chap-understanding-ldap.xml revision 62da52c144e8d6ba69f611c45deeeb4f985ea24c
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<chapter xml:id='chap-understanding-ldap'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Understanding LDAP</title>
<para>A directory resembles a dictionary or a phone book. If you know a
word, you can look it up its entry in the dictionary to learn its definition
or its pronunciation. If you know a name, you can look it up its entry in the
phone book to find the telephone number and street address associated with the
name. If you are bored, curious, or have lots of time, you can also read
through the dictionary, phone book, or directory, entry after entry.</para>
<para>Where a directory differs from a paper dictionary or phone book is
in how entries are indexed. Dictionaries typically have one index: words
in alphabetical order. Phone books, too: names in alphabetical order.
Directories entries on the other hand are often indexed for multiple
attributes, names, user identifiers, email addresses, telephone numbers.
This means you can look up a directory entry by the name of the user the
entry belongs to, but also by her user identifier, her email address, or
her telephone number, for example.</para>
<section xml:id="ldap-directory-history">
<title>How Directories &amp; LDAP Evolved</title>
<para>Phone companies have been managing directories for many decades. The
Internet itself has relied on distributed directory services like DNS since
the mid 1980s.</para>
<para>It was not until the late 1980s, however, that experts from what is now
the International Telecommunications Union brought forth the X.500 set of
international standards, including Directory Access Protocol. The X.500
standards specify Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) protocols and
data definitions for general-purpose directory services. The X.500 standards
were designed to meet the needs of systems built according to the X.400
standards, covering electronic mail services.</para>
<para>Lightweight Directory Access Protocol has been around since the early
1990s. LDAP was originally developed as an alternative protocol that would
allow directory access over Internet protocols rather than OSI protocols,
and be lightweight enough for desktop implementations. By the mid 1990s, LDAP
directory servers became generally available and widely used.</para>
<para>Until the late 1990s, LDAP directory servers were designed primarily
with quick lookups and high availability for lookups in mind. LDAP directory
servers replicate data, so when an update is made, that update gets pushed
out to other peer directory servers. Thus if one directory server goes down
lookups can continue on other servers. Furthermore, if a directory service
needs to support more lookups, the administrator can simply add another
directory server to replicate with its peers.</para>
<para>As organizations rolled out larger and larger directories serving more
and more applications, they discovered that they needed high availability
not only for lookups, but also for updates. Around 2000 directories began
to support multi-master replication, that is replication with multiple
read-write servers. Soon thereafter the organizations with the very largest
directories started to need higher update performance as well as
<para>The OpenDJ code base began in the mid 2000s, when engineers solving the
update performance issue decided the cost of adapting the existing C-based
directory technology for high performance updates would be higher than the
cost of building a next generation, high performance directory using Java
<section xml:id="directory-data">
<title>Data In LDAP Directories</title>
<para>LDAP directory data is organized into entries, similar to the entries
for words in the dictionary, or for subscriber names in the phone book.
A sample entry follows.</para>
<programlisting language="LDIF">dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: bjensen
cn: Babs Jensen
cn: Barbara Jensen
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1992
gidNumber: 1000
givenName: Barbara
homeDirectory: /home/bjensen
l: Cupertino
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
ou: People
ou: Product Development
roomNumber: 0209
sn: Jensen
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1862
uidNumber: 1076
<para>Barbara Jensen's entry has a number of attributes, such as
<literal>uid: bjensen</literal>,
<literal>telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1862</literal>, and
<literal>objectClass: posixAccount</literal><footnote><para>The
<literal>objectClass</literal> attribute type indicates which types of
attributes are allowed and optional for the entry. As the entries object
classes can be updated online, and even the definitions of object classes
and attributes are expressed as entries that can be updated online, directory
data is extensible on the fly.</para></footnote>. When you look up her entry
in the directory, you specify one or more attributes and values to match
in the entries that come back as the result of your search. Typically the
attributes you search for are indexed in the directory, so the directory
server can retrieve them more quickly.<footnote><para>Attribute values
do not have to be strings. The directory can use base64 encoding, however,
to make binary attribute values, such as passwords, certificates, or photos,
portable in text format.</para></footnote></para>
<para>The entry also has a unique identifier, shown at the top of the entry,
<literal>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>. DN stands
for distinguished name. No two entries in the directory have the same
distinguished name.<footnote><para>Sometimes your distinguished names include
characters that you must escape. The following example shows an entry that
includes escaped characters in the DN.</para>
<screen>$ ldapsearch --port 1389 --baseDN dc=example,dc=com "(uid=escape)"
dn: cn=\" # \+ \, \; \&lt; = \&gt; \\ DN Escape Characters,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: top
givenName: " # + , ; &lt; = &gt; \
uid: escape
cn: " # + , ; &lt; = &gt; \ DN Escape Characters
sn: DN Escape Characters
<para>LDAP entries are arranged hierarchically in the directory. The
hierarchical organization resembles a file system on a PC or a web server,
often imagined as an upside-down tree structure, looking similar to a
pyramid.<footnote><para>Hence pyramid icons are associated with directory
servers.</para></footnote>The distinguished name consists of components
separated by commas,
<literal>uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>. Those components
reflect the hierarchy of directory entries.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-data-organization">
<alt>Directory data hierarchy as seen in OpenDJ Control Panel.</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/data-organization.png" format="PNG" />
<para>You can see the hierarchy of directory data in the left pane of
the Manage Entries browser.</para>
<para>Barbara Jensen's entry is located under an entry with DN
<literal>ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>, an organization unit and
parent entry for the people at The
<literal>ou=People</literal> entry is located under the entry with DN
<literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal>, the root entry for
DC stands for domain component. The directory has other root entries, such
as <literal>cn=config</literal>, under which the configuration is accessible
through LDAP, and potentially others such as
<literal>dc=mycompany,dc=com</literal> or <literal>o=myOrganization</literal>.
