chap-privileges-acis.xml revision 6443
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6443N/A<chapter xml:id='chap-privileges-acis'
6443N/A xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
6443N/A xmlns:xsi=''
6443N/A xsi:schemaLocation=''
6443N/A xmlns:xlink=''
6443N/A xmlns:xinclude=''>
6443N/A <title>Configuring Privileges &amp; Access Control</title>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ supports two mechanisms to protect access to the directory,
6443N/A <firstterm>access control instructions</firstterm> and
6443N/A <firstterm>privileges</firstterm>.</para>
6443N/A <para>Access control instructions apply to directory data, providing
6443N/A fine-grained control over what a user or group member is authorized to do in
6443N/A terms of LDAP operations. Most access control instructions specify scopes
6443N/A (targets) to which they apply such that an administrative user who has all
6443N/A access to <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal> need not have any access to
6443N/A <literal>dc=example,dc=org</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <para>Privileges control the administrative tasks that users can perform,
6443N/A such as bypassing the access control mechanism, performing backup and restore
6443N/A operations, making changes to the configuration, and so forth. Privileges are
6443N/A implemented independently from access control. By default, privileges restrict
6443N/A administrative access to directory root users, though any user can be assigned
6443N/A a privilege. Privileges apply to a directory server, and do not have a
6443N/A scope.</para>
6443N/A <para>Some operations require both privileges and also access control
6443N/A instructions. For example, in order to reset user's passwords, an administrator
6443N/A needs both the <literal>password-reset</literal> privilege and also access
6443N/A control to write <literal>userPassword</literal> values on the user entries.
6443N/A By combining an access control instruction with a privilege, you can
6443N/A effectively restrict the scope of that privilege to a particular branch of
6443N/A the Directory Information Tree.</para>
6443N/A <para>This chapter covers both access control instructions and privileges,
6443N/A demonstrating how to configure both.</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="about-acis">
6443N/A <title>About Access Control Instructions</title>
6443N/A <indexterm><primary>Access control</primary></indexterm>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ directory server access control instructions (ACIs) exist as
6443N/A operational <literal>aci</literal> attribute values on directory entries, and
6443N/A as global ACIs stored in the configuration. ACIs apply to a scope defined in
6443N/A the instruction, and set permissions that depend on what operation is
6443N/A requested, who requested the operation, and how the client connected to the
6443N/A server.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACIs on the following entry allow anonymous read
6443N/A access to all attributes except passwords, and allow read-write access
6443N/A for directory administrators under <literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">dn: dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AobjectClass: domain
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/Adc: example
6443N/Aaci: (target ="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr !=
6443N/A "userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Anonymous read-search access";
6443N/A allow (read, search, compare)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)
6443N/Aaci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr =
6443N/A "*")(version 3.0; acl "allow all Admin group"; allow(all) groupdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ directory server's default behavior is that no access is allowed
6443N/A unless it is specifically granted by an access control instruction. In
6443N/A addition privileges assigned to certain users such as <literal>cn=Directory
6443N/A Manager</literal> allow them to bypass access control checks.</para>
6443N/A <para>OpenDJ directory server provides several global ACIs out of the box to
6443N/A facilitate evaluation while maintaining a reasonable security policy. By
6443N/A default users are allow to read the root DSE, to read the schema, to use
6443N/A certain controls and extended operations, to modify their own entries, to
6443N/A bind, and so forth. Global ACIs are defined on the access control handler,
6443N/A and apply to the entire directory server. You must adjust the default global
6443N/A ACIs to match the security policies for your organization, for example to
6443N/A restrict anonymous access.</para>
6443N/A <para>ACI attribute values use a specific language described in this section.
6443N/A Although ACI attribute values can become difficult to read in LDIF, the
6443N/A basic syntax is simple.</para>
6443N/A <literallayout class="monospaced"><replaceable
6443N/A >targets</replaceable>(version 3.0;acl "<replaceable
6443N/A >name</replaceable>";<replaceable>permissions</replaceable> <replaceable
6443N/A >subjects</replaceable>;)</literallayout>
6443N/A <para>The following list briefly explains the variables in the syntax above.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><replaceable>targets</replaceable></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>The <replaceable>targets</replaceable> specifies entries, attributes,
6443N/A controls, and extended operations to which the ACI applies.</para>
6443N/A <para>To include multiple <replaceable>targets</replaceable>, enclose
6443N/A each individual target in parentheses, (). When you specify multiple
6443N/A targets, all targets must match for the ACI to apply
6443N/A (<literal>AND</literal>).</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><replaceable>name</replaceable></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Supplies a human-readable description of what the ACI does.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><replaceable>permissions</replaceable></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Defines which actions to allow, and which to deny. Paired with
6443N/A <replaceable>subjects</replaceable>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><replaceable>subjects</replaceable></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Identify clients to which the ACI applies depending on
6443N/A who connected, and when, where, and how they connected. Paired with
6443N/A <replaceable>permissions</replaceable>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A <para>Separate multiple pairs of <replaceable>permissions</replaceable>
6443N/A <replaceable>subjects</replaceable> definitions with semicolons, ;. When you
6443N/A specify multiple permissions-subjects pairs, at least one must match
6443N/A (<literal>OR</literal>).</para>
6443N/A <section xml:id="aci-targets">
6443N/A <title>ACI Targets</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Targets</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>The seven types of ACI targets identify the objects to which the ACI
6443N/A applies.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(target = "ldap:///<replaceable>DN</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>(target != "ldap:///<replaceable>DN</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Sets the scope to the entry with distinguished name
6443N/A <replaceable>DN</replaceable>, and to child entries.</para>
6443N/A <para>You can use asterisks, *, to replace attribute types, attribute
