chap-replication.xml revision 7073
6443N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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7073N/A ! Copyright 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
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6443N/A<chapter xml:id='chap-replication'
6443N/A xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
6443N/A xmlns:xsi=''
7073N/A xsi:schemaLocation='
6443N/A xmlns:xlink=''
6443N/A xmlns:xinclude=''>
6443N/A <title>Managing Data Replication</title>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ uses advanced data replication with automated conflict
6443N/A resolution to help ensure your directory services remain available in the
6443N/A event a server crashes or a network goes down, and also as you backup or
6443N/A upgrade your directory service. You can configure data replication as part
6443N/A of OpenDJ installation, and in many cases let replication do its work in
6443N/A the background.</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-quick-setup">
6443N/A <title>Replication Quick Setup</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Quick setup</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>High availability</primary>
6443N/A <see>Replication</see>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>You can set up replication during installation by choosing to
6443N/A configure replication through the setup wizard.</para>
6443N/A <para>In the Topology Options screen for the first server you set up, select
6443N/A This server will be part of a replication topology. If you also choose
6443N/A Configure as Secure, then replication traffic is protected by SSL.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-repla-setup">
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/replA-setup.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>QuickSetup makes it easy to configure replication.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A <para>In the Topology Options screen for subsequent servers, also select
6443N/A There is already a server in the topology, providing the Host Name,
6443N/A Administration Connector Port number, Admin User, and Admin Password for
6443N/A the first replica you set up.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-replb-setup">
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/replB-setup.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>Subsequent servers can point to the first server at setup time.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A <para>You also set up a global administrator account, stored under
6443N/A <literal>cn=admin data</literal> across replicas, used to manage replication
6443N/A in the topology.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-replb-global-admin">
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/replB-global-admin.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>The global administrator account exists on all servers in the
6443N/A replication topology.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A <para>You further set up what to replicate.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-replb-data-repl">
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/replB-data-repl.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>You choose the user data to replicate. OpenDJ automatically replicates
6443N/A administrative data and directory schema.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A <para>Once replication is set up, it works for all the replicas. You can
6443N/A monitor the replication connection and status through the OpenDJ Control
6443N/A Panel.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-repla-monitor-repl">
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/replA-monitor-repl.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ Control Panel indicates the status of data being
6443N/A replicated.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="about-repl">
6443N/A <title>About Replication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Overview</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Before you take replication further than setting up replication
6443N/A in the setup wizard, read this section to learn more about how OpenDJ
6443N/A replication works.</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-what-it-is">
6443N/A <title>What Replication Is</title>
6443N/A <para>Replication is the process of copying updates between OpenDJ
6443N/A directory servers such that all servers converge on identical copies of
6443N/A directory data. Replication is designed to let convergence happen over
6443N/A time by default. <footnote><para>Assured replication can require, however,
6443N/A that the convergence happen before the client application is notified that
6443N/A the operation was successful.</para></footnote> Letting convergence
6443N/A happen over time means that different replicas can be momentarily out of
6443N/A sync, but it also means that if you lose an individual server or even an
6443N/A entire data center, your directory service can keep on running, and then
6443N/A get back in sync when the servers are restarted or the network is
6443N/A repaired.</para>
6443N/A <para>Replication is specific to the OpenDJ directory service. Replication
6443N/A uses a specific protocol that replays update operations quickly, storing
6443N/A enough historical information about the updates to resolve most conflicts
6443N/A automatically. For example, if two client applications separately update
6443N/A a user entry to change the phone number, replication can work out which
6443N/A was the latest change, and apply that change across servers. The historical
6443N/A information needed to resolve these issues is periodically purged to avoid
6443N/A growing larger and larger forever. As a directory administrator, you must
6443N/A ensure that you do not purge the historical information more often than you
6443N/A backup your directory data.</para>
6443N/A <para>Keep server clocks synchronized for your topology. You can use NTP for
6443N/A example. Keeping server clocks synchronized helps prevent issues with SSL
6443N/A connections and with replication itself. Keeping server clocks synchronized
6443N/A also makes it easier to compare timestamps from multiple servers.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-per-suffix">
6443N/A <title>Replication Per Suffix</title>
6443N/A <para>The primary unit of replication is the suffix, specified by a
6443N/A base DN such as <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>.<footnote><para>When
6443N/A you configure partial and fractional replication, however, you can replicate
6443N/A only part of a suffix, or only certain attributes on entries. Also,
6443N/A if you split your suffix across multiple backends, then you need to set up
6443N/A replication separately for each part of suffix in a different backend.</para>
6443N/A </footnote> Replication also depends on the directory schema, defined on
6443N/A <literal>cn=schema</literal>, and the <literal>cn=admin data</literal>
6443N/A suffix with administrative identities and certificates for protecting
6443N/A communications. Thus that content gets replicated as well.</para>
6443N/A <para>The set of OpenDJ servers replicating data for a given suffix is
6443N/A called a replication topology. You can have more than one replication
6443N/A topology. For example, one topology could be devoted to
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>, and another to
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=org</literal>. OpenDJ servers are capable of
6443N/A serving more than one suffix. They are also capable of participating in
6443N/A more than one replication topology.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-replication-topologies-right">
6443N/A <alt>Three replication topologies set up correctly</alt>
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/repl-topologies-right.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>In this figure, all OpenDJ servers serve the replicated suffix
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>. Only servers A and B serve
