7321N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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7321N/A<appendix xml:id='appendix-rest2ldap'
7321N/A xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
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7321N/A http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd'
7321N/A xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
7321N/A <title>REST LDAP Configuration</title>
7321N/A <indexterm><primary>REST</primary></indexterm>
7321N/A <indexterm><primary>HTTP</primary></indexterm>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <para>OpenDJ offers two alternatives for RESTful access to directory
7321N/A data.</para>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>OpenDJ directory server has an HTTP connection handler that exposes
7321N/A the RESTful API over HTTP (or HTTPS). You configure the mapping between
7321N/A JSON resources and LDAP entries by editing the configuration file for the
7321N/A HTTP connection handler, by default
7321N/A <filename>/path/to/opendj/config/http-config.json</filename>.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The OpenDJ REST LDAP gateway runs as a Servlet independent from your
7321N/A directory service. You configure the gateway to access your directory service
7321N/A by editing <filename>opendj-rest2ldap-servlet.json</filename> where you
7321N/A deploy the gateway web application.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <para>The JSON format configuration can hold the following configuration
7321N/A objects. Some of the configuration settings are available only in the REST
7321N/A LDAP gateway configuration. The order here is the order shown in the default
7321N/A configuration file.</para>
7321N/A <para>Interface stability: <link xlink:href="reference#interface-stability"
7321N/A xlink:show="new" xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink"
7321N/A >Evolving</link></para>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"ldapConnectionFactories" (required, gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Configures how the gateway connects to LDAP servers. This entire
7321N/A configuration object applies only to the REST LDAP gateway.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <para>Configures at least a connection factory for unauthenticated
7321N/A connections that are used for bind requests. By default, also configures a
7321N/A factory for authenticated connections that are used for searches during
7321N/A authentication and for proxied authorization operations.</para>
7321N/A <para>The default configuration is set to connect to a local directory
7321N/A server listening for LDAP connections on port 1389, authenticating as the
7321N/A root DN user <literal>cn=Directory Manager</literal>, with the password
7321N/A <literal>password</literal>.</para>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"default"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Configures the unauthenticated connection factory for bind
7321N/A operations.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"connectionPoolSize" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The gateway creates connection pools to the primary and
7321N/A secondary LDAP servers that maintain up to
7321N/A <literal>connectionPoolSize</literal> connections to the
7321N/A servers.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: 24</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">"connectionPoolSize": 24</programlisting>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"connectionSecurity" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Whether connections to LDAP servers should be secured by using
7321N/A SSL or StartTLS. The following values are supported.</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"none" (default) means connections use plain LDAP and are
7321N/A not secured.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"ssl" means connections are secured using LDAPS.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"startTLS" means connections are secured using LDAP and
7321N/A StartTLS.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A <para>If you set "connectionSecurity", also review the
7321N/A "trustManager" and "fileBasedTrustManager*" settings.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"heartBeatIntervalSeconds" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The gateway tests its connections every
7321N/A <literal>heartBeatIntervalSeconds</literal> to detect whether
7321N/A the connection is still alive. The first test is performed
7321N/A immediately when the gateway gets a connection. Subsequent tests
7321N/A follow every <literal>heartBeatIntervalSeconds</literal>.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: 30 (seconds)</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">"heartBeatIntervalSeconds": 30</programlisting>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>When the gateway tests a connection, if the heartbeat does not come back after
7321N/A <literal>heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds</literal> the connection is marked as closed.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: 500 (milliseconds)</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">"heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds": 500</programlisting>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"fileBasedTrustManagerFile" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>If "trustManager" is set to "file", then this setting
