revision 9aa1482c49865483f798f91ef7d16f03cc3ec811
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ModificationType;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils;
import org.opends.server.api.Backend;
import org.opends.server.plugins.DisconnectClientPlugin;
import org.opends.server.plugins.ShortCircuitPlugin;
import org.opends.server.plugins.UpdatePreOpPlugin;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalSearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.protocols.internal.SearchRequest;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.BindRequestProtocolOp;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.BindResponseProtocolOp;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPAttribute;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPControl;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPMessage;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPModification;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.ModifyRequestProtocolOp;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.ModifyResponseProtocolOp;
import org.opends.server.types.Attribute;
import org.opends.server.types.Attributes;
import org.opends.server.types.CancelRequest;
import org.opends.server.types.CancelResult;
import org.opends.server.types.Control;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.LockManager.DNLock;
import org.opends.server.types.Modification;
import org.opends.server.types.Operation;
import org.opends.server.types.RawModification;
import org.opends.server.types.WritabilityMode;
import org.opends.server.util.Base64;
import org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
import org.opends.server.workflowelement.localbackend.LocalBackendModifyOperation;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.opends.server.TestCaseUtils.*;
import static org.opends.server.protocols.internal.InternalClientConnection.*;
import static org.opends.server.protocols.internal.Requests.*;
import static org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.CollectionUtils.*;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;
* A set of test cases for modify operations.
public class ModifyOperationTestCase
extends OperationTestCase
public void restartServer() throws Exception {
/** Some of the tests disable the backends, so we reenable them here. */
public void reenableBackend() throws DirectoryException {
for (Object[] backendBaseDN2 : getBaseDNs())
final DN baseDN = DN.valueOf(backendBaseDN2[0].toString());
Backend<?> b = DirectoryServer.getBackend(baseDN);
* Retrieves a set of modify operations that may be used for testing.
* @return A set of modify operations that may be used for testing.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@DataProvider(name = "modifyOperations")
public Object[][] getModifyOperations() throws Exception
List<ModifyOperation> opList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Control> noControls = new ArrayList<>();
LDAPAttribute ldapAttr = new LDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> ldapMods = newRawModifications(add(ldapAttr));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
ldapMods = newRawModifications(delete(ldapAttr));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
ldapMods = newRawModifications(replace(ldapAttr));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
String value2 = "bar";
LDAPAttribute ldapAttr2 = new LDAPAttribute("description", value2);
ldapMods = newRawModifications(delete(ldapAttr), add(ldapAttr2));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
ldapAttr2 = new LDAPAttribute("cn", value2);
ldapMods = newRawModifications(replace(ldapAttr), replace(ldapAttr2));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.empty(), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), ldapMods));
List<Modification> mods = newModifications(new Modification(ModificationType.ADD,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
mods = newModifications(new Modification(ModificationType.DELETE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
mods = newModifications(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
mods = newModifications(
new Modification(ModificationType.DELETE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")),
new Modification(ModificationType.ADD,
Attributes.create("description", "bar")));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
mods = newModifications(
new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")),
new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("cn", "bar")));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.rootDN(), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(null, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
opList.add(newModifyOperation(noControls, DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods));
Object[][] objArray = new Object[opList.size()][1];
for (int i=0; i < objArray.length; i++)
objArray[i][0] = opList.get(i);
return objArray;
private ModifyOperation newModifyOperation(List<Control> requestControls,
DN entryDn, List<Modification> modifications)
return new ModifyOperationBasis(
getRootConnection(), nextOperationID(), nextMessageID(),
requestControls, entryDn, modifications);
private ModifyOperation newModifyOperation(List<Control> requestControls,
ByteString rawEntryDn, List<RawModification> rawModifications)
return new ModifyOperationBasis(
getRootConnection(), nextOperationID(), nextMessageID(),
requestControls, rawEntryDn, rawModifications);
@DataProvider(name = "baseDNs")
public Object[][] getBaseDNs()
return new Object[][] {
{ "o=test"}
public void clearTestBackend() throws Exception
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected Operation[] createTestOperations() throws Exception
Object[][] objs = getModifyOperations();
Operation[] ops = new Operation[objs.length];
for (int i=0; i < objs.length; i++)
ops[i] = (Operation) objs[i][0];
return ops;
* Tests the <CODE>getRawEntryDN</CODE> and <CODE>setRawEntryDN</CODE>
* methods.
* @param modifyOperation The modify operation to be tested.