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=org</literal>. Only server C and D serve
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=net</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A <para>Within a replication topology, the suffixes being replicated are
6443N/A identified to the replication servers by their DN. As all the replication
6443N/A servers are fully connected in a topology, a consequence is that it is
6443N/A impossible to have multiple "sub-topologies" within the overall set of
6443N/A servers as illustrated in the following diagram.</para>
6443N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-replication-topologies-wrong">
6443N/A <alt>Two replication topologies, one of which does not work</alt>
6443N/A <imageobject>
6443N/A <imagedata fileref="images/repl-topologies-wrong.png" format="PNG" />
6443N/A </imageobject>
6443N/A <textobject>
6443N/A <para>You cannot have all servers replicating both
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal> and also
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=org</literal>, but with all servers connected for
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal> and only some of the servers
6443N/A connected for <literal>dc=example,dc=org</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </textobject>
6443N/A </mediaobject>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-connection-selection">
6443N/A <title>Replication Connection Selection</title>
6443N/A <para>In order to understand what happens when individual servers stop
6443N/A responding due to a network partition or a crash, know that OpenDJ can
6443N/A offer both directory service and also replication service, and the two
6443N/A services are not the same, even if they can run alongside each other in
6443N/A the same OpenDJ server in the same Java Virtual Machine.</para>
6443N/A <para>Replication relies on the replication service provided by OpenDJ
6443N/A replication servers, where OpenDJ directory servers publish changes made
6443N/A to their data, and subscribe to changes published by other OpenDJ directory
6443N/A servers. A replication server manages replication data only, handling
6443N/A replication traffic with directory servers and with other replication
6443N/A servers, receiving, sending, and storing only changes to directory data
6443N/A rather than directory data itself. Once a replication server is connected
6443N/A to a replication topology, it maintains connections to all other
6443N/A replication servers in that topology.</para>
6443N/A <para>A directory server handles directory data. It responds to requests,
6443N/A stores directory data and historical information. For each replicated
6443N/A suffix, such as <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>,
6443N/A <literal>cn=schema</literal> and <literal>cn=admin data</literal>, the
6443N/A directory server publishes changes to a replication server, and subscribes
6443N/A to changes from that replication server. (Directory servers do not publish
6443N/A changes to other directory servers.) A directory server also resolves any
6443N/A conflicts that arise when reconciling changes from other directory servers,
6443N/A using the historical information about changes to resolve the conflicts.
6443N/A (Conflict resolution is the responsibility of the directory server rather
6443N/A than the replication server.)</para>
6443N/A <para>Once a directory server is connected to a replication topology for a
6443N/A particular suffix, it connects to one replication server at a time for that
6443N/A suffix. The replication server provides the directory server with a list of
6443N/A all replication servers for that suffix. Given the list of possible
6443N/A replication servers to which it can connect, the directory server can
6443N/A determine which replication server to connect to when starting up, or when
6443N/A the current connection is lost or becomes unresponsive.</para>
6443N/A <orderedlist>
6443N/A <para>For each replicated suffix, a directory server prefers to connect to
6443N/A a replication server:</para>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>In the same group as the directory server</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Having the same initial data for the suffix as the directory
6443N/A server</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>If initial data were the same, having all the latest changes from
6443N/A the directory server</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Running in the same Java Virtual Machine as the directory
6443N/A server</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Having the most available capacity relative to other eligible
6443N/A replication servers</para>
6443N/A <para>Available capacity depends on how many directory servers in the
6443N/A topology are already connected to a replication server, and what
6443N/A proportion of all directory servers in the topology ought to be connected
6443N/A to the replication server.</para>
6443N/A <para>To determine what proportion of the total number of directory
6443N/A servers should be connected to a replication server, OpenDJ uses
6443N/A replication server weight. When configuring a replication server, you
6443N/A can assign it a weight (default: 1). The weight property takes an integer
6443N/A that indicates capacity to provide replication service relative to other
6443N/A servers. For example, a weight of 2 would indicate a replication server
6443N/A that can handle twice as many connected servers as a replication server
6443N/A with weight 1.</para>
6443N/A <para>The proportion of directory servers in a topology that should be
6443N/A connected to a given replication server is equal to (replication server
6443N/A weight)/(sum of replication server weights). In other words, if there are
6443N/A 4 replication servers in a topology each with default weights, the
6443N/A proportion for each replication server is 1/4.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </orderedlist>
6443N/A <para>Consider a situation where 7 directory servers are connected to
6443N/A replication servers A, B, C, and D for <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>
6443N/A data. Suppose 2 directory servers each are connected to A, B, and C, and 1
6443N/A directory server is connected to replication server D. Replication server D
6443N/A is therefore the server with the most available capacity relative to other
6443N/A replication servers in the topology. All other criteria being equal,
6443N/A replication server D is the server to connect to when an 8th directory
6443N/A server joins the topology.</para>
6443N/A <para>The directory server regularly updates the list of replication servers
6443N/A in case it must reconnect. As available capacity of replication servers for
6443N/A each replication topology can change dynamically, a directory server can
6443N/A potentially reconnect to another replication server to balance the
6443N/A replication load in the topology. For this reason the server can also end
6443N/A up connected to different replication servers for different suffixes.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="configure-repl">
6443N/A <title>Configuring Replication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Configuring</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>This section shows how to configure replication with command-line
6443N/A tools.</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="enable-repl">
6443N/A <title>Enabling Replication</title>
6443N/A <para>You can start the replication process by using the
6443N/A <command>dsreplication enable</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
6443N/A enable
6443N/A --adminUID admin
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --host1
6443N/A --port1 4444
6443N/A --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword1 password
6443N/A --replicationPort1 8989
6443N/A --host2
6443N/A --port2 4444
6443N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword2 password
6443N/A --replicationPort2 8989
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating remote references on server ..... Done.
