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<para>This guide shows you how to work with OpenDJ SDK to create client
applications in the Java language to connect to LDAP servers and perform
LDAP operations.</para>
<title>Who Should Read this Guide</title>
<para>This guide is written for Java developers who want to build directory
client applications with OpenDJ LDAP SDK.</para>
<para>This guide starts by explaining LDAP directories briefly, and
describing best practices for LDAP client applications. Then it demonstrates
how to install and use OpenDJ LDAP SDK to build LDAP clients.</para>
<para>You do not need to be an LDAP wizard to learn something from this
guide. You do need some background in writing Java 6 and client-server
applications to get the most out of this guide. You can nevertheless get
started with this guide, and then learn more as you go along.</para>
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