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7097N/A ! Copyright 2011-2014 ForgeRock AS
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6443N/A<chapter xml:id='chap-pta'
6443N/A xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
6443N/A xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
7097N/A xsi:schemaLocation='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook
7097N/A http://docbook.org/xml/5.0/xsd/docbook.xsd'>
6443N/A <title>Configuring Pass Through Authentication</title>
6443N/A <indexterm><primary>Pass through authentication</primary></indexterm>
6443N/A <para>This chapter focuses on pass through authentication (PTA), whereby you
6443N/A configure another server to determine the response to an authentication
6443N/A request. A typical use case for pass through authentication involves
6443N/A passing authentication through to Active Directory for users coming
6443N/A from Microsoft Windows systems.</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="about-pta">
6443N/A <title>About Pass Through Authentication</title>
6443N/A <para>You use <firstterm>LDAP pass through authentication</firstterm> when
6443N/A the credentials for authenticating are stored not in OpenDJ, but instead
6443N/A in a remote directory service. In effect OpenDJ redirects the bind operation
6443N/A against a remote LDAP server.</para>
6443N/A <para>Exactly how OpenDJ redirects the bind depends on how the user entry
6443N/A in OpenDJ maps to the corresponding user entry in the remote directory.</para>
6443N/A <itemizedlist>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ provides you several choices to set up the mapping.</para>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>When both the local entry in OpenDJ and the remote entry in the
6443N/A other server have the same DN, you do not have to set up the mapping at
6443N/A all. By default, OpenDJ redirects the bind with the original DN and
6443N/A password from the client application.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>When the local entry in OpenDJ has been provisioned with an attribute
6443N/A holding the DN of the remote entry, you can specify which attribute holds
6443N/A the DN, and OpenDJ redirects the bind on the remote server using the DN
6443N/A value.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>When you cannot get the remote bind DN directly, you need an
6443N/A attribute and value on the OpenDJ entry that corresponds to an identical
6443N/A attribute and value on the remote server in order to map the local entry
6443N/A to the remote entry. In this case you also need the bind credentials for
6443N/A a user who can search for the entry on the remote server. OpenDJ performs
6443N/A a search for the entry using the matching attribute and value, and then
6443N/A redirects the bind with the DN from the remote entry.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </itemizedlist>
6443N/A <para>You configure pass through authentication as an authentication policy
6443N/A that you associate with a user's entry in the same way that you associate
6443N/A a password policy with a user's entry. Either a user has an authentication
6443N/A policy for pass through authentication, or the user has a local password
6443N/A policy.</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="configure-pta">
6443N/A <title>Setting Up Pass Through Authentication</title>
6443N/A <para>When setting up pass through authentication, you need to know to which
6443N/A remote server or servers to redirect binds, and you need to know how you map
6443N/A user entries in OpenDJ to user entries in the remote directory.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="configure-ssl-to-test-pta">
6443N/A <title>To Set Up SSL Communication For Testing</title>
6443N/A <para>When performing pass through authentication, you no doubt protect
6443N/A communications between OpenDJ and the server providing authentication. If
6443N/A you test using SSL with self-signed certificates, and you do not want
6443N/A the client blindly to trust the server, follow these steps to import
6443N/A the authentication server's certificate into the OpenDJ key store.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Export the server certificate from the authentication server.</para>
6443N/A <para>How you perform this step depends on the authentication directory
6443N/A server. With OpenDJ, you can export the certificate as shown here.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>cd /path/to/PTA-Server/config</userinput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>keytool \
7097N/A -exportcert \
7097N/A -rfc \
7097N/A -alias server-cert \
7097N/A -keystore keystore \
7097N/A -storepass `cat keystore.pin` \
7097N/A > /tmp/pta-srv-cert.pem</userinput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Make note of the host name used in the certificate.</para>
