0N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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0N/A<chapter xml:id='chap-admin-tools'
0N/A xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
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0N/A xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'>
0N/A <title>Administration Interfaces &amp; Tools</title>
0N/A <para>OpenDJ server software installs with a cross-platform, Java Swing-based
0N/A Control Panel for many day-to-day tasks. OpenDJ server software also installs
0N/A command-line tools for configuration and management tasks.</para>
0N/A <para>This chapter is one of the few to include screen shots of the control
0N/A panel. Most examples make use of the command-line tools. Once you understand
0N/A the concepts, and how to perform a task using the command-line tools, you
0N/A no doubt need no more than to know where to start in the Control Panel to
0N/A accomplish what you set out to do.</para>
0N/A <para>At a protocol level, administration tools and interfaces connect to
0N/A servers through a different network port than that used to listen for traffic
0N/A from other client applications.</para>
0N/A <para>This chapter takes a quick look at the tools for managing directory
0N/A services.</para>
0N/A <section xml:id="control-panel">
0N/A <title>Control Panel</title>
0N/A <indexterm><primary>Control panel</primary></indexterm>
0N/A <para>OpenDJ Control Panel offers a graphical user interface for
0N/A managing both local and remote servers. You choose the server to manage
0N/A when you start the Control Panel. The Control Panel connects to the
0N/A administration server port, making a secure LDAPS connection.</para>
0N/A <itemizedlist>
0N/A <para>
0N/A Start OpenDJ Control Panel by running the
0N/A <link
0N/A xlink:show="new"
0N/A xlink:href="reference#control-panel-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink"
0N/A ><command>control-panel</command></link> command.
0N/A </para>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>(Linux, Solaris) Run <command>/path/to/opendj/bin/control-panel</command>.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>(Windows) Double-click <filename>C:\path\to\opendj\bat\control-panel.bat</filename>.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>(Mac OS X) Double-click <filename>/path/to/opendj/bin/ControlPanel.app</filename>.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </itemizedlist>
0N/A <para>When you login to OpenDJ Control Panel, you authenticate over LDAP.
0N/A This means that if users can run the Control Panel, they can use it to manage
0N/A a running server. Yet, to start and stop the server process through OpenDJ
0N/A Control Panel, you must start the Control Panel on the system where OpenDJ
0N/A runs, as the user who owns the OpenDJ server files (such as the user who
0N/A installed OpenDJ). In other words, the OpenDJ Control Panel does not do
0N/A remote process management.</para>
0N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-opendj-control-panel">
0N/A <imageobject>
0N/A <imagedata fileref="images/OpenDJ-Control-Panel.png" format="PNG" />
0N/A </imageobject>
0N/A <caption><para>OpenDJ Control Panel displays key information about the
0N/A server.</para></caption>
0N/A </mediaobject>
0N/A <variablelist>
0N/A <para>Down the left side of OpenDJ Control Panel, notice what you can
0N/A configure.</para>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term>Directory Data</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Directory data provisioning is typically not something you do
0N/A by hand in most deployments. Usually entries are created, modified, and
0N/A deleted through specific directory client applications. The Manage
0N/A Entries window can be useful, however, both in the lab as you design
0N/A and test directory data, and also if you modify individual ACIs or
0N/A debug issues with particular entries.</para>
0N/A <mediaobject xml:id="figure-manage-entries">
0N/A <imageobject>
0N/A <imagedata fileref="images/Manage-Entries.png" format="PNG" />
0N/A </imageobject>
0N/A <caption><para>The Manage Entries window can check that your changes are
0N/A valid before sending the request to the directory.</para></caption>
0N/A </mediaobject>
0N/A <para>Additionally, the Directory Data list makes it easy to create
0N/A a new base DN, and then import user data for the new base DN from LDIF.