Thus when you look up entries, you specify the parent entry to look under
in the same way you need to know whether to look in the New York, Paris,
or Tokyo phone book to find a telephone number.<footnote>
<para>The root entry for the directory, technically the entry with DN
<literal>""</literal> (the empty string), is called the root DSE, and
contains information about what the server supports, including the other
root entries it serves.</para></footnote></para>
<section xml:id="ldap-client-server-communication">
<title>LDAP Client &amp; Server Communication</title>
<secondary>Connected protocol</secondary>
<para>You may be used to web service client server communication, where
each time the web client has something to request of the web server, a
connection is set up and then torn down. LDAP has a different model. In
LDAP the client application connects to the server and authenticates, then
requests any number of operations perhaps processing results in between
requests, and finally disconnects when done.</para>
<mediaobject xml:id="figure-ldap-lifecycle">
<alt>Schematic of LDAP client-server session</alt>
<imagedata fileref="images/ldap-lifecycle.png" format="PNG" />
<para>An LDAP client binds, performs operations, and then unbinds.</para>
<itemizedlist xml:id="standard-ldap-operations">
<para>The standard operations are as follows.</para>
<para>Bind (authenticate). The first operation in an LDAP session involves
the client binding to the LDAP server, with the server authenticating the
client. Authentication identifies the client's identity in LDAP terms, the
identity which is later used by the server to authorize (or not) access
to directory data that the client wants to lookup or change.</para>
<para>Search (lookup). After binding, the client can request that the server
return entries based on an LDAP filter, which is an expression that the
server uses to find entries that match the request, and a base DN under
which to search. For example, to lookup all entries for people with email
address <literal></literal> in data for,
you would specify a base DN such as
<literal>ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal> and the filter
<para>Compare. After binding, the client can request that the server
compare an attribute value the client specifies with the value stored
on an entry in the directory.</para>
<para>Modify. After binding, the client can request that the server
change one or more attribute values stored on one or more entries. Often
administrators do not allow clients to change directory data, so request
that your administrator set appropriate access rights for your client
application if you want to update data.</para>
<para>Add. After binding, the client can request to add one or more
new LDAP entries to the server. </para>
<para>Delete. After binding, the client can request that the server
delete one or more entries. To delete and entry with other entries
underneath, first delete the children, then the parent.</para>
<para>Modify DN. After binding, the client can request that the server
change the distinguished name of the entry. For example, if Barbara
changes her unique identifier from <literal>bjensen</literal> to something
else, her DN would have to change. For another example, if you decide
to consolidate <literal>ou=Customers</literal> and
<literal>ou=Employees</literal> under <literal>ou=People</literal>
instead, all the entries underneath much change distinguished names.
<footnote><para>Renaming entire branches of entries can be a major
operation for the directory, so avoid moving entire branches if you
<para>Unbind. When done making requests, the client should request an
unbind operation to release resources right away for other clients.</para>
<para>Abandon. When a request seems to be taking too long to complete,
or when a search request returns many more matches than desired, the client
can send an abandon request to the server to drop the operation in
progress. The server then drops the connection without a reply to the
<section xml:id="standard-ldapv3-extensions">
<title>Standard LDAPv3 &amp; Extensions</title>
<para>LDAP has standardized two mechanisms for extending the kinds of
operations that directory servers can perform. One mechanism involves using
LDAP controls. The other mechanism involves using LDAP extended
<para>LDAP controls are information added to an LDAP message to further
specify how an LDAP operation should be processed. For example, the
Server Side Sort Request Control modifies a search to request that the
directory server return entries to the client in sorted order. The Subtree
Delete Request Control modifies a delete to request that the server
also remove child entries of the entry targeted for deletion.</para>
<primary>Extended operations</primary>
<para>LDAP extended operations are additional LDAP operations not included
in the original standard list. For example, the Cancel Extended Operation
works like an abandon operation, but finishes with a response from the
server after the cancel is complete. The StartTLS Extended Operation allows
a client to connect to a server on an unsecure port, but then start
Transport Layer Security negotiations to protect communications.</para>
<para>Both LDAP controls and extended operations are demonstrated later in
this guide. OpenDJ directory server supports many LDAP controls and a few
LDAP extended operations, controls and extended operations matching those
demonstrated in this guide.</para>