Entry.java revision cf364c082dfe5ea566abc3c20bc5546a4629c5eb
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.types;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessageBuilder;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizedIllegalArgumentException;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequenceReader;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.ObjectClassType;
import org.opends.server.api.CompressedSchema;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.api.ProtocolElement;
import org.opends.server.api.plugin.PluginResult;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.core.PluginConfigManager;
import org.opends.server.core.SubentryManager;
import org.opends.server.types.SubEntry.CollectiveConflictBehavior;
import org.opends.server.util.LDIFException;
import org.opends.server.util.LDIFWriter;
import static org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode.*;
import static org.opends.messages.CoreMessages.*;
import static org.opends.messages.UtilityMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.LDIFWriter.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
* This class defines a data structure for a Directory Server entry.
* It includes a DN and a set of attributes.
* <BR><BR>
* The entry also contains a volatile attachment object, which should
* be used to associate the entry with a special type of object that
* is based on its contents. For example, if the entry holds access
* control information, then the attachment might be an object that
* contains a representation of that access control definition in a
* more useful form. This is only useful if the entry is to be
* cached, since the attachment may be accessed if the entry is
* retrieved from the cache, but if the entry is retrieved from the
* backend repository it cannot be guaranteed to contain any
* attachment (and in most cases will not). This attachment is
* volatile in that it is not always guaranteed to be present, it may
* be removed or overwritten at any time, and it will be invalidated
* and removed if the entry is altered in any way.
public class Entry
implements ProtocolElement
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
/** The set of operational attributes for this entry. */
private Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> operationalAttributes;
/** The set of user attributes for this entry. */
private Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> userAttributes;
* The set of suppressed real attributes for this entry. It contains real
* attributes that have been overridden by virtual attributes.
private final Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> suppressedAttributes =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>();
/** The set of objectclasses for this entry. */
private Map<ObjectClass,String> objectClasses;
private Attribute objectClassAttribute;
/** The DN for this entry. */
private DN dn;
* A generic attachment that may be used to associate this entry with some
* other object.
private transient Object attachment;
/** The schema used to govern this entry. */
private final Schema schema;
* Creates a new entry with the provided information.
* @param dn The distinguished name for this
* entry.
* @param objectClasses The set of objectclasses for this
* entry as a mapping between the
* objectclass and the name to use to
* reference it.
* @param userAttributes The set of user attributes for
* this entry as a mapping between
* the attribute type and the list of
* attributes with that type.
* @param operationalAttributes The set of operational attributes
* for this entry as a mapping
* between the attribute type and the
* list of attributes with that type.
public Entry(DN dn, Map<ObjectClass,String> objectClasses,
Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> userAttributes,
Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> operationalAttributes)
schema = DirectoryServer.getSchema();
this.objectClasses = newMapIfNull(objectClasses);
this.userAttributes = newMapIfNull(userAttributes);
this.operationalAttributes = newMapIfNull(operationalAttributes);
* Returns a new Map if the passed in Map is null.
* @param <K>
* the type of the key
* @param <V>
* the type of the value
* @param map
* the map to test
* @return a new Map if the passed in Map is null.
private <K, V> Map<K, V> newMapIfNull(Map<K, V> map)
if (map != null)
return map;
return new HashMap<K, V>();
* Retrieves the distinguished name for this entry.
* @return The distinguished name for this entry.
public DN getName()
return dn;
* Specifies the distinguished name for this entry.
* @param dn The distinguished name for this entry.
public void setDN(DN dn)
if (dn == null)
this.dn = DN.rootDN();
this.dn = dn;
attachment = null;
* Retrieves the set of objectclasses defined for this entry. The
* caller should be allowed to modify the contents of this list, but
* if it does then it should also invalidate the attachment.
* @return The set of objectclasses defined for this entry.
public Map<ObjectClass,String> getObjectClasses()
return objectClasses;
* Indicates whether this entry has the specified objectclass.
* @param objectClass The objectclass for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry has the specified
* objectclass, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasObjectClass(ObjectClass objectClass)
return objectClasses.containsKey(objectClass);
* Retrieves the structural objectclass for this entry.
* @return The structural objectclass for this entry, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if there is none for some reason. If
* there are multiple structural classes in the entry, then
* the first will be returned.
public ObjectClass getStructuralObjectClass()
ObjectClass structuralClass = null;
for (ObjectClass oc : objectClasses.keySet())
if (oc.getObjectClassType() == ObjectClassType.STRUCTURAL)
if (structuralClass == null)
structuralClass = oc;
else if (oc.isDescendantOf(structuralClass))
structuralClass = oc;
return structuralClass;
* Adds the provided objectClass to this entry.
* @param oc The objectClass to add to this entry.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to add the objectclass to this
* entry.
public void addObjectClass(ObjectClass oc)
throws DirectoryException
attachment = null;
if (objectClasses.containsKey(oc))
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_ADD_DUPLICATE_OC.get(oc.getNameOrOID(), dn);
throw new DirectoryException(OBJECTCLASS_VIOLATION, message);
objectClasses.put(oc, oc.getNameOrOID());
* Retrieves the entire set of attributes for this entry. This will
* include both user and operational attributes. The caller must
* not modify the contents of this list. Also note that this method
* is less efficient than calling either (or both)
* <CODE>getUserAttributes</CODE> or
* <CODE>getOperationalAttributes</CODE>, so it should only be used
* when calls to those methods are not appropriate.
* @return The entire set of attributes for this entry.
public List<Attribute> getAttributes()
// Estimate the size.
int size = userAttributes.size() + operationalAttributes.size();
final List<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(size);
for (List<Attribute> attrs : userAttributes.values())
for (List<Attribute> attrs : operationalAttributes.values())
return attributes;
* Retrieves the entire set of user (i.e., non-operational)
* attributes for this entry. The caller should be allowed to
* modify the contents of this list, but if it does then it should
* also invalidate the attachment.
* @return The entire set of user attributes for this entry.
public Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> getUserAttributes()
return userAttributes;
* Retrieves the entire set of operational attributes for this
* entry. The caller should be allowed to modify the contents of
* this list, but if it does then it should also invalidate the
* attachment.
* @return The entire set of operational attributes for this entry.
public Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> getOperationalAttributes()
return operationalAttributes;
* Retrieves an attribute holding the objectclass information for
* this entry. The returned attribute must not be altered.
* @return An attribute holding the objectclass information for
* this entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if it does not have any
* objectclass information.
public Attribute getObjectClassAttribute()
if (objectClasses == null || objectClasses.isEmpty())
return null;
if(objectClassAttribute == null)
AttributeType ocType = DirectoryServer.getObjectClassAttributeType();
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(ocType, ATTR_OBJECTCLASS);
for (Map.Entry<ObjectClass, String> e : objectClasses.entrySet())
objectClassAttribute = builder.toAttribute();
return objectClassAttribute;
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified attribute.
* Any subordinate attribute of the specified attribute will also be
* used in the determination.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* attribute, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
return hasAttribute(attributeType, null, true);
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified attribute.
* @param attributeType The attribute type for which to
* make the determination.
* @param includeSubordinates Whether to include any subordinate
* attributes of the attribute type
* being retrieved.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* attribute, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
boolean includeSubordinates)
return hasAttribute(attributeType, null, includeSubordinates);
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified attribute
* with all of the options in the provided set. Any subordinate
* attribute of the specified attribute will also be used in the
* determination.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type for which to make the determination.
* @param options
* The set of options to use in the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* attribute, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasAttribute(
AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options)
return hasAttribute(attributeType, options, true);
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified attribute
* with all of the options in the provided set.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type for which to make the determination.
* @param options
* The set of options to use in the determination.
* @param includeSubordinates
* Whether to include any subordinate attributes of the
* attribute type being retrieved.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* attribute, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasAttribute(
AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options,
boolean includeSubordinates)
// Handle object class.
if (attributeType.isObjectClass())
return !objectClasses.isEmpty() && (options == null || options.isEmpty());
if (!includeSubordinates)
// It's possible that there could be an attribute without any
// values, which we should treat as not having the requested
// attribute.
Attribute attribute = getExactAttribute(attributeType, options);
return attribute != null && !attribute.isEmpty();
// Check all matching attributes.
List<Attribute> attributes = getAttributes(attributeType);
if (attributes != null)
for (Attribute attribute : attributes)
// It's possible that there could be an attribute without any
// values, which we should treat as not having the requested
// attribute.
if (!attribute.isEmpty() && attribute.hasAllOptions(options))
return true;
// Check sub-types.
if (attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
for (AttributeType subType : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
attributes = getAttributes(subType);
if (attributes != null)
for (Attribute attribute : attributes)
// It's possible that there could be an attribute without
// any values, which we should treat as not having the
// requested attribute.
if (!attribute.isEmpty() && attribute.hasAllOptions(options))
return true;
return false;
* Returns the attributes Map corresponding to the operational status of the
* supplied attribute type.
* @param attrType
* the attribute type
* @return the user of operational attributes Map
private Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> getUserOrOperationalAttributes(
AttributeType attrType)
if (attrType.isOperational())
return operationalAttributes;
return userAttributes;
* Return the List of attributes for the passed in attribute type.
* @param attrType
* the attribute type
* @return the List of user or operational attributes
private List<Attribute> getAttributes(AttributeType attrType)
return getUserOrOperationalAttributes(attrType).get(attrType);
* Puts the supplied List of attributes for the passed in attribute type into
* the map of attributes.
* @param attrType
* the attribute type
* @param attributes
* the List of user or operational attributes to put
private void putAttributes(AttributeType attrType, List<Attribute> attributes)
getUserOrOperationalAttributes(attrType).put(attrType, attributes);
* Removes the List of attributes for the passed in attribute type from the
* map of attributes.
* @param attrType
* the attribute type
private void removeAttributes(AttributeType attrType)
* Retrieves the requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type. The list returned may include multiple elements
* if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times with
* different sets of options. It may also include any subordinate
* attributes of the attribute being retrieved.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to retrieve.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the specified
* attribute type is not present in this entry.
public List<Attribute> getAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
return getAttribute(attributeType, true);
* Retrieves the requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type. The list returned may include multiple elements
* if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times with
* different sets of options.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @param includeSubordinates Whether to include any subordinate
* attributes of the attribute type
* being retrieved.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the specified
* attribute type is not present in this entry.
public List<Attribute> getAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
boolean includeSubordinates)
if (includeSubordinates && attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
List<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, userAttributes.get(attributeType));
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, operationalAttributes.get(attributeType));
for (AttributeType at : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, userAttributes.get(at));
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, operationalAttributes.get(at));
if (!attributes.isEmpty())
return attributes;
return null;
List<Attribute> attributes = userAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attributes != null)
return attributes;
attributes = operationalAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attributes != null)
return attributes;
if (attributeType.isObjectClass() && !objectClasses.isEmpty())
return newList(getObjectClassAttribute());
return null;
* Add to the destination all the elements from a non null source .
