ExtOpTestCase.java revision ea1068c292e9b341af6d6b563cd8988a96be20a9
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package org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPResultCode;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
* Unit test to test the extop ACI keyword.
public class ExtOpTestCase extends AciTestCase {
private static final String superUser="uid=superuser,ou=admins,o=test";
private static final String level5User="uid=user.5,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String level4User="uid=user.4,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String level3User="uid=user.3,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String level2User="uid=user.2,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String level1User="uid=user.1,ou=People,o=test";
private static final String newPWD="newPWD";
private static final String peopleBase="ou=People,o=test";
private static final String adminBase="ou=Admins,o=test";
//Allow either reportauthzID or passwordpolicy controls. Used in the
//bind tests.
private static final
String pwdControls =
"(targetcontrol=\"" + OID_AUTHZID_REQUEST + "||" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"control\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
//Allow only password modify extended op.
private static final
String extOp =
"(extop=\"" + OID_PASSWORD_MODIFY_REQUEST + "\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"extended op\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
//Allow all extended ops based on extop = *.
private static final
String extOpWC =
"(extop=\"" + "*" + "\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"extended op WC\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
//Dis-allow all extended ops based on extop != *"
private static final
String extOpNotWC =
"(extop!=\"" + "*" + "\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"extended op no wc\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
//Allow all attributes to be modified - so the password can be changed.
private static final
String ALLOW_ALL = "(targetattr=\"*\")" +
"(version 3.0;acl \"all access\";" +
"allow (all) " +
//Allow pwd modify to people branch.
private static final
String extOpPeople = "(extop=\"" +
"(target=\"ldap:///" + peopleBase + "\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"extended op\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
//Dis-allow pwd modify to admin branch.
private static final
String extOpAdmin =
"(extop!=\"" + OID_PASSWORD_MODIFY_REQUEST + "\")" +
"(target=\"ldap:///" + adminBase + "\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"extended op\";" +
"allow(read) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
//Test for side effect -- targetattr rule gives access to denied extended
private static final
String complicated =
"(extop = \"\")" +
"(targetattr != \"userpassword\")" +
"(version 3.0; acl \"extended op\";" +
"allow(all) userdn=\"ldap:///" + "anyone" + "\";)";
public void setupClass() throws Exception {
public void clearBackend() throws Exception {
deleteAttrFromEntry(peopleBase, "aci");
deleteAttrFromEntry(adminBase, "aci");
* Test access to extended op using wildcard.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected result is returned.
public void testExtendOpPwdWC() throws Exception {
String pwdLdifs =
makeAddLDIF("aci", peopleBase, pwdControls, extOpWC, ALLOW_ALL);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String pwdLdifs1 =
makeAddLDIF("aci", adminBase, pwdControls, ALLOW_ALL);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs1, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
//Pass the people branch has access to all extended op using wild-card.
pwdModify(level1User, PWD, newPWD, null, null, 0);
//Fail the admin branch has no access to the extended op.
pwdModify(superUser, PWD, newPWD, null, null,
deleteAttrFromEntry(peopleBase, "aci");
deleteAttrFromEntry(adminBase, "aci");
* Test denied access to extended operation based on a extop rule
* deny all using a wild-card.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected result is returned.
public void testExtendOpPwdNotWC() throws Exception {
String pwdLdifs =
makeAddLDIF("aci", peopleBase, pwdControls, extOpNotWC, ALLOW_ALL);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
pwdModify(level5User, PWD, newPWD, null, null,
deleteAttrFromEntry(peopleBase, "aci");
* Test access to extended op using one ACI to allow access to the
* extended op and another ACI to allow the pwd change..
* @throws Exception If an unexpected result is returned.
public void testExtendOpPwd() throws Exception {
String pwdLdifs =
makeAddLDIF("aci", peopleBase, pwdControls, extOp, ALLOW_ALL);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
pwdModify(level3User, PWD, newPWD, null, null, 0);
deleteAttrFromEntry(peopleBase, "aci");
* Test access to disallowed extended op based on a targetattr rule allowing
* access.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected result is returned.
public void testTargetattrSideEffect() throws Exception {
String pwdLdifs =
makeAddLDIF("aci", peopleBase, complicated);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
//Fail because pwd not an allowed extended operation.
pwdModify(level4User, PWD, newPWD, null, null,
deleteAttrFromEntry(peopleBase, "aci");
* Test access to pwd changes using global ACIs with target statements giving
* access to different parts of the DIT.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected result is returned.
public void testGlobalTargets() throws Exception {
String globalControlAcis=
extOpAdmin, extOpPeople);
LDIFAdminModify(globalControlAcis, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String pwdLdifs =
makeAddLDIF("aci", peopleBase, pwdControls, ALLOW_ALL);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
String pwdLdifs1 =
makeAddLDIF("aci", adminBase, pwdControls, ALLOW_ALL);
LDIFModify(pwdLdifs1, DIR_MGR_DN, PWD);
//Succeed because ACI gives access to people branch.
pwdModify(level2User, PWD, newPWD, null, null, 0);
//Fail because ACI doesn't give access to admin branch.
pwdModify(superUser, PWD, newPWD, null, null,
deleteAttrFromEntry(peopleBase, "aci");
deleteAttrFromEntry(adminBase, "aci");