TestStaticUtils.java revision 8e174a3b5ad5ba4f3267bffceb0d952eea891b5f
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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package org.opends.server.util;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileLock;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* This class defines a set of tests for the
* {@link org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils} class.
public final class TestStaticUtils extends UtilTestCase {
/** Lower case hex digit lookup table. */
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS_LOWER = new char[] { '0', '1',
'2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
/** Upper case hex digit lookup table. */
private static final char[] HEX_DIGITS_UPPER = new char[] { '0', '1',
'2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
/** Lookup table for 8-bit strings. */
private static final String[] BIT_STRINGS = new String[256];
static {
final char[] ZEROS = new char[] { '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0' };
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
String bits = Integer.toBinaryString(i);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8);
sb.append(ZEROS, 0, 8 - bits.length());
BIT_STRINGS[i] = sb.toString();
* Once-only initialization.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected error occurred.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#getBytes(String)}.
* @return Returns an array of test strings.
@DataProvider(name = "getBytesTestData")
public Object[][] createGetBytesTestData() {
List<String> strings = new LinkedList<String>();
// Some simple strings.
strings.add(" ");
strings.add("an ascii string");
// A string containing just UTF-8 1 byte sequences.
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (char c = '\u0000'; c < '\u0080'; c++) {
// A string containing UTF-8 1 and 2 byte sequences.
builder = new StringBuilder();
for (char c = '\u0000'; c < '\u0100'; c++) {
// A string containing UTF-8 1 and 6 byte sequences.
builder = new StringBuilder();
for (char c = '\u0000'; c < '\u0080'; c++) {
for (char c = '\uff00'; c != '\u0000'; c++) {
// Construct the array.
Object[][] data = new Object[strings.size()][];
for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
data[i] = new Object[] { strings.get(i) };
return data;
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#decodeUTF8(byte[])} method.
* @param inputString
* The input string.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "getBytesTestData")
public void testDecodeUTF8(String inputString) throws Exception
final byte[] bytes = inputString.getBytes("UTF-8");
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.decodeUTF8(bytes), inputString);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#getBytes(String)} method.
* @param inputString
* The input string.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "getBytesTestData")
public void testGetBytes(String inputString) throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.getBytes(inputString), inputString
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#getBytes(char[])} method.
* @param inputString
* The input string.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "getBytesTestData")
public void testCharsToBytes(String inputString) throws Exception {
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#byteToHex(byte)}.
* @return Returns an array of test strings.
@DataProvider(name = "byteToHexTestData")
public Object[][] createByteToHexTestData() {
Object[][] data = new Object[256][];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
data[i] = new Object[] { new Byte((byte) i) };
return data;
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#byteToHex(byte)} method.
* @param b
* The input byte.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "byteToHexTestData")
public void testByteToHex(byte b) throws Exception {
char[] chars = new char[] { HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[(b & 0xf0) >> 4],
HEX_DIGITS_UPPER[b & 0x0f] };
String hex = new String(chars);
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.byteToHex(b), hex);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#byteToLowerHex(byte)} method.
* @param b
* The input byte.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "byteToHexTestData")
public void testByteToLowerHex(byte b) throws Exception {
char[] chars = new char[] { HEX_DIGITS_LOWER[(b & 0xf0) >> 4],
HEX_DIGITS_LOWER[b & 0x0f] };
String hex = new String(chars);
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.byteToLowerHex(b), hex);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#byteToASCII(byte)} method.
* @param b
* The input byte.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "byteToHexTestData")
public void testByteToASCII(byte b) throws Exception {
if (b < 32 || b > 126) {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.byteToASCII(b), ' ');
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.byteToASCII(b), (char) b);
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#bytesToHex(byte[])}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "bytesToHexTestData")
public Object[][] createBytesToHexTestData() {
return new Object[][] {
{ null, "" },
{ new byte[0], "" },
{ new byte[] { 0x00 }, "00" },
{ new byte[] { 0x00, 0x7f, (byte) 0x80, (byte) 0xff },
"00 7F 80 FF" } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#bytesToHex(byte[])} method.
* @param bytes
* The input byte array.
* @param expected
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "bytesToHexTestData")
public void testBytesToHex(byte[] bytes, String expected)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.bytesToHex(bytes), expected);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#bytesToHex(java.nio.ByteBuffer)}
* method.
