HistoricalTest.java revision ea1068c292e9b341af6d6b563cd8988a96be20a9
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package org.opends.server.replication.plugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ModificationType;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection;
import org.opends.server.replication.ReplicationTestCase;
import org.opends.server.replication.common.CSN;
import org.opends.server.replication.protocol.AddMsg;
import org.opends.server.replication.protocol.LDAPUpdateMsg;
import org.opends.server.replication.protocol.ModifyMsg;
import org.opends.server.replication.service.ReplicationBroker;
import org.opends.server.tools.LDAPModify;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode.*;
import static org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope.*;
import static org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* Tests the Historical class.
public class HistoricalTest extends ReplicationTestCase
private int replServerPort;
private String testName = "historicalTest";
* Set up replication on the test backend.
public void setUp() throws Exception
// Create an internal connection.
connection = InternalClientConnection.getRootConnection();
replServerPort = TestCaseUtils.findFreePort();
// The replication server.
String replServerStringDN = "cn=Replication Server, " + SYNCHRO_PLUGIN_DN;
String replServerLdif = "dn: " + replServerStringDN + "\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n"
+ "objectClass: ds-cfg-replication-server\n"
+ "cn: replication Server\n"
+ "ds-cfg-replication-port: " + replServerPort + "\n"
+ "ds-cfg-replication-db-directory: HistoricalTest\n"
+ "ds-cfg-replication-db-implementation: " + replicationDbImplementation + "\n"
+ "ds-cfg-replication-server-id: 102\n";
// The suffix to be synchronized.
String synchroServerStringDN = "cn=" + testName + ", cn=domains, " +
String synchroServerLdif = "dn: " + synchroServerStringDN + "\n"
+ "objectClass: top\n"
+ "objectClass: ds-cfg-replication-domain\n"
+ "cn: " + testName + "\n"
+ "ds-cfg-base-dn: " + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING + "\n"
+ "ds-cfg-replication-server: localhost:" + replServerPort + "\n"
+ "ds-cfg-server-id: 1\n"
+ "ds-cfg-receive-status: true\n";
configureReplication(replServerLdif, synchroServerLdif);
* Tests that the attribute modification history is correctly read from
* and written to an operational attribute of the entry.
* Also test that historical is purged according to the purge delay that
* is provided.
public void testEncodingAndPurge() throws Exception
// Add a test entry.
"dn: uid=user.1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: user.1",
"cn: Aaccf Amar",
"sn: Amar",
"givenName: Aaccf",
"userPassword: password",
"description: Initial description",
"displayName: 1"
// Modify the test entry to give it some history.
// Test both single and multi-valued attributes.
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: uid=user.1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"changetype: modify",
"add: cn;lang-en",
"cn;lang-en: Aaccf Amar",
"cn;lang-en: Aaccf A Amar",
"replace: description",
"description: replaced description",
"add: displayName",
"displayName: 2",
"delete: displayName",
"displayName: 1",
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
args[9] = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: uid=user.1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"changetype: modify",
"replace: displayName",
"displayName: 2",
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
// Read the entry back to get its history operational attribute.
DN dn = DN.valueOf("uid=user.1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
Entry entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn);
List<Attribute> attrs = EntryHistorical.getHistoricalAttr(entry);
Attribute before = attrs.get(0);
// Check that encoding and decoding preserves the history information.
EntryHistorical hist = EntryHistorical.newInstanceFromEntry(entry);
assertEquals(hist.encodeAndPurge(), before);
args[9] = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: uid=user.1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"changetype: modify",
"replace: displayName",
"displayName: 3",
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
long testPurgeDelayInMillisec = 1000; // 1 sec
// Read the entry back to get its history operational attribute.
entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn);
hist = EntryHistorical.newInstanceFromEntry(entry);
// The purge time is not done so the hist attribute should be not empty
// Now wait for the purge time to be done
Thread.sleep(testPurgeDelayInMillisec + 200);
// Read the entry back to get its history operational attribute.
// The hist attribute should now be empty since purged
entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn);
hist = EntryHistorical.newInstanceFromEntry(entry);
* The scenario for this test case is that two modify operations occur at
* two different servers at nearly the same time, each operation adding a
* different value for a single-valued attribute. Replication then
* replays the operations and we expect the conflict to be resolved on both
* servers by keeping whichever value was actually added first.
* For the unit test, we employ a single directory server. We use the
* broker API to simulate the ordering that would happen on the first server
* on one entry, and the reverse ordering that would happen on the
* second server on a different entry. Confused yet?