@Test(dataProvider = "modifyOperations")
public void testGetAndSetRawEntryDN(ModifyOperation modifyOperation)
ByteString originalDN = modifyOperation.getRawEntryDN();
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getRawEntryDN(), originalDN);
* Tests the <CODE>getEntryDN</CODE> method that should decode
* the raw entry dn and return a non-null DN.
public void testGetEntryDNInitiallyNull()
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.empty(), mods);
private LDAPAttribute newLDAPAttribute(String attributeType, String... valueStrings)
return new LDAPAttribute(attributeType, newArrayList(valueStrings));
* Tests the <CODE>getEntryDN</CODE> method for the case in which we expect
* the DN to be initially non-null.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testGetEntryDNInitiallyNonNull() throws Exception
List<Modification> mods = newModifications(
new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods);
* Tests the <CODE>getEntryDN</CODE> method for the case in which we expect
* the DN to be initially non-null, then is null after the raw DN is
* changed, but becomes non-null after the call to <CODE>getEntryDN</CODE>.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testGetEntryDNNonNullChangedToNull() throws Exception
List<Modification> mods = newModifications(
new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = newModifyOperation(null, DN.rootDN(), mods);
* Tests the <CODE>getRawModifications</CODE>,
* <CODE>addRawModification</CODE>, and <CODE>setRawModifications</CODE>
* methods.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "modifyOperations")
public void testGetAndSetRawModifications(ModifyOperation modifyOperation)
throws Exception
List<RawModification> rawMods = modifyOperation.getRawModifications();
List<RawModification> clonedMods = new ArrayList<>(rawMods);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("test", "test");
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getRawModifications().size(), rawMods.size() + 1);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getRawModifications().size(), rawMods.size());
* Invokes methods to retrieve members of a modify operation after it has
* completed successfully.
* @param modifyOperation The modify operation to examine. It should have
* completed successfully.
private void retrieveSuccessfulOperationElements(
ModifyOperation modifyOperation)
assertTrue(modifyOperation.getProcessingStartTime() > 0);
assertTrue(modifyOperation.getProcessingStopTime() >=
assertTrue(modifyOperation.getProcessingTime() >= 0);
List<LocalBackendModifyOperation> localOps =
(List<LocalBackendModifyOperation>) modifyOperation.getAttachment(Operation.LOCALBACKENDOPERATIONS);
for (LocalBackendModifyOperation curOp : localOps)
* Invokes methods to retrieve members of a modify operation after it has
* completed unsuccessfully.
* @param modifyOperation The modify operation to examine. It should have
* completed failed.
private void retrieveFailedOperationElements(
ModifyOperation modifyOperation)
assertTrue(modifyOperation.getProcessingStartTime() > 0);
assertTrue(modifyOperation.getProcessingStopTime() >=
assertTrue(modifyOperation.getProcessingTime() >= 0);
* Tests the <CODE>getModifications</CODE> and <CODE>addModification</CODE>
* methods.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testGetAndAddModifications() throws Exception
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("o=test"));
new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("description", "foo")));
List<Modification> mods = newModifications(
new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create("l", "Austin")));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation =
getRootConnection().processModify(DN.valueOf("o=test"), mods);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("o=test"));
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an invalid DN is provided.
public void testFailInvalidDN()
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("invaliddn", replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if the target DN is a suffix
* that doesn't exist.
public void testFailNoSuchSuffix()
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("o=nonexistent", replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if the target DN doesn't have a
* parent.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailNoSuchParent(String baseDN)
throws Exception
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("cn=test,ou=nosuchparent," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if the target entry doesn't
* exist.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailNoSuchEntry(String baseDN)
throws Exception
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("cn=nosuchentry," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if the modification doesn't
* contain any changes.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailNoModifications(String baseDN)
throws Exception
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify(baseDN);
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that adds a new attribute to an
* entry.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testSuccessAddAttribute() throws Exception
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("o=test"));
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("o=test", replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("o=test"));
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that adds a new value to an
* existing attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testSuccessAddAttributeValue() throws Exception
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("o=test"));
List<Attribute> attrList =
assertEquals(countValues(attrList), 1);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("o", "test2");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("o=test", add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("o=test"));
attrList = e.getAttribute(DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypeOrDefault("o"));
assertEquals(countValues(attrList), 2);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that adds a new attribute with
* options to an entry.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessAddAttributeWithOptions(String baseDN)
throws Exception
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf(baseDN));
List<Attribute> attrList =
assertEquals(countValues(attrList), 1);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("o;lang-en-us", "test");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify(baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf(baseDN));
attrList = e.getAttribute(DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypeOrDefault("o"));
assertEquals(countValues(attrList), 2);
private int countValues(List<Attribute> attrList)
int count = 0;
for (Attribute a : attrList)
count += a.size();
return count;
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to add a
* second value to a single-valued attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddToSingleValuedAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("displayName", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to add a
* second value to a single-valued operational attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddToSingleValuedOperationalAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"ds-pwp-account-disabled: true");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("ds-pwp-account-disabled", "false");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace a single-valued attribute with multiple values.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceSingleValuedWithMultipleValues(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("displayName", "foo", "bar");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace a single-valued operational attribute with multiple values.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceSingleValuedOperationalAttrWithMultipleValues(
String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("ds-pwp-account-disabled", "true", "false");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
private LDAPModification replace(LDAPAttribute attr)