6443N/AConfiguring Replication port on server ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing registration information on server with
6443N/A the contents of server ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing schema on server with the contents of
6443N/A server ..... Done.
6443N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to
6443N/A work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
6443N/A replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
6443N/A <para>To enable secure connections for replication use the
6443N/A <option>--secureReplication1</option> and
6443N/A <option>--secureReplication2</option> options, which are equivalent to
6443N/A selecting Configure as Secure in the replication topology options screen of
6443N/A the setup wizard.</para>
6443N/A <para>As you see in the command output, replication is set up to function
6443N/A once enabled. You must however initialize replication in order to start
6443N/A the process.</para>
6443N/A <tip>
6443N/A <para>When scripting the configuration to set up multiple replicas in quick
6443N/A succession, use the same initial replication server each time you run the
6443N/A command. In other words, pass the same <option>--host1</option>,
6443N/A <option>--port1</option>, <option>--bindDN1</option>,
6443N/A <option>--bindPassword1</option>, and <option>--replicationPort1</option>
6443N/A options for each of the other replicas that you set up in your
6443N/A script.</para>
6443N/A </tip>
6443N/A <para>If you need to add another OpenDJ directory server to participate
6443N/A in replication, use the <command>dsreplication enable</command> with
6443N/A the new server as the second server.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="init-repl">
6443N/A <title>Initializing Replicas</title>
6443N/A <para>You can initialize replication between servers by performing
6443N/A initialization over the network after you have enabled replication, or by
6443N/A importing the same LDIF data on all servers and then enabling replication.
6443N/A You can also add a new server by restoring a backup from an existing replica
6443N/A onto the new server and then enabling replication with an existing
6443N/A replica.</para>
6443N/A <itemizedlist>
6443N/A <para>The alternatives are described step-by-step in the following
6443N/A procedures.</para>
6443N/A <listitem><para><xref linkend="init-repl-online" /></para></listitem>
6443N/A <listitem><para><xref linkend="init-repl-ldif" /></para></listitem>
6443N/A <listitem><para><xref linkend="init-repl-backup" /></para></listitem>
6443N/A </itemizedlist>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="init-repl-online">
6443N/A <title>To Initialize Replication Over the Network</title>
6443N/A <para>Initialization over the network while the server is online works well
6443N/A when you have no initial data, or when your network bandwidth is large
6443N/A compared to the initial amount of data to replicate.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Enable replication on all servers.</para>
6443N/A <para>See <xref linkend="enable-repl" /> for instructions.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Start replication with the <command>dsreplication
6443N/A initialize-all</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
6443N/A initialize-all
6443N/A --adminUID admin
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AInitializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
6443N/A 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
6443N/ABase DN initialized successfully.
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="init-repl-ldif">
6443N/A <title>To Initialize All Servers From the Same LDIF</title>
6443N/A <para>This procedure can be useful when you are starting with a large amount
6443N/A of directory data that is available locally to all directory servers.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Import the same LDIF on all servers as described in the procedure,
6443N/A <link xlink:show="new" xlink:role=""
6443N/A xlink:href="admin-guide#import-ldif"><citetitle>To Import LDIF
6443N/A Data</citetitle></link>.</para>
6443N/A <para>Do not yet accept updates to the directory data.
6443N/A <xref linkend="read-only-repl" /> shows how to prevent replicas from
6443N/A accepting updates from clients.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Enable replication for all servers.</para>
6443N/A <para>See <xref linkend="enable-repl" /> for instructions.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Allow updates to the directory data by setting
6443N/A <literal>writability-mode:enabled</literal> using a command like the
6443N/A one you found in <xref linkend="read-only-repl" />.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="init-repl-backup">
6443N/A <title>To Create a New Replica From Existing Backup</title>
6443N/A <para>You can create a new replica from a backup of a server in the existing
6443N/A topology.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Install a new server to use as the new replica.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Backup the database on an existing server as described in
6443N/A <link xlink:show="new" xlink:role=""
6443N/A xlink:href="admin-guide#backup"><citetitle>Backing Up Directory
6443N/A Data</citetitle></link>.</para>
6443N/A <para>At this point, other servers in the topology can continue to process
6443N/A updates.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Enable replication on the new replica.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
6443N/A enable
6443N/A --adminUID admin
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --host1
6443N/A --port1 4444
6443N/A --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword1 password
6443N/A --replicationPort1 8989
6443N/A --host2
6443N/A --port2 4444
6443N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword2 password
6443N/A --replicationPort2 8989
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating remote references on server ..... Done.
6443N/AConfiguring Replication port on server ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating remote references on server ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing registration information on server with
6443N/A the contents of server ..... Done.
