revision ea1068c292e9b341af6d6b563cd8988a96be20a9
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package org.opends.server.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* This class provides a test case that can be used to ensure that all source
* packages also include a file with javadoc and annotation
* information about that package.
public class PackageInfoTestCase
extends UtilTestCase
// The directory that serves as the top-level source root.
private File sourceRoot;
* Ensure that the source root directories are initialized properly.
public void setUp()
String rootDir = System.getProperty(TestCaseUtils.PROPERTY_BUILD_ROOT);
File buildRoot = new File(rootDir);
sourceRoot = new File(buildRoot, "src");
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain ADS
* source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain ADS
* source.
@DataProvider(name = "adsSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getADSSourceDirectories()
File adsSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "ads");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(adsSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* admin source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* admin source.
@DataProvider(name = "adminSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getAdminSourceDirectories()
File adminSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "admin");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(adminSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* build tools source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain build
* tools source.
@DataProvider(name = "buildToolsSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getBuildToolsSourceDirectories()
File buildToolsSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "build-tools");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(buildToolsSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* DSML gateway source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* DSML gateway source.
@DataProvider(name = "dsmlSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getDSMLSourceDirectories()
File dsmlSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "dsml");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(dsmlSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* GUI tools source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* GUI tools source.
@DataProvider(name = "guiToolsSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getGUIToolsSourceDirectories()
File guiToolsSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "guitools");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(guiToolsSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* QuickSetup source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* server source.
@DataProvider(name = "quickSetupSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getQuickSetupSourceDirectories()
File quickSetupSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "quicksetup");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(quickSetupSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Retrieves a set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* server source.
* @return A set of File objects that point to directories that contain
* server source.
@DataProvider(name = "serverSourceDirectories")
public Object[][] getServerSourceDirectories()
File serverSourceRoot = new File(sourceRoot, "server");
ArrayList<File> sourceDirs = new ArrayList<File>();
getSourceDirectories(serverSourceRoot, sourceDirs);
Object[][] returnArray = new Object[sourceDirs.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < returnArray.length; i++)
returnArray[i][0] = sourceDirs.get(i);
return returnArray;
* Recursively descends the filesystem structure, identifying directories that
* contain Java source code and adding them to the provided list.
* @param startingPoint The directory that marks the starting point at
* which to begin.
* @param sourceDirectories The list of identified source directories, to
* which any new source directories will be added.
private void getSourceDirectories(File startingPoint,
ArrayList<File> sourceDirectories)
boolean added = false;
for (File f : startingPoint.listFiles())
if (f.isDirectory())
if (! f.getName().equals(".svn"))
getSourceDirectories(f, sourceDirectories);
else if (f.isFile() && f.getName().endsWith(".java"))
if (! added)
added = true;
* Ensure that all ADS source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testADSPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that all admin source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testAdminPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that all build tools source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testBuildToolsPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that all DSML gateway source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testDSMLPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that all GUI tools source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testGUIToolsPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that all QuickSetup source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testQuickSetupPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that all server source file packages include a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory for which to make the determination.
public void testServerPackageInfoExists(File sourceDirectory)
throws Exception
* Ensure that the provided source directory contains a
* file.
* @param sourceDirectory The directory in which to verify the existence of
* a file.
private void checkPackageInfoFileExistsInternal(File sourceDirectory)
File packageInfoFile = new File(sourceDirectory, "");
"Source directory " + sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath() +
" does not contain a file.");