* @param bytes
* The input byte array.
* @param expected
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "bytesToHexTestData")
public void testBytesToHexByteBuffer(byte[] bytes, String expected)
throws Exception {
ByteBuffer buffer = (bytes != null) ? ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes) : null;
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.bytesToHex(buffer), expected);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#byteToBinary(byte)} method.
* @param b
* The input byte.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "byteToHexTestData")
public void testByteToBinary(byte b) throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.byteToBinary(b), BIT_STRINGS[b & 0xff]);
* Create test data for {@link StaticUtils#compare(byte[], byte[])}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "compareBytesTestData")
public Object[][] createCompareBytesTestData() {
return new Object[][] {
{ null, null, 0 },
{ null, new byte[0], -1 },
{ new byte[0], null, 1 },
{ new byte[0], new byte[0], 0 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00 }, new byte[] { 0x00 }, 0 },
{ new byte[] { 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x00 }, 1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x7f }, new byte[] { 0x00 }, 1 },
{ new byte[] { (byte) 0x80 }, new byte[] { 0x00 }, 1 },
{ new byte[] { (byte) 0xff }, new byte[] { 0x00 }, 1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00 }, new byte[] { 0x01 }, -1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00 }, new byte[] { 0x7f }, -1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00 }, new byte[] { (byte) 0x80 }, -1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00 }, new byte[] { (byte) 0xff }, -1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 },
new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 }, 0 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01 }, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 },
-1 },
{ new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 }, new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01 },
1 }, };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#compare(byte[], byte[])} method.
* @param a
* The first byte array.
* @param a2
* The second byte array.
* @param expected
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "compareBytesTestData")
public void testCompareBytes(byte[] a, byte[] a2, int expected)
throws Exception {
int rc = StaticUtils.compare(a, a2);
if (expected < 0 && rc >= 0) {
Assert.fail("Expected negative result but got " + rc);
if (expected > 0 && rc <= 0) {
Assert.fail("Expected positive result but got " + rc);
if (expected == 0 && rc != 0) {
Assert.fail("Expected zero result but got " + rc);
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#isDigit(char)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "isDigitTestData")
public Object[][] createIsDigitTestData() {
List<Object[]> data = new LinkedList<Object[]>();
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, true });
data.add(new Object[] { ' ', false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('0' - 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('9' + 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { '\uFF10', false });
return data.toArray(new Object[2][]);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#isDigit(char)} method.
* @param c
* The test char.
* @param result
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "isDigitTestData")
public void testIsDigit(char c, boolean result) throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.isDigit(c), result);
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#isAlpha(char)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "isAlphaTestData")
public Object[][] createIsAlphaTestData() {
List<Object[]> data = new LinkedList<Object[]>();
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, true });
for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, true });
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, false });
data.add(new Object[] { ' ', false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('a' - 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('z' + 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('A' - 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('Z' + 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { '\u00D9', false });
return data.toArray(new Object[2][]);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#isAlpha(char)} method.
* @param c
* The test char.
* @param result
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "isAlphaTestData")
public void testIsAlpha(char c, boolean result) throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.isAlpha(c), result);
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#isHexDigit(char)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "isHexDigitTestData")
public Object[][] createIsHexDigitTestData() {
List<Object[]> data = new LinkedList<Object[]>();
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'f'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, true });
for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'F'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, true });
for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) {
data.add(new Object[] { c, true });
data.add(new Object[] { ' ', false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('0' - 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('9' + 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('a' - 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('f' + 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('A' - 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { (char) ('F' + 1), false });
data.add(new Object[] { '\u00D9', false });
return data.toArray(new Object[2][]);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#isHexDigit(char)} method.
* @param c
* The test char.
* @param result
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "isHexDigitTestData")
public void testIsHexDigit(char c, boolean result) throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.isHexDigit(c), result);
* Create invalid test strings for the
* {@link StaticUtils#hexStringToByteArray(String)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "hexStringToByteArrayInvalidTestData")
public Object[][] createHexStringToByteArrayInvalidTestData() {
return new Object[][] { { "a" }, { "aaa" }, { "0/" }, { "0:" },
{ "0@" }, { "0G" }, { "0`" }, { "0g" } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#hexStringToByteArray(String)} method.