* @param dest
* the destination where to add
* @param source
* the source with the elements to be added
private void addAllIfNotNull(List<Attribute> dest, List<Attribute> source)
if (source != null)
* Retrieves the requested attribute element(s) for the attribute
* with the specified name or OID. The list returned may include
* multiple elements if the same attribute exists in the entry
* multiple times with different sets of options. It may also
* include any subordinate attributes of the attribute being
* retrieved.
* <BR><BR>
* Note that this method should only be used in cases in which the
* Directory Server schema has no reference of an attribute type
* with the specified name. It is not as accurate or efficient as
* the version of this method that takes an
* <CODE>AttributeType</CODE> argument.
* @param lowerName The name or OID of the attribute to return,
* formatted in all lowercase characters.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the specified
* attribute type is not present in this entry.
public List<Attribute> getAttribute(String lowerName)
for (AttributeType attr : userAttributes.keySet())
if (attr.hasNameOrOID(lowerName))
return getAttribute(attr, true);
for (AttributeType attr : operationalAttributes.keySet())
if (attr.hasNameOrOID(lowerName))
return getAttribute(attr, true);
(! objectClasses.isEmpty()))
List<Attribute> attrList = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
return attrList;
return null;
* Retrieves the requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type. The list returned may include multiple elements
* if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times with
* different sets of options. It may also include any subordinate
* attributes of the attribute being retrieved.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @param options The set of attribute options to
* include in matching elements.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the specified
* attribute type is not present in this entry with the
* provided set of options.
public List<Attribute> getAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options)
return getAttribute(attributeType, true, options);
* Retrieves the requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type. The list returned may include multiple elements
* if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times with
* different sets of options.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @param includeSubordinates Whether to include any subordinate
* attributes of the attribute type
* being retrieved.
* @param options The set of attribute options to
* include in matching elements.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the specified
* attribute type is not present in this entry with the
* provided set of options.
public List<Attribute> getAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
boolean includeSubordinates,
Set<String> options)
List<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
if (includeSubordinates && attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, userAttributes.get(attributeType));
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, operationalAttributes.get(attributeType));
for (AttributeType at : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, userAttributes.get(at));
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, operationalAttributes.get(at));
List<Attribute> attrs = userAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrs == null)
attrs = operationalAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrs == null)
if (attributeType.isObjectClass()
&& !objectClasses.isEmpty()
&& (options == null || options.isEmpty()))
return attributes;
return null;
onlyKeepAttributesWithAllOptions(attributes, options);
if (!attributes.isEmpty())
return attributes;
return null;
* Retrieves the requested attribute element(s) for the attribute
* with the specified name or OID and set of options. The list
* returned may include multiple elements if the same attribute
* exists in the entry multiple times with different sets of
* matching options.
* <BR><BR>
* Note that this method should only be used in cases in which the
* Directory Server schema has no reference of an attribute type
* with the specified name. It is not as accurate or efficient as
* the version of this method that takes an
* <CODE>AttributeType</CODE> argument.
* @param lowerName The name or OID of the attribute to return,
* formatted in all lowercase characters.
* @param options The set of attribute options to include in
* matching elements.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the specified
* attribute type is not present in this entry.
public List<Attribute> getAttribute(String lowerName,
Set<String> options)
for (AttributeType attr : userAttributes.keySet())
if (attr.hasNameOrOID(lowerName))
return getAttribute(attr, options);
for (AttributeType attr : operationalAttributes.keySet())
if (attr.hasNameOrOID(lowerName))
return getAttribute(attr, options);
((options == null) || options.isEmpty()))
List<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
return attributes;
return null;
* Returns a parser for the named attribute contained in this entry.
* <p>
* The attribute description will be decoded using the schema associated
* with this entry (usually the default schema).
* @param attributeDescription
* The name of the attribute to be parsed.
* @return A parser for the named attribute.
* @throws LocalizedIllegalArgumentException
* If {@code attributeDescription} could not be decoded using
* the schema associated with this entry.
* @throws NullPointerException
* If {@code attributeDescription} was {@code null}.
public AttributeParser parseAttribute(String attributeDescription)
throws LocalizedIllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
final List<Attribute> attribute = getAttribute(attributeDescription);
boolean notEmpty = attribute != null && !attribute.isEmpty();
return AttributeParser.parseAttribute(notEmpty ? attribute.get(0) : null);
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified user
* attribute.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* user attribute, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasUserAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
if (userAttributes.containsKey(attributeType))
return true;
if (attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
for (AttributeType at : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
if (userAttributes.containsKey(at))
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves the requested user attribute element(s) for the
* specified attribute type. The list returned may include multiple
* elements if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times
* with different sets of options.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there is no such
* user attribute.
public List<Attribute> getUserAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
return getAttribute(attributeType, userAttributes);
* Returns the List of attributes for a given attribute type.
* @param attributeType
* the attribute type to be looked for
* @param attrs
* the attributes Map where to find the attributes
* @return the List of attributes
private List<Attribute> getAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrs)
if (attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
List<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, attrs.get(attributeType));
for (AttributeType at : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, attrs.get(at));
if (!attributes.isEmpty())
return attributes;
return null;
return attrs.get(attributeType);
* Retrieves the requested user attribute element(s) for the
* specified attribute type. The list returned may include multiple
* elements if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times
* with different sets of options.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @param options The set of attribute options to include in
* matching elements.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there is no such
* user attribute with the specified set of options.
public List<Attribute> getUserAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options)
return getAttribute(attributeType, options, userAttributes);
* Returns the List of attributes for a given attribute type having all the
* required options.
* @param attributeType
* the attribute type to be looked for
* @param options
* the options that must all be present
* @param attrs
* the attributes Map where to find the attributes
* @return the filtered List of attributes
private List<Attribute> getAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options, Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrs)
List<Attribute> attributes = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, attrs.get(attributeType));
if (attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
for (AttributeType at : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
addAllIfNotNull(attributes, attrs.get(at));
onlyKeepAttributesWithAllOptions(attributes, options);
if (!attributes.isEmpty())
return attributes;
return null;
* Removes all the attributes that do not have all the supplied options.
* @param attributes
* the attributes to filter.
* @param options
* the options to look for
private void onlyKeepAttributesWithAllOptions(List<Attribute> attributes,
Set<String> options)
Iterator<Attribute> iterator = attributes.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Attribute a = iterator.next();
if (!a.hasAllOptions(options))
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified operational
* attribute.
* @param attributeType The attribute type for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* operational attribute, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean hasOperationalAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
if (operationalAttributes.containsKey(attributeType))
return true;
if (attributeType.mayHaveSubordinateTypes())
for (AttributeType at : schema.getSubTypes(attributeType))
if (operationalAttributes.containsKey(at))
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves the requested operational attribute element(s) for the
* specified attribute type. The list returned may include multiple
* elements if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times
* with different sets of options.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there is no such
* operational attribute.
public List<Attribute> getOperationalAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
return getAttribute(attributeType, operationalAttributes);
* Retrieves the requested operational attribute element(s) for the
* specified attribute type. The list returned may include multiple
* elements if the same attribute exists in the entry multiple times
* with different sets of options.
* @param attributeType The attribute type to retrieve.
* @param options The set of attribute options to include in
* matching elements.
* @return The requested attribute element(s) for the specified
* attribute type, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there is no such
* operational attribute with the specified set of options.
public List<Attribute> getOperationalAttribute(
AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options)
return getAttribute(attributeType, options, operationalAttributes);
* Puts the provided attribute in this entry. If an attribute
* already exists with the provided type, it will be overwritten.
* Otherwise, a new attribute will be added. Note that no
* validation will be performed.
* @param attributeType The attribute type for the set of
* attributes to add.
* @param attributeList The set of attributes to add for the given
* type.
public void putAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
List<Attribute> attributeList)
attachment = null;
// See if there is already a set of attributes with the specified
// type. If so, then overwrite it.
List<Attribute> attrList = userAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList != null)
userAttributes.put(attributeType, attributeList);
attrList = operationalAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList != null)
operationalAttributes.put(attributeType, attributeList);
putAttributes(attributeType, attributeList);
* Ensures that this entry contains the provided attribute and its
* values. If an attribute with the provided type already exists,
* then its attribute values will be merged.
* <p>
* This method handles object class additions but will not perform
* any object class validation. In particular, it will create
* default object classes when an object class is unknown.
* <p>
* This method implements LDAP modification add semantics, with the
* exception that it allows empty attributes to be added.
* @param attribute
* The attribute to add or merge with this entry.
* @param duplicateValues
* A list to which any duplicate values will be added.
public void addAttribute(Attribute attribute, List<ByteString> duplicateValues)
setAttribute(attribute, duplicateValues, false /* merge */);
* Puts the provided attribute into this entry. If an attribute with
* the provided type and options already exists, then it will be
* replaced. If the provided attribute is empty then any existing
* attribute will be completely removed.
* <p>
* This method handles object class replacements but will not
* perform any object class validation. In particular, it will
* create default object classes when an object class is unknown.
* <p>
* This method implements LDAP modification replace semantics.
* @param attribute
* The attribute to replace in this entry.
public void replaceAttribute(Attribute attribute)
// There can never be duplicate values for a replace.
setAttribute(attribute, null, true /* replace */);
* Increments an attribute in this entry by the amount specified in
* the provided attribute.
* @param attribute
* The attribute identifying the attribute to be increment
* and the amount it is to be incremented by. The attribute
* must contain a single value.
* @throws DirectoryException
* If a problem occurs while attempting to increment the
* provided attribute. This may occur if the provided
* attribute was not single valued or if it could not be
* parsed as an integer of if the existing attribute
* values could not be parsed as integers.
public void incrementAttribute(
Attribute attribute) throws DirectoryException
// Get the attribute that is to be incremented.
AttributeType attributeType = attribute.getAttributeType();
Attribute a = getExactAttribute(attributeType, attribute.getOptions());
if (a == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_INCREMENT_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE.get(
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, message);
// Decode the increment.
Iterator<ByteString> i = attribute.iterator();
if (!i.hasNext())
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_INCREMENT_INVALID_VALUE_COUNT.get(
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
String incrementValue = i.next().toString();
long increment;
increment = Long.parseLong(incrementValue);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_INCREMENT_CANNOT_PARSE_AS_INT.get(
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
if (i.hasNext())
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_INCREMENT_INVALID_VALUE_COUNT.get(
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
// Increment each attribute value by the specified amount.