6443N/A values, and entire DN components. In other words, the following
6443N/A specification targets both
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> and also
6443N/A <literal>cn=Frank Zappa,ou=Musicians,dc=example,dc=com</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="aci">(target = "ldap:///*=*,*,dc=example,dc=com")</programlisting>
6443N/A <para>The <replaceable>DN</replaceable> must be in the subtree of the
6443N/A entry on which the ACI is defined.</para>
6443N/A <para>If you do not specify <literal>target</literal>, then the entry
6443N/A holding this ACI will be affected. If <literal>targetscope</literal> is
6443N/A also omitted, then this entry and all subordinates will be affected.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetattr = "<replaceable>attr-list</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetattr != "<replaceable>attr-list</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Replace <replaceable>attr-list</replaceable> with a list of
6443N/A attribute type names, such as <literal>userPassword</literal>, separating
6443N/A multiple attribute type names with ||.</para>
6443N/A <para>This specification affects the entry where the ACI is located, or
6443N/A the entries specified by other targets in the ACI.</para>
6443N/A <para>You can use an asterisk, *, to specify all non-operational
6443N/A attributes, although you will see better performance when explicitly
6443N/A including or excluding attribute types needed. You can use a plus, +, to
6443N/A specify all operational attributes.</para>
6443N/A <para>If you do not include this target specification, then by default
6443N/A no attributes are affected by the ACI.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetfilter = "<replaceable>ldap-filter</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetfilter != "<replaceable>ldap-filter</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Sets the scope to match the <replaceable>ldap-filter</replaceable>
6443N/A dynamically, as in an LDAP search. The
6443N/A <replaceable>ldap-filter</replaceable> can be any valid LDAP filter.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targattrfilters = "<replaceable>expression</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targattrfilters != "<replaceable>expression</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Use this target specification when managing changes made to
6443N/A particular attributes.</para>
6443N/A <para>Here <replaceable>expression</replaceable> takes one of the
6443N/A following forms. Separate expressions with semicolons, ;.</para>
6443N/A <literallayout class="monospaced"><replaceable
6443N/A >op</replaceable>=<replaceable>attr1</replaceable>:<replaceable
6443N/A >filter1</replaceable>[&amp;&amp; <replaceable
6443N/A >attr2</replaceable>:<replaceable>filter2</replaceable> &#8230;][;<replaceable
6443N/A >op</replaceable>=<replaceable>attr3</replaceable>:<replaceable
6443N/A >filter3</replaceable>[&amp;&amp; <replaceable
6443N/A >attr4</replaceable>:<replaceable>filter4</replaceable> &#8230;] &#8230;]</literallayout>
6443N/A <para>Here <replaceable>op</replaceable> can be either
6443N/A <literal>add</literal> for operations creating attributes, or
6443N/A <literal>delete</literal> for operations removing them.
6443N/A Replace <replaceable>attr</replaceable> with an attribute type.
6443N/A Replace <replaceable>filter</replaceable> with an LDAP filter that
6443N/A corresponds to the <replaceable>attr</replaceable> attribute type.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetscope = "base|onelevel|subtree|subordinate")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Here <literal>base</literal> refers to the entry where the ACI is
6443N/A defined, <literal>onelevel</literal> to immediate children,
6443N/A <literal>subtree</literal> to the base entry and all children, and
6443N/A <literal>subordinate</literal> to all children only.</para>
6443N/A <para>If you do not specify <literal>targetscope</literal>, then the
6443N/A default is <literal>subtree</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetcontrol = "<replaceable>OID</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>(targetcontrol != "<replaceable>OID</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Replace <replaceable>OID</replaceable> with the object identifier
6443N/A for the LDAP control to target. Separate multiple OIDs with ||.</para>
6443N/A <para>This target cannot be restricted to a specific subtree by combining
6443N/A it with another target.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>(extop = "<replaceable>OID</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>(extop != "<replaceable>OID</replaceable>")</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Replace <replaceable>OID</replaceable> with the object identifier
6443N/A for the extended operation to target. Separate multiple OIDs with ||.</para>
6443N/A <para>This target cannot be restricted to a specific subtree by combining
6443N/A it with another target.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="aci-permissions">
6443N/A <title>ACI Permissions</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Permissions</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>ACI permission definitions take one of the following forms.</para>
6443N/A <literallayout class="monospaced">allow(<replaceable
6443N/A >action</replaceable>[, <replaceable>action</replaceable> &#8230;])</literallayout>
6443N/A <literallayout class="monospaced">deny(<replaceable
6443N/A >action</replaceable>[, <replaceable>action</replaceable> &#8230;])</literallayout>
6443N/A <tip>
6443N/A <para>Although <literal>deny</literal> is supported, avoid restricting
6443N/A permissions by using <literal>deny</literal>. Instead, explicitly
6443N/A <literal>allow</literal> access only where needed. What looks harmless and
6443N/A simple in your lab examples can grow difficult to maintain in a real-world
6443N/A deployment with nested ACIs.</para>
6443N/A </tip>
6443N/A <para>Replace <replaceable>action</replaceable> with one of the following.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>add</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Entry creation, as for an LDAP add operation</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>all</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>All permissions, except <literal>export</literal>,
6443N/A <literal>import</literal>, <literal>proxy</literal></para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>compare</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Attribute value comparison, as for an LDAP compare operation</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>delete</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Entry deletion, as for an LDAP delete operation</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>export</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Entry export during a modify DN operation.</para>
6443N/A <para>Despite the name, this action is unrelated to LDIF export
6443N/A operations.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>import</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Entry import during a modify DN operation.</para>
6443N/A <para>Despite the name, this action is unrelated to LDIF import