6443N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to
6443N/A work you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
6443N/A replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
6443N/A <para>Contrary to the message from the command, you do not need to use
6443N/A the <command>dsreplication initialize</command> command at this
6443N/A point.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>On the new server, restore the database from the backup
6443N/A archive as described in the procedure, <link xlink:show="new"
6443N/A xlink:role=""
6443N/A xlink:href="admin-guide#restore-replica"><citetitle>To Restore a
6443N/A Replica</citetitle></link>.</para>
6443N/A <para>As long as you restore the database on the new replica before the
6443N/A replication purge delay runs out, updates processed by other servers after
6443N/A you created the backup are replicated to the new server after you restore
6443N/A the data.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="stop-repl">
6443N/A <title>Stopping Replication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Stopping</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>How you stop replication depends on whether the change is meant to
6443N/A be temporary or permanent.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="stop-repl-tmp">
6443N/A <title>To Stop Replication Temporarily For a Replica</title>
6443N/A <para>If you need to stop a server from replicating temporarily, you can
6443N/A do so using <command>dsconfig</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <warning>
6443N/A <para>Do not allow modifications on the replica for which replication is
6443N/A disabled, as no record of such changes is kept, and the changes cause
6443N/A replication to diverge.</para>
6443N/A </warning>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Disable the multimaster synchronization provider.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-synchronization-provider-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --set enabled:false
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step performance="optional">
6443N/A <para>When you are ready to resume replication, enable the multimaster
6443N/A synchronization provider.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-synchronization-provider-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --set enabled:true
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="stop-repl-permanent">
6443N/A <title>To Stop Replication Permanently For a Replica</title>
6443N/A <para>If you need to stop a server from replicating permanently, for
6443N/A example in preparation to remove a server, you can do so with the
6443N/A <command>dsreplication disable</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Stop replication using the <command>dsreplication disable</command>
6443N/A command.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
6443N/A disable
6443N/A --disableAll
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication on base DN cn=admin data of server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication on base DN dc=example,dc=com of server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication on base DN cn=schema of server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication port 8989 of server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/ARemoving registration information ..... Done.
6443N/ARemoving truststore information ..... Done.
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
6443N/A <para>The <command>dsreplication disable</command> as shown completely
6443N/A removes the replication configuration information from the server.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step performance="optional">
6443N/A <para>If you want to restart replication for the server, you need to run
6443N/A the <command>dsreplication enable</command> and <command>dsreplication
6443N/A initialize</command> commands again.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-dedicated-servers">
6443N/A <title>Stand-alone Replication Servers</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Dedicated servers</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Replication in OpenDJ is designed to be both easy to implement in
6443N/A environments with a few servers, and also scalable in environments with
6443N/A many servers. You can enable the replication service on each OpenDJ
6443N/A directory server in your deployment, for example, to limit the number
6443N/A of servers you deploy. Yet in a large deployment, you can use stand-alone
6443N/A replication servers &#8212; OpenDJ servers that do nothing but relay
6443N/A replication messages &#8212; to configure (and troubleshoot) the replication
6443N/A service separately from the directory service. You only need a few
6443N/A stand-alone replication servers publishing changes to serve many directory
6443N/A servers subscribed to the changes. Furthermore, replication is designed
6443N/A such that you need only connect a directory server to the nearest
6443N/A replication server for the directory server to replicate with all others
6443N/A in your topology. Yet only the stand-alone replication servers participate
6443N/A in fully-meshed replication.</para>
6443N/A <para>All replication servers in a topology are connected to all other
6443N/A replication servers. Directory servers are connected only to one replication
6443N/A server at a time, and their connections should be to replication servers on
6443N/A the same LAN. Therefore the total number of replication connections,
6443N/A Total<subscript>conn</subscript> is expressed as follows.</para>
6443N/A <equation>
6443N/A <mathphrase>Total<subscript>conn</subscript> = (N<subscript>RS</subscript> *
6443N/A N<subscript>RS</subscript>-1)/2 + N<subscript>DS</subscript></mathphrase>
6443N/A </equation>
6443N/A <para>Here, N<subscript>RS</subscript> is the number of replication servers,
6443N/A and N<subscript>DS</subscript> is the number of stand-alone directory
6443N/A servers. In other words, if you have only 3 servers, then
6443N/A Total<subscript>conn</subscript> is 3 with no stand-alone servers.
6443N/A However, if you have two data centers, and need 12 directory servers, then
6443N/A with no stand-alone directory servers Total<subscript>conn</subscript> is
6443N/A (12 * 11)/2 or 66. Yet, with 4 stand-alone replication servers, and 12
6443N/A stand-alone directory servers, Total<subscript>conn</subscript> is
6443N/A (4 * 3)/2 + 12, or 18, with only four of those connections needing to go
6443N/A over the WAN. (By running four directory servers that also run replication
6443N/A servers and eight stand-alone directory servers, you reduce the number of
6443N/A replication connections to 14 for 12 replicas.)</para>
7073N/A <figure xml:id="figure-standalone-repl">
7073N/A <title>Deployment For Multiple Data Centers</title>
7073N/A <mediaobject>
7073N/A <alt>Dedicated servers versus consolidated instances</alt>
7073N/A <imageobject>
7073N/A <imagedata fileref="images/standalone-repl.png" format="PNG"/>
7073N/A </imageobject>
7073N/A <textobject>
7073N/A <para>Dedicated servers are suited to environments with large numbers
7073N/A of replicas.</para>
7073N/A </textobject>
7073N/A </mediaobject>
7073N/A </figure>
6443N/A <tip>
6443N/A <para>If you set up OpenDJ directory server to replicate by using the
6443N/A Quick Setup wizard, then the wizard activated the replication service for
6443N/A that server. You can turn off the replication service on OpenDJ directory
6443N/A server, and then configure the server to work with a separate, stand-alone
6443N/A replication server instead. Start by using the <command>dsreplication
6443N/A disable --disableReplicationServer</command> command to turn off the
6443N/A replication service on the server.</para>
6443N/A </tip>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="repl-setup-dedicated-server">
6443N/A <title>To Set Up a Stand-alone Replication Server</title>
6443N/A <para>This example sets up a stand-alone replication server to handle
6443N/A the replication traffic between two directory servers that do not
6443N/A handle replication themselves.</para>
6443N/A <para>Here the replication server is <literal></literal>. The
6443N/A directory servers are <literal></literal> and
6443N/A <literal></literal>.</para>
6443N/A <para>In a real deployment, you would have more replication servers
6443N/A to avoid a single point of failure.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Setup the replication server as a directory server that has
6443N/A no database.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Setup the directory servers as stand-alone directory servers.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Enable replication with the appropriate
6443N/A <option>--noReplicationServer</option> and
6443N/A <option>--onlyReplicationServer</option> options.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
6443N/A enable
6443N/A --adminUID admin
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --host1
6443N/A --port1 4444
6443N/A --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword1 password
6443N/A --noReplicationServer1
6443N/A --host2
6443N/A --port2 4444
6443N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword2 password
6443N/A --replicationPort2 8989
6443N/A --onlyReplicationServer2
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/AOnly one replication server will be defined for the following base DN's:
6443N/AIt is recommended to have at least two replication servers (two changelogs) to
6443N/Aavoid a single point of failure in the replication topology.