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a, true);
for (ByteString v : a)
long currentValue;
currentValue = Long.parseLong(v.toString());
catch (NumberFormatException e)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_INCREMENT_CANNOT_PARSE_AS_INT.get(
throw new DirectoryException(
ResultCode.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
long newValue = currentValue + increment;
* Removes all instances of the specified attribute type from this
* entry, including any instances with options. If the provided
* attribute type is the objectclass type, then all objectclass
* values will be removed (but must be replaced for the entry to be
* valid). If the specified attribute type is not present in this
* entry, then this method will have no effect.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type for the attribute to remove from this
* entry.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the attribute was found and
* removed, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it was not present in
* the entry.
public boolean removeAttribute(AttributeType attributeType)
attachment = null;
if (attributeType.isObjectClass())
return true;
return userAttributes.remove(attributeType) != null
|| operationalAttributes.remove(attributeType) != null;
* Ensures that this entry does not contain the provided attribute
* values. If the provided attribute is empty, then all values of
* the associated attribute type will be removed. Otherwise, only
* the specified values will be removed.
* <p>
* This method handles object class deletions.
* <p>
* This method implements LDAP modification delete semantics.
* @param attribute
* The attribute containing the information to use to
* perform the removal.
* @param missingValues
* A list to which any values contained in the provided
* attribute but not present in the entry will be added.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the attribute type was present and
* the specified values that were present were removed, or
* <CODE>false</CODE> if the attribute type was not
* present in the entry. If the attribute type was present
* but only contained some of the values in the provided
* attribute, then this method will return <CODE>true</CODE>
* but will add those values to the provided list.
public boolean removeAttribute(Attribute attribute,
List<ByteString> missingValues)
attachment = null;
if (attribute.getAttributeType().isObjectClass())
if (attribute.isEmpty())
return true;
boolean allSuccessful = true;
MatchingRule rule =
for (ByteString v : attribute)
String ocName = toLowerName(rule, v);
boolean matchFound = false;
for (ObjectClass oc : objectClasses.keySet())
if (oc.hasNameOrOID(ocName))
matchFound = true;
if (!matchFound)
allSuccessful = false;
return allSuccessful;
AttributeType attributeType = attribute.getAttributeType();
List<Attribute> attributes = getAttributes(attributeType);
if (attributes == null)
// There are no attributes with the same attribute type.
for (ByteString v : attribute)
return false;
// There are already attributes with the same attribute type.
Set<String> options = attribute.getOptions();
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++)
Attribute a = attributes.get(i);
if (a.optionsEqual(options))
if (attribute.isEmpty())
// Remove the entire attribute.
// Remove Specified values.
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a);
for (ByteString v : attribute)
if (!builder.remove(v))
// Remove / replace the attribute as necessary.
if (!builder.isEmpty())
attributes.set(i, builder.toAttribute());
// If the attribute list is now empty remove it.
if (attributes.isEmpty())
return true;
// No matching attribute found.
return false;
private String toLowerName(MatchingRule rule, ByteString value)
return normalize(rule, value).toString();
catch (Exception e)
return toLowerCase(value.toString());
* Indicates whether this entry contains the specified attribute
* value.
* @param attributeType The attribute type for the attribute.
* @param options The set of options for the attribute.
* @param value The value for the attribute.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry contains the specified
* attribute value, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it does not.
public boolean hasValue(AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options, ByteString value)
List<Attribute> attrList = getAttribute(attributeType, true);
if (attrList == null || attrList.isEmpty())
return false;
for (Attribute a : attrList)
if (a.optionsEqual(options) && a.contains(value))
return true;
return false;
* Applies the provided modification to this entry. No schema
* checking will be performed.
* @param mod The modification to apply to this entry.
* @param relaxConstraints indicates if the modification
* constraints are relaxed to match
* the ones of a set (add existing
* value and delete absent value do not fail)
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while
* attempting to apply the
* modification. Note
* that even if a problem occurs, then
* the entry may have been altered in some way.
public void applyModification(Modification mod, boolean relaxConstraints)
throws DirectoryException
Attribute a = mod.getAttribute();
AttributeType t = a.getAttributeType();
// We'll need to handle changes to the objectclass attribute in a
// special way.
if (t.isObjectClass())
Map<ObjectClass, String> ocs = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>();
for (ByteString v : a)
String ocName = v.toString();
String lowerName = toLowerCase(ocName);
ObjectClass oc =
DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(lowerName, true);
ocs.put(oc, ocName);
switch (mod.getModificationType().asEnum())
case ADD:
for (ObjectClass oc : ocs.keySet())
if (objectClasses.containsKey(oc))
if (!relaxConstraints)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_DUPLICATE_VALUES.get(a.getName());
throw new DirectoryException(ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS,message);
objectClasses.put(oc, ocs.get(oc));
objectClassAttribute = null;
case DELETE:
for (ObjectClass oc : ocs.keySet())
if (objectClasses.remove(oc) == null && !relaxConstraints)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_NO_SUCH_VALUE.get(a.getName());
throw new DirectoryException(NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, message);
objectClassAttribute = null;
objectClasses = ocs;
objectClassAttribute = null;
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_OC_INCREMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED.get();
throw new DirectoryException(CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION, message);
message = ERR_ENTRY_UNKNOWN_MODIFICATION_TYPE.get(mod.getModificationType());
throw new DirectoryException(UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message);
switch (mod.getModificationType().asEnum())
case ADD:
List<ByteString> duplicateValues = new LinkedList<ByteString>();
addAttribute(a, duplicateValues);
if (!duplicateValues.isEmpty() && !relaxConstraints)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_DUPLICATE_VALUES.get(a.getName());
throw new DirectoryException(ATTRIBUTE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS, message);
case DELETE:
List<ByteString> missingValues = new LinkedList<ByteString>();
removeAttribute(a, missingValues);
if (!missingValues.isEmpty() && !relaxConstraints)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_NO_SUCH_VALUE.get(a.getName());
throw new DirectoryException(NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE, message);
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_UNKNOWN_MODIFICATION_TYPE.get(mod.getModificationType());
throw new DirectoryException(UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, message);
* Applies the provided modification to this entry. No schema
* checking will be performed.
* @param mod The modification to apply to this entry.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to apply the modification. Note
* that even if a problem occurs, then
* the entry may have been altered in some way.
public void applyModification(Modification mod) throws DirectoryException
applyModification(mod, false);
* Applies all of the provided modifications to this entry.
* @param mods The modifications to apply to this entry.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to apply the modifications. Note
* that even if a problem occurs, then
* the entry may have been altered in some way.
public void applyModifications(List<Modification> mods)
throws DirectoryException
for (Modification m : mods)
* Indicates whether this entry conforms to the server's schema
* requirements. The checks performed by this method include:
* <UL>
* <LI>Make sure that all required attributes are present, either
* in the list of user or operational attributes.</LI>
* <LI>Make sure that all user attributes are allowed by at least
* one of the objectclasses. The operational attributes will
* not be checked in this manner.</LI>
* <LI>Make sure that all single-valued attributes contained in
* the entry have only a single value.</LI>
* <LI>Make sure that the entry contains a single structural
* objectclass.</LI>
* <LI>Make sure that the entry complies with any defined name
* forms, DIT content rules, and DIT structure rules.</LI>
* </UL>
* @param parentEntry The entry that is the immediate
* parent of this entry, which may
* be checked for DIT structure rule
* conformance. This may be
* {@code null} if there is no
* parent or if it is unavailable
* to the caller.
* @param parentProvided Indicates whether the caller
* attempted to provide the parent.
* If not, then the parent entry
* will be loaded on demand if it is
* required.
* @param validateNameForms Indicates whether to validate the
* entry against name form
* definitions. This should only be
* {@code true} for add and modify
* DN operations, as well as for
* for imports.
* @param validateStructureRules Indicates whether to validate the
* entry against DIT structure rule
* definitions. This should only
* be {@code true} for add and
* modify DN operations.
* @param invalidReason The buffer to which an
* explanation will be appended if
* this entry does not conform to
* the server's schema
* configuration.
* @return {@code true} if this entry conforms to the server's
* schema requirements, or {@code false} if it does not.
public boolean conformsToSchema(Entry parentEntry,
boolean parentProvided,
boolean validateNameForms,
boolean validateStructureRules,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
// Get the structural objectclass for the entry. If there isn't
// one, or if there's more than one, then see if that's OK.
AcceptRejectWarn structuralPolicy =
ObjectClass structuralClass = null;
boolean multipleOCErrorLogged = false;
for (ObjectClass oc : objectClasses.keySet())
if (oc.getObjectClassType() == ObjectClassType.STRUCTURAL)
if (structuralClass == null || oc.isDescendantOf(structuralClass))
structuralClass = oc;
else if (! structuralClass.isDescendantOf(oc))
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN
&& !multipleOCErrorLogged)
multipleOCErrorLogged = true;
NameForm nameForm = null;
DITContentRule ditContentRule = null;
DITStructureRule ditStructureRule = null;
if (structuralClass == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_NO_STRUCTURAL_CLASS.get(dn);
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
ditContentRule = DirectoryServer.getDITContentRule(structuralClass);
if ((ditContentRule != null) && ditContentRule.isObsolete())
ditContentRule = null;
if (! checkAttributesAndObjectClasses(ditContentRule,
structuralPolicy, invalidReason))
return false;
if (validateNameForms)
* There may be multiple nameforms registered with this
* structural objectclass.However, we need to select only one
* of the nameforms and its corresponding DITstructure rule.
* We will iterate over all the nameforms and see if atleast
* one is acceptable before rejecting the entry.
* DITStructureRules corresponding to other non-acceptable
* nameforms are not applied.
List<NameForm> listForms = DirectoryServer.getNameForm(structuralClass);
if(listForms != null)
boolean matchFound = false;
boolean obsolete = true;
for(int index=0; index <listForms.size(); index++)
NameForm nf = listForms.get(index);
obsolete = false;
matchFound = checkNameForm(nf, structuralPolicy, invalidReason);
nameForm = nf;
if(index != listForms.size()-1)
if(! obsolete && !matchFound)
// We couldn't match this entry against any of the nameforms.
return false;
if (validateStructureRules && (nameForm != null))
ditStructureRule = DirectoryServer.getDITStructureRule(nameForm);
if ((ditStructureRule != null) && ditStructureRule.isObsolete())
ditStructureRule = null;
// If there is a DIT content rule for this entry, then make sure
// that the entry is in compliance with it.
if (ditContentRule != null
&& !checkDITContentRule(ditContentRule, structuralPolicy, invalidReason))
return false;
return checkDITStructureRule(ditStructureRule, structuralClass,
parentEntry, parentProvided, validateStructureRules, structuralPolicy,
* Checks the attributes and object classes contained in this entry
* to determine whether they conform to the server schema
* requirements.
* @param ditContentRule The DIT content rule for this entry, if
* any.
* @param structuralPolicy The policy that should be used for
* structural object class compliance.
* @param invalidReason A buffer into which an invalid reason
* may be added.