return new LDAPModification(ModificationType.REPLACE, attr);
private LDAPModification add(LDAPAttribute attr)
return new LDAPModification(ModificationType.ADD, attr);
private LDAPModification delete(LDAPAttribute attr)
return new LDAPModification(ModificationType.DELETE, attr);
private LDAPModification increment(LDAPAttribute attr)
return new LDAPModification(ModificationType.INCREMENT, attr);
private ModifyOperation processModify(String entryDN,
List<RawModification> mods)
InternalClientConnection conn = getRootConnection();
return conn.processModify(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(entryDN), mods);
private ModifyOperation processModify(String entryDN, RawModification... mods)
InternalClientConnection conn = getRootConnection();
return conn.processModify(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(entryDN), Arrays.asList(mods));
private ModifyOperation processModify(String entryDN,
List<RawModification> mods, List<Control> requestControls)
InternalClientConnection conn = getRootConnection();
return conn.processModify(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(entryDN), mods, requestControls);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to add a
* value that matches one that already exists.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddDuplicateValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("givenName", "Test");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace an attribute with a set of values that contains a duplicate.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceWithDuplicates(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "Foo", "Foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace with a value that violates the attribute syntax.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceWithSyntaxViolation(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"manager: cn=boss," + baseDN);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("manager", "invaliddn");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to add a
* value that violates the attribute syntax.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddSyntaxViolation(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("manager", "invaliddn");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to add an
* attribute that is not allowed by any objectclass.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddDisallowedAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("dc", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt succeeds if an attempt is made to add
* an attribute that is not allowed by any objectclass but the
* extensibleObject objectclass is also added.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessAddDisallowedAttributeWithExtensibleObject(
String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("dc", "foo");
attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace the RDN attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceRDNAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("uid", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* remove the RDN attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveRDNAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("uid");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* remove the RDN attribute value.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveRDNValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("uid", "test.user");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace an RDN attribute in a multivalued RDN.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceOneOfMultipleRDNAttributes(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: givenName=Test+sn=User," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("givenName", "Foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("givenName=Test,sn=User," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* remove an RDN attribute value from a multivalued RDN.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveOneOfMultipleRDNValues(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: givenName=Test+sn=User," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("givenName");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("givenName=Test,sn=User," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes a complete
* attribute from an entry.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveCompleteAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("displayName");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes one of multiple
* values from an entry.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveOneOfManyValues(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"mail: bar");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes the only value of
* an existing attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveOnlyValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes all of multiple
* values from an existing attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveAllOfManyValues(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"mail: bar");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "foo", "bar");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to remove
* a required attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveRequiredAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("sn");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to remove
* the only value for a required attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveRequiredAttributeValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("sn", "User");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that replaces an existing
* attribute with something else.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessReplaceExistingWithNew(String baseDN) throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "bar");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that replaces an existing
* attribute with the same value.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessReplaceExistingWithSame(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
String dn = "uid=test.user," + baseDN;
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("uid", "test.user");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify(dn, replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest(dn, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(uid=test.user)");
InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getEntriesSent(), 1);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getErrorMessage().length(), 0);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that deletes a value then
* adds the same value in a single operation.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessDeleteAndAddSameValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("cn", "Test User");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr), add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest(baseDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(cn=Test User)");
InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getEntriesSent(), 1);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getErrorMessage().length(), 0);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that deletes one value of an
* attribute containing two values, the values are the same but the attribute
* options differ.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessDeleteAttributeWithOption(String baseDN) throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"givenName;lang-de: X",
"givenName;lang-fr: X",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("givenName;lang-fr", "X");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
SearchRequest request = newSearchRequest(baseDN, SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE, "(givenName;lang-de=X)");
InternalSearchOperation searchOperation = getRootConnection().processSearch(request);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getEntriesSent(), 1);
assertEquals(searchOperation.getErrorMessage().length(), 0);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that replaces an existing
