chap-before-you-install.xml revision 3b574cd1ee8b7536278db5241e8aef5155e371d3
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<chapter xml:id='chap-before-you-install'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Before You Install OpenDJ LDAP SDK Software</title>
This chapter covers requirements to consider before you run OpenDJ LDAP SDK.
<section xml:id="prerequisites-java">
<title>Java Environment</title>
OpenDJ LDAP SDK is a pure Java library.
OpenDJ LDAP SDK therefore should run on any system with full Java support.
OpenDJ software runs on a variety of operating systems,
including but not limited to Solaris SPARC and x86,
various Linux distributions,
Microsoft Windows,
and Apple Mac OS X.
OpenDJ software requires Java 7 or 8,
specifically at least the Java Standard Edition runtime environment.
To build applications with OpenDJ LDAP SDK,
you need the corresponding Java SDK.
ForgeRock recommends that you keep your Java installation up to date
with the latest security fixes.