* @param hexString
* The test string.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = ParseException.class, dataProvider = "hexStringToByteArrayInvalidTestData")
public void testHexStringToByteArrayException(String hexString)
throws Exception {
* Create test strings for the
* {@link StaticUtils#hexStringToByteArray(String)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "hexStringToByteArrayTestData")
public Object[][] createHexStringToByteArrayTestData() {
return new Object[][] { { null, new byte[0] }, { "", new byte[0] },
{ "00010f107f80ff", new byte[] { 0, 1, 15, 16, 127, -128, -1 } } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#hexStringToByteArray(String)} method.
* @param hexString
* The test string.
* @param bytes
* The expected byte array.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "hexStringToByteArrayTestData")
public void testHexStringToByteArray(String hexString, byte[] bytes)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.hexStringToByteArray(hexString), bytes);
* Create test strings for the
* {@link StaticUtils#needsBase64Encoding(String)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "needsBase64EncodingTestData")
public Object[][] createNeedsBase64EncodingTestData() {
List<Object[]> data = new LinkedList<Object[]>();
for (char c = '\u0000'; c < '\u0100'; c++) {
boolean result = false;
switch (c) {
case '\u0000':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case ' ':
case ':':
case '<':
result = true;
if (c >= '\u0080') {
result = true;
String s = new String(new char[] { c, 'a', 'b', 'c' });
data.add(new Object[] { s, result });
// Check SAFE-CHAR.
for (char c = '\u0000'; c < '\u0100'; c++) {
boolean result = false;
switch (c) {
case '\u0000':
case '\r':
case '\n':
result = true;
if (c >= '\u0080') {
result = true;
String s = new String(new char[] { 'a', 'b', c, 'c' });
data.add(new Object[] { s, result });
data.add(new Object[] { null, false });
data.add(new Object[] { "", false });
data.add(new Object[] { " ", true });
data.add(new Object[] { "abc ", true });
return data.toArray(new Object[2][]);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#needsBase64Encoding(String)} method.
* @param s
* The test string.
* @param result
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "needsBase64EncodingTestData")
public void testNeedsBase64EncodingString(String s, boolean result)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.needsBase64Encoding(s), result);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#needsBase64Encoding(ByteSequence)} method.
* @param s
* The test string.
* @param result
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "needsBase64EncodingTestData")
public void testNeedsBase64EncodingBytes(String s, boolean result)
throws Exception {
ByteString bytes = s != null ? ByteString.valueOf(s) : null;
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.needsBase64Encoding(bytes), result);
* Create test strings for the
* {@link StaticUtils#isRelativePath(String)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "isRelativePathTestData")
public Object[][] createIsRelativePathTestData() {
String root = File.listRoots()[0].getPath();
return new Object[][] { { "", true }, { root, false },
{ root + "foo", false }, { "foo", true },
{ "foo" + File.separator + "bar", true },
{ root + "foo" + File.separator + "bar", false },
{ ".", true }, { "..", true },
{ root + "foo" + File.separator + ".", false },
{ root + "foo" + File.separator + "..", false } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#isRelativePath(String)} method.
* @param path
* The test string.
* @param result
* Expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "isRelativePathTestData")
public void testIsRelativePath(String path, boolean result)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.isRelativePath(path), result);
* Create test lists for the {@link StaticUtils#listToArray(List)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "listToArrayTestData")
public Object[][] createListToArrayTestData() {
return new Object[][] { { null }, { new String[] {} },
{ new String[] { "aaa" } },
{ new String[] { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" } } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#listToArray(List)} method.