7321N/A configures the location of the trust store file.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "/path/to/truststore"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"fileBasedTrustManagerPassword" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>If "trustManager" is set to "file", then this setting
7321N/A specifies the trust store password.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "password"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"fileBasedTrustManagerType" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>If "trustManager" is set to "file", then this setting
7321N/A configures the format for the data in the trust store file specified
7321N/A by the "fileBasedTrustManagerFile" setting. Formats include the
7321N/A following, though other implementations might be supported as well
7321N/A depending on the Java environment.</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"JKS" (default) specifies Java Key Store format.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"PKCS12" specifies Public-Key Cryptography Standards 12
7321N/A format.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"primaryLDAPServers" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers before failing
7321N/A over to the secondary LDAP servers. These might be LDAP servers in
7321N/A the same data center for example.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "primaryLDAPServers": [
7321N/A {
7321N/A "hostname": "local1.example.com",
7321N/A "port": 1389
7321N/A },
7321N/A {
7321N/A "hostname": "local2.example.com",
7321N/A "port": 1389
7321N/A }
7321N/A ]
7321N/A <para>By default, the gateway connects to the directory server
7321N/A listening on port 1389 on the local host.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"secondaryLDAPServers" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers if primary LDAP
7321N/A servers cannot be contacted. These might be LDAP servers in the same
7321N/A data center for example.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "secondaryLDAPServers": [
7321N/A {
7321N/A "hostname": "remote1.example.com",
7321N/A "port": 1389
7321N/A },
7321N/A {
7321N/A "hostname": "remote2.example.com",
7321N/A "port": 1389
7321N/A }
7321N/A ]
7321N/A <para>No secondary LDAP servers are configured by default.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"trustManager" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>If "connectionSecurity" is set to "ssl" or "startTLS", then
7321N/A this setting configures how the LDAP servers are trusted. This
7321N/A setting is ignored if "connectionSecurity" is set to "none".</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"file" means trust the LDAP server certificate if it is
7321N/A signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted according to the
7321N/A file-based trust store configured with the "fileBasedTrustManager*"
7321N/A settings.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"jvm" means trust the LDAP server certificate if it is signed
7321N/A by a CA trusted by the Java environment.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"trustAll" (default) means blindly trust all LDAP server
7321N/A certificates.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"root"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Configures the authenticated connection factory.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"inheritFrom" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Identifies the unauthenticated connection factory from which
7321N/A to inherit settings. If this connection factory does not inherit from
7321N/A another configuration object, then you must specify the configuration
7321N/A here.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "default"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"authentication" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The gateway authenticates by simple bind using the credentials
7321N/A specified.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "authentication": {
7321N/A "bindDN": "cn=Directory Manager",
7321N/A "password": "password"
7321N/A }
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"authenticationFilter" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Configures the REST LDAP authentication filter. If the configuration
7321N/A is not present, the filter is disabled.</para>
7321N/A <para>The default configuration allows HTTP Basic authentication where user
7321N/A entries are <literal>inetOrgPerson</literal> entries expected to have
7321N/A <literal>uid=<replaceable>username</replaceable></literal>, and to be found
7321N/A under <literal>ou=people,dc=example,dc=com</literal>. The default
7321N/A configuration also allows alternative, HTTP header based authentication in
7321N/A the style of OpenIDM.</para>
7321N/A <para>By default, authentication is required both for the gateway and for
7321N/A the HTTP connection handler. When the HTTP connection handler property
7321N/A <literal>authentication-required</literal> is set to
7321N/A <literal>false</literal> (default: <literal>true</literal>), the HTTP
7321N/A connection handler accepts both authenticated and unauthenticated requests.