6443N/A <para>You use the host name when configuring the SSL connection. With
6443N/A OpenDJ, you can view the certificate details as shown here.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>keytool \
7097N/A -list \
7097N/A -v \
7097N/A -alias server-cert \
7097N/A -keystore keystore \
7097N/A -storepass `cat keystore.pin`</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Alias name: server-cert
6443N/ACreation date: Sep 12, 2011
6443N/AEntry type: PrivateKeyEntry
6443N/ACertificate chain length: 1
6443N/AOwner: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
6443N/AIssuer: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
6443N/ASerial number: 4e6dc429
6443N/AValid from: Mon Sep 12 10:34:49 CEST 2011 until: Wed Sep 11 10:34:49 CEST 2013
6443N/ACertificate fingerprints:
6443N/A MD5: B6:EE:1C:A0:71:12:EF:6F:21:24:B9:50:EF:8B:4E:6A
6443N/A SHA1: 7E:A1:C9:07:D2:86:56:31:24:14:F7:07:A8:6B:3E:A1:39:63:F4:0E
6443N/A Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
7097N/A Version: 3</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
7097N/A </step>
7097N/A <step>
7097N/A <para>Import the authentication server certificate into OpenDJ's
7097N/A key store.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>cd /path/to/opendj/config</userinput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>keytool \
7097N/A -importcert \
7097N/A -alias pta-cert \
7097N/A -keystore truststore \
7097N/A -storepass `cat keystore.pin` \
7097N/A -file /tmp/pta-srv-cert.pem</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Owner: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
7097N/AIssuer: CN=pta-server.example.com, O=OpenDJ Self-Signed Certificate
7097N/ASerial number: 4e6dc429
7097N/AValid from: Mon Sep 12 10:34:49 CEST 2011 until: Wed Sep 11 10:34:49 CEST 2013
7097N/ACertificate fingerprints:
7097N/A MD5: B6:EE:1C:A0:71:12:EF:6F:21:24:B9:50:EF:8B:4E:6A
7097N/A SHA1: 7E:A1:C9:07:D2:86:56:31:24:14:F7:07:A8:6B:3E:A1:39:63:F4:0E
7097N/A Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
6443N/A Version: 3
7097N/ATrust this certificate? [no]:</computeroutput> <userinput>yes</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Certificate was added to keystore</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="configure-pta-policy">
6443N/A <title>To Configure an LDAP Pass Through Authentication Policy</title>
6443N/A <para>You configure authentication policies with the
6443N/A <command>dsconfig</command> command. Notice that authentication policies
6443N/A are part of the server configuration, and therefore not replicated.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Set up an authentication policy for pass through
6443N/A authentication to the authentication server.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsconfig \
7097N/A create-password-policy \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --hostname opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --type ldap-pass-through \
7097N/A --policy-name "PTA Policy" \
7097N/A --set primary-remote-ldap-server:pta-server.example.com:636 \
7097N/A --set mapped-attribute:uid \
7097N/A --set mapped-search-base-dn:"dc=PTA Server,dc=com" \
7097N/A --set mapping-policy:mapped-search \
7097N/A --set use-ssl:true \
7097N/A --set trust-manager-provider:JKS \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A <para>The policy shown here maps identities having this password policy
6443N/A to identities under <literal>dc=PTA Server,dc=com</literal>. Users must
6443N/A have the same <literal>uid</literal> values on both servers. The policy
6443N/A here also uses SSL between OpenDJ and the authentication server.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Check that your policy has been added to the list.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsconfig \
7097N/A list-password-policies \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --hostname opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --property use-ssl</userinput>
6443N/APassword Policy : Type : use-ssl
6443N/ADefault Password Policy : password-policy : -
6443N/APTA Policy : ldap-pass-through : true
7097N/ARoot Password Policy : password-policy : -</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="configure-pta-to-ad">
6443N/A <title>To Configure Pass Through Authentication To Active Directory</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Active Directory</primary>
6443N/A <see>Pass through authentication</see>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>The steps below demonstrate setting up pass through authentication
6443N/A to Active Directory. Here is some background to help you make sense of the
6443N/A steps.</para>
6443N/A <para>Entries on the OpenDJ side use <literal>uid</literal> as the naming
6443N/A attribute, and entries also have <literal>cn</literal> attributes. Active
6443N/A Directory entries use <literal>cn</literal> as the naming attribute.