6443N/A operations.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>proxy</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Access the ACI target using the rights of another user</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>read</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Read entries and attributes</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>search</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Search the ACI targets. Needs to be combine with
6443N/A <literal>read</literal> in order to read the search results.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>selfwrite</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Add or delete own DN from a group</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>write</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Modify attributes on ACI target entries</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="aci-subjects">
6443N/A <title>ACI Subjects</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Subjects</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>ACI subjects match characteristics of the client connection to the
6443N/A server. Use subjects to restrict whether the ACI applies depending on who
6443N/A connected, and when, where, and how they connected.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>authmethod = "none|simple|ssl|sasl <replaceable
6443N/A >mech</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>authmethod != "none|simple|ssl|sasl <replaceable
6443N/A >mech</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Here you use <literal>none</literal> to mean do not check,
6443N/A <literal>simple</literal> for simple authentication,
6443N/A <literal>ssl</literal> for certificate-based authentication over LDAPS,
6443N/A <literal>sasl <replaceable>mech</replaceable></literal> for
6443N/A SASL where <replaceable>mech</replaceable> is DIGEST-MD5, EXTERNAL, or
6443N/A GSSAPI.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>dayofweek = "<replaceable>day</replaceable>[, <replaceable
6443N/A >day</replaceable> &#8230;]"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>dayofweek != "<replaceable>day</replaceable>[, <replaceable
6443N/A >day</replaceable> &#8230;]"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Replace <replaceable>day</replaceable> with one of
6443N/A <literal>sun</literal>, <literal>mon</literal>, <literal>tue</literal>,
6443N/A <literal>wed</literal>, <literal>thu</literal>, <literal>fri</literal>,
6443N/A <literal>sat</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>dns = "<replaceable>hostname</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>dns != "<replaceable>hostname</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>You can use asterisks, *, to replace name components, such as
6443N/A <literal>dns = "*"</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>groupdn = "ldap:///<replaceable
6443N/A >DN</replaceable>[|| ldap:///<replaceable>DN</replaceable> &#8230;]"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>groupdn != "ldap:///<replaceable
6443N/A >DN</replaceable>[|| ldap:///<replaceable>DN</replaceable> &#8230;]"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Replace <replaceable>DN</replaceable> with the distinguished name
6443N/A of a group to permit or restrict access for members.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ip = "<replaceable>addresses</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>ip != "<replaceable>addresses</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Here <replaceable>addresses</replaceable> can be specified for
6443N/A IPv4 or IPv6. IPv6 addresses are specified in brackets as
6443N/A <literal>ldap://[<replaceable>address</replaceable>]/<replaceable
6443N/A >subnet-prefix</replaceable></literal>
6443N/A where /<replaceable>subnet-prefix</replaceable> is optional.
6443N/A You can specify individual IPv4 addresses, addresses with asterisks (*) to
6443N/A replace subnets and host numbers, CIDR notation, and forms such as
6443N/A <literal>192.168.0.*+</literal> to specify subnet masks.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ssf = "<replaceable>strength</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>ssf != "<replaceable>strength</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>ssf &gt; "<replaceable>strength</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>ssf &gt;= "<replaceable>strength</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>ssf &lt; "<replaceable>strength</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>ssf &lt;= "<replaceable>strength</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Here the security strength factor pertains to the cipher key
6443N/A strength for connections using DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, SSL, or TLS. For
6443N/A example, to require that the connection must have at least 128 bits
6443N/A of encryption, specify <literal>ssf &gt;= 128</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>timeofday = "<replaceable>hhmm</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>timeofday != "<replaceable>hhmm</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>timeofday &gt; "<replaceable>hhmm</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>timeofday &gt;= "<replaceable>hhmm</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>timeofday &lt; "<replaceable>hhmm</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>timeofday &lt;= "<replaceable>hhmm</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Here <replaceable>hhmm</replaceable> is expressed as on a 24-hour
6443N/A clock. For example, 1:15 PM is written <literal>1315</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>userattr = "<replaceable>attr</replaceable>#<replaceable
6443N/A >value</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>userattr != "<replaceable>attr</replaceable>#<replaceable
6443N/A >value</replaceable>"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>userattr = <replaceable
6443N/A >ldap-url</replaceable>#LDAPURL"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>userattr != <replaceable
6443N/A >ldap-url</replaceable>#LDAPURL"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>userattr = "[parent[<replaceable
6443N/A >child-level</replaceable>]. ]<replaceable>attr</replaceable
6443N/A >#GROUPDN|USERDN"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>userattr != "[parent[<replaceable
6443N/A >child-level</replaceable>]. ]<replaceable>attr</replaceable
6443N/A >#GROUPDN|USERDN"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>The <literal>userattr</literal> subject specifies an attribute
6443N/A that must match on both the bind entry and the target of the ACI.</para>
6443N/A <para>To match when the attribute on the bind DN entry corresponds
6443N/A directly to the attribute on the target entry, replace
6443N/A <replaceable>attr</replaceable> with the attribute type, and
6443N/A <replaceable>value</replaceable> with the attribute value.</para>
6443N/A <para>To match when the target entry is identified by an LDAP URL, and
6443N/A the bind DN is in the subtree of the DN of the LDAP URL, use
6443N/A <replaceable>ldap-url</replaceable>#LDAPURL.</para>
6443N/A <para>To match when the bind DN corresponds to a member of the group
6443N/A identified by the <replaceable>attr</replaceable> value on the target
6443N/A entry, use <replaceable>attr</replaceable>#GROUPDN.</para>
6443N/A <para>To match when the bind DN corresponds to the
6443N/A <replaceable>attr</replaceable> value on the target entry, use
6443N/A <replaceable>attr</replaceable>#USERDN.</para>
6443N/A <para>The optional inheritance specification,
6443N/A <literal>parent[<replaceable>child-level</replaceable>].</literal>, lets
6443N/A you specify how many levels below the target entry inherit the ACI.