* @param strings
* The test string list.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "listToArrayTestData")
public void testListToArray(String[] strings) throws Exception {
if (strings != null) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(strings.length);
for (String string : strings) {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.listToArray(list), strings);
} else {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#moveFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = IOException.class)
public void testMoveFileNonExistentSrc() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File dst = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("dst");
File newSrc = new File(dst, src.getName());
try {
StaticUtils.moveFile(src, dst);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#moveFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = IOException.class)
public void testMoveFileNonExistentDst() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File dst = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("dst");
File newSrc = new File(dst, src.getName());
try {
StaticUtils.moveFile(src, dst);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#moveFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = IOException.class)
public void testMoveFileSrcNotFile() throws Exception {
File src = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("src");
File dst = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("dst");
File newSrc = new File(dst, src.getName());
try {
StaticUtils.moveFile(src, dst);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#moveFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(expectedExceptions = IOException.class)
public void testMoveFileDstNotDirectory() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File dst = File.createTempFile("dst", null);
File newSrc = new File(dst, src.getName());
try {
StaticUtils.moveFile(src, dst);
} finally {
* Create test content for {@link StaticUtils#moveFile(File, File)}.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "moveFileTestData")
public Object[][] createMoveFileTestData() {
return new Object[][] { { new String[] {} }, { new String[] { "" } },
{ new String[] { "", "" } }, { new String[] { " " } },
{ new String[] { " ", "", " " } },
{ new String[] { "one two three", "four five six", "seven" } } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#moveFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @param lines
* The test file contents.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "moveFileTestData")
public void testMoveFile(String[] lines) throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File dst = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("dst");
File newSrc = new File(dst, src.getName());
try {
// Generate contents.
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(
new FileWriter(src)));
for (String line : lines) {
// Move the file.
StaticUtils.moveFile(src, dst);
// Post conditions.
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(newSrc));
for (String line : lines) {
Assert.assertEquals(reader.readLine(), line);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#renameFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testRenameFileNonExistentTarget() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File target = new File(src.getParentFile(), "target");
try {
if (target.exists()) {
StaticUtils.renameFile(src, target);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#renameFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testRenameFileExistentTarget() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File target = File.createTempFile("target", null);
try {
StaticUtils.renameFile(src, target);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#renameFile(java.io.File, java.io.File)}
* method. Renaming locked files is a problem on Windows but not so
* much on other platforms.
* @throws Exception If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(enabled=false, groups={"windows"}, expectedExceptions=IOException.class)
public void testRenameFileLockedTarget() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
File target = File.createTempFile("target", null);
FileChannel c = new RandomAccessFile(target, "rw").getChannel();
FileLock lock = c.lock();
try {
StaticUtils.renameFile(src, target);
} finally {
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#recursiveDelete(File)} method.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testRecursiveDeleteNonExistent() throws Exception {
File src = File.createTempFile("src", null);
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#recursiveDelete(File)} method.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
public void testRecursiveDelete() throws Exception {
File dir0 = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("dst");
List<File> files = new LinkedList<File>();
File dir1 = new File(dir0, "one");
File dir2 = new File(dir0, "two");
File dir3 = new File(dir0, "three");
File dir4 = new File(dir1, "four");
File f1 = new File(dir1, "f1");
File f2 = new File(dir1, "f2");
File f3 = new File(dir2, "f3");
for (File f : files) {
* Create test strings for the {@link StaticUtils#toLowerCase(String)}
* related methods.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "stringCaseConversionTestData")
public Object[][] createStringCaseConversionTestData() {
return new Object[][] {
{ null, null, null },
{ "", "", "" },
{ " ", " ", " " },
{ " a B c ", " a b c ", " A B C " },
{ "some non-ascii \u00c0\u00e0\u00c6\u00e6\u00dd\u00fd",
"some non-ascii \u00e0\u00e0\u00e6\u00e6\u00fd\u00fd",
"SOME NON-ASCII \u00c0\u00c0\u00c6\u00c6\u00dd\u00dd" } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#toLowerCase(String)} method.
* @param input
* The test string.
* @param lower
* The test string in lower case.
* @param upper
* The test string in upper case.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "stringCaseConversionTestData")
public void testToLowerCaseString(String input, String lower, String upper)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.toLowerCase(input), lower);
* Tests the
* {@link StaticUtils#toLowerCase(ByteSequence, StringBuilder, boolean)}
* method.
* @param input
* The test string.
* @param lower
* The test string in lower case.
* @param upper
* The test string in upper case.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "stringCaseConversionTestData")
public void testToLowerCaseBytes(String input, String lower, String upper)
throws Exception {
ByteString bytes = input != null ? ByteString.valueOf(input) : null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
StaticUtils.toLowerCase(bytes, buffer, false);
Assert.assertEquals(buffer.toString(), input != null ? lower : "");
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#toUpperCase(String)} method.