* attribute with nothing.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessReplaceExistingWithNothing(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("description");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that replaces a nonexistent
* attribute with nothing.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessReplaceNonExistingWithNothing(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("description");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that replaces a nonexistent
* attribute with a new attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessReplaceNonExistingWithNew(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes the only existing
* value and adds a new value.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveOnlyExistingAndAddNew(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "foo");
LDAPAttribute attr2 = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "bar");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr), add(attr2));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes one of many values
* and adds a new value.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveOneExistingAndAddNew(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"mail: bar");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "foo");
LDAPAttribute attr2 = new LDAPAttribute("mail", "baz");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr), add(attr2));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes one of many values
* existing value and adds multiple new values.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveOneExistingAndAddMultipleNew(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "foo");
LDAPAttribute attr2 = newLDAPAttribute("mail", "bar", "baz");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr), add(attr2));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to remove
* a nonexistent attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveNonExistentAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("displayName");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to remove
* a nonexistent attribute value.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveNonExistentValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("displayName", "Foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to remove
* all objectclasses from an entry.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveAllObjectClasses(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("objectClass");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* replace all objectclasses in an entry with nothing.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceObjectClassesWithNothing(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("objectClass");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to remove
* the structural objectclass from an entry.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveStructuralObjectclass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: ou=People," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: People");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "organizationalUnit");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("ou=People," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to add a
* second structural objectclass.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddSecondStructuralObjectClass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: ou=People," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: People");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "organization");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("ou=People," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that increments a single-valued
* integer attribute by one.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessIncrementByOne(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("employeeNumber", "1");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("uid=test.user," + baseDN));
List<Attribute> attrList =
assertIntegerValueExists(attrList, 2);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that increments a single-valued
* integer attribute by ten.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessIncrementByTen(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("employeeNumber", "10");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("uid=test.user," + baseDN));
List<Attribute> attrList =
assertIntegerValueExists(attrList, 11);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that increments a single-valued
* integer attribute by negative one.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessIncrementByNegativeOne(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("employeeNumber", "-1");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("uid=test.user," + baseDN));
List<Attribute> attrList =
assertIntegerValueExists(attrList, 0);
private void assertIntegerValueExists(List<Attribute> attrList, int expectedValue)
boolean found = false;
for (Attribute a : attrList)
for (ByteString v : a)
assertEquals(Integer.parseInt(v.toString()), expectedValue);
found = true;
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* increment a non-numeric attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailIncrementNonNumeric(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("displayName", "1");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* increment a non-numeric attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailIncrementValueNonNumeric(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "notnumeric");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that increments a multivalued
* integer attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessIncrementMultiValued(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"roomNumber: 1",
"roomNumber: 2");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("roomNumber", "1");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* perform an increment with no increment values in the request.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailIncrementNoIncrementValues(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"roomNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("roomNumber");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* perform an increment with multiple increment values in the request.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailIncrementMultipleIncrementValues(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"roomNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("roomNumber", "1", "2");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* increment a non existing attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailIncrementNonExisting(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("employeeNumber", "1");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, increment(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that removes an unneeded
* auxiliary objectclass.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessRemoveUnneededAuxiliaryObjectClass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("uid=test.user," + baseDN));
DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("extensibleobject", true)));
* Tests the ability to perform a modification that adds an auxiliary
* objectclass.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessAddAuxiliaryObjectClass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("uid=test.user," + baseDN));
assertTrue(e.hasObjectClass(DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("extensibleobject", true)));
assertTrue(e.hasObjectClass(DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("inetOrgPerson", true)));
assertTrue(e.hasObjectClass(DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("organizationalPerson", true)));
assertTrue(e.hasObjectClass(DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("person", true)));
assertTrue(e.hasObjectClass(DirectoryServer.getObjectClass("top", true)));
assertEquals(e.getUserAttributes().size(), 8, "Incorrect number of user attributes");