* @return {@code true} if this entry passes all of the checks, or
* {@code false} if there are any failures.
private boolean checkAttributesAndObjectClasses(
DITContentRule ditContentRule,
AcceptRejectWarn structuralPolicy,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
// Make sure that we recognize all of the objectclasses, that all
// auxiliary classes are allowed by the DIT content rule, and that
// all attributes required by the object classes are present.
for (ObjectClass o : objectClasses.keySet())
if (DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(o.getOID()) == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN_OC.get(dn, o.getNameOrOID());
return false;
if ((o.getObjectClassType() == ObjectClassType.AUXILIARY) &&
(ditContentRule != null) &&
(! ditContentRule.getAuxiliaryClasses().contains(o)))
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
for (AttributeType t : o.getRequiredAttributes())
if (!userAttributes.containsKey(t)
&& !operationalAttributes.containsKey(t)
&& !t.isObjectClass())
LocalizableMessage message =
return false;
// Make sure all the user attributes are allowed, have at least
// one value, and if they are single-valued that they have exactly
// one value.
for (AttributeType t : userAttributes.keySet())
boolean found = false;
for (ObjectClass o : objectClasses.keySet())
if (o.isRequiredOrOptional(t))
found = true;
if (!found && ditContentRule != null
&& ditContentRule.isRequiredOrOptional(t))
found = true;
if (! found)
LocalizableMessage message =
return false;
List<Attribute> attrList = userAttributes.get(t);
if (attrList != null)
for (Attribute a : attrList)
if (a.isEmpty())
invalidReason.append(ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_ATTR_NO_VALUES.get(dn, t.getNameOrOID()));
return false;
else if (t.isSingleValue() && (a.size() != 1))
invalidReason.append(ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_ATTR_SINGLE_VALUED.get(dn, t.getNameOrOID()));
return false;
// Iterate through all of the operational attributes and make sure
// that all of the single-valued attributes only have one value.
for (AttributeType t : operationalAttributes.keySet())
if (t.isSingleValue())
List<Attribute> attrList = operationalAttributes.get(t);
if (attrList != null)
for (Attribute a : attrList)
if (a.size() > 1)
invalidReason.append(ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_ATTR_SINGLE_VALUED.get(dn, t.getNameOrOID()));
return false;
// If we've gotten here, then things are OK.
return true;
* Performs any processing needed for name form validation.
* @param nameForm The name form to validate against this
* entry.
* @param structuralPolicy The policy that should be used for
* structural object class compliance.
* @param invalidReason A buffer into which an invalid reason
* may be added.
* @return {@code true} if this entry passes all of the checks, or
* {@code false} if there are any failures.
private boolean checkNameForm(NameForm nameForm,
AcceptRejectWarn structuralPolicy,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
RDN rdn = dn.rdn();
if (rdn != null)
// Make sure that all the required attributes are present.
for (AttributeType t : nameForm.getRequiredAttributes())
if (! rdn.hasAttributeType(t))
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
// Make sure that all attributes in the RDN are allowed.
int numAVAs = rdn.getNumValues();
for (int i = 0; i < numAVAs; i++)
AttributeType t = rdn.getAttributeType(i);
if (! nameForm.isRequiredOrOptional(t))
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
// If we've gotten here, then things are OK.
return true;
* Performs any processing needed for DIT content rule validation.
* @param ditContentRule The DIT content rule to validate
* against this entry.
* @param structuralPolicy The policy that should be used for
* structural object class compliance.
* @param invalidReason A buffer into which an invalid reason
* may be added.
* @return {@code true} if this entry passes all of the checks, or
* {@code false} if there are any failures.
private boolean checkDITContentRule(DITContentRule ditContentRule,
AcceptRejectWarn structuralPolicy,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
// Make sure that all of the required attributes are present.
for (AttributeType t : ditContentRule.getRequiredAttributes())
if (!userAttributes.containsKey(t)
&& !operationalAttributes.containsKey(t)
&& !t.isObjectClass())
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
// Make sure that none of the prohibited attributes are present.
for (AttributeType t : ditContentRule.getProhibitedAttributes())
if (userAttributes.containsKey(t) ||
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
// If we've gotten here, then things are OK.
return true;
* Performs any processing needed for DIT structure rule validation.
* @param ditStructureRule The DIT structure rule for this
* entry.
* @param structuralClass The structural object class for
* this entry.
* @param parentEntry The parent entry, if available
* and applicable.
* @param parentProvided Indicates whether the parent
* entry was provided.
* @param validateStructureRules Indicates whether to check to see
* if this entry violates a DIT
* structure rule for its parent.
* @param structuralPolicy The policy that should be used
* for structural object class
* compliance.
* @param invalidReason A buffer into which an invalid
* reason may be added.
* @return {@code true} if this entry passes all of the checks, or
* {@code false} if there are any failures.
private boolean checkDITStructureRule(
DITStructureRule ditStructureRule,
ObjectClass structuralClass,
Entry parentEntry, boolean parentProvided,
boolean validateStructureRules,
AcceptRejectWarn structuralPolicy,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
// If there is a DIT structure rule for this entry, then make sure
// that the entry is in compliance with it.
if (ditStructureRule != null && ditStructureRule.hasSuperiorRules())
if (parentProvided)
if (parentEntry != null)
boolean dsrValid =
structuralClass, parentEntry,
if (! dsrValid)
return false;
// Get the DN of the parent entry if possible.
DN parentDN = dn.getParentDNInSuffix();
if (parentDN != null)
// Get the parent entry and check its structural class.
final Lock lock = LockManager.lockRead(parentDN);
if (lock == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_DSR_COULD_NOT_LOCK_PARENT.get(dn, parentDN);
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
parentEntry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(parentDN);
if (parentEntry == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_DSR_NO_PARENT_ENTRY.get(dn, parentDN);
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
boolean dsrValid =
if (! dsrValid)
return false;
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
LockManager.unlock(parentDN, lock);
else if (validateStructureRules)
// There is no DIT structure rule for this entry, but there may
// be one for the parent entry. If there is such a rule for the
// parent entry, then this entry will not be valid.
boolean parentExists = false;
ObjectClass parentStructuralClass = null;
if (parentEntry != null)
parentExists = true;
parentStructuralClass = parentEntry.getStructuralObjectClass();
else if (! parentProvided)
DN parentDN = getName().getParentDNInSuffix();
if (parentDN != null)
// Get the parent entry and check its structural class.
final Lock lock = LockManager.lockRead(parentDN);
if (lock == null)
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
parentEntry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(parentDN);
if (parentEntry == null)
LocalizableMessage message =
dn, parentDN);
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
parentExists = true;
parentStructuralClass = parentEntry.getStructuralObjectClass();
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message =
dn, getExceptionMessage(e));
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
LockManager.unlock(parentDN, lock);
if (parentExists)
if (parentStructuralClass == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_DSR_NO_PARENT_OC.get(
dn, parentEntry.getName());
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
List<NameForm> allNFs =
if(allNFs != null)
for(NameForm parentNF : allNFs)
if (parentNF != null && !parentNF.isObsolete())
DITStructureRule parentDSR =
if (parentDSR != null && !parentDSR.isObsolete())
LocalizableMessage message =
ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_VIOLATES_PARENT_DSR.get(dn, parentEntry.getName());
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
// If we've gotten here, then things are OK.
return true;
* Determines whether this entry is in conformance to the provided
* DIT structure rule.
* @param dsr The DIT structure rule to use in the
* determination.
* @param structuralClass The structural objectclass for this
* entry to use in the determination.
* @param parentEntry The reference to the parent entry to
* check.
* @param structuralPolicy The policy that should be used around
* enforcement of DIT structure rules.
* @param invalidReason The buffer to which the invalid reason
* should be appended if a problem is
* found.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry conforms to the provided
* DIT structure rule, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
private boolean validateDITStructureRule(DITStructureRule dsr,
ObjectClass structuralClass, Entry parentEntry,
AcceptRejectWarn structuralPolicy,
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason)
ObjectClass oc = parentEntry.getStructuralObjectClass();
if (oc == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_SCHEMA_DSR_NO_PARENT_OC.get(
dn, parentEntry.getName());
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
boolean matchFound = false;
for (DITStructureRule dsr2 : dsr.getSuperiorRules())
if (dsr2.getStructuralClass().equals(oc))
matchFound = true;
if (! matchFound)
LocalizableMessage message =
if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.REJECT)
return false;
else if (structuralPolicy == AcceptRejectWarn.WARN)
return true;
* Retrieves the attachment for this entry.
* @return The attachment for this entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if
* there is none.
public Object getAttachment()
return attachment;
* Specifies the attachment for this entry. This will replace any
* existing attachment that might be defined.
* @param attachment The attachment for this entry, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if there should not be an
* attachment.
public void setAttachment(Object attachment)
this.attachment = attachment;
* Creates a duplicate of this entry that may be altered without
* impacting the information in this entry.
* @param processVirtual Indicates whether virtual attribute
* processing should be performed for the
* entry.
* @return A duplicate of this entry that may be altered without
* impacting the information in this entry.
public Entry duplicate(boolean processVirtual)
Map<ObjectClass, String> objectClassesCopy =
new HashMap<ObjectClass,String>(objectClasses);
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> userAttrsCopy =
new HashMap<AttributeType,List<Attribute>>(
deepCopy(userAttributes, userAttrsCopy, false, false, false,
true, false);
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> operationalAttrsCopy =
new HashMap<AttributeType,List<Attribute>>(
deepCopy(operationalAttributes, operationalAttrsCopy, false,
false, false, true, false);
// Put back all the suppressed attributes where they belonged to.
// Then hopefully processVirtualAttributes() will rebuild the suppressed
// attribute list correctly.
for (AttributeType t : suppressedAttributes.keySet())
List<Attribute> attrList = suppressedAttributes.get(t);
if (t.isOperational())
operationalAttrsCopy.put(t, attrList);
userAttrsCopy.put(t, attrList);
Entry e = new Entry(dn, objectClassesCopy, userAttrsCopy,
if (processVirtual)
return e;
* Performs a deep copy from the source map to the target map.
* In this case, the attributes in the list will be duplicates
* rather than re-using the same reference.
* @param source
* The source map from which to obtain the information.
* @param target
* The target map into which to place the copied
* information.
* @param omitValues
* Indicates whether to omit attribute values when
* processing.
* @param omitEmpty
* Indicates whether to omit empty attributes when
* processing.
* @param omitReal
* Indicates whether to exclude real attributes.
* @param omitVirtual
* Indicates whether to exclude virtual attributes.
* @param mergeDuplicates
* Indicates whether duplicate attributes should be merged.
private void deepCopy(Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> source,
Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> target,
boolean omitValues,
boolean omitEmpty,
boolean omitReal,
boolean omitVirtual,
boolean mergeDuplicates)
for (Map.Entry<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> mapEntry :
AttributeType t = mapEntry.getKey();
List<Attribute> sourceList = mapEntry.getValue();
List<Attribute> targetList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(sourceList.size());
for (Attribute a : sourceList)
if (omitReal && !a.isVirtual())
else if (omitVirtual && a.isVirtual())
else if (omitEmpty && a.isEmpty())
if (omitValues)
a = Attributes.empty(a);
if (!targetList.isEmpty() && mergeDuplicates)
// Ensure that there is only one attribute with the same
// type and options. This is not very efficient but will
// occur very rarely.
