chap-compatibility.xml revision 62da52c144e8d6ba69f611c45deeeb4f985ea24c
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<chapter xml:id='chap-compatibility'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenDJ Compatibility</title>
<para>This chapter covers both major changes to existing functionality, and
also deprecated and removed functionality.</para>
<section xml:id="changed-functionality">
<title>Major Changes to Existing Functionality</title>
<para>OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> improves on earlier releases
introducing many new features. Also take the following into account.</para>
<para>The upgrade process and <command>upgrade</command> command have
changed to facilitate native packaging on more platforms. See
<link xlink:show="new" xlink:href="install-guide#chap-upgrade"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Upgrading to
OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></citetitle></link> for
<para>The default DB cache size is now 50%, rather than 10%.</para>
<para>If you have multiple backends, configure cache sizes
<para>The number of LDAP request handlers now defaults to half the CPU
<para>The replication purge delay default has increased from one day to
three days.</para>
<para>Syntax checking has been added for certificate and country attribute
values. This affects applications updating those attribute values.
Applications updating country attribute values must now use Country String
syntax for example, which uses two-character codes from <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="">ISO
3166</link> such as <literal>US</literal> instead of full names such as
<literal>United States</literal>.</para>
<!-- Not yet for OpenDJ 2.6.0.
<para>The <command>ldif-diff</command> command has been renamed
<command>ldifdiff</command>, and the <option>-\-outputLDIF</option>,
<option>-\-overwriteExisting</option>, <option>-\-sourceLDIF</option>,
<option>-\-targetLDIF</option> options have been dropped in favor of a
format closer to that of the <command>diff</command> command.</para>
<section xml:id="deprecated-functionality">
<title>Deprecated Functionality</title>
<para>OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> makes use of new environment
variables aligned with the project name to use <literal>OPENDJ</literal>.
Use of the old variables is deprecated. The old variables are likely to be
removed in a future release.</para>
<section xml:id="removed-functionality">
<title>Removed Functionality</title>
<para>Native packages in SVR4 format for Solaris are no longer provided.</para>