6443N/A Here <replaceable>child-level</replaceable> is a number from 0 to 9, with
6443N/A 0 indicating the target entry only. Separate multiple
6443N/A <replaceable>child-level</replaceable> digits with commas (,).</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>userdn = "<replaceable>ldap-url++</replaceable>[|| <replaceable
6443N/A >ldap-url++</replaceable> &#8230;]"</literal></term>
6443N/A <term><literal>userdn != "<replaceable>ldap-url++</replaceable>[|| <replaceable
6443N/A >ldap-url++</replaceable> &#8230;]"</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>To match the bind DN, replace <replaceable>ldap-url++</replaceable>
6443N/A with either a valid LDAP URL such as
6443N/A <literal>ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>,
6443N/A <literal>ldap:///dc=example,dc=com??sub?(uid=bjensen)</literal>,
6443N/A or a special LDAP URL-like keyword from the following list.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ldap:///all</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Match authenticated users.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ldap:///anyone</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Match anonymous and authenticated users.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ldap:///parent</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Match when the bind DN is a parent of the ACI target.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ldap:///self</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Match when the bind DN entry corresponds to ACI target.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="aci-evaluation">
6443N/A <title>How ACI is Evaluated</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Evaluation</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Understanding how OpenDJ evaluates the aci values is critical when
6443N/A implementing an access control policy. The rules the server follows are
6443N/A simple.</para>
6443N/A <orderedlist>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>To determine if an operation is allowed or denied, the OpenDJ server
6443N/A looks in the directory for the target of the operation. It collects any aci
6443N/A values from that entry, and then walks up the directory tree to the suffix,
6443N/A collecting all aci values en route. Global aci values are then collected.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>It then separates the aci values into two lists; one list contains
6443N/A all the aci values that matches the target and denies the required access,
6443N/A and the other list contains all the aci values that matches the target and
6443N/A allows the required access.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>If the deny list contains any aci values after this procedure, access
6443N/A will be immediately denied.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>If the deny list is empty, then the allow list is processed. If the
6443N/A allow list contains any aci values, access will be allowed.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>If both lists are empty, access will be denied.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </orderedlist>
6443N/A <note>
6443N/A <para>Some operations require multiple permissions and involve multiple
6443N/A targets. Evaluation will therefore take place multiple times. For example a
6443N/A search operation requires the <literal>search</literal> permission for each
6443N/A attribute in the search filter. If all those are allowed, the
6443N/A <literal>read</literal> permission is used to decide what attributes and
6443N/A values can be returned.</para>
6443N/A </note>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="aci-required">
6443N/A <title>ACI Required For LDAP Operations</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Operations</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>The minimal access control information required for specific LDAP
6443N/A operations is described here.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>Add</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>The ACI must allow the <literal>add</literal> permission to entries
6443N/A in the target. This implicitly allows the attributes and values to be set.
6443N/A Use <literal>targetattrfilters</literal> to explicitly deny access to any
6443N/A values if required.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACI required to allow
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> to add an entry
6443N/A is:</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (version 3.0;acl "Add entry"; allow (add)(userdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>Bind</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Because this is used to establish the user's identity and derived
6443N/A authorizations, ACI is irrelevant for this operation and is not checked.
6443N/A To prevent authentication,
6443N/A disable the account instead. For more information see <link
6443N/A xlink:href="admin-guide#manage-accounts"
6443N/A xlink:role=""><citetitle>Managing
6443N/A Accounts Manually</citetitle></link>.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>Compare</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>The ACI must allow the <literal>compare</literal> permission to the
6443N/A attribute in the target entry.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACI required to allow
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> to compare
6443N/A values against the <literal>sn</literal> attribute is:</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (targetattr = "sn")(version 3.0;acl "Compare surname";
6443N/A allow (compare)(userdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>Delete</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>The ACI must allow the <literal>delete</literal> permission to the
6443N/A target entry. This implicitly allows the attributes and values in the
6443N/A target to be deleted. Use <literal>targetattrfilters</literal> to
6443N/A explicitly deny access to the values if required.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACI required to allow
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> to delete an
6443N/A entry is:</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (version 3.0;acl "Delete entry"; allow (delete)
6443N/A (userdn = "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>Modify</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>The ACI must allow the <literal>write</literal> permission to
6443N/A attributes in the target entries. This implicitly allows all
6443N/A values in the target attribute to be modified. Use
6443N/A <literal>targetattrfilters</literal> to explicitly deny access to specific
6443N/A values if required.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACI required to allow
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> to modify the
6443N/A <literal>description</literal> attribute in an entry is:</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (targetattr = "description")(version 3.0;
6443N/A acl "Modify description"; allow (write)(userdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>ModifyDN</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>If the entry is being moved to a <literal>newSuperior</literal>, the
6443N/A <literal>export</literal> permission must be allowed on the target, and
6443N/A the <literal>import</literal> permission must be allowed on the
6443N/A <literal>newSuperior</literal> entry.</para>
6443N/A <para>The ACI must allow <literal>write</literal> permission to the
6443N/A attributes in the old RDN and the new RDN. All values of the old RDN and
6443N/A new RDN can be written implicitly; use
6443N/A <literal>targetattrfilters</literal> to explicitly deny access to values
6443N/A used if required.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACI required to allow
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> to rename
6443N/A entries named with the <literal>uid</literal> attribute to new
6443N/A locations:</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (targetattr = "uid")(version 3.0;acl "Rename uid= entries";
