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package org.opends.server.replication.plugin;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.opends.server.replication.ReplicationTestCase;
import org.opends.server.replication.server.ReplServerFakeConfiguration;
import org.opends.server.replication.server.ReplicationServer;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.HostPort;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* Test if the replication domain is able to switch of replication server
* if there is some replication server failure.
@Test(sequential = true)
public class ReplicationServerFailoverTest extends ReplicationTestCase
private static final int DS1_ID = 1;
private static final int DS2_ID = 2;
private static final int RS1_ID = 31;
private static final int RS2_ID = 32;
private int rs1Port = -1;
private int rs2Port = -1;
private LDAPReplicationDomain rd1;
private LDAPReplicationDomain rd2;
private ReplicationServer rs1;
private ReplicationServer rs2;
/** The tracer object for the debug logger. */
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
private void debugInfo(String s)
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("*** TEST *** " + s);
private void initTest() throws IOException
rs1Port = rs2Port = -1;
rd1 = rd2 = null;
rs1 = rs2 = null;
private void endTest() throws Exception
if (rd1 != null)
rd1 = null;
if (rd2 != null)
rd2 = null;
// Clear any reference to a domain in synchro plugin
remove(rs1, rs2);
rs1 = rs2 = null;
rs1Port = rs2Port = -1;
* Test the failover feature when one RS fails:
* 1 DS (DS1) and 2 RS (RS1 and RS2) in topology.
* DS1 connected to one RS
* Both RS are connected together (RS1<->RS2)
* The RS connected to DS1 fails, DS1 should be connected
* to the other RS
* @throws Exception If a problem occurred
public void testFailOverSingle() throws Exception
String testCase = "testFailOverSingle";
int rsPort = -1;
debugInfo("Starting " + testCase);
// Start RS1
rs1 = createReplicationServer(RS1_ID, testCase);
// Start RS2
rs2 = createReplicationServer(RS2_ID, testCase);
// Start DS1
DN baseDn = DN.valueOf(TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
rd1 = createReplicationDomain(baseDn, DS1_ID);
// Wait a bit so that connections are performed
// DS1 connected to RS1 ?
// Check which replication server is connected to this LDAP server
rsPort = findReplServerConnected(rd1);
if (rsPort == rs1Port)
// Simulate RS1 failure
String msg = "Before " + RS1_ID + " failure";
// Let time for failover to happen
// DS1 connected to RS2 ?
msg = "After " + RS1_ID + " failure";
checkConnection(30, DS1_ID, RS2_ID, msg);
else if (rsPort == rs2Port)
{ // Simulate RS2 failure
String msg = "Before " + RS2_ID + " failure";
// DS1 connected to RS1 ?
msg = "After " + RS2_ID + " failure";
checkConnection(30, DS1_ID, RS1_ID, msg);
else {
fail("DS1 is not connected to a RS");
debugInfo(testCase + " successfully ended.");
} finally
* Test the failover feature when one RS fails:
* 2 DS (DS1 and DS2) and 2 RS (RS1 and RS2) in topology.
* Each DS connected to its own RS (DS1<->RS1, DS2<->RS2)
* Both RS are connected together (RS1<->RS2)
* RS1 fails, DS1 and DS2 should be both connected to RS2
* RS1 comes back (no change)
* RS2 fails, DS1 and DS2 should be both connected to RS1
* @throws Exception If a problem occurred
public void testFailOverMulti() throws Exception
String testCase = "testFailOverMulti";
debugInfo("Starting " + testCase);
// Start RS1
rs1 = createReplicationServer(RS1_ID, testCase);
// Start RS2
rs2 = createReplicationServer(RS2_ID, testCase);
// Start DS1
DN baseDn = DN.valueOf(TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
rd1 = createReplicationDomain(baseDn, DS1_ID);
// Start DS2
rd2 = createReplicationDomain(baseDn, DS2_ID);
// Wait a bit so that connections are performed
// Simulate RS1 failure
// DS1 connected to RS2 ?