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < targetList.size(); i++)
Attribute otherAttribute = targetList.get(i);
if (otherAttribute.optionsEqual(a.getOptions()))
targetList.set(i, Attributes.merge(a, otherAttribute));
found = true;
if (!found)
if (!targetList.isEmpty())
target.put(t, targetList);
* Indicates whether this entry meets the criteria to consider it a
* referral (e.g., it contains the "referral" objectclass and a
* "ref" attribute).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it a referral, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isReferral()
return hasObjectClassOrAttribute(OC_REFERRAL, ATTR_REFERRAL_URL);
* Returns whether the current entry has a specific object class or attribute.
* @param objectClassName
* the name of the object class to look for
* @param attrTypeName
* the attribute type name of the object class to look for
* @return true if the current entry has the object class or the attribute,
* false otherwise
private boolean hasObjectClassOrAttribute(String objectClassName,
String attrTypeName)
ObjectClass oc = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(objectClassName);
if (oc == null)
// This should not happen
// The server doesn't have this objectclass defined.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
"No %s objectclass is defined in the server schema.",
return containsObjectClassByName(objectClassName);
if (!objectClasses.containsKey(oc))
return false;
AttributeType attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(attrTypeName);
if (attrType == null)
// This should not happen
// The server doesn't have this attribute type defined.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
"No %s attribute type is defined in the server schema.",
return false;
return userAttributes.containsKey(attrType)
|| operationalAttributes.containsKey(attrType);
* Whether the object class name exists in the objectClass of this entry.
* @param objectClassName
* the name of the object class to look for
* @return true if the object class name exists in the objectClass of this
* entry, false otherwise
private boolean containsObjectClassByName(String objectClassName)
for (String ocName : objectClasses.values())
if (objectClassName.equalsIgnoreCase(ocName))
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves the set of referral URLs that are included in this
* referral entry. This should only be called if
* <CODE>isReferral()</CODE> returns <CODE>true</CODE>.
* @return The set of referral URLs that are included in this entry
* if it is a referral, or <CODE>null</CODE> if it is not a
* referral.
public Set<String> getReferralURLs()
AttributeType referralType =
if (referralType == null)
// This should not happen -- The server doesn't have a ref
// attribute type defined.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
"No %s attribute type is defined in the server schema.",
return null;
List<Attribute> refAttrs = userAttributes.get(referralType);
if (refAttrs == null)
refAttrs = operationalAttributes.get(referralType);
if (refAttrs == null)
return null;
Set<String> referralURLs = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for (Attribute a : refAttrs)
for (ByteString v : a)
return referralURLs;
* Indicates whether this entry meets the criteria to consider it an
* alias (e.g., it contains the "aliasObject" objectclass and a
* "alias" attribute).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it an alias, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isAlias()
return hasObjectClassOrAttribute(OC_ALIAS, ATTR_ALIAS_DN);
* Retrieves the DN of the entry referenced by this alias entry.
* This should only be called if <CODE>isAlias()</CODE> returns
* <CODE>true</CODE>.
* @return The DN of the entry referenced by this alias entry, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if it is not an alias.
* @throws DirectoryException If there is an aliasedObjectName
* attribute but its value cannot be
* parsed as a DN.
public DN getAliasedDN() throws DirectoryException
AttributeType aliasType =
if (aliasType == null)
// This should not happen -- The server doesn't have an
// aliasedObjectName attribute type defined.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
"No %s attribute type is defined in the server schema.",
return null;
List<Attribute> aliasAttrs = userAttributes.get(aliasType);
if (aliasAttrs == null)
aliasAttrs = operationalAttributes.get(aliasType);
if (aliasAttrs == null)
return null;
if (!aliasAttrs.isEmpty())
// There should only be a single alias attribute in an entry,
// and we'll skip the check for others for performance reasons.
// We would just end up taking the first one anyway. The same
// is true with the set of values, since it should be a
// single-valued attribute.
Attribute aliasAttr = aliasAttrs.get(0);
if (!aliasAttr.isEmpty())
return DN.valueOf(aliasAttr.iterator().next().toString());
return null;
* Indicates whether this entry meets the criteria to consider it an
* LDAP subentry (i.e., it contains the "ldapSubentry" objectclass).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it an LDAP subentry, or <CODE>false</CODE> if
* not.
public boolean isLDAPSubentry()
return hasObjectClass(OC_LDAP_SUBENTRY_LC);
* Returns whether the current entry has a specific object class.
* @param objectClassLowerCase
* the lowercase name of the object class to look for
* @return true if the current entry has the object class, false otherwise
private boolean hasObjectClass(String objectClassLowerCase)
ObjectClass oc = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(objectClassLowerCase);
if (oc == null)
// This should not happen
// The server doesn't have this object class defined.
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
"No %s objectclass is defined in the server schema.",
return containsObjectClassByName(objectClassLowerCase);
// Make the determination based on whether this entry has this objectclass.
return objectClasses.containsKey(oc);
* Indicates whether this entry meets the criteria to consider it
* an RFC 3672 LDAP subentry (i.e., it contains the "subentry"
* objectclass).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it an RFC 3672 LDAP subentry, or <CODE>false
* </CODE> if not.
public boolean isSubentry()
return hasObjectClass(OC_SUBENTRY);
* Indicates whether the entry meets the criteria to consider it an
* RFC 3671 LDAP collective attributes subentry (i.e., it contains
* the "collectiveAttributeSubentry" objectclass).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it an RFC 3671 LDAP collective attributes
* subentry, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isCollectiveAttributeSubentry()
* Indicates whether the entry meets the criteria to consider it an
* inherited collective attributes subentry (i.e., it contains
* the "inheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry" objectclass).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it an inherited collective attributes
* subentry, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isInheritedCollectiveAttributeSubentry()
* Indicates whether the entry meets the criteria to consider it an inherited
* from DN collective attributes subentry (i.e., it contains the
* "inheritedFromDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry" objectclass).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to consider it
* an inherited from DN collective attributes subentry, or
* <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isInheritedFromDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry()
* Indicates whether the entry meets the criteria to consider it
* an inherited from RDN collective attributes subentry (i.e.,
* it contains the "inheritedFromRDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry"
* objectclass).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it an inherited from RDN collective attributes
* subentry, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isInheritedFromRDNCollectiveAttributeSubentry()
* Indicates whether the entry meets the criteria to consider it a
* LDAP password policy subentry (i.e., it contains the "pwdPolicy"
* objectclass of LDAP Password Policy Internet-Draft).
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry meets the criteria to
* consider it a LDAP Password Policy Internet-Draft
* subentry, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isPasswordPolicySubentry()
return hasObjectClass(OC_PWD_POLICY_SUBENTRY_LC);
* Indicates whether this entry falls within the range of the
* provided search base DN and scope.
* @param baseDN The base DN for which to make the determination.
* @param scope The search scope for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry is within the given
* base and scope, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it is not.
public boolean matchesBaseAndScope(DN baseDN, SearchScope scope)
return dn.matchesBaseAndScope(baseDN, scope);
* Performs any necessary collective attribute processing for this
* entry. This should only be called at the time the entry is
* decoded or created within the backend.
private void processCollectiveAttributes()
if (isSubentry() || isLDAPSubentry())
SubentryManager manager =
if(manager == null)
//Subentry manager may not have been initialized by
//a component that doesn't require it.
// Get applicable collective subentries.
List<SubEntry> collectiveAttrSubentries =
if (collectiveAttrSubentries == null || collectiveAttrSubentries.isEmpty())
// Nothing to see here, move along.
// Get collective attribute exclusions.
AttributeType exclusionsType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(
List<Attribute> exclusionsAttrList =
Set<String> exclusionsNameSet = new HashSet<String>();
if (exclusionsAttrList != null && !exclusionsAttrList.isEmpty())
for (Attribute attr : exclusionsAttrList)
for (ByteString attrValue : attr)
String exclusionsName = attrValue.toString().toLowerCase();
// Process collective attributes.
for (SubEntry subEntry : collectiveAttrSubentries)
if (subEntry.isCollective() || subEntry.isInheritedCollective())
Entry inheritFromEntry = null;
if (subEntry.isInheritedCollective())
if (subEntry.isInheritedFromDNCollective() &&
DN inheritFromDN = null;
for (Attribute attr : getAttribute(
for (ByteString value : attr)
inheritFromDN = DN.decode(value);
// Respect subentry root scope.
if (!inheritFromDN.isDescendantOf(
inheritFromDN = null;
if (inheritFromDN == null)
// TODO : ACI check; needs re-factoring to happen.
inheritFromEntry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(inheritFromDN);
catch (DirectoryException de)
else if (subEntry.isInheritedFromRDNCollective() &&
DN inheritFromDN = subEntry.getInheritFromBaseDN();
if (inheritFromDN != null)
for (Attribute attr : getAttribute(
inheritFromDN = subEntry.getInheritFromBaseDN();
for (ByteString value : attr)
inheritFromDN = inheritFromDN.child(
// TODO : ACI check; needs re-factoring to happen.
inheritFromEntry = DirectoryServer.getEntry(inheritFromDN);
catch (DirectoryException de)
List<Attribute> collectiveAttrList = subEntry.getCollectiveAttributes();
for (Attribute collectiveAttr : collectiveAttrList)
AttributeType attributeType = collectiveAttr.getAttributeType();
if (exclusionsNameSet.contains(
if (subEntry.isInheritedCollective())
if (inheritFromEntry != null)
collectiveAttr = inheritFromEntry.getExactAttribute(
if (collectiveAttr == null || collectiveAttr.isEmpty())
collectiveAttr = new CollectiveVirtualAttribute(collectiveAttr);
List<Attribute> attrList = userAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList == null || attrList.isEmpty())
attrList = operationalAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList == null || attrList.isEmpty())
// There aren't any conflicts, so we can just add the
// attribute to the entry.
attrList = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
putAttributes(attributeType, attrList);
// There is a conflict with an existing operational
// attribute.
collectiveAttr, attrList, operationalAttributes,
// There is a conflict with an existing user attribute.
collectiveAttr, attrList, userAttributes, attributeType);
private ByteString normalize(MatchingRule matchingRule, ByteString value)
throws DirectoryException
return matchingRule.normalizeAttributeValue(value);
catch (DecodeException e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_SYNTAX,
e.getMessageObject(), e);
* Resolves a conflict arising with a collective attribute.
