DN.java revision 040cba63ba4af5bed76846f0edb63c853b009da9
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2012-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.types;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequenceReader;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import static org.forgerock.util.Reject.*;
import static org.opends.messages.SchemaMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
* This class defines a data structure for storing and interacting
* with the distinguished names associated with entries in the
* Directory Server.
public final class DN implements Comparable<DN>, Serializable
* NOTE: Any changes to the set of non-static public methods defined
* in this class or the arguments that they contain must also
* be made in the org.opends.server.interop.LazyDN package to
* ensure continued interoperability with third-party
* applications that rely on that functionality.
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
* A singleton instance of the null DN (a DN with no components).
public static final DN NULL_DN = new DN();
/** RDN separator for normalized byte string of a DN. */
public static final byte NORMALIZED_RDN_SEPARATOR = 0x00;
/** AVA separator for normalized byte string of a DN. */
public static final byte NORMALIZED_AVA_SEPARATOR = 0x01;
/** Escape byte for normalized byte string of a DN. */
public static final byte NORMALIZED_ESC_BYTE = 0x02;
* The serial version identifier required to satisfy the compiler
* because this class implements the
* <CODE>java.io.Serializable</CODE> interface. This value was
* generated using the <CODE>serialver</CODE> command-line utility
* included with the Java SDK.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1184263456768819888L;
/** The number of RDN components that comprise this DN. */
private final int numComponents;
* The set of RDN components that comprise this DN, arranged with the suffix
* as the last element.
private final RDN[] rdnComponents;
/** The string representation of this DN. */
private String dnString;
/** The irreversible normalized byte string representation of this DN. */
private ByteString normalizedDN;
* Creates a new DN with no RDN components (i.e., a null DN or root
* DSE).
public DN()
this(new RDN[0]);
* Creates a new DN with the provided set of RDNs, arranged with the
* suffix as the last element.
* @param rdnComponents The set of RDN components that make up
* this DN.
public DN(RDN[] rdnComponents)
if (rdnComponents == null)
this.rdnComponents = new RDN[0];
this.rdnComponents = rdnComponents;
numComponents = this.rdnComponents.length;
dnString = null;
normalizedDN = null;
* Creates a new DN with the provided set of RDNs, arranged with the
* suffix as the last element.
* @param rdnComponents The set of RDN components that make up
* this DN.
public DN(List<RDN> rdnComponents)
if ((rdnComponents == null) || rdnComponents.isEmpty())
this.rdnComponents = new RDN[0];
this.rdnComponents = new RDN[rdnComponents.size()];
numComponents = this.rdnComponents.length;
dnString = null;
normalizedDN = null;
* Creates a new DN with the given RDN below the specified parent.
* @param rdn The RDN to use for the new DN. It must not be
* {@code null}.
* @param parentDN The DN of the entry below which the new DN
* should exist. It must not be {@code null}.
public DN(RDN rdn, DN parentDN)
ifNull(rdn, parentDN);
if (parentDN.isRootDN())
rdnComponents = new RDN[] { rdn };
rdnComponents = new RDN[parentDN.numComponents + 1];
rdnComponents[0] = rdn;
System.arraycopy(parentDN.rdnComponents, 0, rdnComponents, 1,
numComponents = this.rdnComponents.length;
dnString = null;
normalizedDN = null;
* Retrieves a singleton instance of the null DN.
* @return A singleton instance of the null DN.
public static DN rootDN()
return NULL_DN;
* Indicates whether this represents a null DN. This could target
* the root DSE for the Directory Server, or the authorization DN
* for an anonymous or unauthenticated client.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this does represent a null DN, or
* <CODE>false</CODE> if it does not.
public boolean isRootDN()
return (numComponents == 0);
* Retrieves the number of RDN components for this DN.
* @return The number of RDN components for this DN.
public int size()
return numComponents;
* Retrieves the outermost RDN component for this DN (i.e., the one
* that is furthest from the suffix).
* @return The outermost RDN component for this DN, or
* <CODE>null</CODE> if there are no RDN components in the
* DN.
public RDN rdn()
if (numComponents == 0)
return null;
return rdnComponents[0];
* Returns a copy of this DN whose parent DN, {@code fromDN}, has been renamed
* to the new parent DN, {@code toDN}. If this DN is not subordinate or equal
* to {@code fromDN} then this DN is returned (i.e. the DN is not renamed).
* @param fromDN
* The old parent DN.
* @param toDN
* The new parent DN.
* @return The renamed DN, or this DN if no renaming was performed.
public DN rename(final DN fromDN, final DN toDN)
Reject.ifNull(fromDN, toDN);
if (!isDescendantOf(fromDN))
return this;
else if (equals(fromDN))
return toDN;
final int sizeOfRdns = size() - fromDN.size();
RDN[] childRdns = new RDN[sizeOfRdns];
System.arraycopy(rdnComponents, 0, childRdns, 0, sizeOfRdns);
return toDN.concat(childRdns);
* Retrieves the RDN component at the specified position in the set
* of components for this DN.
* @param pos The position of the RDN component to retrieve.
* @return The RDN component at the specified position in the set
* of components for this DN.
public RDN getRDN(int pos)
return rdnComponents[pos];
* Retrieves the DN of the entry that is the immediate parent for
* this entry. Note that this method does not take the server's
* naming context configuration into account when making the
* determination.
* @return The DN of the entry that is the immediate parent for
* this entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the entry with this
* DN does not have a parent.
public DN parent()
if (numComponents <= 1)
return null;
RDN[] parentComponents = new RDN[numComponents-1];
System.arraycopy(rdnComponents, 1, parentComponents, 0,
return new DN(parentComponents);
* Retrieves the DN of the entry that is the immediate parent for
* this entry. This method does take the server's naming context
* configuration into account, so if the current DN is a naming
* context for the server, then it will not be considered to have a
* parent.