* Tests that an attempt to add an objectclass that already exists will fail.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailAddDuplicateObjectClass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "inetOrgPerson");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests that an attempt to remove an objectclass that does not exist will fail.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailRemoveNonExistingObjectClass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "organizationalUnit");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, delete(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if an attempt is made to
* alter an attribute marked NO-USER-MODIFICATION.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailReplaceNoUserModification(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("entryUUID", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
long modifyRequests = ldapStatistics.getModifyRequests();
long modifyResponses = ldapStatistics.getModifyResponses();
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(
ByteString.valueOfUtf8("uid=test.user," + baseDN), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
ModifyResponseProtocolOp modifyResponse =
assertFalse(modifyResponse.getResultCode() == 0);
assertEquals(ldapStatistics.getModifyRequests(), modifyRequests+1);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if the server is completely
* read-only.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailServerCompletelyReadOnly(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that an internal modify attempt succeeds when the server is
* in an internal-only writability mode.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSucceedServerInternalOnlyWritability(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that an external modify attempt fails when the server is in
* an internal-only writability mode.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailServerInternalOnlyWritability(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(add(attr));
long modifyRequests = ldapStatistics.getModifyRequests();
long modifyResponses = ldapStatistics.getModifyResponses();
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(
ByteString.valueOfUtf8("uid=test.user," + baseDN), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
ModifyResponseProtocolOp modifyResponse =
assertFalse(modifyResponse.getResultCode() == 0);
assertEquals(ldapStatistics.getModifyRequests(), modifyRequests+1);
* Tests to ensure that a modify attempt fails if the backend is completely
* read-only.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailBackendCompletelyReadOnly(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
Backend<?> b = DirectoryServer.getBackend(DN.valueOf(baseDN));
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that an internal modify attempt succeeds when the backend
* is in an internal-only writability mode.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSucceedBackendInternalOnlyWritability(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
Backend<?> b = DirectoryServer.getBackend(DN.valueOf(baseDN));
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests to ensure that an external modify attempt fails when the backend is
* in an internal-only writability mode.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailBackendInternalOnlyWritability(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
Backend<?> b = DirectoryServer.getBackend(DN.valueOf(baseDN));
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("objectClass", "extensibleObject");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(add(attr));
long modifyRequests = ldapStatistics.getModifyRequests();
long modifyResponses = ldapStatistics.getModifyResponses();
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(
ByteString.valueOfUtf8("uid=test.user," + baseDN), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
ModifyResponseProtocolOp modifyResponse =
assertFalse(modifyResponse.getResultCode() == 0);
assertEquals(ldapStatistics.getModifyRequests(), modifyRequests+1);
* Tests to ensure that change listeners are properly notified for a
* successful modify operation.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testSuccessNotifyChangeListeners() throws Exception
TestChangeNotificationListener changeListener =
new TestChangeNotificationListener();
assertEquals(changeListener.getModifyCount(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("o=test", replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
assertEquals(changeListener.getModifyCount(), 1);
* Tests to ensure that change listeners are not notified for a failed modify
* modify operation.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testFailDoNotNotifyChangeListeners(String baseDN) throws Exception
TestChangeNotificationListener changeListener =
new TestChangeNotificationListener();
assertEquals(changeListener.getModifyCount(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("dc", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify(baseDN, replace(attr));
assertNotEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
assertEquals(changeListener.getModifyCount(), 0);
* Tests a modify operation that gets canceled before startup.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testCancelBeforeStartup(String baseDN)
throws Exception
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation =
newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8(baseDN), mods);
CancelRequest cancelRequest = new CancelRequest(false,
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.CANCELLED);
* Tests a modify operation that gets canceled before startup.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testCancelAfterOperation(String baseDN)
throws Exception
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation =
newModifyOperation(null, ByteString.valueOfUtf8(baseDN), mods);;
CancelRequest cancelRequest = new CancelRequest(false,
CancelResult cancelResponse = modifyOperation.cancel(cancelRequest);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
assertEquals(cancelResponse.getResultCode(), ResultCode.TOO_LATE);
* Tests a modify operation in which the server cannot obtain a lock on the
* target entry because there is already a read lock held on it.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs", groups = { "slow" })
public void testCannotLockEntry(String baseDN)
throws Exception
final DNLock entryLock = DirectoryServer.getLockManager().tryReadLockEntry(DN.valueOf(baseDN));
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify(baseDN, replace(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.BUSY);
* Tests a modify operation that should be disconnected in a pre-parse plugin.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testDisconnectInPreParseModify(String baseDN)
throws Exception
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(baseDN), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest,
message = r.readMessage();
if (message != null)
// If we got an element back, then it must be a notice of disconnect
// unsolicited notification.
assertEquals(message.getProtocolOpType(), OP_TYPE_EXTENDED_RESPONSE);
* Tests a modify operation that should be disconnected in a pre-operation
* plugin.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testDisconnectInPreOperationModify() throws Exception
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest,
message = r.readMessage();
if (message != null)
// If we got an element back, then it must be a notice of disconnect
// unsolicited notification.
assertEquals(message.getProtocolOpType(), OP_TYPE_EXTENDED_RESPONSE);
* Tests a modify operation that should be disconnected in a post-operation
* plugin.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testDisconnectInPostOperationModify(String baseDN)
throws Exception
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(baseDN), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest,
// The operation should NOT be aborted at the post operation stage. While
// the plugin can disconnect the client, the modify should have already
// been committed to the backend and a SUCCESS COULD get back to the
// client.
while (true)
message = r.readMessage();
if (message == null)
// The connection has been closed.
break responseLoop;
switch (message.getProtocolOpType())
// This was expected. The disconnect didn't happen until after the
// response was sent.