* @param conflictBehavior
* the behavior of the conflict
* @param collectiveAttr
* the attribute in conflict
* @param attrList
* the List of attribute where to resolve the conflict
* @param attributes
* the Map of attributes where to solve the conflict
* @param attributeType
* the attribute type used with the Map
private void resolveCollectiveConflict(
CollectiveConflictBehavior conflictBehavior, Attribute collectiveAttr,
List<Attribute> attrList, Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes,
AttributeType attributeType)
if (attrList.get(0).isVirtual())
// The existing attribute is already virtual,
// so we've got a different conflict, but
// we'll let the first win.
// FIXME -- Should we handle this differently?
// The conflict is with a real attribute. See what the
// conflict behavior is and figure out how to handle it.
switch (conflictBehavior)
// We don't need to update the entry because the real attribute will take
// precedence.
// We need to move the real attribute to the
// suppressed list and replace it with the
// virtual attribute.
suppressedAttributes.put(attributeType, attrList);
attrList = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
attributes.put(attributeType, attrList);
// We need to add the virtual attribute to the
// list and keep the existing real attribute(s).
* Performs any necessary virtual attribute processing for this
* entry. This should only be called at the time the entry is
* decoded or created within the backend.
public void processVirtualAttributes()
// Virtual attributes.
for (VirtualAttributeRule rule :
AttributeType attributeType = rule.getAttributeType();
List<Attribute> attrList = userAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList == null || attrList.isEmpty())
attrList = operationalAttributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList == null || attrList.isEmpty())
// There aren't any conflicts, so we can just add the
// attribute to the entry.
attrList = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
attrList.add(new VirtualAttribute(attributeType, this, rule));
putAttributes(attributeType, attrList);
// There is a conflict with an existing operational attribute.
resolveVirtualConflict(rule, attrList, operationalAttributes,
// There is a conflict with an existing user attribute.
resolveVirtualConflict(rule, attrList, userAttributes, attributeType);
// Collective attributes.
* Resolves a conflict arising with a virtual attribute.
* @param rule
* the VirtualAttributeRule in conflict
* @param attrList
* the List of attribute where to resolve the conflict
* @param attributes
* the Map of attribute where to resolve the conflict
* @param attributeType
* the attribute type used with the Map
private void resolveVirtualConflict(VirtualAttributeRule rule,
List<Attribute> attrList, Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes,
AttributeType attributeType)
if (attrList.get(0).isVirtual())
// The existing attribute is already virtual, so we've got
// a different conflict, but we'll let the first win.
// FIXME -- Should we handle this differently?
// The conflict is with a real attribute. See what the
// conflict behavior is and figure out how to handle it.
switch (rule.getConflictBehavior())
// We don't need to update the entry because the real
// attribute will take precedence.
// We need to move the real attribute to the suppressed
// list and replace it with the virtual attribute.
suppressedAttributes.put(attributeType, attrList);
attrList = new LinkedList<Attribute>();
attrList.add(new VirtualAttribute(attributeType, this, rule));
attributes.put(attributeType, attrList);
// We need to add the virtual attribute to the list and
// keep the existing real attribute(s).
attrList.add(new VirtualAttribute(attributeType, this, rule));
* Encodes this entry into a form that is suitable for long-term
* persistent storage. The encoding will have a version number so
* that if the way we store entries changes in the future we will
* still be able to read entries encoded in an older format.
* @param buffer The buffer to encode into.
* @param config The configuration that may be used to control how
* the entry is encoded.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to encode the entry.
public void encode(ByteStringBuilder buffer,
EntryEncodeConfig config)
throws DirectoryException
encodeV3(buffer, config);
* Encodes this entry using the V3 encoding.
* @param buffer The buffer to encode into.
* @param config The configuration that should be used to encode
* the entry.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to encode the entry.
private void encodeV3(ByteStringBuilder buffer,
EntryEncodeConfig config)
throws DirectoryException
// The version number will be one byte.
// Get the encoded representation of the config.
// If we should include the DN, then it will be encoded as a
// one-to-five byte length followed by the UTF-8 byte
// representation.
if (! config.excludeDN())
// TODO: Can we encode the DN directly into buffer?
byte[] dnBytes = getBytes(dn.toString());
// Encode the object classes in the appropriate manner.
if (config.compressObjectClassSets())
config.getCompressedSchema().encodeObjectClasses(buffer, objectClasses);
// Encode number of OCs and 0 terminated names.
for (String ocName : objectClasses.values())
// Encode the user attributes in the appropriate manner.
encodeAttributes(buffer, userAttributes, config);
// The operational attributes will be encoded in the same way as
// the user attributes.
encodeAttributes(buffer, operationalAttributes, config);
* Encode the given attributes of an entry.
* @param buffer The buffer to encode into.
* @param attributes The attributes to encode.
* @param config The configuration that may be used to control how
* the entry is encoded.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to encode the entry.
private void encodeAttributes(ByteStringBuilder buffer,
Map<AttributeType,List<Attribute>> attributes,
EntryEncodeConfig config)
throws DirectoryException
int numAttributes = 0;
// First count how many attributes are there to encode.
for (List<Attribute> attrList : attributes.values())
Attribute a;
for (int i = 0; i < attrList.size(); i++)
a = attrList.get(i);
if (a.isVirtual() || a.isEmpty())
// Encoded one-to-five byte number of attributes
if (config.compressAttributeDescriptions())
for (List<Attribute> attrList : attributes.values())
for (Attribute a : attrList)
if (a.isVirtual() || a.isEmpty())
config.getCompressedSchema().encodeAttribute(buffer, a);
// The attributes will be encoded as a sequence of:
// - A UTF-8 byte representation of the attribute name.
// - A zero delimiter
// - A one-to-five byte number of values for the attribute
// - A sequence of:
// - A one-to-five byte length for the value
// - A UTF-8 byte representation for the value
for (List<Attribute> attrList : attributes.values())
for (Attribute a : attrList)
byte[] nameBytes = getBytes(a.getNameWithOptions());
for(ByteString v : a)
* Decodes the provided byte array as an entry.
* @param entryBuffer The byte array containing the data to be
* decoded.
* @return The decoded entry.
* @throws DirectoryException If the provided byte array cannot be
* decoded as an entry.
public static Entry decode(ByteSequenceReader entryBuffer)
throws DirectoryException
return decode(entryBuffer,
* Decodes the provided byte array as an entry using the V3
* encoding.
* @param entryBuffer The byte buffer containing the data to
* be decoded.
* @param compressedSchema The compressed schema manager to use
* when decoding tokenized schema
* elements.
* @return The decoded entry.
* @throws DirectoryException If the provided byte array cannot be
* decoded as an entry.
public static Entry decode(ByteSequenceReader entryBuffer,
CompressedSchema compressedSchema)
throws DirectoryException
// The first byte must be the entry version. If it's not one
// we recognize, then that's an error.
Byte version = entryBuffer.get();
if (version != 0x03 && version != 0x02 && version != 0x01)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRY_DECODE_UNRECOGNIZED_VERSION.get(
throw new DirectoryException(
EntryEncodeConfig config;
if(version != 0x01)
// Next is the length of the encoded configuration.
int configLength = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
// Next is the encoded configuration itself.
config =
EntryEncodeConfig.decode(entryBuffer, configLength,
config = EntryEncodeConfig.DEFAULT_CONFIG;
// If we should have included the DN in the entry, then it's
// next.
DN dn;
if (config.excludeDN())
dn = DN.NULL_DN;
// Next is the length of the DN. It may be a single byte or
// multiple bytes.
int dnLength = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
// Next is the DN itself.
ByteSequence dnBytes = entryBuffer.getByteSequence(dnLength);
dn = DN.decode(dnBytes.toByteString());
// Next is the set of encoded object classes. The encoding will
// depend on the configuration.
Map<ObjectClass,String> objectClasses =
decodeObjectClasses(version, entryBuffer, config);
// Now, we should iterate through the user and operational attributes and
// decode each one.
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> userAttributes =
decodeAttributes(version, entryBuffer, config);
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> operationalAttributes =
decodeAttributes(version, entryBuffer, config);
// We've got everything that we need, so create and return the entry.
return new Entry(dn, objectClasses, userAttributes,
catch (DirectoryException de)
throw de;
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(
message, e);
* Decode the object classes of an encoded entry.
* @param ver The version of the entry encoding.
* @param entryBuffer The byte sequence containing the encoded
* entry.
* @param config The configuration that may be used to control how
* the entry is encoded.
* @return A map of the decoded object classes.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to encode the entry.
private static Map<ObjectClass,String> decodeObjectClasses(
byte ver, ByteSequenceReader entryBuffer,
EntryEncodeConfig config) throws DirectoryException
// Next is the set of encoded object classes. The encoding will
// depend on the configuration.
if (config.compressObjectClassSets())
return config.getCompressedSchema().decodeObjectClasses(entryBuffer);
Map<ObjectClass, String> objectClasses;
if(ver < 0x03)
// Next is the length of the object classes. It may be a
// single byte or multiple bytes.
int ocLength = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
// The set of object classes will be encoded as a single
// string with the object class names separated by zeros.
objectClasses = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass,String>();
int startPos = entryBuffer.position();
for (int i=0; i < ocLength; i++)
if (entryBuffer.get() == 0x00)
int endPos = entryBuffer.position() - 1;
addObjectClass(objectClasses, entryBuffer, startPos, endPos);
startPos = entryBuffer.position();
int endPos = entryBuffer.position();
addObjectClass(objectClasses, entryBuffer, startPos, endPos);
// Next is the number of zero terminated object classes.
int numOC = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
objectClasses = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass,String>(numOC);
for(int i = 0; i < numOC; i++)
int startPos = entryBuffer.position();
while(entryBuffer.get() != 0x00)
int endPos = entryBuffer.position() - 1;
addObjectClass(objectClasses, entryBuffer, startPos, endPos);
return objectClasses;
* Adds the objectClass contained in the buffer to the map of object class.
* @param objectClasses
* the Map where to add the objectClass
* @param entryBuffer
* the buffer containing the objectClass name
* @param startPos
* the starting position in the buffer
* @param endPos
* the ending position in the buffer
private static void addObjectClass(Map<ObjectClass, String> objectClasses,
ByteSequenceReader entryBuffer, int startPos, int endPos)
final String ocName = entryBuffer.getString(endPos - startPos);
final String lowerName = toLowerCase(ocName);
final ObjectClass oc = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(lowerName, true);
objectClasses.put(oc, ocName);
* Decode the attributes of an encoded entry.
* @param ver The version of the entry encoding.
* @param entryBuffer The byte sequence containing the encoded
* entry.
* @param config The configuration that may be used to control how
* the entry is encoded.
* @return A map of the decoded object classes.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while attempting
* to encode the entry.
private static Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>
decodeAttributes(Byte ver, ByteSequenceReader entryBuffer,
EntryEncodeConfig config) throws DirectoryException
// Next is the total number of attributes. It may be a
// single byte or multiple bytes.
int attrs = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
// Now, we should iterate through the attributes and decode each one.
