chap-best-practices.xml revision 62da52c144e8d6ba69f611c45deeeb4f985ea24c
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<chapter xml:id='chap-best-practices'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Best Practices For LDAP Application Developers</title>
<para>Follow the advice in this chapter to write effective, maintainable,
high performance directory client applications.</para>
<section xml:id="authenticate-correctly">
<title>Authenticate Correctly</title>
<para>Unless your application performs only read operations, you should
authenticate to the directory server. Some directory administrators require
authentication even to read directory data.</para>
<para>Once you authenticate (bind), directory servers like OpenDJ make
authorization decisions based on your identity. With servers like OpenDJ
that support proxied authorization, once authenticated your application can
also request an operation on behalf of another identity, for example the
identity of the end user.</para>
<para>Your application therefore should have an account used to authenticate
such as <literal>cn=My Killer App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com</literal>. The
directory administrator can then authorize appropriate access for your
application, and also monitor your application's requests to help you
troubleshoot problems if they arise.</para>
<para>Your application can use simple, password-based authentication. When
you opt for password-based authentication, also use Start TLS for example to
avoid sending the password as clear text over the network. If you prefer to
manage certificates rather than passwords, directory servers like OpenDJ can
do client authentication as well.</para>
<section xml:id="reuse-connections">
<title>Reuse Connections</title>
<para>LDAP is a stateful protocol. You authenticate (bind), you do stuff,
you unbind. The server maintains a context that lets it make authorization
decisions concerning your requests. You should therefore reuse
connections when possible.</para>
<para>You can make multiple requests without having to set up a new
connection and authenticate for every request. You can issue a request and
get results asynchronously, while you issue another request. You can even
share connections in a pool, avoiding the overhead of setting up and tearing
down connections if you use them often.</para>
<section xml:id="health-check-connections">
<title>Health Check Connections</title>
<secondary>Health check</secondary>
<para>In a network built for HTTP applications, your long-lived LDAP
connections can get cut by network equipment configured to treat idle and
even just old connections as stale resources to reclaim.</para>
<para>When you maintain a particularly long-lived connection such as a
connection for a persistent search, periodically perform a health check to
make sure nothing on the network quietly decided to drop your connection
without notification. A health check might involve reading an attribute
on a well-known entry in the directory.</para>
<para>OpenDJ LDAP SDK offers
<literal>Connections.newHeartBeatConnectionFactory()</literal> methods to
ensure your <literal>ConnectionFactory</literal> serves connections that
are periodically checked to detect whether they are still alive.</para>
<section xml:id="request-what-you-need-all-at-once">
<title>Request Exactly What You Need All At Once</title>
<para>By the time your application makes it to production, you should know
what attributes you want, so request them explicitly and request all
the attributes you need in the same search. For example, if all you need
is <literal>mail</literal> and <literal>cn</literal>, then specify both
attributes in your <literal>SearchRequest</literal>.</para>
<section xml:id="use-specific-filters">
<title>Use Specific LDAP Filters</title>
<para>The difference between a general filter
<literal>(mail=*</literal> and a good, specific filter like
<literal>(</literal> can be huge numbers of entries
and enormous amounts of processing time, both for the directory server
that has to return search results, and also for your application that has
to sort through the results. Many use cases can be handled with short,
specific filters. As a rule, prefer equality filters over substring
<para>Some directory servers like OpenDJ reject unindexed searches by
default, because unindexed searches are generally far more resource intensive.