7321N/A All requests are subject to access control and resource limit settings in
7321N/A the same way as LDAP client requests to the directory server. The
7321N/A <literal>authentication-required</literal> setting can be overridden by the
7321N/A global configuration property
7321N/A <literal>reject-unauthenticated-requests</literal> (default:
7321N/A <literal>false</literal>), described in the section on <link
7321N/A xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#restrict-clients"
7321N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink"><citetitle>Restricting
7321N/A Client Access</citetitle></link>.</para>
7321N/A <para>To protect passwords, configure HTTPS for the HTTP connection handler
7321N/A or for the container where the REST LDAP gateway runs.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <para>The filter has the following configuration fields.</para>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"supportHTTPBasicAuthentication"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Whether to support HTTP Basic authentication. If this is set to
7321N/A <literal>true</literal>, then the entry corresponding to the user name
7321N/A is found using the "searchBaseDN", "searchScope", and
7321N/A "searchFilterTemplate" settings.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"supportAltAuthentication"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Whether to allow alternative, HTTP header based authentication. If
7321N/A this is set to <literal>true</literal>, then the headers to use are
7321N/A specified in the "altAuthenticationUsernameHeader" and
7321N/A "altAuthenticationPasswordHeader" values, and the bind DN is resolved
7321N/A using the "searchFilterTemplate" value.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"altAuthenticationUsernameHeader"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies the HTTP header containing the username for
7321N/A authentication when alternative, HTTP-header based authentication is
7321N/A allowed.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "X-OpenIDM-Username"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"altAuthenticationPasswordHeader"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies the HTTP header containing the password for
7321N/A authentication when alternative, HTTP-header based authentication is
7321N/A allowed.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "X-OpenIDM-Password"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"reuseAuthenticatedConnection" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Whether to use authenticated LDAP connections for subsequent LDAP
7321N/A operations. If this is set to <literal>true</literal>, the gateway does
7321N/A not need its own connection factory, nor does it need to use proxied
7321N/A authorization for LDAP operations. Instead, it performs the operations
7321N/A as the user on the authenticated connection.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"method" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies the authentication method used by the gateway. The
7321N/A following values are supported.</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"search-simple" (default) means the user name is resolved to
7321N/A an LDAP bind DN by a search using the "searchFilterTemplate" value.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"sasl-plain" means the user name is resolved to an
7321N/A authorization ID (authzid) using the "saslAuthzIdTemplate" value.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"simple" means the user name is the LDAP bind DN.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"bindLDAPConnectionFactory" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Identifies the factory providing connections used for bind
7321N/A operations to authenticate users to LDAP servers.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "default"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"saslAuthzIdTemplate" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Sets how to resolve the authorization ID when the authentication
7321N/A "method" is set to "sasl-plain", substituting <literal>%s</literal>
7321N/A in the template with the user name provided. The user name provided by
7321N/A is DN escaped before the value is returned.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "dn:uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"searchLDAPConnectionFactory" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Identifies the factory providing connections used to find
7321N/A user entries in the directory server when the "method" is set to
7321N/A "search-simple".</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "root"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"searchBaseDN"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Sets the base DN to search for user entries. For the gateway,
7321N/A this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This always
7321N/A applies for the HTTP connection handler.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"searchScope"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Sets the search scope below the base DN such as "sub" (subtree
7321N/A search) or "one" (one-level search) to search for user entries. For the
7321N/A gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This
7321N/A always applies for the HTTP connection handler.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "sub"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"searchFilterTemplate"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Sets the search filter used to find the user entry, substituting
7321N/A <literal>%s</literal> in the template with the user name provided. The
7321N/A user name provided by is DN escaped before the value is returned. For
7321N/A the gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple".
7321N/A This always applies for the HTTP connection handler.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "(&amp;(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"servlet" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Configures how HTTP resources map to LDAP entries, and for the gateway
7321N/A how to connect to LDAP servers and how to use proxied authorization.</para>
7321N/A <para>The default gateway configuration tries to reuse authenticated
7321N/A connections for LDAP operations, falling back to a connection authenticated
7321N/A as root DN using proxied authorization for LDAP operations.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"ldapConnectionFactory" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies the connection factory used by the gateway to perform
7321N/A LDAP operations if an authenticated connection is not passed from the
7321N/A authentication filter according to the setting for
7321N/A "reuseAuthenticatedConnection".</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "root"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"authorizationPolicy" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies how to handle LDAP authorization. The following values