// The server is notifying us that it will be closing the connection.
break responseLoop;
// This is a problem. It's an unexpected response.
throw new Exception("Unexpected response message " + message +
" encountered in " +
* Tests a modify operation that should be disconnected in a post-response
* plugin.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testDisconnectInPostResponseModify(String baseDN)
throws Exception
Socket s = new Socket("", TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()); r = new;
LDAPWriter w = new LDAPWriter(s);
BindRequestProtocolOp bindRequest =
new BindRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8("cn=Directory Manager"),
3, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("password"));
LDAPMessage message = new LDAPMessage(1, bindRequest);
message = r.readMessage();
BindResponseProtocolOp bindResponse =
assertEquals(bindResponse.getResultCode(), 0);
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("description", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(replace(attr));
ModifyRequestProtocolOp modifyRequest =
new ModifyRequestProtocolOp(ByteString.valueOfUtf8(baseDN), mods);
message = new LDAPMessage(2, modifyRequest,
while (true)
message = r.readMessage();
if (message == null)
// The connection has been closed.
break responseLoop;
switch (message.getProtocolOpType())
// This was expected. The disconnect didn't happen until after the
// response was sent.
// The server is notifying us that it will be closing the connection.
break responseLoop;
// This is a problem. It's an unexpected response.
throw new Exception("Unexpected response message " + message +
" encountered in " +
private List<Modification> newModifications(Modification... mods)
return newArrayList(mods);
private List<RawModification> newRawModifications(RawModification... mods)
return newArrayList(mods);
* Tests a modify operation that attempts to set a value for an attribute type
* that is marked OBSOLETE in the server schema.
* @param baseDN The base DN for the test backend.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testModifyObsoleteAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: cn=schema",
"changetype: modify",
"add: attributeTypes",
"attributeTypes: ( testmodifyobsoleteattribute-oid " +
"NAME 'testModifyObsoleteAttribute' OBSOLETE " +
"X-ORGIN 'SchemaBackendTestCase' )");
String attrName = "testmodifyobsoleteattribute";
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: " + baseDN,
"changetype: modify",
"add: objectClass",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"replace: testModifyObsoleteAttribute",
"testModifyObsoleteAttribute: foo");
args = new String[]
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertFalse(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, null) == 0);
* Tests a modify operation that attemtps to add an OBSOLETE object class to
* an entry.
* @param baseDN The base DN for the test backend.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testModifyAddObsoleteObjectClass(String baseDN)
throws Exception
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: cn=schema",
"changetype: modify",
"add: objectClasses",
"objectClasses: ( testmodifyaddobsoleteobjectclass-oid " +
"NAME 'testModifyAddObsoleteObjectClass' OBSOLETE " +
"AUXILIARY MAY description X-ORGIN 'SchemaBackendTestCase' )");
String ocName = "testmodifyaddobsoleteobjectclass";
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: " + baseDN,
"changetype: modify",
"add: objectClass",
"objectClass: testModifyAddObsoleteObjectClass");
args = new String[]
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertFalse(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, null) == 0);
* Tests the behavior of the server when short-circuiting out of a modify
* operation in the pre-parse phase with a success result code.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testShortCircuitInPreParse() throws Exception
List<Control> controls =
ShortCircuitPlugin.createShortCircuitControlList(0, "PreParse");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(
RawModification.create(ModificationType.REPLACE, "description", "foo"));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation =
newModifyOperation(controls, ByteString.valueOfUtf8("o=test"), mods);;
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests modify operation with the Permissive Modify control.
* Test to ensure that a modify operation with the Permissive Modify control
* succeeds when an attempt is made to add a value that matches one
* that already exists.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessPermissiveModifyControlAddDuplicateValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("givenName", "Test");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(add(attr));
List<Control> requestControls = new ArrayList<>();
new LDAPControl(ServerConstants.OID_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_CONTROL, false));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN,
mods, requestControls);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Test to ensure that a modify operation with the Permissive Modify control
* succeeds when an attempt is made to delete a non existent value.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessPermissiveModifyControlRemoveNonExistentValue(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("givenName", "Foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(delete(attr));
List<Control> requestControls = new ArrayList<>();
new LDAPControl(ServerConstants.OID_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_CONTROL, false));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN,
mods, requestControls);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Test to ensure that a modify operation with the Permissive Modify control
* succeeds when an attempt is made to delete a non existent attribute.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testSuccessPermissiveModifyControlRemoveNonExistentAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("description");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(delete(attr));
List<Control> requestControls = new ArrayList<>();
new LDAPControl(ServerConstants.OID_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY_CONTROL, false));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN,
mods, requestControls);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
* Tests a modify operation that attempts change the user password doing
* a delete of all values followed of an add of a new value.
