revision 75fceea66e311b3de58d76a4c993af0fec13dd3d
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package org.opends.server.util;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.opends.server.DirectoryServerTestCase;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.api.Backupable;
import org.opends.server.types.BackupConfig;
import org.opends.server.types.BackupDirectory;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.RestoreConfig;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
@Test(groups = { "precommit" }, sequential = true)
public class BackupManagerTestCase extends DirectoryServerTestCase
private static final String ENTRY_DN = "dc=example,dc=com";
private static final String FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "file_";
private static final String BACKEND_ID = "backendID";
private static final String BACKUP_ID = "backupID";
public void setUp() throws Exception
// Need the schema to be available, so make sure the server is started.
// startFakeServer() is insufficient because we also need the CryptoManager to be initialized
Object[][] backupData() throws Exception {
// For each case is provided
// - a label identifying the case (not used in method but allow to identify easily the case in IDE)
// - a mock of a backupable (building the mock also involves creating directory and files to backup)
// - a backup config
// - a restore config
String label0 = "nohash";
Backupable backupable0 = buildBackupable(createSourceDirectory(label0), 3);
BackupDirectory backupDir0 = buildBackupDir(label0);
BackupConfig backupConfig0 = new BackupConfig(backupDir0, BACKUP_ID, false);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig0 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir0, BACKUP_ID, false);
String label1 = "unsignedhash";
Backupable backupable1 = buildBackupable(createSourceDirectory(label1), 3);
BackupDirectory backupDir1 = buildBackupDir(label1);
BackupConfig backupConfig1 = new BackupConfig(backupDir1, BACKUP_ID, false);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig1 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir1, BACKUP_ID, false);
String label2 = "signedhash";
Backupable backupable2 = buildBackupable(createSourceDirectory(label2), 3);
BackupDirectory backupDir2 = buildBackupDir(label2);
BackupConfig backupConfig2 = new BackupConfig(backupDir2, BACKUP_ID, false);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig2 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir2, BACKUP_ID, false);
String label3 = "encrypted_compressed";
Backupable backupable3 = buildBackupable(createSourceDirectory(label3), 3);
BackupDirectory backupDir3 = buildBackupDir(label3);
BackupConfig backupConfig3 = new BackupConfig(backupDir3, BACKUP_ID, false);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig3 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir3, BACKUP_ID, false);
// should perform a normal backup in absence of incremental base ID
String label4 = "incremental_without_incrementalBaseID";
Backupable backupable4 = buildBackupable(createSourceDirectory(label4), 3);
BackupDirectory backupDir4 = buildBackupDir(label4);
BackupConfig backupConfig4 = new BackupConfig(backupDir4, BACKUP_ID, true);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig4 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir4, BACKUP_ID, false);
String label5 = "noFiles";
Backupable backupable5 = buildBackupable(createSourceDirectory(label5), 0);
BackupDirectory backupDir5 = buildBackupDir(label5);
BackupConfig backupConfig5 = new BackupConfig(backupDir5, BACKUP_ID, false);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig5 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir5, BACKUP_ID, false);
String label6 = "multiple_directories";
Backupable backupable6 = buildBackupableForMultipleDirectoriesCase(createSourceDirectory(label6), 3);
BackupDirectory backupDir6 = buildBackupDir(label6);
BackupConfig backupConfig6 = new BackupConfig(backupDir6, BACKUP_ID, false);
RestoreConfig restoreConfig6 = new RestoreConfig(backupDir6, BACKUP_ID, false);
return new Object[][] {
{ label0, backupable0, backupConfig0, restoreConfig0 },
{ label1, backupable1, backupConfig1, restoreConfig1 },
{ label2, backupable2, backupConfig2, restoreConfig2 },
{ label3, backupable3, backupConfig3, restoreConfig3 },
{ label4, backupable4, backupConfig4, restoreConfig4 },
{ label5, backupable5, backupConfig5, restoreConfig5 },
{ label6, backupable6, backupConfig6, restoreConfig6 },
* This test encompasses creation, restore and remove of a backup.
* It allows to ensure that a backup can actually be restored.
public void testCreateBackupThenRestoreThenRemove(String label, Backupable backupable, BackupConfig backupConfig,
RestoreConfig restoreConfig) throws Exception
BackupManager backupManager = new BackupManager(BACKEND_ID);
// create and check archive files
backupManager.createBackup(backupable, backupConfig);
String backupPath = backupConfig.getBackupDirectory().getPath();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(BACKUP_ID))).exists();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, "")).exists();
// change content of directory to later check that backup is recovering everything
// restore and check list of files
backupManager.restoreBackup(backupable, restoreConfig);
// remove the backup archive and check
backupManager.removeBackup(backupConfig.getBackupDirectory(), BACKUP_ID);
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(BACKUP_ID))).doesNotExist();
//cleanDirectories(sourceDirectory, backupPath);
* This test encompasses creation, restore and remove of an incremental backup.