6443N/A User entries on both sides share the same <literal>cn</literal> values. The
6443N/A mapping between entries therefore uses <literal>cn</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <para>Consider the example where an OpenDJ account with <literal>cn=LDAP
6443N/A PTA User</literal> and DN
6443N/A <literal>uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> corresponds
6443N/A to an Active Directory account with DN <literal>CN=LDAP PTA
6443N/A User,CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com</literal>. The steps below
6443N/A enable the user with <literal>cn=LDAP PTA User</literal> on OpenDJ
6443N/A authenticate through to Active Directory.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --hostname opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A uid=ldapptauser \
7097N/A cn</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
7097N/Acn: LDAP PTA User</computeroutput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --hostname ad.example.com \
7097N/A --baseDN "CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com" \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=administrator,cn=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A "(cn=LDAP PTA User)" \
7097N/A cn</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: CN=LDAP PTA User,CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com
7097N/Acn: LDAP PTA User</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ must map its
6443N/A <literal>uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> entry to the
6443N/A Active Directory entry, <literal>CN=LDAP PTA
6443N/A User,CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com</literal>. In order to do the
6443N/A mapping, OpenDJ has to perform a search for the user in Active Directory
6443N/A using the <literal>cn</literal> value it recovers from its own entry for the
6443N/A user. Active Directory does not allow anonymous searches, so part of the
6443N/A authentication policy configuration consists of the administrator DN and
6443N/A password OpenDJ uses to bind to Active Directory to be able to search.</para>
6443N/A <para>Finally, before setting up the pass through authentication policy,
6443N/A make sure OpenDJ can connect to Active Directory over a secure connection
6443N/A to avoid sending passwords in the clear.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Export the certificate from the Windows server.</para>
6443N/A <substeps>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Click start &gt; All Programs &gt; Administrative Tools &gt;
6443N/A Certification Authority, then right-click the CA and select
6443N/A Properties.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>In the General tab, select the certificate and click View
6443N/A Certificate.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>In the Certificate dialog, click the Details tab, then click
6443N/A Copy to File...</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Use the Certificate Export Wizard to export the certificate into
6443N/A a file, such as <filename>windows.cer</filename>.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </substeps>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Copy the exported certificate to the system running OpenDJ.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Import the server certificate into OpenDJ's key store.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>cd /path/to/opendj/config</userinput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>keytool \
7097N/A -importcert \
7097N/A -alias ad-cert \
7097N/A -keystore truststore \
7097N/A -storepass `cat keystore.pin` \
7097N/A -file ~/Downloads/windows.cer</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Owner: CN=internal-ACTIVEDIRECTORY-CA, DC=internal, DC=forgerock, DC=com
6443N/AIssuer: CN=internal-ACTIVEDIRECTORY-CA, DC=internal, DC=forgerock, DC=com
6443N/ASerial number: 587465257200a7b14a6976cb47916b32
6443N/AValid from: Tue Sep 20 11:14:24 CEST 2011 until: Tue Sep 20 11:24:23 CEST 2016
6443N/ACertificate fingerprints:
6443N/A MD5: A3:D6:F1:8D:0D:F9:9C:76:00:BC:84:8A:14:55:28:38
6443N/A SHA1: 0F:BD:45:E6:21:DF:BD:6A:CA:8A:7C:1D:F9:DA:A1:8E:8A:0D:A4:BF
6443N/A Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
6443N/A Version: 3
6443N/A#1: ObjectId: Criticality=true
6443N/A CA:true
6443N/A PathLen:2147483647
6443N/A#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
6443N/AKeyUsage [
6443N/A DigitalSignature
6443N/A Key_CertSign
6443N/A Crl_Sign
6443N/A#3: ObjectId: Criticality=false
6443N/ASubjectKeyIdentifier [
6443N/AKeyIdentifier [
7097N/A0000: A3 3E C0 E3 B2 76 15 DC 97 D0 B3 C0 2E 77 8A 11 .>...v.......w..