6443N/A allow (write, import, export)(userdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term>Search</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>ACI is required to process the search filter, and to determine what
6443N/A attributes and values may be returned in the results. The
6443N/A <literal>search</literal> permission is used to allow particular
6443N/A attributes in the search filter. The <literal>read</literal> permission is
6443N/A used to allow particular attributes to be returned. If
6443N/A <literal>read</literal> permission is allowed to any attribute, the
6443N/A server will automatically allow the <literal>objectClass</literal>
6443N/A attribute to also be read. All values of readable attributes can be
6443N/A implicitly read; to restrict this use
6443N/A <literal>targetattrfilters</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <para>For example, the ACI required to allow
6443N/A <literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> to search for
6443N/A <literal>uid</literal> attributes, and also to read that attribute in
6443N/A matching entries is:</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (targetattr = "uid")(version 3.0;acl "Search and read uid";
6443N/A allow (search, read)(userdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="about-privileges">
6443N/A <title>About Privileges</title>
6443N/A <indexterm><primary>Privileges</primary></indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Privileges provide access control for server administration
6443N/A independently from access control instructions.</para>
6443N/A <para>Directory root users, such as <literal>cn=Directory Manager</literal>,
6443N/A are granted privileges in the following list and marked with an asterisk (*)
6443N/A by default. Other administrator users can be assigned privileges, too.</para>
6443N/A <variablelist>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>backend-backup</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Request a task to backup data</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>backend-restore</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Request a task to restore data from backup</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>bypass-acl</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Perform operations without regard to ACIs</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>bypass-lockdown</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Perform operations without regard to lockdown mode</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>cancel-request</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Cancel any client request</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>config-read</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Read the server configuration</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>config-write</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Change the server configuration</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>data-sync</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Perform data synchronization</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>disconnect-client</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Close any client connection</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>jmx-notify</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Subscribe to JMX notifications</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>jmx-read</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Read JMX attribute values</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>jmx-write</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Write JMX attribute values</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ldif-export</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Export data to LDIF</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>ldif-import</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Import data from LDIF</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>modify-acl</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Change ACIs</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>password-reset</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Reset other users' passwords</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>privilege-change</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Change the privileges assigned to users</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>proxied-auth</literal></term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Use the Proxied Authorization control</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>server-lockdown</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Put OpenDJ into, and take OpenDJ out of, lockdown mode</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>server-restart</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Request a task to restart the server</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>server-shutdown</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Request a task to stop the server</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>subentry-write</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Perform LDAP subentry write operations</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>unindexed-search</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Search using a filter with no correponding index</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A <varlistentry>
6443N/A <term><literal>update-schema</literal>*</term>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Change OpenDJ schema definitions</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </varlistentry>
6443N/A </variablelist>
6443N/A <para>* = default directory root user privileges</para>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="configure-privileges">
6443N/A <title>Configuring Privileges</title>
6443N/A <para>For root directory administrators, by default <literal>cn=Directory
6443N/A Manager</literal>, you configure privileges using the
6443N/A <command>dsconfig</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <para>For non-root directory administrators, you add privileges with
6443N/A the <command>ldapmodify</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="change-root-dn-privileges">
6443N/A <title>To Change Root DN Privileges</title>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Start <command>dsconfig</command> in interactive mode.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Select the Root DN menu.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Select View and edit the Root DN.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Edit the <literal>default-root-privilege-name</literal>.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Make sure you apply the changes when finished.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="change-individual-privileges">
6443N/A <title>To Add Privileges on an Individual Entry</title>
6443N/A <para>Privileges are specified using the <literal>ds-privilege-name</literal>
6443N/A operational attribute, which you can change on the command-line using
6443N/A <command>ldapmodify</command>.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Determine the privileges to add.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ cat privilege.ldif
6443N/Adn: uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Achangetype: modify
6443N/Aadd: ds-privilege-name
6443N/Ads-privilege-name: config-read
6443N/Ads-privilege-name: password-reset
6443N/A <para>This example lets the user read the server configuration, and reset
6443N/A user passwords. In order for the user to be able to change a user password,
6443N/A you must also allow the modification using ACIs. For this example, Kirsten
6443N/A Vaughan is a member of the Directory Administrators group for,
6443N/A and already has access to modify user entries.</para>
6443N/A <para>Prior to having the privileges, Kirsten gets messages about
6443N/A insufficent access when trying to read the server configuration, or
