revision ea1068c292e9b341af6d6b563cd8988a96be20a9
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2006 Brighton Consulting, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2013-2015 ForgeRock AS.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.tasks.LdifFileWriter;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.opends.server.util.LDIFReader;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
import static org.opends.messages.ToolMessages.*;
* A set of test cases for the MakeLDIF tool.
public class MakeLDIFTestCase
extends ToolsTestCase
private String resourcePath = null;
public void setUp() throws Exception
// The server must be running for these tests, so that
// it can provide "getServerRoot()".
resourcePath = DirectoryServer.getInstanceRoot() + File.separator +
"config" + File.separator + "MakeLDIF";
* Test to show that reporting an error about an
* uninitialized variable when generating templates reports the
* correct line.
public void testParseTemplate() throws Exception
String[] lines =
/* 0 */ "template: template",
/* 1 */ "a: {missingVar}",
/* 2 */ "a: b",
/* 3 */ "a: c",
/* 4 */ "",
/* 5 */ "template: template2",
// Test must show "missingVar" missing on line 1.
// Previous behaviour showed "missingVar" on line 5.
TemplateFile templateFile = new TemplateFile(resourcePath);
List<LocalizableMessage> warns = new ArrayList<LocalizableMessage>();
templateFile.parse(lines, warns);
catch (InitializationException e)
String msg = e.getMessage();
LocalizableMessage msg_locale = ERR_MAKELDIF_TAG_UNDEFINED_ATTRIBUTE.get("missingVar",1);
assertTrue (msg.equals(msg_locale.toString()), msg);
@DataProvider (name="validTemplates")
public Object[][] createTestTemplates() {
return new Object[][] {
{ "CurlyBracket",
new String[] {
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"cn: I\\{Foo\\}F"} },
{ "AngleBracket",
new String[] {
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"sn: \\<Bar\\>"} },
{ "SquareBracket",
new String[] {
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: \\[TEST\\]"} },
{ "BackSlash",
new String[] {
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: Foo \\\\ Bar"} },
{ "EscapedAlpha",
new String[] {
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: Foo \\\\Bar"} },
{ "Normal Variable",
new String[] {
"template: templateNormal",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"sn: {uid}"} },
{ "Constant",
new String[] {
"define foo=Test123",
"template: templateConstant",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"sn: {uid}",
"cn: [foo]"} },
* Test for parsing escaped character in templates
@Test(dataProvider = "validTemplates")
public void testParsingEscapeCharInTemplate(String testName, String[] lines)
throws Exception
TemplateFile templateFile = new TemplateFile(resourcePath);
List<LocalizableMessage> warns = new ArrayList<LocalizableMessage>();
templateFile.parse(lines, warns);
assertTrue(warns.isEmpty(),"Warnings in parsing test template " + testName );
@DataProvider (name="templatesToTestLDIFOutput")
public Object[][] createTemplatesToTestLDIFOutput() {
return new Object[][]{
new String[]{
"branch: dc=test",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"cn: I\\{ Foo \\}F"},
"cn", // Attribute to test
"I{ Foo }F", // Expected value
new String[]{
"branch: dc=test",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"sn: \\< Bar \\>"},
"sn", // Attribute to test
"< Bar >", // Expected value
new String[]{
"branch: dc=test",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: \\[TEST\\]"},
"description", // Attribute to test
"[TEST]", // Expected value
new String[]{
"branch: dc=test",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"displayName: Foo \\\\ Bar"},
"displayname", // Attribute to test
"Foo \\ Bar", // Expected value
new String[]{
"define top=dc=com",
"define container=ou=group",
"branch: dc=test,[top]",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"manager: cn=Bar,[container],dc=test,[top]",
"manager", // Attribute to test
"cn=Bar,ou=group,dc=test,dc=com", // Expected value
new String[]{
"define top=dc=com",
"define container=ou=group",
"branch: dc=test,[top]",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: test [container] \\[[top]\\]",
"description", // Attribute to test
"test ou=group [dc=com]", // Expected value
new String[]{
"define top=dc=com",
"define container=ou=group",
"branch: dc=test,[top]",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: test \\[top]",
"description", // Attribute to test
"test [top]", // Expected value
new String[]{
"define top=dc=com",
"define container=ou=group",
"branch: dc=test,[top]",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"description: test [group \\[top]",
"description", // Attribute to test
"test [group [top]", // Expected value
/* If adding a test, please copy and reuse template code down below
new String[]{
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"uid: testEntry",
"cn: I\\{Foo\\}F"},
"", // Attribute to test
"", // Expected value
* Test for escaped characters in templates, check LDIF output
@Test(dataProvider="templatesToTestLDIFOutput", dependsOnMethods = { "testParsingEscapeCharInTemplate"})
public void testLDIFOutputFromTemplate(String testName, String[] lines,
String attrName, String expectedValue) throws Exception
File tmpFile = File.createTempFile(testName, "out.ldif");
String outLdifFilePath = tmpFile.getAbsolutePath();
LdifFileWriter.makeLdif(outLdifFilePath, resourcePath, lines);
LDIFImportConfig ldifConfig = new LDIFImportConfig(outLdifFilePath);
LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(ldifConfig);
Entry top = reader.readEntry();
Entry e = reader.readEntry();
List<Attribute> attrs = e.getAttribute(attrName);
Attribute a = attrs.get(0);
Attribute expectedRes = Attributes.create(attrName, expectedValue);
assertEquals(a, expectedRes);
* Test for escaped characters in templates, check LDIF output when
* the templates combines escaped characters and variables
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "testParsingEscapeCharInTemplate"})
public void testOutputCombineEscapeCharInTemplate() throws Exception
String[] lines =
"branch: dc=test",
"subordinateTemplate: templateWithEscape:1",
"template: templateWithEscape",
"rdnAttr: uid",
"objectclass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: testEntry",
"sn: Bar",
// The value below combines variable, randoms and escaped chars.
// The resulting value is "Foo <?>{1}Bar" where ? is a letter from [A-Z].
"cn: Foo \\<<random:chars:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:1>\\>\\{1\\}{sn}",
File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("combineEscapeChar", "out.ldif");
String outLdifFilePath = tmpFile.getAbsolutePath();
LdifFileWriter.makeLdif(outLdifFilePath, resourcePath, lines);
LDIFImportConfig ldifConfig = new LDIFImportConfig(outLdifFilePath);
LDIFReader reader = new LDIFReader(ldifConfig);
Entry top = reader.readEntry();
Entry e = reader.readEntry();
List<Attribute> attrs = e.getAttribute("cn");
Attribute a = attrs.get(0);
assertTrue(a.iterator().next().toString().matches("Foo <[A-Z]>\\{1\\}Bar"),
"cn value doesn't match the expected value");