6443N/A0010: 24 62 70 0A $bp.
6443N/A#4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
7097N/ATrust this certificate? [no]:</computeroutput> <userinput>yes</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Certificate was added to keystore</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A <para>At this point OpenDJ can connect to Active Directory over SSL.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Set up an authentication policy for OpenDJ users to authenticate
6443N/A to Active Directory.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsconfig \
7097N/A create-password-policy \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --hostname opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --type ldap-pass-through \
7097N/A --policy-name "AD PTA Policy" \
7097N/A --set primary-remote-ldap-server:ad.example.com:636 \
7097N/A --set mapped-attribute:cn \
7097N/A --set mapped-search-base-dn:"CN=Users,DC=internal,DC=forgerock,DC=com" \
7097N/A --set mapped-search-bind-dn:"cn=administrator,cn=Users,DC=internal, \
7097N/A DC=forgerock,DC=com" \
7097N/A --set mapped-search-bind-password:password \
7097N/A --set mapping-policy:mapped-search \
7097N/A --set trust-manager-provider:JKS \
7097N/A --set use-ssl:true \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Assign the authentication policy to a test user.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/Adn: uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Achangetype: modify
6443N/Aadd: ds-pwp-password-policy-dn
7097N/Ads-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=AD PTA Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Processing MODIFY request for uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
7097N/AMODIFY operation successful for DN uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Check that the user can bind using pass through authentication to
6443N/A Active Directory.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --hostname opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --bindDN uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A "(cn=LDAP PTA User)" \
7097N/A userpassword cn</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: uid=ldapptauser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
7097N/Acn: LDAP PTA User</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A <para>Notice that to complete the search, the user authenticated with a
6443N/A password to Active Directory, though no <literal>userpassword</literal>
6443N/A value is present on the entry on the OpenDJ side.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="assigning-pta">
6443N/A <title>Assigning Pass Through Authentication Policies</title>
6443N/A <para>You assign authentication policies in the same way as you
6443N/A assign password policies, by using the
6443N/A <literal>ds-pwp-password-policy-dn</literal> attribute.</para>
6443N/A <note>
6443N/A <para>Although you assign the pass through authentication policy using
6443N/A the same attribute as for password policy, the authentication policy is
6443N/A not in fact a password policy. Therefore, the user with a pass through
6443N/A authentication policy does not have a value for the operational attribute
6443N/A <literal>pwdPolicySubentry</literal>.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A uid=user.0 \
7097N/A pwdPolicySubentry</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
6443N/A </note>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="assign-pta-to-user">
6443N/A <title>To Assign a Pass Through Authentication Policy To a User</title>
6443N/A <para>Users depending on pass through authentication no longer need a local
6443N/A password policy, as they no longer authenticate locally.</para>
6443N/A <para>Examples in the following procedure work for this user, whose
6443N/A entry on OpenDJ is as shown. Notice that the user has no password set. The
6443N/A user's password on the authentication server is
6443N/A <literal>password</literal>.</para>
7097N/A <programlisting language="ldif">
7097N/Adn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Acn: Aaccf Amar
6443N/Adescription: This is the description for Aaccf Amar.