7321N/A are supported.</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"proxy" (default) means use proxied authorization when no
7321N/A authenticated connection is provided for reuse, resolving the
7321N/A authorization ID according to the setting for
7321N/A "proxyAuthzIdTemplate".</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"none" means do not use proxied authorization and do not reuse
7321N/A authenticated connections, but instead use connections from the
7321N/A factory specified in "ldapConnectionFactory".</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"reuse" means reuse an authenticated connection passed by the
7321N/A filter, and fail if no connection was passed by the filter.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"proxyAuthzIdTemplate" (gateway only)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Specifies the template to derive the authorization ID from the
7321N/A security context created during authentication. Use
7321N/A <literal>{dn}</literal> to indicate the user's bind DN or
7321N/A <literal>{id}</literal> to indicate the user name provided for
7321N/A authentication.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "dn:{dn}"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"mappings"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>For each collection URI such as <literal>/users</literal> and
7321N/A <literal>/groups</literal>, you configure a mapping between the JSON
7321N/A resource returned over HTTP, and the LDAP entry returned by the
7321N/A directory service.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <para>Each mapping has a number of configuration elements.</para>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"baseDN" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The base DN where LDAP entries are found for this mapping.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"readOnUpdatePolicy" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The policy used to read an entry before it is deleted, or to
7321N/A read an entry after it is added or modified. One of the following.</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"controls": (default) use RFC 4527 read-entry controls to
7321N/A reflect the state of the resource at the time the update was
7321N/A performed.</para>
7321N/A <para>The directory service must support RFC 4527.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"disabled": do not read the entry or return the resource on
7321N/A update.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"search": perform an LDAP search to retrieve the entry before
7321N/A deletion or after it is added or modified.</para>
7321N/A <para>The JSON resource returned might differ from the LDAP entry
7321N/A that was updated.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"useSubtreeDelete" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Whether to use the LDAP Subtree Delete Request Control (OID:
7321N/A <literal>1.2.840.113556.1.4.805</literal>) for LDAP delete operations
7321N/A resulting from delete operations on resources.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>false</literal>. The default configuration
7321N/A uses <literal>false</literal>.</para>
7321N/A <para>Set this to <literal>true</literal> if you want this behavior,
7321N/A if your directory server supports the control, and if clients that
7321N/A request delete operations have access to use the control.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"usePermissiveModify" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Whether to use the LDAP Permissive Modify Request Control (OID:
7321N/A <literal>1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413</literal>) for LDAP modify operations
7321N/A resulting from patch and update operations on resources.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>false</literal>. The default configuration
7321N/A uses <literal>true</literal>.</para>
7321N/A <para>Set this to <literal>false</literal> when using the gateway if
7321N/A your directory server does not support the control.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"etagAttribute" (optional)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>The LDAP attribute to use for multi-version concurrency control
7321N/A (MVCC).</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: "etag"</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"namingStrategy" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>
7321N/A The approach used to map LDAP entry names to JSON resources.
7321N/A </para>
7321N/A <para>
7321N/A LDAP entries mapped to JSON resources
7321N/A must be immediate subordinates of the mapping's "baseDN".
7321N/A </para>
7321N/A <para>
7321N/A The following naming strategies are supported.
7321N/A </para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>RDN and resource ID are both derived from a single user
7321N/A attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the
7321N/A <literal>uid</literal> attribute is the RDN and its value is the
7321N/A JSON resource ID.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "namingStrategy": {
7321N/A "strategy": "clientDNNaming",
7321N/A "dnAttribute": "uid"
7321N/A }
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>RDN and resource ID are derived from separate user attributes
7321N/A in the LDAP entry, as in the following example where the RDN
7321N/A attribute is <literal>uid</literal> but the JSON resource ID is the
7321N/A value of the <literal>mail</literal> attribute.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "namingStrategy": {
7321N/A "strategy": "clientNaming",
7321N/A "dnAttribute": "uid",
7321N/A "idAttribute": "mail"
7321N/A }
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>RDN is derived from a user attribute and the resource ID from
7321N/A an operational attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following
7321N/A example, where the RDN attribute is <literal>uid</literal> but the
7321N/A JSON resource ID is the value of the <literal>entryUUID</literal>
7321N/A operational attribute.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "namingStrategy": {
7321N/A "strategy": "serverNaming",
7321N/A "dnAttribute": "uid",
7321N/A "idAttribute": "entryUUID"
7321N/A }
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"additionalLDAPAttributes" (optional, but necessary)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>LDAP attributes to include during LDAP add operations as an
7321N/A array of type-value lists, such as the following example.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "additionalLDAPAttributes": [
7321N/A {
7321N/A "type": "objectClass",
7321N/A "values": [
7321N/A "top",
7321N/A "person",
7321N/A "organizationalPerson",
7321N/A "inetOrgPerson"
7321N/A ]
7321N/A }
7321N/A ]
7321N/A <para>This configuration element is useful to set LDAP object classes
7321N/A for example, which are not present in JSON resources.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"attributes" (required)</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>How the JSON resource fields map to attributes on LDAP
