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* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
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package org.opends.server.extensions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ModificationType;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.api.PasswordStorageScheme;
import org.opends.server.config.ConfigEntry;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.core.ModifyOperation;
import org.opends.server.core.PasswordPolicy;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection;
import org.opends.server.schema.AuthPasswordSyntax;
import org.opends.server.schema.UserPasswordSyntax;
import org.opends.server.types.Attributes;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.Modification;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
/** A set of generic test cases for password storage schemes. */
public abstract class PasswordStorageSchemeTestCase
extends ExtensionsTestCase
/** The configuration entry for this password storage scheme. */
protected ConfigEntry configEntry;
* The string representation of the DN of the configuration entry for this
* password storage scheme.
private String configDNString;
* Creates a new instance of this password storage scheme test case with the
* provided information.
* @param configDNString The string representation of the DN of the
* configuration entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there
* is none.
protected PasswordStorageSchemeTestCase(String configDNString)
this.configDNString = configDNString;
this.configEntry = null;
* Ensures that the Directory Server is started before running any of these
* tests.
public void startServer() throws Exception
if (configDNString != null)
configEntry = DirectoryServer.getConfigEntry(DN.valueOf(configDNString));
* Retrieves a set of passwords that may be used to test the password storage
* scheme.
* @return A set of passwords that may be used to test the password storage
* scheme.
@DataProvider(name = "testPasswords")
public Object[][] getTestPasswords()
return getTestPasswordsStatic();
static Object[][] getTestPasswordsStatic()
return new Object[][]
new Object[] { ByteString.empty() },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("\u0000") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("\t") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("\n") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("\r\n") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf(" ") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("Test1\tTest2\tTest3") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("Test1\nTest2\nTest3") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("Test1\r\nTest2\r\nTest3") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("a") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("ab") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abc") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcd") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcde") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcdef") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcdefg") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcdefgh") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over " +
"The Lazy Dog") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("\u00BFD\u00F3nde est\u00E1 el " +
"ba\u00F1o?") }
* Creates an instance of the password storage scheme, uses it to encode the
* provided password, and ensures that the encoded value is correct.
* @param plaintext The plain-text version of the password to encode.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "testPasswords")
public void testStorageScheme(ByteString plaintext)
throws Exception
testStorageScheme(plaintext, getScheme());
static void testStorageScheme(ByteString plaintext,
PasswordStorageScheme<?> scheme) throws Exception
ByteString encodedPassword = scheme.encodePassword(plaintext);
assertTrue(scheme.passwordMatches(plaintext, encodedPassword));
ByteString schemeEncodedPassword =
String[] pwComponents = UserPasswordSyntax.decodeUserPassword(
if (scheme.supportsAuthPasswordSyntax())
ByteString encodedAuthPassword = scheme.encodeAuthPassword(plaintext);
String[] authPWComponents = AuthPasswordSyntax.decodeAuthPassword(encodedAuthPassword.toString());
assertTrue(scheme.authPasswordMatches(plaintext, authPWComponents[1], authPWComponents[2]));
assertFalse(scheme.authPasswordMatches(plaintext, ",", "foo"));
assertFalse(scheme.authPasswordMatches(plaintext, "foo", ","));
throw new Exception("Expected encodedAuthPassword to fail for scheme " +
scheme.getStorageSchemeName() +
" because it doesn't support auth passwords.");
catch (DirectoryException de)
// This was expected.
assertFalse(scheme.authPasswordMatches(plaintext, "foo", "bar"));
if (scheme.isReversible())
assertEquals(scheme.getPlaintextValue(encodedPassword), plaintext);
throw new Exception("Expected getPlaintextValue to fail for scheme " +
scheme.getStorageSchemeName() +
" because it is not reversible.");
catch (DirectoryException de)
// This was expected.
public static Object[][] passwordsForBinding()
return new Object[][]
// In the case of a clear-text password, these values will be shoved
// un-excaped into an LDIF file, so make sure they don't include \n
// or other characters that will cause LDIF parsing errors.
// We really don't need many test cases here, since that functionality
// is tested above.