6443N/AemployeeNumber: 0
6443N/AgivenName: Aaccf
6443N/AhomePhone: +1 225 216 5900
6443N/Ainitials: ASA
6443N/Al: Panama City
6443N/Amail: user.0@maildomain.net
6443N/Amobile: +1 010 154 3228
6443N/AobjectClass: person
6443N/AobjectClass: inetorgperson
6443N/AobjectClass: organizationalperson
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/Apager: +1 779 041 6341
6443N/ApostalAddress: Aaccf Amar$01251 Chestnut Street$Panama City, DE 50369
6443N/ApostalCode: 50369
6443N/Asn: Amar
6443N/Ast: DE
6443N/Astreet: 01251 Chestnut Street
6443N/AtelephoneNumber: +1 685 622 6202
6443N/Auid: user.0
6443N/A <para>This user's entry on the authentication server also has
6443N/A <literal>uid=user.0</literal>, and the pass through authentication policy
6443N/A performs the mapping to find the user entry in the authentication
6443N/A server.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Prevent users from changing their own password policies.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>cat protect-pta.ldif</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Achangetype: modify
6443N/Aadd: aci
6443N/Aaci: (target ="ldap:///uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
6443N/A "ds-pwp-password-policy-dn")(version 3.0;acl "Cannot choose own pass
7097N/A word policy";deny (write)(userdn = "ldap:///self");)</computeroutput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --filename protect-pta.ldif</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Processing MODIFY request for ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
7097N/AMODIFY operation successful for DN ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Update the user's <literal>ds-pwp-password-policy-dn</literal>
6443N/A attribute.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/Adn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Achangetype: modify
6443N/Aadd: ds-pwp-password-policy-dn
7097N/Ads-pwp-password-policy-dn: cn=PTA Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Processing MODIFY request for uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
7097N/AMODIFY operation successful for DN uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Check that the user can authenticate through to the authentication
6443N/A server.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --bindDN uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A uid=user.0 \
7097N/A cn sn</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: uid=user.0,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Acn: Aaccf Amar
7097N/Asn: Amar</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="assign-pta-to-group">
6443N/A <title>To Assign a Pass Through Authentication Policy To a Group</title>
6443N/A <para>Examples in the following steps use the pass through authentication
6443N/A policy as defined above. Kirsten Vaughan's entry has been reproduced on
6443N/A the authentication server under <literal>dc=PTA
6443N/A Server,dc=com</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Create a subentry to assign a collective attribute that sets the
6443N/A <literal>ds-pwp-password-policy-dn</literal> attribute for group
6443N/A members' entries.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>cat pta-coll.ldif</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: cn=PTA Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AobjectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
6443N/AobjectClass: extensibleObject
6443N/AobjectClass: subentry
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/Acn: PTA Policy for Dir Admins
6443N/Ads-pwp-password-policy-dn;collective: cn=PTA Policy,cn=Password Policies,
6443N/A cn=config
6443N/AsubtreeSpecification: { base "ou=People", specificationFilter "(isMemberOf=
7097N/A cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)"}</computeroutput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapmodify \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --defaultAdd \
7097N/A --filename pta-coll.ldif</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Processing ADD request for cn=PTA Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com
7097N/AADD operation successful for DN cn=PTA Policy for Dir Admins,dc=example,dc=com</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Check that OpenDJ has applied the policy.</para>
6443N/A <substeps>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Make sure you can bind as the user on the authentication
6443N/A server.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --port 2389 \
7097N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=PTA Server,dc=com" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --baseDN "dc=PTA Server,dc=com" \
7097N/A uid=kvaughan</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=PTA Server,dc=com
6443N/AobjectClass: person
6443N/AobjectClass: organizationalPerson
6443N/AobjectClass: inetOrgPerson
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/AgivenName: Kirsten
6443N/Auid: kvaughan
6443N/Acn: Kirsten Vaughan
6443N/Asn: Vaughan
6443N/AuserPassword: {SSHA}x1BdtrJyRTw63kBSJFDvgvd4guzk66CV8L+t8w==
6443N/Aou: People
7097N/Amail: jvaughan@example.com</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Check that the user can authenticate through to the authentication
6443N/A server from OpenDJ.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>ldapsearch \
7097N/A --port 1389 \
7097N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A uid=kvaughan \
7097N/A cn sn</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>dn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Acn: Kirsten Vaughan
7097N/Asn: Vaughan</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </substeps>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>