@Test(enabled=true, groups="slow")
public void conflictSingleValue() throws Exception
final DN dn1 = DN.valueOf("cn=test1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
final DN dn2 = DN.valueOf("cn=test2," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
final DN baseDN = DN.valueOf(TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING);
final AttributeType attrType =
final AttributeType entryuuidType =
* Open a session to the replicationServer using the broker API.
* This must use a different serverId to that of the directory server.
ReplicationBroker broker =
openReplicationSession(baseDN, 2, 100, replServerPort, 1000);
// Clear the backend and create top entrye
// Add the first test entry.
"dn: cn=test1," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"cn: test1",
"sn: test"
// Read the entry back to get its UUID.
String entryuuid = getEntryValue(dn1, entryuuidType);
// Add the second test entry.
"dn: cn=test2," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"cn: test2",
"sn: test",
"description: Description"
// Read the entry back to get its UUID.
String entryuuid2 = getEntryValue(dn2, entryuuidType);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
// A change on a first server.
CSN t1 = new CSN(now, 0, 3);
// A change on a second server.
CSN t2 = new CSN(now+1, 0, 4);
// Simulate the ordering t1:add:A followed by t2:add:B that would
// happen on one server.
// Replay an add of a value A at time t1 on a first server.
publishModify(broker, t1, dn1, entryuuid, attrType, "A");
// It would be nice to avoid these sleeps.
// We need to preserve the replay order but the order could be changed
// due to the multi-threaded nature of the replication replay.
// Putting a sentinel value in the modification is not foolproof since
// the operation might not get replayed at all.
// Replay an add of a value B at time t2 on a second server.
publishModify(broker, t2, dn1, entryuuid, attrType, "B");
// Simulate the reverse ordering t2:add:B followed by t1:add:A that
// would happen on the other server.
t1 = new CSN(now+3, 0, 3);
t2 = new CSN(now+4, 0, 4);
publishModify(broker, t2, dn2, entryuuid2, attrType, "B");
// Replay an add of a value A at time t1 on a first server.
publishModify(broker, t1, dn2, entryuuid2, attrType, "A");
// See how the conflicts were resolved.
// The two values should be the first value added.
assertEquals(getEntryValue(dn1, attrType), "A");
assertEquals(getEntryValue(dn2, attrType), "A");
private String getEntryValue(final DN dn, final AttributeType attrType)
throws Exception
Entry entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn);
List<Attribute> attrs = entry.getAttribute(attrType);
return attrs.get(0).iterator().next().toString();
private static void publishModify(ReplicationBroker broker, CSN changeNum,
DN dn, String entryuuid, AttributeType attrType, String newValue)
Attribute attr = Attributes.create(attrType.getNormalizedPrimaryName(), newValue);
Modification mod = new Modification(ModificationType.ADD, attr);
List<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<Modification>(1);
broker.publish(new ModifyMsg(changeNum, dn, mods, entryuuid));
* Test that historical information is correctly added when performing ADD,
* MOD and MODDN operations.
public void historicalAdd() throws Exception
final DN dn1 = DN.valueOf("cn=testHistoricalAdd,o=test");
// Clear the backend.
// Add the first test entry.
"dn: " + dn1,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"cn: test1",
"sn: test"
// Read the entry that was just added.
Entry entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn1);
// Check that we can build an Add operation from this entry.
// This will ensure both that the Add historical information is
// correctly added and also that the code that rebuild operation
// from this historical information is working.
Iterable<FakeOperation> ops = EntryHistorical.generateFakeOperations(entry);
// Perform a few check on the Operation to see that it
// was correctly generated.
assertFakeOperations(dn1, entry, ops, 1);
// Now apply a modifications to the entry and check that the
// ADD historical information has been preserved.
"dn: " + dn1,
"changetype: modify",
"add: description",
"description: foo");
// Read the modified entry.
entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn1);
// use historical information to generate new list of operations
// equivalent to the operations that have been applied to this entry.
ops = EntryHistorical.generateFakeOperations(entry);
// Perform a few check on the operation list to see that it
// was correctly generated.
assertFakeOperations(dn1, entry, ops, 2);
// rename the entry.