7321N/A entries, each taking the form "<replaceable>field-name</replaceable>":
7321N/A <replaceable>mapping-object</replaceable>. A number of
7321N/A <replaceable>mapping-object</replaceable>s are supported.</para>
7321N/A <variablelist>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"constant"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Maps a single JSON attribute to a fixed value.</para>
7321N/A <para>This can be useful as in the default case where each JSON
7321N/A resource "schemas" takes the SCIM URN, and so the value is not
7321N/A related to the underlying LDAP entries.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "schemas": {
7321N/A "constant": [
7321N/A "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"
7321N/A ]
7321N/A }
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"simple"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Maps a JSON field to an LDAP attribute.</para>
7321N/A <para>Simple mappings are used where the correspondence between
7321N/A JSON fields and LDAP attributes is one-to-one.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "userName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "mail",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <para>Simple mappings can take a number of fields.</para>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Required) "ldapAttribute": the name of LDAP attribute.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "defaultJSONValue": the JSON value if no LDAP
7321N/A attribute is available on the entry.</para>
7321N/A <para>No default is set if this is omitted.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "isBinary": true means the LDAP attribute is
7321N/A binary and the JSON field gets the base64-encoded value.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "isRequired": true means the LDAP attribute is
7321N/A mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false
7321N/A means it is optional.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "isSingleValued": true means represent a
7321N/A possibly multi-valued LDAP attribute as a single value; false
7321N/A means represent it as an array of values.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: determine the representation based on the LDAP
7321N/A schema, so SINGLE-VALUE attributes take single values, and
7321N/A multi-valued attributes take arrays.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "writability": indicates whether the LDAP
7321N/A attribute supports updates. This field can take the following
7321N/A values.</para>
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"createOnly": This attribute can be set only when the
7321N/A entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute thereafter
7321N/A result in errors.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"createOnlyDiscardWrites": This attribute can be set only
7321N/A when the entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute
7321N/A thereafter do not result in errors. Instead the update value
7321N/A is discarded.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"readOnly": This attribute cannot be written. Attempts to
7321N/A write this attribute result in errors.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"readOnlyDiscardWrites": This attribute cannot be written.
7321N/A Attempts to write this attribute do not result in errors.
7321N/A Instead the value to write is discarded.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>"readWrite": (default) This attribute can be set at
7321N/A creation and updated thereafter.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"object"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Maps a JSON object to LDAP attributes.</para>
7321N/A <para>This mapping lets you create JSON objects whose fields
7321N/A themselves have mappings to LDAP attributes.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A <varlistentry>
7321N/A <term>"reference"</term>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>Maps a JSON field to an LDAP entry found by reference.</para>
7321N/A <para>This mapping works for LDAP attributes whose values reference
7321N/A other entries. This is shown in the following example from the
7321N/A default configuration. The LDAP <literal>manager</literal>
7321N/A attribute values are user entry DNs. Here, the JSON
7321N/A <literal>manager</literal> field takes the user ID and name from
7321N/A the entry referenced by the LDAP attribute. On updates, changes
7321N/A to the JSON manager <literal>_id</literal> affect which manager
7321N/A entry is referenced, yet any changes to the manager's name are
7321N/A discarded, because changing managers only affects which user entry
7321N/A to point to, not the referenced user's name.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "manager": {
7321N/A "reference": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "manager",
7321N/A "baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
7321N/A "primaryKey": "uid",
7321N/A "mapper": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "_id": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "uid",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "displayName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A <para>Babs Jensen's manager in the sample LDAP data is Torrey
7321N/A Rigden, who has user ID <literal>trigden</literal>. Babs's entry has
7321N/A <literal>manager: uid=trigden,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>.
7321N/A With this mapping, the resulting JSON field is the following.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "manager": [
7321N/A {
7321N/A "_id": "trigden",
7321N/A "displayName": "Torrey Rigden"
7321N/A }
7321N/A ]
7321N/A <itemizedlist>
7321N/A <para>Reference mapping objects have the following fields.</para>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Required) "baseDN": indicates the base LDAP DN under which
7321N/A to find entries referenced by the JSON resource.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Required) "ldapAttribute": specifies the LDAP attribute in
7321N/A the entry underlying the JSON resource whose value points to the
7321N/A referenced entry.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Required) "mapper": describes how the referenced entry
7321N/A content maps to the content of this JSON field.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Required) "primaryKey": indicates which LDAP attribute in
7321N/A the mapper holds the primary key to the referenced entry.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "isRequired": true means the LDAP attribute is
7321N/A mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false
7321N/A means it is optional.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "isSingleValued": true means represent a
7321N/A possibly multi-valued LDAP attribute as a single value; false
7321N/A means represent it as an array of values.</para>
7321N/A <para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <!-- Not used.