6443N/A reset a user password.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword bribery
6443N/A --baseDN cn=config
6443N/A "(objectclass=*)"
6443N/ASEARCH operation failed
6443N/AResult Code: 50 (Insufficient Access Rights)
6443N/AAdditional Information: You do not have sufficient privileges to perform
6443N/A search operations in the Directory Server configuration
6443N/A$ ldappasswordmodify
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword bribery
6443N/A --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --newPassword changeit
6443N/AThe LDAP password modify operation failed with result code 50
6443N/AError Message: You do not have sufficient privileges to perform password
6443N/Areset operations</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Apply the change as a user with the
6443N/A <literal>privilege-change</literal> privilege.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapmodify
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --filename privilege.ldif
6443N/AProcessing MODIFY request for uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AMODIFY operation successful for DN uid=kvaughan,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</screen>
6443N/A <para>At this point, Kirsten can perform the operations requiring
6443N/A privileges.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword bribery
6443N/A --baseDN cn=config
6443N/A "(objectclass=*)"
6443N/Adn: cn=config
6443N/Ads-cfg-return-bind-error-messages: false
6443N/Ads-cfg-default-password-policy: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,
6443N/A cn=config
6443N/A$ ldappasswordmodify
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword bribery
6443N/A --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --newPassword changeit
6443N/AThe LDAP password modify operation was successful</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="change-group-privileges">
6443N/A <title>To Add Privileges For a Group of Administrators</title>
6443N/A <para>For deployments with more than one administrator, you no doubt use
6443N/A a group to define adminstrative rights. You can use a collective attribute
6443N/A subentry to specify privileges for the administrator group.</para>
6443N/A <para>Collective attributes provide a standard mechanism for defining
6443N/A attributes that appear on all the entries in a particular subtree. OpenDJ
6443N/A extends collective attributes to give you fine-grained control over the
6443N/A which entries in the subtree are targetted. Also, OpenDJ lets you use
6443N/A virtual attributes, such as <literal>isMemberOf</literal> to construct the
6443N/A filter for targetting entries to which the collective attributes apply. This
6443N/A allows you, for example, to define administrative privileges that apply to
6443N/A all users who belong to an administrator group.</para>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Create an LDAP subentry that specifies the collective attributes.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ cat collective.ldif
6443N/Adn: cn=Administrator Privileges,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AobjectClass: collectiveAttributeSubentry
6443N/AobjectClass: extensibleObject
6443N/AobjectClass: subentry
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/Acn: Administrator Privileges
6443N/Ads-privilege-name;collective: config-read
6443N/Ads-privilege-name;collective: config-write
6443N/Ads-privilege-name;collective: ldif-export
6443N/Ads-privilege-name;collective: modify-acl
6443N/Ads-privilege-name;collective: password-reset
6443N/Ads-privilege-name;collective: proxied-auth
6443N/AsubtreeSpecification: {base "ou=people", specificationFilter
6443N/A "(isMemberOf=cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com)" }
6443N/A$ ldapmodify
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --defaultAdd
6443N/A --filename collective.ldif
6443N/AProcessing ADD request for cn=Administrator Privileges,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AADD operation successful for DN cn=Administrator Privileges,dc=example,dc=com</screen>
6443N/A <para>The Directory Administrators group for includes members
6443N/A like Kirsten Vaughan.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Observe that the change takes effect immediately.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldappasswordmodify
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=kvaughan,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword bribery
6443N/A --authzID "dn:uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --newPassword changeit
6443N/AThe LDAP password modify operation was successful</screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="configure-acis">
6443N/A <title>Configuring Access Control</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Examples</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Access control instructions are defined in the data, as values for
6443N/A <literal>aci</literal> attributes. They can be imported in LDIF. They can
6443N/A be modified over LDAP. Yet in order to make changes to ACIs users first
6443N/A need the <literal>modify-acl</literal> privilege described previously.
6443N/A By default, only the root DN user has the <literal>modify-acl</literal>
6443N/A privilege.</para>
6443N/A <para>Global ACIs on <literal>cn=Access Control Handler,cn=config</literal>
6443N/A can be set using the <command>dsconfig</command> command. Global ACIs have
6443N/A attribute type <literal>ds-cfg-global-aci</literal>. Modify global ACIs from
6443N/A the Access Control Handler menu in <command>dsconfig</command>.</para>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Data access</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <itemizedlist>
6443N/A <para>Default global ACIs set up the following access rules.</para>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Users can employ LDAP controls and perform extended operations.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Anonymous read access is allowed for most user data attributes.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Users can read password values on their own entries after binding.
6443N/A (Also by default, password values are hashed.)</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Anonymous read access is allowed for schema-related operational
6443N/A attributes.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Anonymous read access is allowed for root DSE attributes describing
6443N/A what the server supports.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Anonymous read access is allowed for operational attributes related
6443N/A to entry updates and entry identification.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Access to replication data is denied.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </itemizedlist>
6443N/A <para>Users with write access to add ACIs and with the
6443N/A <literal>modify-acl</literal> privilege can use the
6443N/A <command>ldapmodify</command> command to change ACIs located in user
6443N/A data.</para>
6443N/A <para>This section therefore focuses on ACI examples, rather than
6443N/A demonstrating how to update the directory for each example. To update ACIs,
6443N/A either change them using the <command>ldapmodify</command> command, or
6443N/A using OpenDJ Control Panel.</para>
6443N/A <para>If you use OpenDJ Control Panel, find the entry to modify in the Manage
6443N/A Entries window. Then try View &gt; LDIF View to edit the entry. Control Panel
6443N/A checks your syntax and lets you know if you made an error before it saves any
6443N/A changes.</para>
6443N/A <para>For hints on updating directory entries with
6443N/A <command>ldapmodify</command>, see the section on <link
6443N/A xlink:role=""
6443N/A xlink:href="admin-guide#modify-ldap"><citetitle>Modifying Entry
6443N/A Attributes</citetitle></link>, keeping in mind that the name of the ACI
6443N/A attribute is <literal>aci</literal> as shown in the examples that
6443N/A follow.</para>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-anonymous-reads">
6443N/A <title>ACI: Anonymous Reads &amp; Searches</title>