"dn: " + dn1,
"changetype: moddn",
"newrdn: cn=test2",
"deleteoldrdn: 1");
// Read the modified entry.
final DN dn2 = DN.valueOf("cn=test2,o=test");
entry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn2);
// use historical information to generate new list of operations
// equivalent to the operations that have been applied to this entry.
ops = EntryHistorical.generateFakeOperations(entry);
// Perform a few check on the operation list to see that it
// was correctly generated.
assertFakeOperations(dn2, entry, ops, 3);
// Now clear the backend and try to run the generated operations
// to check that applying them do lead to an equivalent result.
for (FakeOperation fake : ops)
LDAPUpdateMsg msg = (LDAPUpdateMsg) fake.generateMessage();
Operation op =
Entry newEntry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(dn2);
assertEquals(entry.getName(), newEntry.getName());
* Performs a few check on the provided ADD operations, particularly
* that a ADDmsg can be created from it with valid values for fields
* DN, entryuid, ...)
private void assertFakeOperations(final DN dn1, Entry entry,
Iterable<FakeOperation> ops, int assertCount) throws Exception
int count = 0;
for (FakeOperation op : ops)
if (op instanceof FakeAddOperation)
// perform a few check on the Operation to see that it
// was correctly generated :
// - the dn should be dn1,
// - the entry id and the parent id should match the ids from the entry
FakeAddOperation addOp = (FakeAddOperation) op;
AddMsg addmsg = addOp.generateMessage();
assertEquals(dn1, addmsg.getDN());
assertEquals(addmsg.getEntryUUID(), EntryHistorical.getEntryUUID(entry));
String parentId = LDAPReplicationDomain.findEntryUUID(dn1.parent());
assertEquals(addmsg.getParentEntryUUID(), parentId);
// The first operation should be an ADD operation.
assertTrue(count != 1,
"FakeAddOperation was not correctly generated from historical information");
assertEquals(count, assertCount);
* Test the task that purges the replication historical stored in the user
* entry.
* Steps :
* - creates entry containing historical
* - wait for the purge delay
* - launch the purge task
* - verify that all historical has been purged
* TODO: another test should be written that configures the task no NOT have
* the time to purge everything in 1 run .. and thus to relaunch it to finish
* the purge. And verify that the second run starts on the CSN where
* the previous task run had stopped.
public void testRecurringPurgeIn1Run() throws Exception
int entryCount = 10;
addEntriesWithHistorical(1, entryCount);
// leave a little delay between adding/modifying test entries
// and configuring the purge delay.
// set the purge delay to 1 minute
// FIXME could we change this setting to also accept seconds?
// This way this test would not take one minute to run
// (and it could also fail less often in jenkins).
"--provider-name","Multimaster Synchronization",
"--domain-name", testName,
// Let's go past the purge delay
Thread.sleep(60 * 1000);
// launch the purge
final int maxWaitTimeInSeconds = 120;
Entry purgeConflictsHistoricalTask = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
"dn: ds-task-id=" + UUID.randomUUID() + ",cn=Scheduled Tasks,cn=Tasks",
"objectclass: top",
"objectclass: ds-task",
"objectclass: ds-task-purge-conflicts-historical",
"ds-task-class-name: org.opends.server.tasks.PurgeConflictsHistoricalTask",
"ds-task-purge-conflicts-historical-domain-dn: " + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING,
"ds-task-purge-conflicts-historical-maximum-duration: " + maxWaitTimeInSeconds);
executeTask(purgeConflictsHistoricalTask, maxWaitTimeInSeconds * 1000);
// every entry should be purged from its hist
int expectedNumberOfEntries = 0;
waitForSearchResult(TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING, WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(ds-sync-hist=*)", SUCCESS, expectedNumberOfEntries);
* Add a provided number of generated entries containing historical.
* @param dnSuffix A suffix to be added to the dn
* @param entryCnt The number of entries to create
private void addEntriesWithHistorical(int dnSuffix, int entryCnt) throws Exception
for (int i=0; i<entryCnt;i++)
String sdn = "dn: uid=user"+i+dnSuffix+"," + TEST_ROOT_DN_STRING;
// Add a test entry.
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: user"+i,
"cn: Aaccf Amar",
"sn: Amar",
"givenName: Aaccf",
"userPassword: password",
"description: Initial description",
"displayName: 1"
// Modify the test entry to give it some history.
// Test both single and multi-valued attributes.
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"changetype: modify",
"add: cn;lang-en",
"cn;lang-en: Aaccf Amar",
"cn;lang-en: Aaccf A Amar",
"replace: givenName",
"givenName: new given",
"replace: userPassword",
"userPassword: new pass",
"replace: description",
"description: replaced description",
"replace: sn",
"sn: replaced sn",
"add: displayName",
"displayName: 2",
"delete: displayName",
"displayName: 1",
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
args[9] = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"changetype: modify",
"replace: displayName",
"displayName: 2",
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);