7321N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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7321N/A ! Copyright 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
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7321N/A<refentry xml:id='ldapdelete-1'
7321N/A xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'
7321N/A version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
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7321N/A xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
7321N/A <info><copyright><year>2011-2014</year><holder>ForgeRock AS</holder></copyright></info>
7321N/A <refmeta>
7321N/A <refentrytitle>ldapdelete</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
7321N/A <refmiscinfo class="software">OpenDJ</refmiscinfo>
7321N/A <refmiscinfo class="version"><?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></refmiscinfo>
7321N/A </refmeta>
7321N/A <refnamediv>
7321N/A <refname>ldapdelete</refname>
7321N/A <refpurpose>perform LDAP delete operations</refpurpose>
7321N/A </refnamediv>
7321N/A <refsynopsisdiv>
7321N/A <cmdsynopsis>
7321N/A <command>ldapdelete</command>
7321N/A <arg choice="req">options</arg>
7321N/A <arg><replaceable>DN</replaceable></arg>
7321N/A </cmdsynopsis>
7321N/A </refsynopsisdiv>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Description</title>
7321N/A <para>This utility can be used to perform LDAP delete operations in the
7321N/A directory.</para>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Options</title>
7321N/A <para>The following options are supported.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--assertionFilter {filter}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-c, --continueOnError</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Continue processing even if there are errors</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-f, --filename {file}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>LDIF file containing the changes to apply</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:&lt;filePath]]}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use a request control with the provided information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-n, --dry-run</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Show what would be done but do not perform any operation</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-x, --deleteSubtree</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Delete the specified entry and all entries below it</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization
7321N/A ID</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>LDAP Connection Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-D, --bindDN {bindDN}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>DN to use to bind to the server</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: cn=Directory Manager</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-E, --reportAuthzID</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use the authorization identity control</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-h, --hostname {host}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Directory server hostname or IP address</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: localhost.localdomain</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Bind password file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para> Certificate key store path</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-N, --certNickname {nickname}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-o, --saslOption {name=value}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>SASL bind options</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-p, --port {port}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Directory server port number</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 389</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate trust store path</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-q, --useStartTLS</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate trust store PIN</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store PIN file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate trust store PIN file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--usePasswordPolicyControl</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use the password policy request control</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-V, --ldapVersion {version}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>LDAP protocol version number</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 3</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Password to use to bind to the server</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store PIN</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-X, --trustAll</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Trust all server SSL certificates</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-Z, --useSSL</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use SSL for secure communication with the server</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>Utility Input/Output Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-i, --encoding {encoding}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use the specified character set for command-line input</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--noPropertiesFile</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>No properties file will be used to get default command line
7321N/A argument values</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path to the file containing default property values used for
7321N/A command line arguments</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-v, --verbose</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Use verbose mode</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>General Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--version</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Display version information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-?, -H, --help</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Display usage information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Exit Codes</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>0</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The command completed successfully.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><replaceable>ldap-error</replaceable></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.</para>
7321N/A <para>LDAP result codes are described in <link
7321N/A xlink:href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4511#appendix-A">RFC
7321N/A 4511</link>. Also see the additional information for details.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>89</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Files</title>
7321N/A <para>You can use <filename>~/.opendj/tools.properties</filename> to set
7321N/A the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following
7321N/A example.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="ini">
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Examples</title>
7321N/A <para>The following command deletes a user entry from the directory.</para>
7321N/A <screen>
7321N/A$ <userinput>ldapdelete -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password \
7321N/A uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com</userinput>
7321N/A<computeroutput>Processing DELETE request for uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
7321N/ADELETE operation successful for DN uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
7321N/A </screen>
7321N/A <para>The following command deletes the ou=Groups entry and all entries
7321N/A underneath ou=Groups.</para>
7321N/A <screen>
7321N/A$ <userinput>ldapdelete -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password -x \
7321N/A ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com</userinput>
7321N/A<computeroutput>Processing DELETE request for ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
7321N/ADELETE operation successful for DN ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
7321N/A </screen>
7321N/A </refsect1>