* @param input
* The test string.
* @param lower
* The test string in lower case.
* @param upper
* The test string in upper case.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "stringCaseConversionTestData")
public void testToUpperCaseString(String input, String lower, String upper)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.toUpperCase(input), upper);
* Tests the
* {@link StaticUtils#toUpperCase(byte[], StringBuilder, boolean)}
* method.
* @param input
* The test string.
* @param lower
* The test string in lower case.
* @param upper
* The test string in upper case.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "stringCaseConversionTestData")
public void testToUpperCaseBytes(String input, String lower, String upper)
throws Exception {
byte[] bytes = input != null ? input.getBytes("UTF-8") : null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
StaticUtils.toUpperCase(bytes, buffer, false);
Assert.assertEquals(buffer.toString(), input != null ? upper : "");
* Create test strings for the
* {@link StaticUtils#toRFC3641StringValue(StringBuilder, String)}
* method.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "toRFC3641StringValueTestData")
public Object[][] createToRFC3641StringValueTestData() {
return new Object[][] { { "", "\"\"" }, { " ", "\" \"" },
{ " a B c ", "\" a B c \"" },
{ " \"hello world\" ", "\" \"\"hello world\"\" \"" },
{ "\"\"\"", "\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"" }, };
* Tests the
* {@link StaticUtils#toRFC3641StringValue(StringBuilder, String)}
* method.
* @param input
* The test string.
* @param expected
* The expected result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "toRFC3641StringValueTestData")
public void testToRFC3641StringValue(String input, String expected)
throws Exception {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StaticUtils.toRFC3641StringValue(builder, input);
Assert.assertEquals(builder.toString(), expected);
* Create test lists for the
* {@link StaticUtils#listsAreEqual(List, List)} method.
* @return Returns an array of test data.
@DataProvider(name = "listsAreEqualTestData")
public Object[][] createListsAreEqualTestData() {
return new Object[][] {
// Check null behaviour.
{ null, null, true },
{ null, Collections.emptyList(), false },
{ Collections.emptyList(), null, false },
// Check empty-list behaviour.
{ Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList(), true },
{ Collections.singletonList(0), Collections.emptyList(), false },
{ Collections.emptyList(), Collections.singletonList(0), false },
// Check single-element behaviour.
{ Collections.singletonList(0), Collections.singletonList(0), true },
{ Collections.singletonList(0), Collections.singletonList(1), false },
// Check multi-element random access behaviour.
{ Arrays.asList(0, 1), Arrays.asList(0, 1), true },
{ Arrays.asList(0, 1), Arrays.asList(1, 0), false },
// ...With duplicates.
{ Arrays.asList(0, 1), Arrays.asList(0, 1, 1), false },
// Check multi-element sequential behaviour.
{ new LinkedList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)),
new LinkedList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)), true },
{ new LinkedList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)),
new LinkedList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(1, 0)), false },
// ...With duplicates.
{ new LinkedList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1)),
new LinkedList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 1)), false } };
* Tests the {@link StaticUtils#listsAreEqual(List, List)} method.
* @param list1
* The first list.
* @param list2
* The second list.
* @param result
* The expected equality result.
* @throws Exception
* If the test failed unexpectedly.
@Test(dataProvider = "listsAreEqualTestData")
public void testListsAreEqual(List<?> list1, List<?> list2, boolean result)
throws Exception {
Assert.assertEquals(StaticUtils.listsAreEqual(list1, list2), result);
public void testStackTraceHasCause() throws Exception
boolean hasCause = StaticUtils.stackTraceContainsCause(new RuntimeException(new ArithmeticException()), ArithmeticException.class);
Assert.assertTrue(hasCause, "First case : ArithmeticException should be detected as a cause");
hasCause = StaticUtils.stackTraceContainsCause(new RuntimeException(new RuntimeException()), ArithmeticException.class);
Assert.assertFalse(hasCause, "Second case : ArithmeticException should not be detected as a cause");
hasCause = StaticUtils.stackTraceContainsCause(new RuntimeException(new IllegalThreadStateException()), IllegalArgumentException.class);
Assert.assertTrue(hasCause, "Third case : IllegalThreadStateException should be detected as a cause");