7321N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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7321N/A ! Copyright 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
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7321N/A<refentry xml:id='export-ldif-1'
7321N/A xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'
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7321N/A http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd'>
7321N/A <info><copyright><year>2011-2014</year><holder>ForgeRock AS</holder></copyright></info>
7321N/A <refmeta>
7321N/A <refentrytitle>export-ldif</refentrytitle><manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
7321N/A <refmiscinfo class="software">OpenDJ</refmiscinfo>
7321N/A <refmiscinfo class="version"><?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></refmiscinfo>
7321N/A </refmeta>
7321N/A <refnamediv>
7321N/A <refname>export-ldif</refname>
7321N/A <refpurpose>export OpenDJ directory data in LDIF</refpurpose>
7321N/A </refnamediv>
7321N/A <refsynopsisdiv>
7321N/A <cmdsynopsis>
7321N/A <command>export-ldif</command>
7321N/A <arg choice="req">options</arg>
7321N/A </cmdsynopsis>
7321N/A </refsynopsisdiv>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Description</title>
7321N/A <para>This utility can be used to export data from a directory server backend
7321N/A in LDIF form.</para>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Options</title>
7321N/A <para>The following options are supported.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-a, --appendToLDIF</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Append an existing LDIF file rather than overwriting it.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-b, --includeBranch {branchDN}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Base DN of a branch to include in the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-B, --excludeBranch {branchDN}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Base DN of a branch to exclude from the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-c, --compress</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Compress the LDIF data as it is exported.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-e, --excludeAttribute {attribute}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Attribute to exclude from the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-E, --excludeFilter {filter}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Filter to identify entries to exclude from the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-i, --includeAttribute {attribute}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Attribute to include in the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-I, --includeFilter {filter}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Filter to identify entries to include in the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-l, --ldifFile {ldifFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path to the LDIF file to be written.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-n, --backendID {backendName}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Backend ID for the backend to export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-O, --excludeOperational</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Exclude operational attributes from the LDIF export.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--wrapColumn {wrapColumn}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Column at which to wrap long lines (0 for no wrapping).</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 0</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>Task Backend Connection Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--connectTimeout {timeout}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to
7321N/A establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 30000</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-D, --bindDN {bindDN}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>DN to use to bind to the server</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: cn=Directory Manager</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-h, --hostname {host}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Directory server hostname or IP address</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: localhost.localdomain</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Bind password file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store path</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-N, --certNickname {nickname}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-o, --saslOption {name=value}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>SASL bind options</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-p, --port {port}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Directory server administration port number</para>
7321N/A <para>Default value: 4444</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate trust store path</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-T, --trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate trust store PIN</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store PIN file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate trust store PIN file</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Password to use to bind to the server</para>
7321N/A <para>Use <option>-w -</option> to have the command prompt for the
7321N/A password, rather than enter the password on the command line.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Certificate key store PIN</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-X, --trustAll</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Trust all server SSL certificates</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>Task Scheduling Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--completionNotify {emailAddress}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Email address of a recipient to be notified when the task
7321N/A completes. This option may be specified more than once.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--dependency {taskID}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>ID of a task upon which this task depends. A task will not start
7321N/A execution until all its dependencies have completed execution.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--errorNotify {emailAddress}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Email address of a recipient to be notified if an error occurs
7321N/A when this task executes. This option may be specified more than
7321N/A once.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--failedDependencyAction {action}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Action this task will take should one if its dependent tasks fail.
7321N/A The value must be one of PROCESS, CANCEL, DISABLE. If not specified
7321N/A defaults to CANCEL.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--recurringTask {schedulePattern}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Indicates the task is recurring and will be scheduled according
7321N/A to the value argument expressed in crontab(5) compatible time/date
7321N/A pattern.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-t, --start {startTime}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Indicates the date/time at which this operation will start when
7321N/A scheduled as a server task expressed in YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ format for UTC
7321N/A time or YYYYMMDDhhmmss for local time. A value of '0' will cause the
7321N/A task to be scheduled for immediate execution. When this option is
7321N/A specified the operation will be scheduled to start at the specified
7321N/A time after which this utility will exit immediately.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>Utility Input/Output Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--noPropertiesFile</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>No properties file will be used to get default command line
7321N/A argument values</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Path to the file containing default property values used for
7321N/A command line arguments</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A <refsect2>
7321N/A <title>General Options</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-V, --version</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Display version information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term><option>-?, -H, --help</option></term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Display usage information</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect2>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Exit Codes</title>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>0</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The command completed successfully.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>&gt; 0</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>An error occurred.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </refsect1>
7321N/A <refsect1>
7321N/A <title>Examples</title>
7321N/A <para>The following example exports data to a file,
7321N/A <filename>Example.ldif</filename>, with the server offline.</para>
7321N/A <screen>
7321N/A$ <userinput>export-ldif -b dc=example,dc=com -n userRoot -l /ldif/Example.ldif</userinput>
7321N/A<computeroutput>[21/Jun/2011:13:40:49 +0200] category=BACKEND severity=INFORMATION ...
7321N/A...Exported 160 entries and skipped 0 in 0 seconds (average rate 1428.6/sec)</computeroutput>
7321N/A </screen>
7321N/A </refsect1>