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("a") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcdefgh") },
new Object[] { ByteString.valueOf("abcdefghi") },
* An end-to-end test that verifies that we can set a pre-encoded password
* in a user entry, and then bind as that user using the cleartext password.
@Test(dataProvider = "passwordsForBinding")
public void testSettingEncodedPassword(ByteString plainPassword) throws Exception
testSettingEncodedPassword(plainPassword, getScheme());
static void testSettingEncodedPassword(ByteString plainPassword,
PasswordStorageScheme<?> scheme) throws Exception, DirectoryException
// Start/clear-out the memory backend
boolean allowPreencodedDefault = setAllowPreencodedPasswords(true);
try {
ByteString schemeEncodedPassword =
// This code creates a user with the encoded password,
// and then verifies that they can bind with the raw password.
Entry userEntry = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
"dn: uid=test.user,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"ds-privilege-name: bypass-acl",
"userPassword: " + schemeEncodedPassword);
"Failed to bind when pre-encoded password = \"" +
schemeEncodedPassword + "\" and " +
"plaintext password = \"" +
plainPassword + "\"");
} finally {
* Sets whether or not to allow pre-encoded password values for the
* current password storage scheme and returns the previous value so that
* it can be restored.
* @param allowPreencoded whether or not to allow pre-encoded passwords
* @return the previous value for the allow preencoded passwords
protected static boolean setAllowPreencodedPasswords(boolean allowPreencoded)
throws Exception
// This code was borrowed from
// PasswordPolicyTestCase.testAllowPreEncodedPasswordsAuth
boolean previousValue = false;
try {
DN dn = DN.valueOf("cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config");
PasswordPolicy p = (PasswordPolicy) DirectoryServer.getAuthenticationPolicy(dn);
previousValue = p.isAllowPreEncodedPasswords();
String attr = "ds-cfg-allow-pre-encoded-passwords";
ArrayList<Modification> mods = new ArrayList<>();
mods.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create(attr, String.valueOf(allowPreencoded))));
InternalClientConnection conn =
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = conn.processModify(dn, mods);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
p = (PasswordPolicy) DirectoryServer.getAuthenticationPolicy(dn);
assertEquals(p.isAllowPreEncodedPasswords(), allowPreencoded);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Failed to set ds-cfg-allow-pre-encoded-passwords " +
" to " + allowPreencoded);
throw e;
return previousValue;
protected static void testAuthPasswords(final String upperName,
String plaintextPassword, String encodedPassword) throws Exception
// Start/clear-out the memory backend
boolean allowPreencodedDefault = setAllowPreencodedPasswords(true);
final String lowerName =
Character.toLowerCase(upperName.charAt(0)) + upperName.substring(1);
Entry userEntry = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
"dn: uid=" + lowerName + ".user,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: " + lowerName + ".user",
"givenName: " + upperName,
"sn: User",
"cn: " + upperName + " User",
"userPassword: " + encodedPassword);
"uid=" + lowerName + ".user,o=test", plaintextPassword),
"Failed to bind when pre-encoded password = \"" + encodedPassword
+ "\" and " + "plaintext password = \"" + plaintextPassword + "\"");
* Tests the <CODE>encodeOffline</CODE> method.
* @param plaintext
* The plaintext password to use for the test.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "testPasswords")
public void testEncodeOffline(ByteString plaintext) throws Exception
PasswordStorageScheme<?> scheme = getScheme();
String passwordString = encodeOffline(plaintext.toByteArray());
if (passwordString != null)
String[] pwComps = UserPasswordSyntax.decodeUserPassword(passwordString);
ByteString encodedPassword = ByteString.valueOf(pwComps[1]);
assertTrue(scheme.passwordMatches(plaintext, encodedPassword));
* Retrieves an initialized instance of this password storage scheme.
* @return An initialized instance of this password storage scheme.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
protected abstract PasswordStorageScheme<?> getScheme() throws Exception;
* Encodes the provided plaintext password while offline.
* @param plaintextBytes
* The plaintext password in bytes to use for the test.
* @throws DirectoryException
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
protected String encodeOffline(byte[] plaintextBytes) throws DirectoryException
return null;