6443N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
6443N/AConfiguring Replication port on server ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing registration information on server with
6443N/A the contents of server ..... Done.
6443N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to work
6443N/A you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
6443N/A replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.
6443N/A$ dsreplication
6443N/A enable
6443N/A --adminUID admin
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --host1
6443N/A --port1 4444
6443N/A --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword1 password
6443N/A --noReplicationServer1
6443N/A --host2
6443N/A --port2 4444
6443N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword2 password
6443N/A --replicationPort2 8989
6443N/A --onlyReplicationServer2
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/AOnly one replication server will be defined for the following base DN's:
6443N/AIt is recommended to have at least two replication servers (two changelogs) to
6443N/Aavoid a single point of failure in the replication topology.
6443N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating remote references on server ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing registration information on server with
6443N/A the contents of server ..... Done.
6443N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to work
6443N/A you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being
6443N/A replicated (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Initialize replication from one of the directory servers.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
6443N/A initialize-all
6443N/A --adminUID admin
6443N/A --adminPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/AInitializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents from
6443N/A 160 entries processed (100 % complete).
6443N/ABase DN initialized successfully.
6443N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
7073N/A <section xml:id="repl-dedicated-replica">
7073N/A <title>Stand-alone Directory Server Replicas</title>
7073N/A <indexterm>
7073N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
7073N/A <secondary>Dedicated servers</secondary>
7073N/A </indexterm>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A When you configure replication for an OpenDJ directory server,
7073N/A you can give the directory server the capability
7073N/A to handle replication traffic as well.
7073N/A As described in <xref linkend="repl-dedicated-servers" />,
7073N/A OpenDJ servers can also be configured to handle only replication traffic.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Alternatively you can configure an OpenDJ directory server
7073N/A to connect to a remote replication server of either variety,
7073N/A but to remain only a directory server itself.
7073N/A This sort of stand-alone directory server replica is shown
7073N/A in <xref linkend="figure-standalone-repl" />.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Furthermore, you can make this stand-alone directory server replica
7073N/A read-only for client applications, accepting only replication updates.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A <procedure xml:id="repl-setup-dedicated-replica">
7073N/A <title>To Set Up a Stand-alone Directory Server Replica</title>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A The following steps show how to configure the server
7073N/A as a stand-alone, directory server only replica
7073N/A of an existing replicated directory server.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A <step>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Set up replication between other servers.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A </step>
7073N/A <step>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Install the directory server without configuring replication,
7073N/A but creating at least the base entry to be replicated.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A </step>
7073N/A <step>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Enable replication with the appropriate
7073N/A <option>--noReplicationServer</option> option.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
7073N/A enable
7073N/A --adminUID admin
7073N/A --adminPassword password
7073N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
7073N/A --host1
7073N/A --port1 4444 --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager"
7073N/A --bindPassword1 password
7073N/A --host2
7073N/A --port2 4444
7073N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager"
7073N/A --bindPassword2 password
7073N/A --noReplicationServer2
7073N/A --trustAll
7073N/A --no-prompt
7073N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
7073N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating remote references on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating remote references on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating registration configuration
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating registration configuration
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating registration configuration
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema
7073N/A on server ..... Done.
7073N/AInitializing registration information on server
7073N/A with the contents of server ..... Done.
7073N/AInitializing schema on server
7073N/A with the contents of server ..... Done.
7073N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to work
7073N/A you must initialize the contents of the base DNs that are being replicated
7073N/A (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
7073N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Here the existing server is both directory server and replication server.
7073N/A If the existing server is a stand-alone replication server,
7073N/A then also use the appropriate
7073N/A <option>--onlyReplicationServer</option> option.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A </step>
7073N/A <step>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A Initialize data on the new directory server replica.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A <screen>$ dsreplication
7073N/A initialize
7073N/A --adminUID admin
7073N/A --adminPassword password
7073N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com
7073N/A --hostSource
7073N/A --portSource 4444
7073N/A --hostDestination
7073N/A --portDestination 4444
7073N/A --trustAll
7073N/A --no-prompt
7073N/AInitializing base DN dc=example,dc=com with the contents
7073N/A from
7073N/A0 entries processed (0 % complete).
7073N/A176 entries processed (100 % complete).
7073N/ABase DN initialized successfully.
7073N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</screen>
7073N/A </step>
7073N/A <step>
7073N/A <para>
7073N/A If you want to make the directory server replica
7073N/A read-only for client application traffic,
7073N/A see <xref linkend="read-only-repl" />.