If your application needs to use a filter that results in an unindexed search,
then work with your directory administrator to find a solution, such as having
the directory maintain the indexes required by your application.</para>
<para>Furthermore, always use <literal>&amp;</literal> with
<literal>!</literal> to restrict the potential result set before returning
all entries that do not match part of the filter. For example, <literal
<section xml:id="make-modifications-specific">
<title>Make Modifications Specific</title>
<para>When you modify attributes with multiple values, for example when you
modify a list of group members, replace or delete specific values
individually, rather than replacing the entire list of values. Making
modifications specific helps directory servers replicate your changes more
<section xml:id="trust-result-codes">
<title>Trust Result Codes</title>
<secondary>Result codes</secondary>
<para>Trust the LDAP result code that your application gets from the
directory server. For example, if you request a modify application and you
get <literal>ResultCode.SUCCESS</literal>, then consider the operation a
success rather than issuing a search immediately to get the modified
<para>The LDAP replication model is loosely convergent. In other words,
the directory server can, and probably does, send you
<literal>ResultCode.SUCCESS</literal> before replicating your change to
every directory server instance across the network. If you issue a read
immediately after a write, and a load balancer sends your request to another
directory server instance, you could get a result that differs from what
you expect.</para>
<para>The loosely convergent model also means that the entry could have
changed since you read it. If needed, you can use <link xlink:show="new"
xlink:href="">LDAP assertions</link> to set
conditions for your LDAP operations.</para>
<section xml:id="ismemberof-for-membership">
<title>Check Group Membership on the Account, Not the Group</title>
<para>If you need to determine which groups an account belongs to, request
<literal>isMemberOf</literal> for example with OpenDJ when you read the
account entry. Other directory servers use other names for this attribute
that identifies the groups to which an account belongs.</para>
<section xml:id="ask-directory-what-it-supports">
<title>Ask the Directory Server What It Supports</title>
<secondary>Checking supported features</secondary>
<para>Directory servers expose their capabilities, suffixes they support,
and so forth as attribute values on the root DSE. See the section on
<link xlink:href="dev-guide#read-root-dse"
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Reading Root
<para>This allows your application to discover a variety of information at
run time, rather than storing configuration separately. Thus putting effort
into querying the directory about its configuration and the features it
supports can make your application easier to deploy and to maintain.</para>
<para>For example, rather than hard-coding
<literal>dc=example,dc=com</literal> as a suffix DN in your configuration,
you can search the root DSE on OpenDJ for <literal>namingContexts</literal>,
and then search under the naming context DNs to locate the entries you are
looking for in order to initialize your configuration.</para>
<para>Directory servers also expose their schema over LDAP. The root DSE
attribute <literal>subschemaSubentry</literal> shows the DN of the entry
holding LDAP schema definitions. See the section, <link
xlink:role=""><citetitle>Getting Schema
Information</citetitle></link>. Note that LDAP object class and attribute
type names are case-insensitive, so <literal>isMemberOf</literal> and
<literal>ismemberof</literal> refer to the same attribute for example.</para>
<section xml:id="storing-large-attributes">
<title>Store Large Attribute Values By Reference</title>
<para>When you use large attribute values such as photos or audio messages,
consider storing the objects themselves elsewhere and keeping only a reference
to external content on directory entries. In order to serve results quickly
with high availability, directory servers both cache content and also
replicate it everywhere.</para>
<para>Textual entries with a bunch of attributes and perhaps a certificate
are often no larger than a few KB. Your directory administrator might
therefore be disappointed to learn that your popular application stores
users' photo and .mp3 collections as attributes of their accounts.</para>
<section xml:id="careful-with-persistent-search-and-server-side-sorting">
<title>Take Care With Persistent Search &amp; Server-Side Sorting</title>
<secondary>Persistent search</secondary>
<para>A persistent search lets your application receive updates from the
server as they happen by keeping the connection open and forcing the server
to check whether to return additional results any time it performs a
modification in the scope of your search. Directory administrators therefore
might hesitate to grant persistent search access to your application.
