1280N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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3215N/A ! Copyright 2007-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
2868N/A ! -->
2868N/A<adm:managed-object name="log-retention-policy"
2868N/A plural-name="log-retention-policies"
2868N/A package="org.opends.server.admin.std"
2868N/A xmlns:adm="http://www.opends.org/admin"
2874N/A xmlns:ldap="http://www.opends.org/admin-ldap"
2874N/A xmlns:cli="http://www.opends.org/admin-cli">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:user-friendly-plural-name />
2868N/A are used to specify when log files should be cleaned.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
2868N/A <adm:tag name="logging" />
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:object-class>
1280N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-log-retention-policy</ldap:name>
1280N/A <ldap:superior>top</ldap:superior>
1280N/A </ldap:object-class>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
2874N/A <adm:profile name="cli">
2874N/A <cli:managed-object custom="true" />
2874N/A </adm:profile>
2624N/A <adm:property name="java-class" mandatory="true">
1280N/A <adm:synopsis>
3156N/A Specifies the fully-qualified name of the Java class that provides the
1280N/A <adm:user-friendly-name />
1280N/A implementation.
1280N/A </adm:synopsis>
1280N/A <adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:java-class>
1280N/A <adm:instance-of>
1280N/A org.opends.server.loggers.RetentionPolicy
1280N/A </adm:instance-of>
1280N/A </adm:java-class>
1280N/A </adm:syntax>
1280N/A <adm:profile name="ldap">
1280N/A <ldap:attribute>
2624N/A <ldap:name>ds-cfg-java-class</ldap:name>
1280N/A </ldap:attribute>
1280N/A </adm:profile>
1280N/A </adm:property>