7073N/A </para>
7073N/A </step>
7073N/A </procedure>
7073N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-groups">
6443N/A <title>Replication Groups</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Grouping servers</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Replication lets you define groups so that replicas communicate
6443N/A first with replication servers in the group before going to replication
6443N/A servers outside the group. Groups are identified with unique numeric
6443N/A group IDs.</para>
6443N/A <para>Replication groups are designed for deployments across multiple data
6443N/A centers, where you aim to focus replication traffic on the LAN rather than
6443N/A the WAN. In multi-data center deployments, group nearby servers
6443N/A together.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="define-repl-groups">
6443N/A <title>To Set Up Replication Groups</title>
6443N/A <para>For each group, set the appropriate group ID for the topology
6443N/A on both the replication servers and the directory servers.</para>
6443N/A <para>The example commands in this procedure set up two replication
6443N/A groups, each with a replication server and a directory server. The
6443N/A directory servers are <literal></literal> and
6443N/A <literal></literal>. The replication servers
6443N/A are <literal></literal> and
6443N/A <literal></literal>. In a full-scale deployment, you would
6443N/A have multiple servers of each type in each group, such as all the replicas
6443N/A and replication servers in each data center being in the same group.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Pick a group ID for each group.</para>
6443N/A <para>The default group ID is 1.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Set the group ID for each group by replication domain on the
6443N/A directory servers.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set group-id:1
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/A$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set group-id:2
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Set the group ID for each group on the replication servers.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-server-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --set group-id:1
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/A$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-server-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --set group-id:2
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="read-only-repl">
6443N/A <title>Read-Only Replicas</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Read-only servers</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>By default all directory servers in a replication topology are
6443N/A read-write. You can however choose to make replicas take updates only
6443N/A from the replication protocol, and refuse updates from client
6443N/A applications.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-global-configuration-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --set writability-mode:internal-only
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-assured">
6443N/A <title>Assured Replication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Assured</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>In standard replication, when a client requests an update operation
6443N/A the directory server performs the update and, if the update is successful,
6443N/A sends information about the update to the replication service, and sends
6443N/A a result code to the client application right away. As a result, the
6443N/A client application can conclude that the update was successful,
6443N/A <emphasis>but only on the replica that handled the update</emphasis>.</para>
6443N/A <para>Assured replication lets you force the replica performing the initial
6443N/A update to wait for confirmation that the update has been received elsewhere
6443N/A in the topology before sending a result code to the client application.
6443N/A You can configure assured replication either to wait for one or more
6443N/A replication servers to acknowledge having received the update, or to wait
6443N/A for all directory servers to have replayed the update.</para>
6443N/A <para>As you might imagine, assured replication is theoretically safer than
6443N/A standard replication, yet it is also slower, potentially waiting for a
6443N/A timeout before failing when the network or other servers are down.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="repl-safe-data">
6443N/A <title>To Ensure Updates Reach Replication Servers</title>
6443N/A <para>Safe data mode requires the update be sent to
6443N/A <literal>assured-sd-level</literal> replication servers before
6443N/A acknowledgement is returned to the client application.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>For each directory server, set safe data mode for the replication
6443N/A domain, and also set the safe data level.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set assured-type:safe-data
6443N/A --set assured-sd-level:1
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/A$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set assured-type:safe-data
6443N/A --set assured-sd-level:1
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="repl-safe-read">
6443N/A <title>To Ensure Updates Are Replayed Everywhere</title>
6443N/A <para>Safe read mode requires the update be replayed on all directory
6443N/A servers before acknowledgement is returned to the client application.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>For each directory server, set safe read mode for the replication
6443N/A domain.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set assured-type:safe-read
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/A$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set assured-type:safe-read
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <para>When working with assured replication, the replication server property
6443N/A <literal>degraded-status-threshold</literal> (default: 5000), sets the
6443N/A number of operations allowed to build up in the replication queue before
6443N/A the server is assigned degraded status. When a replication server has
6443N/A degraded status, assured replication ceases to have an effect.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-subtree">
6443N/A <title>Subtree Replication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Subtree</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ can perform subtree replication, for example replicating
6443N/A <literal>ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>, but not the rest of
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>, by putting the subtree in a separate
6443N/A backend from the rest of the suffix.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, in this case you might have a <literal>userRoot</literal>
6443N/A backend containing everything in <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>
6443N/A except <literal>ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>, and a separate
6443N/A <literal>peopleRoot</literal> backend for
6443N/A <literal>ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>. Then you replicate