6443N/A <para>This works when the only attributes you do not want world-readable
6443N/A are password attributes.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (target ="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr !=
6443N/A "authPassword || userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Anonymous read-search access";
6443N/A allow (read, search, compare)(userdn = "ldap:///anyone");)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-disable-anonymous"><?dbfo keep-together="auto"?>
6443N/A <title>ACI: Disable Anonymous Access</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Disabling anonymous access</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>By default OpenDJ denies access unless an access control explicitly
6443N/A allows access.<footnote><para>This does not apply to the directory root
6443N/A user, such as <literal>cn=Directory Manager</literal>, who bypasses
6443N/A ACIs.</para></footnote> However, OpenDJ also allows anonymous access by
6443N/A default to use some controls, to perform certain extended operations, to
6443N/A view root DSE operational attributes, to view directory schema definitions,
6443N/A to view some other operational attibutes, and to perform compare and search
6443N/A operations.</para>
6443N/A <para>These default capabilities are defined on the
6443N/A <literal>global-aci</literal> property of the access control handler, which
6443N/A you can read by using the
6443N/A <command>dsconfig get-access-control-handler-prop</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A get-access-control-handler-prop
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --property global-aci</screen>
6443N/A <para>To disable anonymous read access for example, use the
6443N/A <command>dsconfig set-access-control-handler-prop</command> command.</para>
6443N/A <para>First, remove the <literal>global-aci</literal> attribute value that
6443N/A allows anonymous read access. Do not wrap the lines in the following
6443N/A example if you use it as the basis for your script.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig \
6443N/A set-access-control-handler-prop \
6443N/A --remove global-aci:\(targetattr!=\"userPassword\|\|authPassword\|\|changes\|\
6443N/A\|changeLogCookie\|\|includedAttributes\"\)\(version\ 3.0\;\ acl\ \"Anonymous\
6443N/A\ read\ access\"\;\ allow\ \(read,search,compare\)\
6443N/A\ userdn=\"ldap:///anyone\"\;\)\
6443N/A --hostname \
6443N/A --port 4444 \
6443N/A --bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
6443N/A --bindPassword password \
6443N/A --trustAll \
6443N/A --no-prompt</screen>
6443N/A <para>If the <literal>global-aci</literal> does not match the ACI exactly
6443N/A then the command fails to remove the value. An alternative approach is to
6443N/A use the <command>dsconfig</command> command interactively, adding the
6443N/A <option>--commandFilePath</option> option. You can then use the command
6443N/A you capture to remove the property value on other servers for example.
6443N/A To use the <command>dsconfig</command> command this way, start the
6443N/A command as follows.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ dsconfig
6443N/A --port 4444
6443N/A --hostname
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --commandFilePath /tmp/</screen>
6443N/A <para>Next, add a global ACI value that allows authenticated users to
6443N/A perform read operations. You can use <command>dsconfig</command>
6443N/A interactively to add the ACI value as shown below
6443N/A <literal>(targetattr!= &#8230; userdn="ldap:///all";)</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">global-aci: (targetattr!="userPassword||
6443N/A authPassword||changes||changeNumber||changeType||changeTime||targetDN||newRDN||
6443N/A newSuperior||deleteOldRDN||targetEntryUUID||changeInitiatorsName||
6443N/A changeLogCookie||includedAttributes")(version 3.0; acl "Authenticated users
6443N/A read access"; allow (read,search,compare) userdn="ldap:///all";)</programlisting>
6443N/A <para>Notice that these changes are made to the OpenDJ directory server
6443N/A configuration, and so are not replicated to other servers. You must instead
6443N/A apply the changes separately to each server.</para>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-full-access">
6443N/A <title>ACI: Full Access for Administrators</title>
6443N/A <para>Directory Administrators need privileges as well for full access to
6443N/A administrative operations.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (target="ldap:///dc=example,dc=com") (targetattr =
6443N/A "* || +")(version 3.0;acl "Admins can run amok"; allow(
6443N/A all, proxy, import, export) groupdn =
6443N/A "ldap:///cn=Directory Administrators,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com";)
6443N/A </programlisting>
6443N/A <para>Notice both <literal>targetattr = "* || +"</literal>, which permits
6443N/A access to both all user attributes and all operational attributes, and
6443N/A <literal>allow(all, proxy, import, export)</literal>, which permits not
6443N/A only all user operations, but also proxy authorization as well as data
6443N/A import and export operations.</para>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-selfwrite-password">
6443N/A <title>ACI: Change Own Password</title>
6443N/A <para>By default this capability is set in a global ACI.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
6443N/A "authPassword || userPassword")(version 3.0;acl "Allow users to change pass
6443N/A words"; allow (write)(userdn = "ldap:///self");)</programlisting>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-selfwrite-group">
6443N/A <title>ACI: Manage Own Group Membership</title>
6443N/A <para>For some static groups such as carpoolers and social club members,
6443N/A you might choose to let users manage their own memberships.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com")(
6443N/A targetattr = "member")(version 3.0;acl "Self registration"; allow(selfwrite)(
6443N/A userdn = "ldap:///uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)</programlisting>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-self-service-group">
6443N/A <title>ACI: Manage Self Service Groups</title>
6443N/A <para>Let users create and delete self-managed groups.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (target ="ldap:///ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com")(
6443N/A targattrfilters="add=objectClass:(objectClass=groupOfNames)")(version 3.0;
6443N/A acl "All can create self service groups"; allow (add)(userdn= "
6443N/A ldap:///uid=*,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com");)
6443N/Aaci: (target ="ldap:///ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com")(version 3
6443N/A .0; acl "Owner can delete self service groups"; allow (delete)(userattr= "
6443N/A owner#USERDN");)</programlisting>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A <example xml:id="access-control-loopback-only">
6443N/A <title>ACI: Permit Clear Text Access Over Loopback Only</title>
6443N/A <para>This ACI uses IP address and Security Strength Factor subjects.</para>
6443N/A <programlisting language="ldif">aci: (target = "ldap:///dc=example,dc=com")(targetattr =
6443N/A "*")(version 3.0;acl "Use loopback only for LDAP in the clear"; deny (all)(
6443N/A ip != "" and ssf &lt;= "1");)</programlisting>
6443N/A <para>The <literal>ssf</literal> is one for example when using SSL but you
6443N/A have not configured a cipher, so the packets are checksummed for integrity
6443N/A checking by all content is nevertheless sent in clear text.</para>
6443N/A </example>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="get-effective-rights">
6443N/A <title>Viewing Effective Rights</title>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Debugging</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Access control</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Effective rights</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <para>Once you set up a number of ACIs, you might find it difficult to
6443N/A understand by inspection what rights a user actually has to a given entry.