* It allows to ensure that a backup can actually be restored.
public void testCreateIncrementalBackupThenRestoreThenRemove() throws Exception
Path sourceDirectory = createSourceDirectory("incremental");
BackupDirectory backupDir = buildBackupDir("incremental");
BackupManager backupManager = new BackupManager(BACKEND_ID);
// perform first backup with 2 files
Backupable backupable0 = buildBackupable(sourceDirectory, 2);
String initialBackupId = BACKUP_ID + "_0";
BackupConfig backupConfig0 = new BackupConfig(backupDir, initialBackupId, true);
backupManager.createBackup(backupable0, backupConfig0);
// check archive and info file
String backupPath = backupDir.getPath();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(initialBackupId))).exists();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, "")).exists();
// perform second backup with 4 files (2 initial files plus 2 new files)
// now backup with id "backupID" should depend on backup with id "backupID_0"
Backupable backupable1 = buildBackupable(sourceDirectory, 4);
BackupConfig backupConfig1 = new BackupConfig(backupDir, BACKUP_ID, true);
backupManager.createBackup(backupable1, backupConfig1);
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(initialBackupId))).exists();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(BACKUP_ID))).exists();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, "")).exists();
assertThat(new File(backupPath, "")).exists();
// change content of directory to later check that backup is recovering everything
// restore and check list of files
RestoreConfig restoreConfig = new RestoreConfig(backupDir, BACKUP_ID, false);
backupManager.restoreBackup(backupable1, restoreConfig);
// remove the backup archive and check
backupManager.removeBackup(backupDir, BACKUP_ID);
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(BACKUP_ID))).doesNotExist();
backupManager.removeBackup(backupDir, initialBackupId);
assertThat(new File(backupPath, getArchiveFileName(initialBackupId))).doesNotExist();
cleanDirectories(sourceDirectory, backupPath);
public void testCreateDirectoryWithNumericSuffix() throws Exception
File directory = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("createDirectory-");
String dirPath = directory.getAbsolutePath();
// delete the directory to ensure creation works fine when there is no directory
Path dir = BackupManager.createDirectoryWithNumericSuffix(dirPath, BACKUP_ID);
assertThat(dir.toString()).isEqualTo(dirPath + "1");
Path dir2 = BackupManager.createDirectoryWithNumericSuffix(dirPath, BACKUP_ID);
assertThat(dir2.toString()).isEqualTo(dirPath + "2");
public void testSaveFilesToDirectory() throws Exception
Backupable backupable = buildBackupableForMultipleDirectoriesCase(createSourceDirectory("saveFiles-root"), 2);
File rootDir = backupable.getDirectory();
File targetDir = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("saveFiles-target");
File actualTargetDir = BackupManager.saveFilesToDirectory(rootDir.toPath(), backupable.getFilesToBackup(),
targetDir.getCanonicalPath(), BACKUP_ID).toFile();
// all files should have been saved in the target directory, with correct sub-path
assertThat(new File(actualTargetDir, FILE_NAME_PREFIX+0)).exists();
assertThat(new File(actualTargetDir, FILE_NAME_PREFIX+1)).exists();
File subdir = new File(actualTargetDir, "subdir");
assertThat(new File(subdir, FILE_NAME_PREFIX+0)).exists();
assertThat(new File(subdir, FILE_NAME_PREFIX+1)).exists();
private void cleanDirectories(Path sourceDirectory, String backupPath)
StaticUtils.recursiveDelete(new File(backupPath));
private String getArchiveFileName(String backupId)
return "backup-" + BACKEND_ID + "-" + backupId;
private void assertAllFilesAreRestoredCorrectly(Backupable backupable) throws Exception
ListIterator<Path> files = backupable.getFilesToBackup();
while (files.hasNext())
Path file =;
private void removeBackedUpFiles(Backupable backupable) throws Exception
ListIterator<Path> it = backupable.getFilesToBackup();
while (it.hasNext())
Path file =;
private BackupDirectory buildBackupDir(String label) throws Exception
File backupDirectory = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("backupDirectory-" + label + "-");
Reporter.log("Create backup directory:" + backupDirectory, true);
BackupDirectory backupDir = new BackupDirectory(backupDirectory.getAbsolutePath(), DN.valueOf(ENTRY_DN));
return backupDir;
private Backupable buildBackupable(Path sourceDirectory, int numberOfFiles) throws Exception
List<Path> files = createFilesInDirectoryToBackup(sourceDirectory, numberOfFiles);
Backupable backupable = mock(Backupable.class);
return backupable;
* Create files in source directory + additional files under a subdirectory of source directory
private Backupable buildBackupableForMultipleDirectoriesCase(Path sourceDirectory, int numberOfFiles)
throws Exception
List<Path> files = createFilesInDirectoryToBackup(sourceDirectory, numberOfFiles);
// create an additional subdirectory with files
Path subdir = sourceDirectory.resolve("subdir");
List<Path> subdirFiles = createFilesInDirectoryToBackup(subdir, numberOfFiles);
Backupable backupable = mock(Backupable.class);
return backupable;
private Path createSourceDirectory(String label) throws IOException
File sourceDirectory = TestCaseUtils.createTemporaryDirectory("dirToBackup-" + label + "-");
Reporter.log("Create directory to backup:" + sourceDirectory, true);
return sourceDirectory.toPath();
private List<Path> createFilesInDirectoryToBackup(Path directory, int numberOfFiles)
throws Exception
List<Path> files = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFiles; i++)
String filename = FILE_NAME_PREFIX + i;
Path file = directory.resolve(filename);
createFile(file, StaticUtils.getBytes(filename));
return files;
private void createFile(Path file, byte[] content) throws Exception {
OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(file.toFile(), false);
finally {