* @param baseDN The base DN for the test backend.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testModifyDelAddPasswordAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=testPassword01.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: uid=testPassword01.user," + baseDN,
"changetype: modify",
"delete: userPassword",
"add: userPassword",
"userPassword: aNewPassword");
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
* Tests a modify operation that attempts change the user password doing
* a delete of a clear text value followed of an add of a new value.
* @param baseDN The base DN for the test backend.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testModifyDelOneAddOnePasswordAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
"dn: uid=testPassword02.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: uid=testPassword02.user," + baseDN,
"changetype: modify",
"delete: userPassword",
"userPassword: password",
"add: userPassword",
"userPassword: aNewPassword");
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
* Tests a modify operation that attempts change the user password doing
* a delete of an encrypted value followed of an add of a new value.
* @param baseDN The base DN for the test backend.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testModifyDelEncryptedAddOnePasswordAttribute(String baseDN)
throws Exception
String dn = "uid=testPassword03.user," + baseDN;
Entry e = TestCaseUtils.addEntry(
"dn: " + dn,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
List<Attribute> attrList =
String passwd = null;
for (Attribute a : attrList)
for (ByteString v : a)
passwd = v.toString();
String path = TestCaseUtils.createTempFile(
"dn: " + dn,
"changetype: modify",
"delete: userPassword",
"userPassword: " + passwd,
"add: userPassword",
"userPassword: aNewPassword");
String[] args =
"-h", "",
"-p", String.valueOf(TestCaseUtils.getServerLdapPort()),
"-D", "cn=Directory Manager",
"-w", "password",
"-f", path
assertEquals(LDAPModify.mainModify(args, false, null, System.err), 0);
* Tests that it is possible to delete userPassword attributes which have
* options. Options are not allowed for passwords, but we should allow users
* to clean them up, for example, after an import of legacy data.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testModifyDelPasswordAttributeWithOption() throws Exception
// @formatter:off
Entry e = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"userPassword;deleted: oldpassword");
Backend<?> backend = DirectoryServer.getBackend(TEST_BACKEND_ID);
backend.addEntry(e, null); // Don't use add operation.
// Constraint violation.
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"changetype: modify",
"delete: userPassword;deleted",
), 0);
// @formatter:on
e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("cn=Test User,o=test"));
List<Attribute> attrList = e.getAttribute("userpassword");
assertEquals(attrList.size(), 1);
assertEquals(attrList.get(0).size(), 1);
* Tests that it is possible to delete userPassword attributes using an empty
* replace which have options. Options are not allowed for passwords, but we
* should allow users to clean them up, for example, after an import of legacy
* data.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testModifyReplaceEmptyPasswordAttributeWithOption() throws Exception
// @formatter:off
Entry e = TestCaseUtils.makeEntry(
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"userPassword;deleted: oldpassword");
Backend<?> backend = DirectoryServer.getBackend(TEST_BACKEND_ID);
backend.addEntry(e, null); // Don't use add operation.
// Constraint violation.
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"changetype: modify",
"replace: userPassword;deleted",
), 0);
// @formatter:on
e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("cn=Test User,o=test"));
List<Attribute> attrList = e.getAttribute("userpassword");
assertEquals(attrList.size(), 1);
assertEquals(attrList.get(0).size(), 1);
* Tests that it is not possible to add userPassword attributes which have
* options. Options are not allowed for passwords.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testModifyAddPasswordAttributeWithOption() throws Exception
// @formatter:off
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
// Constraint violation.
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"changetype: modify",
"add: userPassword;added",
"userPassword;added: newpassword",
), 19);
// @formatter:on
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("cn=Test User,o=test"));
List<Attribute> attrList = e.getAttribute("userpassword");
assertEquals(attrList.size(), 1);
assertEquals(attrList.get(0).size(), 1);
* Tests that it is not possible to add userPassword attributes which have
* options. Options are not allowed for passwords.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testModifyReplaceWithValuesPasswordAttributeWithOption() throws Exception
// @formatter:off
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"userPassword: password");
// Constraint violation.
"dn: cn=Test User,o=test",
"changetype: modify",
"replace: userPassword;added",
"userPassword;added: newpassword",
), 19);
// @formatter:on
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("cn=Test User,o=test"));
List<Attribute> attrList = e.getAttribute("userpassword");
assertEquals(attrList.size(), 1);
assertEquals(attrList.get(0).size(), 1);
* Tests that the binary option is automatically added to modifications if it
* is missing and required.