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType,List<Attribute>>(attrs);
if (config.compressAttributeDescriptions())
for (int i=0; i < attrs; i++)
if(ver < 0x03)
// Version 2 includes a total attribute length
// Decode the attribute.
Attribute a = config.getCompressedSchema().decodeAttribute(entryBuffer);
List<Attribute> attrList = attributes.get(a.getAttributeType());
if (attrList == null)
attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
attributes.put(a.getAttributeType(), attrList);
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder();
int startPos;
int endPos;
for (int i=0; i < attrs; i++)
// First, we have the zero-terminated attribute name.
startPos = entryBuffer.position();
while (entryBuffer.get() != 0x00)
endPos = entryBuffer.position()-1;
String name = entryBuffer.getString(endPos - startPos);
AttributeType attributeType;
int semicolonPos = name.indexOf(';');
if (semicolonPos > 0)
builder.setAttributeType(name.substring(0, semicolonPos));
attributeType = builder.getAttributeType();
int nextPos = name.indexOf(';', semicolonPos+1);
while (nextPos > 0)
String option = name.substring(semicolonPos+1, nextPos);
if (option.length() > 0)
semicolonPos = nextPos;
nextPos = name.indexOf(';', semicolonPos+1);
String option = name.substring(semicolonPos+1);
if (option.length() > 0)
attributeType = builder.getAttributeType();
// Next, we have the number of values.
int numValues = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
// Next, we have the sequence of length-value pairs.
for (int j=0; j < numValues; j++)
int valueLength = entryBuffer.getBERLength();
ByteString valueBytes =
// Create the attribute and add it to the set of attributes.
Attribute a = builder.toAttribute();
List<Attribute> attrList = attributes.get(attributeType);
if (attrList == null)
attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
attributes.put(attributeType, attrList);
return attributes;
* Retrieves a list of the lines for this entry in LDIF form. Long
* lines will not be wrapped automatically.
* @return A list of the lines for this entry in LDIF form.
public List<StringBuilder> toLDIF()
List<StringBuilder> ldifLines = new LinkedList<StringBuilder>();
// First, append the DN.
StringBuilder dnLine = new StringBuilder("dn");
appendLDIFSeparatorAndValue(dnLine, ByteString.valueOf(dn.toString()));
// Next, add the set of objectclasses.
for (String s : objectClasses.values())
StringBuilder ocLine = new StringBuilder("objectClass: ").append(s);
// Finally, add the set of user and operational attributes.
addLinesForAttributes(ldifLines, userAttributes);
addLinesForAttributes(ldifLines, operationalAttributes);
return ldifLines;
* Add LDIF lines for each passed in attributes.
* @param ldifLines
* the List where to add the LDIF lines
* @param attributes
* the List of attributes to convert into LDIf lines
private void addLinesForAttributes(List<StringBuilder> ldifLines,
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes)
for (List<Attribute> attrList : attributes.values())
for (Attribute a : attrList)
StringBuilder attrName = new StringBuilder(a.getName());
for (String o : a.getOptions())
for (ByteString v : a)
StringBuilder attrLine = new StringBuilder(attrName);
appendLDIFSeparatorAndValue(attrLine, v);
* Writes this entry in LDIF form according to the provided
* configuration.
* @param exportConfig The configuration that specifies how the
* entry should be written.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the entry is actually written, or
* <CODE>false</CODE> if it is not for some reason.
* @throws IOException If a problem occurs while writing the
* information.
* @throws LDIFException If a problem occurs while trying to
* determine whether to write the entry.
public boolean toLDIF(LDIFExportConfig exportConfig)
throws IOException, LDIFException
// See if this entry should be included in the export at all.
if (! exportConfig.includeEntry(this))
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Skipping entry %s because of the export configuration.", dn);
return false;
catch (Exception e)
// Invoke LDIF export plugins on the entry if appropriate.
if (exportConfig.invokeExportPlugins())
PluginConfigManager pluginConfigManager =
PluginResult.ImportLDIF pluginResult =
if (! pluginResult.continueProcessing())
return false;
// Get the information necessary to write the LDIF.
BufferedWriter writer = exportConfig.getWriter();
int wrapColumn = exportConfig.getWrapColumn();
boolean wrapLines = wrapColumn > 1;
// First, write the DN. It will always be included.
StringBuilder dnLine = new StringBuilder("dn");
appendLDIFSeparatorAndValue(dnLine, ByteString.valueOf(dn.toString()));
LDIFWriter.writeLDIFLine(dnLine, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
// Next, the set of objectclasses.
final boolean typesOnly = exportConfig.typesOnly();
if (exportConfig.includeObjectClasses())
if (typesOnly)
StringBuilder ocLine = new StringBuilder("objectClass:");
LDIFWriter.writeLDIFLine(ocLine, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
for (String s : objectClasses.values())
StringBuilder ocLine = new StringBuilder("objectClass: ").append(s);
LDIFWriter.writeLDIFLine(ocLine, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Skipping objectclasses for entry %s because of the export configuration.", dn);
// Now the set of user attributes.
writeLDIFLines(userAttributes, typesOnly, "user", exportConfig, writer,
wrapColumn, wrapLines);
// Next, the set of operational attributes.
if (exportConfig.includeOperationalAttributes())
writeLDIFLines(operationalAttributes, typesOnly, "operational",
exportConfig, writer, wrapColumn, wrapLines);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
"Skipping all operational attributes for entry %s " +
"because of the export configuration.", dn);
// If we are not supposed to include virtual attributes, then
// write any attributes that may normally be suppressed by a
// virtual attribute.
if (! exportConfig.includeVirtualAttributes())
for (AttributeType t : suppressedAttributes.keySet())
if (exportConfig.includeAttribute(t))
for (Attribute a : suppressedAttributes.get(t))
writeLDIFLine(a, typesOnly, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
// Make sure there is a blank line after the entry.
return true;
* Writes the provided List of attributes to LDIF using the provided
* information.
* @param attributes
* the List of attributes to write as LDIF
* @param typesOnly
* if true, only writes the type information, else writes the type
* information and values for the attribute.
* @param attributeType
* the type of attribute being written to LDIF
* @param exportConfig
* configures the export to LDIF
* @param writer
* The writer to which the data should be written. It must not be
* <CODE>null</CODE>.
* @param wrapLines
* Indicates whether to wrap long lines.
* @param wrapColumn
* The column at which long lines should be wrapped.
* @throws IOException
* If a problem occurs while writing the information.
private void writeLDIFLines(Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes,
final boolean typesOnly, String attributeType,
LDIFExportConfig exportConfig, BufferedWriter writer, int wrapColumn,
boolean wrapLines) throws IOException
for (AttributeType attrType : attributes.keySet())
if (exportConfig.includeAttribute(attrType))
List<Attribute> attrList = attributes.get(attrType);
for (Attribute a : attrList)
if (a.isVirtual() && !exportConfig.includeVirtualAttributes())
writeLDIFLine(a, typesOnly, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
logger.trace("Skipping %s attribute %s for entry %s "
+ "because of the export configuration.", attributeType, attrType.getNameOrOID(), dn);
* Writes the provided attribute to LDIF using the provided information.
* @param attribute
* the attribute to write to LDIF
* @param typesOnly
* if true, only writes the type information, else writes the type
* information and values for the attribute.
* @param writer
* The writer to which the data should be written. It must not be
* <CODE>null</CODE>.
* @param wrapLines
* Indicates whether to wrap long lines.
* @param wrapColumn
* The column at which long lines should be wrapped.
* @throws IOException
* If a problem occurs while writing the information.
private void writeLDIFLine(Attribute attribute, final boolean typesOnly,
BufferedWriter writer, boolean wrapLines, int wrapColumn)
throws IOException
StringBuilder attrName = new StringBuilder(attribute.getName());
for (String o : attribute.getOptions())
if (typesOnly)
LDIFWriter.writeLDIFLine(attrName, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
for (ByteString v : attribute)
StringBuilder attrLine = new StringBuilder(attrName);
appendLDIFSeparatorAndValue(attrLine, v);
LDIFWriter.writeLDIFLine(attrLine, writer, wrapLines, wrapColumn);
* Retrieves the name of the protocol associated with this protocol
* element.
* @return The name of the protocol associated with this protocol
* element.
public String getProtocolElementName()
return "Entry";
* Retrieves a hash code for this entry.
* @return The hash code for this entry.
public int hashCode()
int hashCode = dn.hashCode();
for (ObjectClass oc : objectClasses.keySet())
hashCode += oc.hashCode();
hashCode += hashCode(userAttributes.values());
hashCode += hashCode(operationalAttributes.values());
return hashCode;
* Computes the hashCode for the list of attributes list.
* @param attributesLists
* the attributes for which to commpute the hashCode
* @return the hashCode for the list of attributes list.
private int hashCode(Collection<List<Attribute>> attributesLists)
int result = 0;
for (List<Attribute> attributes : attributesLists)
for (Attribute a : attributes)
result += a.hashCode();
return result;
* Indicates whether the provided object is equal to this entry. In
* order for the object to be considered equal, it must be an entry
* with the same DN, set of object classes, and set of user and
* operational attributes.
* @param o The object for which to make the determination.
* @return {@code true} if the provided object may be considered
* equal to this entry, or {@code false} if not.
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null)
return false;
if (! (o instanceof Entry))
return false;
Entry e = (Entry) o;
return dn.equals(e.dn)
&& objectClasses.keySet().equals(e.objectClasses.keySet())
&& equals(userAttributes, e.userAttributes)
&& equals(operationalAttributes, e.operationalAttributes);
* Returns whether the 2 Maps are equal.
* @param attributes1
* the first Map of attributes
* @param attributes2
* the second Map of attributes
* @return true if the 2 Maps are equal, false otherwise
private boolean equals(Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes1,
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attributes2)
for (AttributeType at : attributes1.keySet())
List<Attribute> list1 = attributes1.get(at);
List<Attribute> list2 = attributes2.get(at);
if (list2 == null || list1.size() != list2.size())
return false;
for (Attribute a : list1)
if (!list2.contains(a))
return false;
return true;
* Retrieves a string representation of this protocol element.
* @return A string representation of this protocol element.
public String toString()
return toLDIFString();
* Appends a string representation of this protocol element to the
* provided buffer.
* @param buffer The buffer into which the string representation
* should be written.
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
* Appends a string representation of this protocol element to the
* provided buffer.
* @param buffer The buffer into which the string representation
* should be written.
* @param indent The number of spaces that should be used to
* indent the resulting string representation.
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer, int indent)
StringBuilder indentBuf = new StringBuilder(indent);
for (int i=0 ; i < indent; i++)
indentBuf.append(' ');
for (StringBuilder b : toLDIF())
* Retrieves a string representation of this entry in LDIF form.
* @return A string representation of this entry in LDIF form.
public String toLDIFString()
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (StringBuilder ldifLine : toLDIF())
return buffer.toString();
* Appends a single-line representation of this entry to the
* provided buffer.