String msg = "After " + RS1_ID + " failure";
checkConnection(30, DS1_ID, RS2_ID, msg);
// DS2 connected to RS2 ?
checkConnection(30, DS2_ID, RS2_ID, msg);
// Restart RS1
rs1 = createReplicationServer(RS1_ID, testCase);
// DS1 connected to RS2 ?
msg = "Before " + RS2_ID + " failure";
checkConnection(30, DS1_ID, RS2_ID, msg);
// DS2 connected to RS2 ?
checkConnection(30, DS2_ID, RS2_ID, msg);
// Simulate RS2 failure
// DS1 connected to RS1 ?
msg = "After " + RS2_ID + " failure";
checkConnection(30, DS1_ID, RS1_ID, msg);
// DS2 connected to RS1 ?
checkConnection(30, DS2_ID, RS1_ID, msg);
// Restart RS2
rs2 = createReplicationServer(RS2_ID, testCase);
// DS1 connected to RS1 ?
msg = "After " + RS2_ID + " restart";
checkConnection(30, DS1_ID, RS1_ID, msg);
// DS2 connected to RS1 ?
checkConnection(30, DS2_ID, RS1_ID, msg);
debugInfo(testCase + " successfully ended.");
} finally
* Check connection of the provided replication domain to the provided
* replication server. Waits for connection to be ok up to secTimeout seconds
* before failing.
private void checkConnection(int secTimeout, int dsId, int rsId, String msg)
throws Exception
LDAPReplicationDomain rd = null;
switch (dsId)
case DS1_ID:
rd = rd1;
case DS2_ID:
rd = rd2;
fail("Unknown replication domain server id.");
int rsPort = -1;
switch (rsId)
case RS1_ID:
rsPort = rs1Port;
case RS2_ID:
rsPort = rs2Port;
fail("Unknown replication server id.");
int nSec = 0;
// Go out of the loop only if connection is verified or if timeout occurs
while (true)
// Test connection
boolean connected = rd.isConnected();
int rdPort = -1;
boolean rightPort = false;
if (connected)
String serverStr = rd.getReplicationServer();
rdPort = HostPort.valueOf(serverStr).getPort();
if (rdPort == rsPort)
rightPort = true;
if (connected && rightPort)
// Connection verified
debugInfo("checkConnection: connection from domain " + dsId + " to" +
" replication server " + rsId + " obtained after "
+ nSec + " seconds.");
// Sleep 1 second
if (nSec > secTimeout)
// Timeout reached, end with error
fail("checkConnection: could not verify connection from domain " + dsId
+ " to replication server " + rsId + " after " + secTimeout + " seconds."
+ " Domain connected: " + connected + ", connection port: " + rdPort
+ " (should be: " + rsPort + "). [" + msg + "]");
* Find needed free TCP ports.
private void findFreePorts() throws IOException
int[] ports = TestCaseUtils.findFreePorts(2);
rs1Port = ports[0];
rs2Port = ports[1];
* Creates a new ReplicationServer.
private ReplicationServer createReplicationServer(int serverId, String suffix)
throws ConfigException
SortedSet<String> replServers = new TreeSet<String>();
int port = -1;
if (serverId == RS1_ID)
port = rs1Port;
replServers.add("localhost:" + rs2Port);
else if (serverId == RS2_ID)
port = rs2Port;
replServers.add("localhost:" + rs1Port);
fail("Unknown replication server id.");
String dir = "replicationServerFailoverTest" + serverId + suffix + "Db";
ReplServerFakeConfiguration conf =
new ReplServerFakeConfiguration(port, dir, replicationDbImplementation, 0, serverId, 0,
100, replServers);
return new ReplicationServer(conf);
* Creates a new ReplicationDomain.
private LDAPReplicationDomain createReplicationDomain(DN baseDn, int serverId)
throws Exception
SortedSet<String> replServers = new TreeSet<String>();
// Create a domain with two replication servers
replServers.add("localhost:" + rs1Port);
replServers.add("localhost:" + rs2Port);
DomainFakeCfg domainConf = new DomainFakeCfg(baseDn, serverId, replServers);
// domainConf.setHeartbeatInterval(500);
LDAPReplicationDomain replicationDomain =
return replicationDomain;
private int findReplServerConnected(LDAPReplicationDomain rd)
// First check that the Replication domain is connected
if (!rd.isConnected())
return -1;
String serverStr = rd.getReplicationServer();
return HostPort.valueOf(serverStr).getPort();