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
@Test(dataProvider = "baseDNs")
public void testAddCertificateWithoutBinaryOption(String baseDN) throws Exception
"dn: uid=test.user," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetOrgPerson",
"uid: test.user",
"givenName: Test",
"sn: User",
"cn: Test User",
"displayName: Test User",
"userPassword: password",
"mail: foo",
"employeeNumber: 1");
String certificateValue =
"dmVsb3BtZW50MRQwEgYDVQQDEwtCYWJzIEplbnNlbjAeFw0xMjA1MDIxNjM0MzVa" +
"IEplbnNlbjCBnzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEApysa0c9qc8FB8gIJ" +
"8zAb1pbJ4HzC7iRlVGhRJjFORkGhyvU4P5o2wL0iz/uko6rL9/pFhIlIMbwbV8sm" +
"mKeNUPitwiKOjoFDmtimcZ4bx5UTAYLbbHMpEdwSpMC5iF2UioM7qdiwpAfZBd6Z" +
"69vqNxuUJ6tP+hxtr/aSgMH2i8ECAwEAAaN7MHkwCQYDVR0TBAIwADAsBglghkgB" +
"FLlZD3aKDa8jdhzoByOFMAJDs2osMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFLlZD3aKDa8jdhzoByOF" +
"MAJDs2osMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBAE5vccY8Ydd7by2bbwiDKgQqVyoKrkUg" +
"6CD0WRmc2pBeYX2z94/PWO5L3Fx+eIZh2wTxScF+FdRWJzLbUaBuClrxuy0Y5ifj" +
"axuJ8LFNbZtsp1ldW3i84+F5+SYT+xI67ZcoAtwx/VFVI9s5I/Gkmu9f9nxjPpK7" +
ByteString value = ByteString.wrap(Base64.decode(certificateValue));
LDAPAttribute attr = new LDAPAttribute("usercertificate", value);
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("uid=test.user," + baseDN, add(attr));
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Entry e = DirectoryServer.getEntry(DN.valueOf("uid=test.user," + baseDN));
List<Attribute> attrList =
assertEquals(attrList.size(), 1);
Attribute a = attrList.get(0);
assertEquals(a.size(), 1);
assertEquals(Base64.encode(a.iterator().next()), certificateValue);
* Tests to ensure that the compressed schema is refreshed after an object
* class is changed (OPENDJ-169).
* @throws Exception
* If an unexpected problem occurs.
public void testCompressedSchemaRefresh() throws Exception
String baseDN = "dc=example,dc=com";
TestCaseUtils.clearBackend("userRoot", baseDN);
TestCaseUtils.addEntry("dn: cn=Test User," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top", "objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson", "sn: User", "cn: Test User");
// First check that adding "dc" fails because it is not allowed by
// inetOrgPerson.
LDAPAttribute attr = newLDAPAttribute("dc", "foo");
List<RawModification> mods = newRawModifications(add(attr));
ModifyOperation modifyOperation = processModify("cn=Test User," + baseDN, mods);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION);
int res = applyModifications(
"dn: cn=schema",
"changetype: modify",
"delete: objectclasses",
"objectClasses: ( NAME 'person' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn )"
+ " MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description )"
+ " X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' )",
"add: objectclasses",
"objectClasses: ( NAME 'person' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn )"
+ " MAY ( dc $ userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description )"
+ " X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' )");
assertEquals(res, 0, "Schema update failed");
// Modify existing entry.
modifyOperation = processModify("cn=Test User," + baseDN, mods);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
// Add new entry and modify.
TestCaseUtils.addEntry("dn: cn=Test User2," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top", "objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson", "sn: User2", "cn: Test User2");
modifyOperation = processModify("cn=Test User2," + baseDN, mods);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.SUCCESS);
int result = applyModifications(
"dn: cn=schema",
"changetype: modify",
"delete: objectclasses",
"objectClasses: ( NAME 'person' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn )"
+ " MAY ( dc $ userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description )"
+ " X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' )",
"add: objectclasses",
"objectClasses: ( NAME 'person' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( sn $ cn )"
+ " MAY ( userPassword $ telephoneNumber $ seeAlso $ description )"
+ " X-ORIGIN 'RFC 4519' )");
assertEquals(result, 0, "Schema update failed");
// Add new entry and modify (this time it should fail).
TestCaseUtils.addEntry("dn: cn=Test User3," + baseDN,
"objectClass: top", "objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson", "sn: User3", "cn: Test User3");
modifyOperation = processModify("cn=Test User3," + baseDN, mods);
assertEquals(modifyOperation.getResultCode(), ResultCode.OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION);