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package org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import java.util.Map;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class GetEffectiveRightsTestCase extends AciTestCase {
private static final String base="uid=user.3,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String user1="uid=user.1,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String superUser="uid=superuser,ou=admins,o=test";
private static final String[] attrList={"pager", "fax"};
private static final String[] memberAttrList={"member"};
private static final String entryLevel = "aclRights;entryLevel";
private static final String attributeLevel = "aclRights;attributeLevel;";
/** Various results for entryLevel searches. */
private static final
String bypassRights = "add:1,delete:1,read:1,write:1,proxy:1";
private static final
String rRights = "add:0,delete:0,read:1,write:0,proxy:0";
private static final
String arRights = "add:1,delete:0,read:1,write:0,proxy:0";
private static final
String adrRights = "add:1,delete:1,read:1,write:0,proxy:0";
private static final
String adrwRights = "add:1,delete:1,read:1,write:1,proxy:0";
private static final
String allRights = "add:1,delete:1,read:1,write:1,proxy:1";
/** Results for attributeLevel searches. */
private static final String srwMailAttrRights =
"search:1,read:1,compare:0,write:1," +
private static final String srDescrptionAttrRights =
"search:1,read:1,compare:0,write:0," +
private static final String srxFaxAttrRights =
"search:1,read:1,compare:0,write:?," +
private static final String srPagerAttrRights =
"search:1,read:1,compare:0,write:0," +
private static final String selfWriteAttrRights =
"search:0,read:0,compare:0,write:0," +
//ACI needed to search/read aciRights attribute.
/** Need an ACI to allow proxy control. */
String controlACI = "(targetcontrol=\"" + OID_GET_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS + "\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"control\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///anyone\";)";
private static final
String aclRightsAci = "(targetattr=\"aclRights\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"aclRights access\";" +
"allow (search, read) " +
/** General ACI superuser to search/read. */
private static final
String readSearchAci = "(targetattr=\"*\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"read/search access\";" +
"allow (search, read) " +
/** General ACI for anonymous test. */
private static final
String readSearchAnonAci = "(targetattr=\"*\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"anonymous read/search access\";" +
"allow (search, read) " +
/** Test ACIs. */
private static final
String addAci = "(version 3.0;acl \"add access\";" +
"allow (add) " +
private static final
String delAci = "(version 3.0;acl \"delete access\";" +
"allow (delete) " +
private static final
String writeAci = "(version 3.0;acl \"write access\";" +
"allow (write) " +
private static final
String writeMailAci = "(targetattr=\"mail\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"write mail access\";" +
"allow (write) " +
private static final
String proxyAci = "(version 3.0;acl \"proxy access\";" +
"allow (proxy) " +
private static final
String faxTargAttrAci =
"(targattrfilters=\"add=fax:(fax=*), del=fax:(fax=*)\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"allow write fax\";" +
"allow (write)" +
private static final
String pagerTargAttrAci =
"(targattrfilters=\"add=pager:(pager=*), del=pager:(pager=*)\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"deny write pager\";" +
"deny (write)" +
private static final
String selfWriteAci = "(targetattr=\"member\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"selfwrite\"; allow(selfwrite)" + "" +
public void setupClass() throws Exception {
public void removeAcis() throws Exception {
deleteAttrFromEntry("ou=People,o=test", "aci");
* Test entry level using the -g param and anonymous dn as the authzid.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testAnonEntryLevelParams() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", readSearchAnonAci,
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(DIR_MGR_DN, PWD, null, "dn:", null,
base, filter, "aclRights");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, rRights);
* Test entry level using the -g param and superuser dn as the authzid.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testSuEntryLevelParams() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", aclRightsAci,
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", readSearchAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, null,
base, filter, "aclRights");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, rRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", addAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, null,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, arRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", delAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, null,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, adrRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", writeAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, null,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, adrwRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", proxyAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, null,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, allRights);
* Test entry level using the control OID only (no authzid specified).
* Should use the bound user (superuser) as the authzid.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testSuEntryLevelCtrl() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", aclRightsAci,
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", readSearchAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
LDAPSearchCtrl(superUser, PWD, null, OID_GET_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS,
base, filter, "aclRights");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, rRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", addAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchCtrl(superUser, PWD, null, OID_GET_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, arRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", delAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchCtrl(superUser, PWD, null, OID_GET_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, adrRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", writeAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchCtrl(superUser, PWD, null, OID_GET_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, adrwRights);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", proxyAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
userResults =
LDAPSearchCtrl(superUser, PWD, null, OID_GET_EFFECTIVE_RIGHTS,
base, filter, "aclRights");
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, allRights);
* Test entry level using the control OID only -- bound as a bypass user.
* Should use the bound user (DIR_MGR) as the authzid.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testBypassEntryLevelCtrl() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", controlACI);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
base, filter, "aclRights");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkEntryLevel(attrMap, bypassRights);
* Test attribute level using the -g param and superuser dn as the authzid.
* The attributes used are mail and description. Mail should show write
* access allowed, description should show write access not allowed.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testSuAttrLevelParams() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", aclRightsAci,
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", readSearchAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", writeMailAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, null,
base, filter, "aclRights mail description");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "mail", srwMailAttrRights);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "description", srDescrptionAttrRights);
* Test attribute level using the -g param and superuser dn as the authzid and
* the -e option using pager and fax.
* The attributes used are mail and description. Mail should show write
* access allowed, description should show write access not allowed.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testSuAttrLevelParams2() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", aclRightsAci,
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", readSearchAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", writeMailAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", faxTargAttrAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", pagerTargAttrAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + superUser, attrList,
base, filter, "aclRights mail description");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "mail", srwMailAttrRights);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "description", srDescrptionAttrRights);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "fax", srxFaxAttrRights);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "pager", srPagerAttrRights);
* Test selfwrite attribute level using the -g param and user.1 dn as the
* authzid and the -e option member.
* The attributes used are mail and description. Mail should show write
* access allowed, description should show write access not allowed.
* @throws Exception If the search result is empty or a right string
* doesn't match the expected value.
public void testSuAttrLevelParams3() throws Exception {
String aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", aclRightsAci,
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", readSearchAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
aciLdif=makeAddLDIF("aci", "ou=People,o=test", selfWriteAci);
LDIFModify(aciLdif, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String userResults =
LDAPSearchParams(superUser, PWD, null, "dn: " + user1, memberAttrList,
base, filter, "aclRights");
Map<String, String> attrMap = getAttrMap(userResults);
checkAttributeLevel(attrMap, "member", selfWriteAttrRights);
private void
checkAttributeLevel(Map<String, String> attrMap, String attr,
String reqRightsStr) throws Exception {
String attrType=attributeLevel.toLowerCase() + attr;
String retRightsStr=attrMap.get(attrType);
private void
checkEntryLevel(Map<String, String> attrMap, String reqRightsStr)
throws Exception {
String retRightsStr=attrMap.get(entryLevel.toLowerCase());