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10139N/A<book xml:id='release-notes'
10139N/A xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
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10139N/A xmlns:xinclude=''>
10139N/A <info>
10139N/A <xinclude:include href="/shared/mediaobject-fr-logo.xml" />
10139N/A <title>OpenDJ Release Notes</title>
10139N/A <subtitle>Version ${docTargetVersion}</subtitle>
10139N/A <abstract>
10139N/A <para>Notes covering OpenDJ hardware &amp; software requirements, fixes,
10139N/A known issues. The OpenDJ project offers open source LDAP directory services
10139N/A in Java.</para>
10139N/A </abstract>
10139N/A <copyright>
10139N/A <year>2011-2015</year>
10139N/A <holder>ForgeRock AS.</holder>
10139N/A </copyright>
10139N/A <authorgroup>
10139N/A <author>
10139N/A <personname><firstname>Mark </firstname><surname>Craig</surname></personname>
10139N/A <xinclude:include href="/shared/affiliation-fr.xml"/>
10139N/A </author>
10139N/A </authorgroup>
10139N/A <xinclude:include href='/legal.xml' />
10139N/A <date>${publicationDate}</date>
10139N/A <pubdate>${publicationDate}</pubdate>
10139N/A <releaseinfo>${softwareReleaseDate}</releaseinfo>
10139N/A </info>
10139N/A <toc />
10139N/A <preface>
10139N/A <title>About OpenDJ</title>
10139N/A <para>OpenDJ is an LDAPv3 compliant directory service, developed for
10139N/A the Java platform, providing a high performance, highly available,
10139N/A and secure store for the identities managed by your organization. Its
10139N/A easy installation process, combined with the power of the Java
10139N/A platform makes OpenDJ the simplest, fastest directory to deploy and
10139N/A manage. OpenDJ directory server comes with plenty of tools and a
10139N/A full-featured LDAP SDK for Java. OpenDJ directory server also offers
10139N/A REST access to directory data over HTTP.</para>
10139N/A <para>OpenDJ is free to download, evaluate, and use in developing your
10139N/A applications and solutions. You can also check out and modify the source
10139N/A code to build your own version if you prefer. ForgeRock offers training
10139N/A and support subscriptions to help you get the most out of your
10139N/A deployment.</para>
10139N/A <para>These release notes are written for everyone working with the
10139N/A OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> release. Read these notes before you
10139N/A install or upgrade OpenDJ software. These notes cover hardware and software
10139N/A prerequisites for installing and upgrading OpenDJ software. These
10139N/A notes list key features added and changed in this release. They also
10139N/A cover compatibility with previous releases and alert you to potential
10139N/A changes coming up that could affect your scripts and applications.
10139N/A Finally, these notes list both issues fixed since the previous
10139N/A release and known issues open at the time of release.</para>
10139N/A <para>See the <link xlink:role=""
10139N/A xlink:href="install-guide#install-guide"><citetitle>Installation
10139N/A Guide</citetitle></link> for more after you read these release notes. The
10139N/A installation guide covers installation and upgrade for OpenDJ directory
10139N/A server, OpenDJ REST LDAP gateway, and OpenDJ DSML gateway.</para>
10746N/A </preface>
10746N/A <xinclude:include href='chap-whats-new.xml' />
10651N/A <xinclude:include href='chap-before-you-install.xml' />
10651N/A <xinclude:include href='chap-compatibility.xml' />
10651N/A <xinclude:include href='chap-issues.xml' />
10592N/A <xinclude:include href='chap-feedback.xml' />
10592N/A <xinclude:include href='chap-support.xml' />