0N/A You can also use the tools in the list to export user data to LDIF,
0N/A and to backup and restore user data.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term>Schema</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>The Manage Schema window lets you browse and modify the rules
0N/A that define how data is stored in the directory. You can add new schema
0N/A definitions such as new attribute types and new object classes while the
0N/A server is running, and the changes you make take effect immediately.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term>Indexes</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>The Manage Indexes window gives you a quick overview of all
0N/A the indexes currently maintained for directory attributes. To protect
0N/A your directory resources from being absorbed by costly searches on
0N/A unindexed attributes, you may choose to keep the default behavior,
0N/A preventing unindexed searches, instead adding indexes required by specific
0N/A applications. (Notice that if the number of user data entries is smaller
0N/A than the default resource limits, you can still perform what appear
0N/A to be unindexed searches. That is because the <literal>dn2id</literal>
0N/A index returns all user data entries without hitting a resource limit that
0N/A would make the search unindexed.)</para>
0N/A <para>OpenDJ Control Panel also allows you to verify and rebuild
0N/A existing indexes, which you may have to do after an upgrade operation,
0N/A or if you have reason to suspect index corruption.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term>Monitoring</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>The Monitoring list gives you windows to observe information
0N/A about the system, the JVM used, and indications about how the cache is
0N/A used, whether the work queue has been filling up, as well as details
0N/A about the database. You can also view the numbers and types of requests
0N/A arriving over the connection handlers, and the current tasks in progress
0N/A as well.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term>Runtime Options</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>If you did not set appropriate JVM runtime options during the
0N/A installation process, this is the list that allows you to do so through
0N/A the Control Panel.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A </variablelist>
0N/A </section>
0N/A <section xml:id="cli-overview">
0N/A <title>Command-Line Tools</title>
0N/A <indexterm><primary>Commands</primary></indexterm>
0N/A <para>Before you try the examples in this guide, set your PATH to include
0N/A the OpenDJ directory server tools. Where the tools are located depends on
0N/A the operating system and on the packages used to install OpenDJ.</para>
0N/A <table xml:id="cli-path-locations">
0N/A <title>Paths To Administration Tools</title>
0N/A <tgroup cols="3">
0N/A <thead>
0N/A <row>
0N/A <entry>OpenDJ running on...</entry>
0N/A <entry>OpenDJ installed from...</entry>
0N/A <entry>Default path to tools...</entry>
0N/A </row>
0N/A </thead>
0N/A <tbody>
0N/A <row>
0N/A <entry>Apple Mac OS X, Linux distributions, Oracle Solaris</entry>
0N/A <entry>WebStart, .zip</entry>
0N/A <entry><filename>/path/to/opendj/bin</filename></entry>
0N/A </row>
0N/A <row>
0N/A <entry>Linux distributions</entry>
0N/A <entry>.deb, .rpm</entry>
0N/A <entry><filename>/opt/opendj/bin</filename></entry>
0N/A </row>
0N/A <row>
0N/A <entry>Microsoft Windows</entry>
0N/A <entry>WebStart, .zip</entry>
0N/A <entry><filename>C:\path\to\opendj\bat</filename></entry>
0N/A </row>
0N/A <row>
0N/A <entry>Oracle Solaris</entry>
0N/A <entry>SVR4</entry>
0N/A <entry><filename>/usr/opendj/bin</filename></entry>
0N/A </row>
0N/A </tbody>
0N/A </tgroup>
0N/A </table>
0N/A <para>
0N/A You find the installation and upgrade tools,
0N/A <command>setup</command>,
0N/A <command>upgrade</command>,
0N/A and <command>uninstall</command>,
0N/A in the parent directory of the other tools,
0N/A as these tools are not used for everyday administration.
0N/A For example, if the path to most tools is
0N/A <filename>/path/to/opendj/bin</filename>
0N/A you can find these tools in
0N/A <filename>/path/to/opendj</filename>.
0N/A For instructions on how to use the installation and upgrade tools, see the
0N/A <link
0N/A xlink:show="new"
0N/A xlink:href="install-guide#install-guide"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink"
0N/A ><citetitle>Installation Guide</citetitle></link>.