6443N/A <literal>ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> in its own topology.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-fractional">
6443N/A <title>Fractional Replication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Fractional</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ can perform fractional replication, whereby you specify
6443N/A the attributes to include in or to exclude from the replication
6443N/A process.</para>
6443N/A <para>You set fractional replication configuration as
6443N/A <literal>fractional-include</literal> or
6443N/A <literal>fractional-exclude</literal> properties for a replication
6443N/A domain. When you include attributes, the attributes that are required on
6443N/A the relevant object classes are also included, whether you specify them
6443N/A or not. When you exclude attributes, the excluded attributes must be
6443N/A optional attributes for the relevant object classes. Fractional
6443N/A replicas still respect schema definitions.</para>
6443N/A <para>Fractional replication works by filtering objects at the replication
6443N/A server. Initialize replication as you would normally. Of course you cannot
6443N/A create a full replica from a replica with only a subset of the data. If you
6443N/A must prevent data from being replicated across a national boundary, split
6443N/A the replication server handling the updates from the directory servers
6443N/A receiving the updates as described in
6443N/A <xref linkend="repl-setup-dedicated-server" />.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, you might configure an externally facing
6443N/A fractional replica to include only some <literal>inetOrgPerson</literal>
6443N/A attributes.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt
6443N/A --set
6443N/A fractional-include:inetorgperson:cn,givenname,mail,mobile,sn,telephonenumber</screen>
6443N/A <para>As another example, you might exclude a custom attribute called
6443N/A <literal>sessionToken</literal> from being replicated.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-replication-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name "dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --set fractional-exclude:*:sessionToken
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A <para>This last example only works if you first define a
6443N/A <literal>sessionToken</literal> attribute in the directory server
6443N/A schema.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="repl-change-notification">
6443N/A <title>Change Notification For Your Applications</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Change notification</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>External change log</primary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Some applications require notification when directory data updates
6443N/A occur. For example, an application might need to sync directory data with
6443N/A another database, or the application might need to kick off other processing
6443N/A when certain updates occur.</para>
6443N/A <para>In addition to supporting persistent search operations, OpenDJ
6443N/A provides an external change log mechanism to allow applications to be
6443N/A notified of changes to directory data.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="enable-ecl">
6443N/A <title>To Enable the External Change Log</title>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ directory servers without replication cannot expose an
6443N/A external change log. The OpenDJ server that exposes the change log must
6443N/A function both as a directory server, and also as a replication server for
6443N/A the suffix whose changes you want logged.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Enable replication without using the
6443N/A <option>--noReplicationServer</option> or
6443N/A <option>--onlyReplicationServer</option> options.</para>
6443N/A <para>With replication enabled, the changelog data can be accessed under
6443N/A <literal>cn=changelog</literal>. For example, the following search shows
6443N/A the publicly visible data available before any changes have been
6443N/A made.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch --baseDN cn=changelog --port 1389 "(objectclass=*)" \* +
6443N/Adn: cn=changelog
6443N/Acn: changelog
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AobjectClass: container
6443N/AsubschemaSubentry: cn=schema
6443N/AhasSubordinates: false
6443N/AentryDN: cn=changelog
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="use-ecl">
6443N/A <title>To Use the External Change Log</title>
6443N/A <para>You read the external change log over LDAP. In addition, when you
6443N/A poll the change log periodically, you can get the list of updates that
6443N/A happened since your last request.</para>
6443N/A <para>The external change log mechanism uses an LDAP control with
6443N/A OID <literal></literal> to allow the exchange
6443N/A of cookies for the client application to bookmark the last changes seen,
6443N/A and then start reading the next set of changes from where it left off on
6443N/A the previous request.</para>
6443N/A <para>This procedure shows the client reading the change log as
6443N/A <literal>cn=Directory Manager</literal>. Make sure your client application
6443N/A reads the changes with sufficient access to view all the changes it
6443N/A needs to see.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Send an initial search request using the LDAP control with no
6443N/A cookie value.</para>
6443N/A <para>Notice the value of the <literal>changeLogCookie</literal> attribute
6443N/A for the last of the two changes.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --baseDN cn=changelog
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --control ""
6443N/A "(objectclass=*)"
6443N/A \* +
6443N/Adn: cn=changelog
6443N/Acn: changelog
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AobjectClass: container
6443N/AsubschemaSubentry: cn=schema
6443N/AhasSubordinates: true
6443N/AentryDN: cn=changelog
6443N/A# Public changelog exchange control(
6443N/A dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc28212d100000001;
6443N/Adn: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc28212d100000001,dc=example,dc=com,cn=changelog
6443N/AtargetDN: cn=arsene lupin,ou=special users,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AchangeNumber: 0
6443N/Achanges:: b2JqZWN0Q2xhc3M6IHBlcnNvbgpvYmplY3RDbGFzczogdG9wCmNuOiBBcnNlbmUgTHVwaW
6443N/A 4KdGVsZXBob25lTnVtYmVyOiArMzMgMSAyMyA0NSA2NyA4OQpzbjogTHVwaW4KZW50cnlVVUlEOiA5M
6443N/A MzA2NTg1NVoKY3JlYXRvcnNOYW1lOiBjbj1EaXJlY3RvcnkgTWFuYWdlcixjbj1Sb290IEROcyxjbj1
6443N/A jb25maWcK
6443N/AchangeType: add
6443N/AchangeTime: 20110613065855Z
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AobjectClass: changeLogEntry
6443N/AtargetEntryUUID: 90c714f7-486b-4d47-9409-b44d19dea31e
6443N/AreplicationCSN: 0000013087cbc28212d100000001
6443N/AnumSubordinates: 0
6443N/AreplicaIdentifier: 4817
6443N/AchangeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc28212d100000001;
6443N/AchangeInitiatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
6443N/AsubschemaSubentry: cn=schema
6443N/AhasSubordinates: false
6443N/AentryDN: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc28212d100000001,dc=example,dc=com,cn=change
6443N/A log
6443N/A# Public changelog exchange control(
6443N/A dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc34a12d100000002;
6443N/Adn: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc34a12d100000002,dc=example,dc=com,cn=changelog
6443N/AtargetDN: cn=horace velmont,ou=special users,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AchangeNumber: 0
6443N/Achanges:: b2JqZWN0Q2xhc3M6IHBlcnNvbgpvYmplY3RDbGFzczogdG9wCmNuOiBIb3JhY2UgVmVsbW
6443N/A DogNmIyMjQ0MGEtNzZkMC00MDMxLTk0YjctMzViMWQ4NmYwNjdlCmNyZWF0ZVRpbWVzdGFtcDogMjAx
6443N/A MTA2MTMwNjU4NTVaCmNyZWF0b3JzTmFtZTogY249RGlyZWN0b3J5IE1hbmFnZXIsY249Um9vdCBETnM
6443N/A sY249Y29uZmlnCg==
6443N/AchangeType: add
6443N/AchangeTime: 20110613065855Z
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AobjectClass: changeLogEntry
6443N/AtargetEntryUUID: 6b22440a-76d0-4031-94b7-35b1d86f067e
6443N/AreplicationCSN: 0000013087cbc34a12d100000002
6443N/AnumSubordinates: 0
6443N/AreplicaIdentifier: 4817
6443N/A<emphasis>changeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc34a12d100000002;</emphasis>
6443N/AchangeInitiatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
6443N/AsubschemaSubentry: cn=schema
6443N/AhasSubordinates: false
6443N/AentryDN: replicationCSN=0000013087cbc34a12d100000002,dc=example,dc=com,cn=change
6443N/A log
6443N/A <para>In this example, two new users were added to another replica
6443N/A before the change log request was made.</para>
6443N/A <para>Here the changes are base64 encoded, so you can decode them using
6443N/A the <command>base64</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ base64 decode --encodedData b2JqZW...ZmlnCg==
6443N/AobjectClass: person
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/Acn: Horace Velmont
6443N/AtelephoneNumber: +33 1 12 23 34 45
6443N/Asn: Velmont
6443N/AentryUUID: 6b22440a-76d0-4031-94b7-35b1d86f067e
6443N/AcreateTimestamp: 20110613065855Z
6443N/AcreatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
6443N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>For the next search, provide the cookie to start reading where
6443N/A you left off last time.</para>
6443N/A <para>In this example, a description was added to Babs Jensen's entry.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --baseDN cn=changelog
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --control "
6443N/A dc=example,dc=com:0000013087cbc34a12d100000002;"
6443N/A "(objectclass=*)"
6443N/A \* +
6443N/Adn: cn=changelog
6443N/Acn: changelog
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AobjectClass: container
6443N/AsubschemaSubentry: cn=schema
6443N/AhasSubordinates: true
6443N/AentryDN: cn=changelog
6443N/A# Public changelog exchange control(
6443N/A dc=example,dc=com:0000013087d7e27f12d100000003;
6443N/Adn: replicationCSN=0000013087d7e27f12d100000003,dc=example,dc=com,cn=changelog
6443N/AtargetDN: uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AchangeNumber: 0
6443N/Achanges:: YWRkOiBkZXNjcmlwdGlvbgpkZXNjcmlwdGlvbjogQSB0aGlyZCBjaGFuZ2UKLQpyZXBsYW
6443N/A NlOiBtb2RpZmllcnNOYW1lCm1vZGlmaWVyc05hbWU6IGNuPURpcmVjdG9yeSBNYW5hZ2VyLGNuPVJvb
6443N/A 3QgRE5zLGNuPWNvbmZpZwotCnJlcGxhY2U6IG1vZGlmeVRpbWVzdGFtcAptb2RpZnlUaW1lc3RhbXA6
6443N/A IDIwMTEwNjEzMDcxMjEwWgotCg==
6443N/AchangeType: modify
6443N/AchangeTime: 20110613071210Z
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AobjectClass: changeLogEntry
6443N/AtargetEntryUUID: fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c
6443N/AreplicationCSN: 0000013087d7e27f12d100000003
6443N/AnumSubordinates: 0
6443N/AreplicaIdentifier: 4817
6443N/AchangeLogCookie: dc=example,dc=com:0000013087d7e27f12d100000003;
6443N/AchangeInitiatorsName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
6443N/AsubschemaSubentry: cn=schema
6443N/AhasSubordinates: false
6443N/AentryDN: replicationCSN=0000013087d7e27f12d100000003,dc=example,dc=com,cn=change
6443N/A log
6443N/A </screen>
6443N/A <para>If we base64-decode the changes, we see the following.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ base64 decode --encodedData YWRkO...gotCg==
6443N/Aadd: description
6443N/Adescription: A third change
6443N/Areplace: modifiersName
6443N/AmodifiersName: cn=Directory Manager,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
6443N/Areplace: modifyTimestamp
6443N/AmodifyTimestamp: 20110613071210Z
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>If for some reason you lose the cookie, you can start over from
6443N/A the earliest available change by sending a search request with no
6443N/A value for the cookie.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="ecl-add-attributes">
6443N/A <title>To Include Unchanged Attributes in the External Change Log</title>
6443N/A <para>As shown above, the changes returned from a search on the external
6443N/A change log include only what was actually changed. If you have applications
6443N/A that need additional attributes published with every change log entry,
6443N/A regardless of whether or not the attribute itself has changed, then specify
6443N/A those using <literal>ecl-include</literal> and
6443N/A <literal>ecl-include-for-deletes</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Set the attributes to include for all update operations with
6443N/A <literal>ecl-include</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-external-changelog-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --set ecl-include:"@person"
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Set the attributes to include for deletes with
6443N/A <literal>ecl-include-for-deletes</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-external-changelog-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --add ecl-include-for-deletes:"*"
6443N/A --add ecl-include-for-deletes:"+"
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="ecl-limit-content">
6443N/A <title>To Limit External Change Log Content</title>
6443N/A <para>You can limit external change log content by disabling the domain
6443N/A for a base DN. By default, <literal>cn=schema</literal> and
6443N/A <literal>cn=admin data</literal> are not enabled.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Prevent OpenDJ from logging changes by disabling the domain.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A set-external-changelog-domain-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --provider-name "Multimaster Synchronization"
6443N/A --domain-name dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A --set enabled:false
6443N/A --trustAll
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <para xml:id="ecl-legacy-format">The external change log can also work for
6443N/A applications that follow the <link
6443N/A xlink:href=""
6443N/A >Internet-Draft: Definition of an Object Class to Hold LDAP Change
6443N/A Records</link>. Nothing special is required to get the objects specified for
6443N/A this legacy format. Such applications cannot however use the change log
6443N/A cookies that are shared across the replication topology, and therefore
6443N/A can continue to be used after failover to another replica in a multi-master
6443N/A replication environment.</para>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>External change log</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Legacy format</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A </section>