* @param buffer The buffer to which the information should be
* written.
public void toSingleLineString(StringBuilder buffer)
Iterator<String> iterator = objectClasses.values().iterator();
if (iterator.hasNext())
while (iterator.hasNext())
appendAttributes(buffer, userAttributes.values());
appendAttributes(buffer, operationalAttributes.values());
* Appends the attributes to the StringBuilder.
* @param buffer
* the StringBuilder where to append
* @param attributesLists
* the attributesLists to append
private void appendAttributes(StringBuilder buffer,
Collection<List<Attribute>> attributesLists)
boolean firstAttr = true;
for (List<Attribute> attributes : attributesLists)
for (Attribute a : attributes)
if (firstAttr)
firstAttr = false;
if (a.hasOptions())
for (String optionString : a.getOptions())
Iterator<ByteString> valueIterator = a.iterator();
if (valueIterator.hasNext())
while (valueIterator.hasNext())
* Retrieves the requested attribute element for the specified
* attribute type and options or <code>null</code> if this entry
* does not contain an attribute with the specified attribute type
* and options.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to retrieve.
* @param options
* The set of attribute options.
* @return The requested attribute element for the specified
* attribute type and options, or <code>null</code> if the
* specified attribute type is not present in this entry
* with the provided set of options.
public Attribute getExactAttribute(AttributeType attributeType,
Set<String> options)
List<Attribute> attributes = getAttributes(attributeType);
if (attributes != null)
for (Attribute attribute : attributes)
if (attribute.optionsEqual(options))
return attribute;
return null;
* Adds the provided attribute to this entry. If an attribute with
* the provided type and options already exists, then it will be
* either merged or replaced depending on the value of
* <code>replace</code>.
* @param attribute
* The attribute to add/replace in this entry.
* @param duplicateValues
* A list to which any duplicate values will be added.
* @param replace
* <code>true</code> if the attribute should replace any
* existing attribute.
private void setAttribute(Attribute attribute,
List<ByteString> duplicateValues, boolean replace)
attachment = null;
AttributeType attributeType = attribute.getAttributeType();
if (attribute.getAttributeType().isObjectClass())
// We will not do any validation of the object classes - this is
// left to the caller.
if (replace)
MatchingRule rule =
for (ByteString v : attribute)
String name = v.toString();
String lowerName = toLowerName(rule, v);
// Create a default object class if necessary.
ObjectClass oc =
DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(lowerName, true);
if (replace)
objectClasses.put(oc, name);
if (objectClasses.containsKey(oc))
objectClasses.put(oc, name);
List<Attribute> attributes = getAttributes(attributeType);
if (attributes == null)
// Do nothing if we are deleting a non-existing attribute.
if (replace && attribute.isEmpty())
// We are adding the first attribute with this attribute type.
putAttributes(attributeType, newList(attribute));
// There are already attributes with the same attribute type.
Set<String> options = attribute.getOptions();
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); i++)
Attribute a = attributes.get(i);
if (a.optionsEqual(options))
if (replace)
if (!attribute.isEmpty())
attributes.set(i, attribute);
if (attributes.isEmpty())
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a);
for (ByteString v : attribute)
if (!builder.add(v))
attributes.set(i, builder.toAttribute());
// There were no attributes with the same options.
if (replace && attribute.isEmpty())
// Do nothing.
* Returns an entry containing only those attributes of this entry
* which match the provided criteria.
* @param attrNameList
* The list of attributes to include, may include wild
* cards.
* @param omitValues
* Indicates whether to omit attribute values when
* processing.
* @param omitReal
* Indicates whether to exclude real attributes.
* @param omitVirtual
* Indicates whether to exclude virtual attributes.
* @return An entry containing only those attributes of this entry
* which match the provided criteria.
public Entry filterEntry(Set<String> attrNameList,
boolean omitValues, boolean omitReal, boolean omitVirtual)
final AttributeType ocType = DirectoryServer.getObjectClassAttributeType();
Map<ObjectClass, String> objectClassesCopy;
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> userAttrsCopy;
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> operationalAttrsCopy;
if (attrNameList == null || attrNameList.isEmpty())
// Common case: return filtered user attributes.
userAttrsCopy = new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(
operationalAttrsCopy =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(0);
if (omitReal)
objectClassesCopy = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(0);
else if (omitValues)
objectClassesCopy = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(0);
// Add empty object class attribute.
userAttrsCopy.put(ocType, newList(Attributes.empty(ocType)));
objectClassesCopy =
new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(objectClasses);
// First, add the objectclass attribute.
Attribute ocAttr = getObjectClassAttribute();
if (ocAttr != null)
userAttrsCopy.put(ocType, newList(ocAttr));
// Copy all user attributes.
deepCopy(userAttributes, userAttrsCopy, omitValues, true,
omitReal, omitVirtual, true);
// Incrementally build table of attributes.
if (omitReal || omitValues)
objectClassesCopy = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(0);
objectClassesCopy =
new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(objectClasses.size());
userAttrsCopy = new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(
operationalAttrsCopy =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(
for (String attrName : attrNameList)
if ("*".equals(attrName))
// This is a special placeholder indicating that all user
// attributes should be returned.
if (!omitReal)
if (omitValues)
// Add empty object class attribute.
userAttrsCopy.put(ocType, newList(Attributes.empty(ocType)));
// Add the objectclass attribute.
Attribute ocAttr = getObjectClassAttribute();
if (ocAttr != null)
userAttrsCopy.put(ocType, newList(ocAttr));
// Copy all user attributes.
deepCopy(userAttributes, userAttrsCopy, omitValues, true,
omitReal, omitVirtual, true);
else if ("+".equals(attrName))
// This is a special placeholder indicating that all
// operational attributes should be returned.
deepCopy(operationalAttributes, operationalAttrsCopy,
omitValues, true, omitReal, omitVirtual, true);
String lowerName;
Set<String> options;
int semicolonPos = attrName.indexOf(';');
if (semicolonPos > 0)
String tmpName = attrName.substring(0, semicolonPos);
lowerName = toLowerCase(tmpName);
int nextPos = attrName.indexOf(';', semicolonPos+1);
options = new HashSet<String>();
while (nextPos > 0)
options.add(attrName.substring(semicolonPos+1, nextPos));
semicolonPos = nextPos;
nextPos = attrName.indexOf(';', semicolonPos+1);
attrName = tmpName;
lowerName = toLowerCase(attrName);
options = null;
AttributeType attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(lowerName);
if (attrType == null)
// Unrecognized attribute type - do best effort search.
for (Map.Entry<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> e :
AttributeType t = e.getKey();
if (t.hasNameOrOID(lowerName))
mergeAttributeLists(e.getValue(), userAttrsCopy, t,
attrName, options, omitValues, omitReal, omitVirtual);
for (Map.Entry<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> e :
AttributeType t = e.getKey();
if (t.hasNameOrOID(lowerName))
mergeAttributeLists(e.getValue(), operationalAttrsCopy,
t, attrName, options, omitValues, omitReal, omitVirtual);
// Recognized attribute type.
if (attrType.isObjectClass()) {
if (!omitReal)
if (omitValues)
userAttrsCopy.put(ocType, newList(Attributes.empty(ocType,
Attribute ocAttr = getObjectClassAttribute();
if (ocAttr != null)
if (!attrName.equals(ocAttr.getName()))
// User requested non-default object class type name.
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(ocAttr);
builder.setAttributeType(ocType, attrName);
ocAttr = builder.toAttribute();
userAttrsCopy.put(ocType, newList(ocAttr));
List<Attribute> attrList = getUserAttribute(attrType);
if (attrList != null)
mergeAttributeLists(attrList, userAttrsCopy, attrType,
attrName, options, omitValues, omitReal, omitVirtual);
attrList = getOperationalAttribute(attrType);
if (attrList != null)
mergeAttributeLists(attrList, operationalAttrsCopy,
attrType, attrName, options, omitValues, omitReal,
return new Entry(dn, objectClassesCopy, userAttrsCopy,
* Returns a new List containing only the supplied element.
* @param elem
* the element to add to the list
* @return a new List containing only the supplied element.
private List<Attribute> newList(Attribute elem)
List<Attribute> l = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
return l;
* Copies the provided list of attributes into the destination
* attribute map according to the provided criteria.
* @param sourceList
* The list containing the attributes to be copied.
* @param destMap
* The map where the attributes should be copied to.
* @param attrType
* The attribute type.
* @param attrName
* The user-provided attribute name.
* @param options
* The user-provided attribute options.
* @param omitValues
* Indicates whether to exclude attribute values.
* @param omitReal
* Indicates whether to exclude real attributes.
* @param omitVirtual
* Indicates whether to exclude virtual attributes.
private void mergeAttributeLists(List<Attribute> sourceList,
Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> destMap,
AttributeType attrType, String attrName, Set<String> options,
boolean omitValues, boolean omitReal, boolean omitVirtual)
if (sourceList == null)
for (Attribute attribute : sourceList)
if (attribute.isEmpty())
else if (omitReal && !attribute.isVirtual())
else if (omitVirtual && attribute.isVirtual())
else if (!attribute.hasAllOptions(options))
// If a non-default attribute name was provided or if the
// attribute has options then we will need to rebuild the
// attribute so that it contains the user-requested names and options.
AttributeType subAttrType = attribute.getAttributeType();
if ((attrName != null && !attrName.equals(attribute.getName()))
|| (options != null && !options.isEmpty()))
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder();
// We want to use the user-provided name only if this attribute has
// the same type as the requested type. This might not be the case for
// sub-types e.g. requesting "name" and getting back "cn" - we don't
// want to rename "name" to "cn".
if (attrName == null || !subAttrType.equals(attrType))
builder.setAttributeType(attribute.getAttributeType(), attrName);
if (options != null)
// Now add in remaining options from original attribute
// (this will not overwrite options already present).
if (!omitValues)
attribute = builder.toAttribute();
else if (omitValues)
attribute = Attributes.empty(attribute);
// Now put the attribute into the destination map.
// Be careful of duplicates.
List<Attribute> attrList = destMap.get(subAttrType);
if (attrList == null)
// Assume that they'll all go in the one list. This isn't
// always the case, for example if the list contains
// sub-types.
attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(sourceList.size());
destMap.put(subAttrType, attrList);
// The attribute may have already been put in the list.
// This may occur in two cases:
// 1) The attribute is identified by more than one attribute
// type description in the attribute list (e.g. in a
// wildcard).
// 2) The attribute has both a real and virtual component.
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < attrList.size(); i++)
Attribute otherAttribute = attrList.get(i);
if (otherAttribute.optionsEqual(attribute.getOptions()))
// Assume that wildcards appear first in an attribute
// list with more specific attribute names afterwards:
// let the attribute name and options from the later
// attribute take preference.
attrList.set(i, Attributes.merge(attribute, otherAttribute));
found = true;
if (!found)