0N/A </para>
0N/A <para>All OpenDJ command-line tools take the <option>--help</option> option.</para>
0N/A <para>All commands call Java programs and therefore involve starting a
0N/A JVM.</para>
0N/A <para>The following list uses the UNIX names for the tools. On Windows
0N/A all command-line tools have the extension .bat.</para>
0N/A <variablelist>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#backup-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">backup</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Backup or schedule backup of directory data.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#base64-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">base64</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Encode and decode data in base64 format.</para>
0N/A <para>Base64 encoding represents binary data in ASCII, and can be used to
0N/A encode character strings in LDIF, for example.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#create-rc-script-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">create-rc-script</link>
0N/A (UNIX)</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Generate a script you can use to start, stop, and restart the server
0N/A either directly or at system boot and shutdown. Use <command>create-rc-script -f
0N/A <replaceable>script-file</replaceable></command>.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#dbtest-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">dbtest</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Debug JE databases.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#dsconfig-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">dsconfig</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>The <command>dsconfig</command> command is the primary command-line
0N/A tool for viewing and editing OpenDJ configuration. When started without
0N/A arguments, <command>dsconfig</command> prompts you for administration
0N/A connection information. Once connected it presents you with a menu-driven
0N/A interface to the server configuration.</para>
0N/A <para>When you pass connection information, subcommands, and additional
0N/A options to <command>dsconfig</command>, the command runs in script mode
0N/A and so is not interactive.</para>
0N/A <para>You can prepare <command>dsconfig</command> batch scripts by running
0N/A the tool with the <option>--commandFilePath</option> option in interactive
0N/A mode, then reading from the batch file with the
0N/A <option>--batchFile</option> option in script mode. Batch files can be
0N/A useful when you have many <command>dsconfig</command> commands to run
0N/A and want to avoid starting the JVM and setting up a new connection for
0N/A each command.</para>
0N/A <para>In addition to the <link xlink:href="reference#dsconfig-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">dsconfig</link> reference
0N/A that covers subcommands, the <link xlink:show="new"
0N/A xlink:href="${configRefBase}"
0N/A ><citetitle>Configuration Reference</citetitle></link> covers the
0N/A properties you can set using the <command>dsconfig</command>
0N/A command.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="admin-guide#dsframework-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">dsframework</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Manage server registration, server groups, and administrative
0N/A users.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#dsjavaproperties-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">dsjavaproperties</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Apply changes you make to
0N/A <filename>opendj/config/java.properties</filename>, which sets Java
0N/A runtime options.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#dsreplication-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">dsreplication</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Configure data replication between directory servers to keep their
0N/A contents in sync.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#encode-password-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">encode-password</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Encode a clear text password according to one of the available
0N/A storage schemes.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#export-ldif-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">export-ldif</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Export directory data to LDAP Data Interchange Format, a standard,
0N/A portable, text-based representation of directory content.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#import-ldif-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">import-ldif</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Load LDIF content into the directory, overwriting existing
0N/A data.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldapcompare-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldapcompare</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Compare the attribute values you specify with those stored on
0N/A entries in the directory.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldapdelete-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldapdelete</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Delete one entry or an entire branch of subordinate entries in the
0N/A directory.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldapmodify-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldapmodify</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Modify the specified attribute values for the specified
0N/A entries.</para>
0N/A <para>Use the <command>ldapmodify</command> command with the
0N/A <option>-a</option> option to add new entries.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldappasswordmodify-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldappasswordmodify</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Modify user passwords.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldapsearch-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldapsearch</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Search a branch of directory data for entries matching the LDAP
0N/A filter that you specify.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldif-diff-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldif-diff</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Display differences between two LDIF files, with the resulting output
0N/A having LDIF format.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldifmodify-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldifmodify</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Similar to the <command>ldapmodify</command> command, modify
0N/A specified attribute values for specified entries in an LDIF file.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#ldifsearch-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">ldifsearch</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Similar to the <command>ldapsearch</command> command, search a branch
0N/A of data in LDIF for entries matching the LDAP filter you specify.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#list-backends-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">list-backends</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>List backends and base DNs served by OpenDJ.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#make-ldif-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">make-ldif</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Generate directory data in LDIF, based on templates that define how
0N/A the data should appear.</para>
0N/A <para>The <command>make-ldif</command> command is designed to help you
0N/A quickly generate test data that mimics data you expect to have in
0N/A production, but without compromising private information.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#manage-account-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">manage-account</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Lock and unlock user accounts, and view and manipulate password
0N/A policy state information.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#manage-tasks-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">manage-tasks</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>View information about tasks scheduled to run in the server, and
0N/A cancel specified tasks.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#rebuild-index-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">rebuild-index</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Rebuild an index stored in a JE backend.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#restore-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">restore</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Restore user data from backup.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#start-ds-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">start-ds</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Start OpenDJ directory server.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#status-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">status</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Display information about the server.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#stop-ds-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">stop-ds</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Stop OpenDJ directory server.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#verify-index-1"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">verify-index</link></term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Verify that an index stored in a JE backend is not corrupt.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A <varlistentry>
0N/A <term><link xlink:href="reference#windows-service"
0N/A xlink:role="http://docbook.org/xlink/role/olink">windows-service</link>
0N/A (Windows only)</term>
0N/A <listitem>
0N/A <para>Register OpenDJ as a Windows Service.</para>
0N/A </listitem>
0N/A </varlistentry>
0N/A </variablelist>
0N/A </section>