Directory servers like OpenDJ can let you discover updates with less
overhead by searching the change log periodically. If you do have to use
a persistent search instead, try to narrow the scope of your search.</para>
<para>Directory servers also support a resource-intensive operation called
server-side sorting. When your application requests a server-side sort, the
directory server retrieves all the entries matching your search, and then
returns the whole set of entries in sorted order. For result sets of any size
server-side sorting therefore ties up server resources that could be used
elsewhere. Alternatives include both sorting the results after your
application receives them, and also working with the directory administrator
to have appropriate browsing (virtual list view) indexes maintained on the
directory server for applications that must regularly page through long
lists of search results.</para>
<section xml:id="reuse-schemas">
<title>Reuse Schemas Where Possible</title>
<para>Directory servers like OpenDJ come with schema definitions for a wide
range of standard object classes and attribute types. This is because
directories are designed to be shared by many applications. Directories
use unique, typically <link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">IANA</link>-registered object identifiers (OID) to avoid
object class and attribute type name clashes. The overall goal is
Internet-wide interoperability.</para>
<para>You therefore should reuse schema definitions that already exist
whenever you reasonably can. Reuse them as is. Do not try to redefine
existing schema definitions.</para>
<para>If you must add schema definitions for your application, extend
existing object classes with AUXILIARY classes of your own. Take care to
name your definitions such that they do not clash with other names.</para>
<para>When you have defined schema required for your application, work with
the directory administrator to have your definitions added to the directory
service. Directory servers like OpenDJ let directory administrators update
schema definitions over LDAP, so there is not generally a need to interrupt
the service to add your application. Directory administrators can however
have other reasons why they hesitate to add your schema definitions.
Coming to the discussion prepared with good schema definitions, explanations
of why they should be added, and evident regard for interoperability makes
it easier for the directory administrator to grant your request.</para>
<section xml:id="handle-referrals">
<title>Handle Referrals</title>
<secondary>Handling results</secondary>
<para>When a directory server returns a search result, the result is not
necessarily an entry. If the result is a referral, then your application
should follow up with an additional search based on the URIs provided in
the result.</para>
<section xml:id="check-result-codes">
<title>Troubleshooting: Check Result Codes</title>
<secondary>Result codes</secondary>
<para>LDAP result codes are standard and clearly defined. When you receive
a <literal>Result</literal>, check the <literal>ResultCode</literal> value to
determine what action your application should take. When the result is not
what you expect, you can also read or at least log the message string from
<section xml:id="check-log-files">
<title>Troubleshooting: Check Server Log Files</title>
<para>If you can read the directory server access log, then you can check
what the server did with your application's request. For example, the
following OpenDJ access log excerpt shows a successful connection from
<literal>cn=My Killer App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com</literal> performing
a simple bind after Start TLS, and then a simple search before unbind.
The lines are wrapped for readability, whereas in the log each record starts
with the time stamp.</para>
<programlisting language="none">[20/Apr/2012:13:31:05 +0200] CONNECT conn=5
from= to= protocol=LDAP
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:05 +0200] EXTENDED REQ conn=5 op=0 msgID=1 name="StartTLS"
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:05 +0200] EXTENDED RES conn=5 op=0 msgID=1 name="StartTLS"
oid="" result=0 etime=0
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:07 +0200] BIND REQ conn=5 op=1 msgID=2 version=3 type=SIMPLE
dn="cn=My Killer App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com"
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:07 +0200] BIND RES conn=5 op=1 msgID=2 result=0
authDN="cn=My Killer App,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com" etime=1
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:07 +0200] SEARCH REQ conn=5 op=2 msgID=3
base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=wholeSubtree
filter="(uid=kvaughan)" attrs="isMemberOf"
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:07 +0200] SEARCH RES conn=5 op=2 msgID=3
result=0 nentries=1 etime=6
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:07 +0200] UNBIND REQ conn=5 op=3 msgID=4
[20/Apr/2012:13:31:07 +0200] DISCONNECT conn=5 reason="Client Unbind"</programlisting>
<para>Notice that each operation type is shown in upper case, and that the
server tracks both the connection (<literal>conn=5</literal>), operation
(<literal>op=[0-3]</literal>), and message ID (<literal>msgID=[1-4]</literal>)
numbers to make it easy to filter records. The <literal>etime</literal> refers
to how long the server worked on the request in milliseconds. Result code
0 corresponds to <literal>ResultCode.SUCCESS</literal>, as described in
<link xlink:href=""
xlink:show="new">RFC 4511</link>.</para>
<section xml:id="inspect-network-traffic">
<title>Troubleshooting: Inspect Network Traffic</title>
<para>If result codes and server logs are not enough, many network tools
can interpret LDAP packets. Get the necessary certificates to decrypt
encrypted packet content.</para>