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6443N/A<chapter xml:id='chap-mv-servers'
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7097N/A xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
6443N/A <title>Moving Servers</title>
6443N/A <indexterm><primary>Moving servers</primary></indexterm>
6443N/A <para>When you change where OpenDJ is deployed, you must take host names,
6443N/A port numbers, and certificates into account. The changes can also affect
6443N/A your replication configuration. This chapter shows what to do when moving
6443N/A a server.</para>
6443N/A <indexterm>
6443N/A <primary>Replication</primary>
6443N/A <secondary>Moving servers</secondary>
6443N/A </indexterm>
6443N/A <section xml:id="moving-servers-overview">
6443N/A <title>Overview</title>
6443N/A <para>From time to time you might change server hardware, file system layout,
6443N/A or host names. At those times you move the services running on the system.
6443N/A You can move OpenDJ data between servers and operating systems. Most of the
6443N/A configuration is also portable.</para>
6443N/A <indexterm><primary>Certificates</primary></indexterm>
6443N/A <itemizedlist>
6443N/A <para>Two aspects of the configuration are not portable.</para>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Server certificates contain the host name of the system. Even if you
6443N/A did not set up secure communications when you installed the server, the
6443N/A server still has a certificate used for secure communications on the
6443N/A administrative port.</para>
6443N/A <para>To resolve the issue with server certificates, you can change the
6443N/A server certificates during the move as described in this chapter.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A <listitem>
6443N/A <para>Replication configuration includes the host name and administrative
6443N/A port numbers.</para>
6443N/A <para>You can work around the issue with replication configuration by
6443N/A disabling replication for the server before the move, and then enabling and
6443N/A initializing replication again after the move.</para>
6443N/A </listitem>
6443N/A </itemizedlist>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="before-moving-servers">
6443N/A <title>Before You Move</title>
6443N/A <para>Take a moment to determine whether you find it quicker and easier to
6443N/A move your server, or instead to recreate a copy. To recreate a copy, install
6443N/A a new server, set up the new server configuration to match the old, and then
6443N/A copy only the data from the old server to the new server, initializing
6443N/A replication from existing data, or even from LDIF if your database is not
6443N/A too large.</para>
6443N/A <para>After you decide to move a server, start by taking it out of
6443N/A service. Taking it out of service means directing client applications
6443N/A elsewhere, and then preventing updates from client applications, and finally
6443N/A disabling replication, too. Directing client applications elsewhere depends
6443N/A on your network configuration and possibly on your client application
6443N/A configuration. The other two steps can be completed with the
6443N/A <command>dsconfig</command> and <command>dsreplication</command>
6443N/A commands.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="remove-server">
6443N/A <title>To Take the Server Out of Service</title>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Direct client applications to other servers.</para>
6443N/A <para>How you do this depends on your network and client application
6443N/A configurations.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Prevent the server from accepting updates from client
6443N/A applications.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsconfig \
7097N/A set-global-configuration-prop \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --hostname opendj2.example.com \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --set writability-mode:internal-only \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Disable replication for the server.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsreplication \
7097N/A disable \
7097N/A --disableAll \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --hostname opendj2.example.com \
7097N/A --adminUID admin \
7097N/A --adminPassword password \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Establishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication on base DN dc=example,dc=com of server
6443N/A opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication on base DN cn=admin data of server
6443N/A opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication on base DN cn=schema of server
6443N/A opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/ADisabling replication port 8989 of server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/ARemoving registration information ..... Done.
6443N/ARemoving truststore information ..... Done.
7097N/Afor a detailed log of this operation.</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>With the server no longer receiving traffic or accepting updates
6443N/A from clients, and no longer replicating to other servers, you can shut it
6443N/A down in preparation for the move.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>stop-ds</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>Stopping Server...
7097N/A... msg=The Directory Server is now stopped</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step performance="optional">
6443N/A <para>You might also choose to remove extra log files from the server
6443N/A <filename>logs/</filename> directory before moving the server.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>
6443N/A <section xml:id="moving-servers">
6443N/A <title>Moving a Server</title>
6443N/A <para>Now that you have decided to move your server, and prepared for the
6443N/A move, you must not only move the files but also fix the configuration and
6443N/A the server certificates, and then enable replication.</para>
6443N/A <procedure xml:id="mv-one-server">
6443N/A <title>To Move the Server</title>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Move the contents of the server installation directory to the new
6443N/A location.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step performance="optional">
6443N/A <para>If you must change port numbers, edit the port numbers in
6443N/A <filename>config/config.ldif</filename>, carefully avoiding changing
6443N/A any whitespace or other lines in the file.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Change server certificates as described in the chapter on
6443N/A <link xlink:href="admin-guide#chap-change-certs"
6443N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink"><citetitle>Changing
6443N/A Server Certificates</citetitle></link>.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Start the server.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>start-ds</userinput>
7097N/A<computeroutput>... The Directory Server has started successfully</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Enable and initialize replication.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsreplication \
7097N/A enable \
7097N/A --adminUID admin \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --host1 opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --port1 4444 \
7097N/A --bindDN1 "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword1 password \
7097N/A --replicationPort1 8989 \
7097N/A --host2 opendj2.example.com \
7097N/A --port2 4444 \
7097N/A --bindDN2 "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword2 password \
7097N/A --replicationPort2 8989 \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
6443N/AEstablishing connections ..... Done.
6443N/AChecking registration information ..... Done.
6443N/AConfiguring Replication port on server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating remote references on server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN dc=example,dc=com on server
6443N/A opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating registration configuration on server
6443N/A opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AUpdating replication configuration for baseDN cn=schema on server
6443N/A opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing registration information on server opendj.example.com:4444 with
6443N/A the contents of server opendj2.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AInitializing schema on server opendj2.example.com:4444 with the contents of
6443N/A server opendj.example.com:4444 ..... Done.
6443N/AReplication has been successfully enabled. Note that for replication to work
6443N/A you must initialize the contents of the base DN's that are being replicated
6443N/A (use dsreplication initialize to do so).
6443N/ASee /tmp/opends-replication-1476402020764482023.log for a detailed log of this
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsreplication \
7097N/A pre-external-initialization \
7097N/A --adminUID admin \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
6443N/APreparing base DN dc=example,dc=com to be initialized externally ..... Done.
6443N/ANow you can proceed to the initialization of the contents of the base DN's on
6443N/A all the replicated servers. You can use the command import-ldif or the binary
6443N/A copy to do so. You must use the same LDIF file or binary copy on each server.
6443N/AWhen the initialization is completed you must use the subcommand
6443N/A 'post-external-initialization' for replication to work with the new base DN's
7097N/A contents.</computeroutput>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsreplication \
7097N/A post-external-initialization \
7097N/A --adminUID admin \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --baseDN dc=example,dc=com \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
6443N/AUpdating replication information on base DN dc=example,dc=com ..... Done.
7097N/APost initialization procedure completed successfully.</computeroutput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Accept updates from client applications.</para>
7097N/A <screen>
7097N/A$ <userinput>dsconfig \
7097N/A set-global-configuration-prop \
7097N/A --port 4444 \
7097N/A --hostname opendj.example.com \
7097N/A --bindDN "cn=Directory Manager" \
7097N/A --bindPassword password \
7097N/A --set writability-mode:enabled \
7097N/A --trustAll \
7097N/A --no-prompt</userinput>
7097N/A </screen>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A <step>
6443N/A <para>Direct client applications to the server.</para>
6443N/A </step>
6443N/A </procedure>
6443N/A </section>