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "scope": indicates the scope of the LDAP search
7321N/A to find the referenced entry. The default is
7321N/A <literal>"SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE"</literal>.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A -->
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "searchFilter": specifies the LDAP filter to
7321N/A use to search for the referenced entry. The default is
7321N/A <literal>"(objectClass=*)"</literal>.</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A <listitem>
7321N/A <para>(Optional) "writability": indicates whether the mapping
7321N/A supports updates, as described above for the simple mapping. The
7321N/A default is "readWrite".</para>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </itemizedlist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
7321N/A <para>The default mappings expose a SCIM view of user and group
7321N/A data.</para>
7321N/A <programlisting language="javascript">{
7321N/A "/users": {
7321N/A "baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
7321N/A "readOnUpdatePolicy": "controls",
7321N/A "useSubtreeDelete": false,
7321N/A "usePermissiveModify": true,
7321N/A "etagAttribute": "etag",
7321N/A "namingStrategy": {
7321N/A "strategy": "clientDNNaming",
7321N/A "dnAttribute": "uid"
7321N/A },
7321N/A "additionalLDAPAttributes": [
7321N/A {
7321N/A "type": "objectClass",
7321N/A "values": [
7321N/A "top",
7321N/A "person",
7321N/A "organizationalPerson",
7321N/A "inetOrgPerson"
7321N/A ]
7321N/A }
7321N/A ],
7321N/A "attributes": {
7321N/A "schemas": {
7321N/A "constant": [
7321N/A "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"
7321N/A ]
7321N/A },
7321N/A "_id": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "uid",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true,
7321N/A "writability": "createOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "_rev": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "etag",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "userName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "mail",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "displayName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "name": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "givenName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "givenName",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "familyName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "sn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "manager": {
7321N/A "reference": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "manager",
7321N/A "baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
7321N/A "primaryKey": "uid",
7321N/A "mapper": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "_id": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "uid",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "displayName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "groups": {
7321N/A "reference": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "isMemberOf",
7321N/A "baseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly",
7321N/A "primaryKey": "cn",
7321N/A "mapper": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "_id": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "contactInformation": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "telephoneNumber": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "telephoneNumber",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "emailAddress": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "mail",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "meta": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "created": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "createTimestamp",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "lastModified": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "modifyTimestamp",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "/groups": {
7321N/A "baseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
7321N/A "readOnUpdatePolicy": "controls",
7321N/A "useSubtreeDelete": false,
7321N/A "usePermissiveModify": true,
7321N/A "etagAttribute": "etag",
7321N/A "namingStrategy": {
7321N/A "strategy": "clientDNNaming",
7321N/A "dnAttribute": "cn"
7321N/A },
7321N/A "additionalLDAPAttributes": [
7321N/A {
7321N/A "type": "objectClass",
7321N/A "values": [
7321N/A "top",
7321N/A "groupOfUniqueNames"
7321N/A ]
7321N/A }
7321N/A ],
7321N/A "attributes": {
7321N/A "schemas": {
7321N/A "constant": [
7321N/A "urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"
7321N/A ]
7321N/A },
7321N/A "_id": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true,
7321N/A "writability": "createOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "_rev": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "etag",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "displayName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "members": {
7321N/A "reference": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "uniqueMember",
7321N/A "baseDN": "dc=example,dc=com",
7321N/A "primaryKey": "uid",
7321N/A "mapper": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "_id": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "uid",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "isRequired": true
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "displayName": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "cn",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "meta": {
7321N/A "object": {
7321N/A "created": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "createTimestamp",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A },
7321N/A "lastModified": {
7321N/A "simple": {
7321N/A "ldapAttribute": "modifyTimestamp",
7321N/A "isSingleValued": true,
7321N/A "writability": "readOnly"
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A }
7321N/A </listitem>
7321N/A </varlistentry>
7321N/A </variablelist>
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