6443N/A The Get Effective Rights control can help.</para>
6443N/A <note>
6443N/A <para>The control OID, <literal></literal>, is
6443N/A not allowed by the default global ACIs.</para>
6443N/A </note>
6443N/A <para>In this example, Babs Jensen is the owner of a small group of people
6443N/A who are willing to carpool.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword hifalutin
6443N/A --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A "cn=*"
6443N/Adn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AobjectClass: groupOfNames
6443N/AobjectClass: top
6443N/Amember: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Adescription: People who are willing to carpool
6443N/Aowner: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/Acn: Carpoolers
6443N/A <para>Performing the same search with the get effective rights control, and
6443N/A asking for the <literal>aclRights</literal> attribute, shows what rights
6443N/A Babs has on the entry.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --control effectiverights
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword hifalutin
6443N/A --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A "cn=*"
6443N/A aclRights
6443N/Adn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AaclRights;entryLevel: add:0,delete:1,read:1,write:0,proxy:0
6443N/A <para>Requesting the <literal>aclRightsInfo</literal> attribute results in
6443N/A information about the ACIs applied to arrive at the results.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --control effectiverights
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A --bindPassword hifalutin
6443N/A --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A "cn=*"
6443N/A aclRights
6443N/A aclRightsInfo
6443N/Adn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;read: acl_summary(main): access allowed(read) on e
6443N/A ntry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, objectClas
6443N/A s) to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: evaluat
6443N/A ed allow , deciding_aci: Anonymous read-search access)
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;write: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(write
6443N/A ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
6443N/A ) to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis
6443N/A matched the subject )
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;add: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(add) on
6443N/A entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL) to
6443N/A (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matc
6443N/A hed the subject )
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;delete: acl_summary(main): access allowed(delete)
6443N/A on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL)
6443N/A to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: evaluated
6443N/A allow , deciding_aci: Owner can delete self service groups)
6443N/AaclRights;entryLevel: add:0,delete:1,read:1,write:0,proxy:0
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;proxy: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(proxy
6443N/A ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
6443N/A ) to (uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis
6443N/A matched the subject )
6443N/A <para>You can also request the effective rights for another user by using the
6443N/A <option>--getEffectiveRightsAuthzid</option> (short form: <option>-g</option>)
6443N/A option, which takes the authorization identity of the other user as an
6443N/A argument. The following example shows Directory Manager checking anonymous
6443N/A user rights to the same entry. Notice that the authorization identity for an
6443N/A anonymous user is expressed as <literal>"dn:"</literal>.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid "dn:"
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A "cn=*" aclRightsInfo
6443N/Adn: cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;read: acl_summary(main): access allowed(read) on e
6443N/A ntry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, objectClas
6443N/A s) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: evaluated allow , deciding_aci: Anony
6443N/A mous read-search access)
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;write: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(write
6443N/A ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
6443N/A ) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;add: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(add) on
6443N/A entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL) to
6443N/A (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;delete: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(dele
6443N/A te) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NU
6443N/A LL) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )
6443N/AaclRightsInfo;logs;entryLevel;proxy: acl_summary(main): access not allowed(proxy
6443N/A ) on entry/attr(cn=Carpoolers,ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com, NULL
6443N/A ) to (anonymous) (not proxied) ( reason: no acis matched the subject )</screen>
6443N/A <para>When you need to check access to an attribute that might not yet exist
6443N/A on the entry, you can further use the
6443N/A <option>--getEffectiveRightsAttribute</option> (short form:
6443N/A <option>-e</option>) option, which takes an attribute list as an argument.
6443N/A The following example shows Directory Manager checking anonymous user
6443N/A access to the description attribute for the Self Service groups organizational
6443N/A unit entry. The description attribute is not present on the entry, yet.</para>
6443N/A <screen>$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A "ou=Self Service" description
6443N/Adn: ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/A$ ldapsearch
6443N/A --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid "dn:"
6443N/A --getEffectiveRightsAttribute description
6443N/A --port 1389
6443N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager"
6443N/A --bindPassword password
6443N/A --baseDN "ou=Self Service,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"
6443N/A "ou=Self Service" aclRights
6443N/Adn: ou=Self Service,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
6443N/AaclRights;attributeLevel;description: search:1,read:1,compare:1,write:0,selfwrit
6443N/A e_add:0,selfwrite_delete:0,proxy:0
6443N/AaclRights;entryLevel: add:0,delete:0,read:1,write:0,proxy:0</screen>
6443N/A </section>