man-setup.xml revision 7321
7321N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
7321N/A !
7321N/A ! This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
7321N/A ! Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
7321N/A ! To view a copy of this license, visit
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7321N/A ! or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street,
7321N/A ! Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
7321N/A !
7321N/A ! You can also obtain a copy of the license at
7321N/A ! trunk/opendj3/legal-notices/CC-BY-NC-ND.txt.
7321N/A ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions
7321N/A ! and limitations under the License.
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7321N/A ! If applicable, add the following below this CCPL HEADER, with the fields
7321N/A ! enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information:
7321N/A ! Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
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7321N/A ! Copyright 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
7321N/A !
7321N/A<refentry xml:id='setup-1'
7321N/A xmlns=''
7321N/A version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
7321N/A xmlns:xsi=''
7321N/A xsi:schemaLocation='
7321N/A <info><copyright><year>2011-2014</year><holder>ForgeRock AS</holder></copyright></info>
7321N/A <refmeta>
7321N/A <refentrytitle>setup</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
7321N/A <refmiscinfo class="software">OpenDJ</refmiscinfo>
7321N/A <refmiscinfo class="version"><?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></refmiscinfo>
7321N/A </refmeta>
7321N/A <refnamediv>
7321N/A <refname>setup</refname>
7321N/A <refpurpose>install OpenDJ directory server</refpurpose>
7321N/A </refnamediv>
7321N/A <refsynopsisdiv>
7321N/A <cmdsynopsis>
7321N/A <command>setup</command>
7321N/A <arg choice="opt">options</arg>
7321N/A </cmdsynopsis>
7321N/A </refsynopsisdiv>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Description</title>
7321N/A <para>This utility can be used to setup the directory server.</para>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Options</title>
7321N/A <para>The following options are supported.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-a, --addBaseEntry</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Indicates whether to create the base entry in the directory server
7321N/A database</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--adminConnectorPort {port}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Port on which the Administration Connector should listen for
7321N/A communication</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 4444</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-b, --baseDN {baseDN}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Base DN for user information in the directory server. Multiple base
7321N/A DNs may be provided by using this option multiple times</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: dc=example,dc=com</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-d, --sampleData {numEntries}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies that the database should be populated with the specified
7321N/A number of sample entries</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 0</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-D, --rootUserDN {rootUserDN}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>DN for the initial root user for the directory server</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: cn=Directory Manager</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--generateSelfSignedCertificate</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Generate a self-signed certificate that the server should use when
7321N/A accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-h, --hostname {host}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used
7321N/A when generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the
7321N/A administration connector, and replication</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: localhost.localdomain</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-i, --cli</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use the command line install. If not specified the graphical
7321N/A interface will be launched. The rest of the options (excluding help and
7321N/A version) will only be taken into account if this option is specified</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-j, --rootUserPasswordFile {rootUserPasswordFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path to a file containing the password for the initial root user for
7321N/A the directory server</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path to an LDIF file containing data that should be added to the
7321N/A directory server database. Multiple LDIF files may be provided by using
7321N/A this option multiple times</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-N, --certNickname {nickname}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Nickname of the certificate that the server should use when
7321N/A accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-O, --doNotStart</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Do not start the server when the configuration is completed</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-p, --ldapPort {port}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAP
7321N/A communication</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 389</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-q, --enableStartTLS</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Enable StartTLS to allow secure communication with the server using
7321N/A the LDAP port</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-R, --rejectFile {rejectFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Write rejected entries to the specified file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-S, --skipPortCheck</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Skip the check to determine whether the specified ports are
7321N/A usable</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--skipFile {skipFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Write skipped entries to the specified file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store PIN file. A PIN is required when you specify
7321N/A to use an existing certificate (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12 or PKCS#11) as server
7321N/A certificate</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--useJavaKeystore {keyStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path of a Java Key Store (JKS) containing a certificate to be used
7321N/A as the server certificate</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--useJCEKS {keyStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path of a JCEKS containing a certificate to be used as the server
7321N/A certificate</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--usePkcs11Keystore</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use a certificate in a PKCS#11 token that the server should use when
7321N/A accepting SSL-based connections or performing StartTLS negotiation</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--usePkcs12keyStore {keyStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path of a PKCS#12 key store containing the certificate that the
7321N/A server should use when accepting SSL-based connections or performing
7321N/A StartTLS negotiation</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-w, --rootUserPassword {rootUserPassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Password for the initial root user for the Directory Server</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store PIN. A PIN is required when you specify
7321N/A to use an existing certificate (JKS, JCEKS, PKCS#12 or PKCS#11) as server
7321N/A certificate</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-x, --jmxPort {jmxPort}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Port on which the Directory Server should listen for JMX
7321N/A communication</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 1689</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-Z, --ldapsPort {port}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Port on which the Directory Server should listen for LDAPS
7321N/A communication. The LDAPS port will be configured and SSL will be enabled
7321N/A only if this argument is explicitly specified</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 636</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>Utility Input/Output Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-n, --no-prompt</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use non-interactive mode. If data in the command is missing, the
7321N/A user is not prompted and the tool will fail</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--noPropertiesFile</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>No properties file will be used to get default command line
7321N/A argument values</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path to the file containing default property values used for
7321N/A command line arguments</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-Q, --quiet</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Run setup in quiet mode. Quiet mode will not output progress
7321N/A information to standard output</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-v, --verbose</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use verbose mode</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>General Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-V, --version</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Display version information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-?, -H, --help</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Display usage information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Exit Codes</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>0</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The command completed successfully.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>&gt; 0</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>An error occurred.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Examples</title>
7321N/A <para>The following command installs OpenDJ directory server, enabling
7321N/A StartTLS and importing 100 example entries without interaction.</para>
7321N/A <screen>
7321N/A<userinput>$ /path/to/opendj/setup --cli -b dc=example,dc=com -d 100 \
7321N/A -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -h -p 1389 \
7321N/A --generateSelfSignedCertificate --enableStartTLS -n</userinput>
7321N/A<computeroutput>OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?>
7321N/APlease wait while the setup program initializes...
7321N/ASee /var/.../opends-setup-484...561.log for a detailed log of this operation.
7321N/AConfiguring Directory Server ..... Done.
7321N/AConfiguring Certificates ..... Done.
7321N/AImporting Automatically-Generated Data (100 Entries) ......... Done.
7321N/AStarting Directory Server .......... Done.
7321N/ATo see basic server configuration status and configuration you can launch
7321N/A /path/to/opendj/bin/status</computeroutput>
7321N/A </screen>
7321N/A </refsect1>