* @return The DN of the entry that is the immediate parent for
* this entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the entry with this
* DN does not have a parent (either because there is only
* a single RDN component or because this DN is a suffix
* defined in the server).
public DN getParentDNInSuffix()
if ((numComponents <= 1) ||
return null;
RDN[] parentComponents = new RDN[numComponents-1];
System.arraycopy(rdnComponents, 1, parentComponents, 0,
return new DN(parentComponents);
* Creates a new DN that is a child of this DN, using the specified
* RDN.
* @param rdn The RDN for the child of this DN.
* @return A new DN that is a child of this DN, using the specified
* RDN.
public DN child(RDN rdn)
RDN[] newComponents = new RDN[rdnComponents.length+1];
newComponents[0] = rdn;
System.arraycopy(rdnComponents, 0, newComponents, 1,
return new DN(newComponents);
* Creates a new DN that is a descendant of this DN, using the
* specified RDN components.
* @param rdnComponents The RDN components for the descendant of
* this DN.
* @return A new DN that is a descendant of this DN, using the
* specified RDN components.
public DN concat(RDN[] rdnComponents)
RDN[] newComponents =
new RDN[rdnComponents.length+this.rdnComponents.length];
System.arraycopy(rdnComponents, 0, newComponents, 0,
System.arraycopy(this.rdnComponents, 0, newComponents,
rdnComponents.length, this.rdnComponents.length);
return new DN(newComponents);
* Creates a new DN that is a descendant of this DN, using the
* specified DN as a relative base DN. That is, the resulting DN
* will first have the components of the provided DN followed by the
* components of this DN.
* @param relativeBaseDN The relative base DN to concatenate onto
* this DN.
* @return A new DN that is a descendant of this DN, using the
* specified DN as a relative base DN.
public DN child(DN relativeBaseDN)
RDN[] newComponents =
new RDN[rdnComponents.length+
System.arraycopy(relativeBaseDN.rdnComponents, 0, newComponents,
0, relativeBaseDN.rdnComponents.length);
System.arraycopy(rdnComponents, 0, newComponents,
return new DN(newComponents);
* Indicates whether this DN is a descendant of the provided DN
* (i.e., that the RDN components of the provided DN are the
* same as the last RDN components for this DN). Note that if
* this DN equals the provided DN it is still considered to be
* a descendant of the provided DN by this method as both then
* reside within the same subtree.
* @param dn The DN for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this DN is a descendant of the
* provided DN, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isDescendantOf(DN dn)
int offset = numComponents - dn.numComponents;
if (offset < 0)
return false;
for (int i=0; i < dn.numComponents; i++)
if (! rdnComponents[i+offset].equals(dn.rdnComponents[i]))
return false;
return true;
* Indicates whether this DN is an ancestor of the provided DN
* (i.e., that the RDN components of this DN are the same as the
* last RDN components for the provided DN).
* @param dn The DN for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this DN is an ancestor of the
* provided DN, or <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
public boolean isAncestorOf(DN dn)
int offset = dn.numComponents - numComponents;
if (offset < 0)
return false;
for (int i=0; i < numComponents; i++)
if (! rdnComponents[i].equals(dn.rdnComponents[i+offset]))
return false;
return true;
* Indicates whether this entry falls within the range of the
* provided search base DN and scope.
* @param baseDN The base DN for which to make the determination.
* @param scope The search scope for which to make the
* determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this entry is within the given
* base and scope, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it is not.
public boolean matchesBaseAndScope(DN baseDN, SearchScope scope)
switch (scope.asEnum())
// The base DN must equal this DN.
return equals(baseDN);
// The parent DN must equal the base DN.
return baseDN.equals(parent());
// This DN must be a descendant of the provided base DN.
return isDescendantOf(baseDN);
// This DN must be a descendant of the provided base DN, but
// not equal to it.
return ((! equals(baseDN)) && isDescendantOf(baseDN));
// This is a scope that we don't recognize.
return false;
* Decodes the provided ASN.1 octet string as a DN.
* @param dnString The ASN.1 octet string to decode as a DN.
* @return The decoded DN.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while trying to
* decode the provided ASN.1 octet
* string as a DN.
public static DN decode(ByteString dnString)
throws DirectoryException
// A null or empty DN is acceptable.
if (dnString == null)
return NULL_DN;
int length = dnString.length();
if (length == 0)
return NULL_DN;
// See if we are dealing with any non-ASCII characters, or any
// escaped characters. If so, then the easiest and safest
// approach is to convert the DN to a string and decode it that
// way.
byte b;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
b = dnString.byteAt(i);
if (((b & 0x7F) != b) || (b == '\\'))
return valueOf(dnString.toString());
// Iterate through the DN string. The first thing to do is to get
// rid of any leading spaces.
ByteSequenceReader dnReader = dnString.asReader();
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 && (b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
if(b == ' ')
// This means that the DN was completely comprised of spaces
// and therefore should be considered the same as a null or
// empty DN.
return NULL_DN;
// We know that it's not an empty DN, so we can do the real
// processing. Create a loop and iterate through all the RDN
// components.
boolean allowExceptions =
LinkedList<RDN> rdnComponents = new LinkedList<RDN>();
while (true)
ByteString attributeName =
parseAttributeName(dnReader, allowExceptions);
// Make sure that we're not at the end of the DN string because
// that would be invalid.
if (dnReader.remaining() <= 0)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
// Skip over any spaces between the attribute name and its
// value.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 && (b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
if(b == ' ')
// This means that we hit the end of the value before
// finding a '='. This is illegal because there is no
// attribute-value separator.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
// The next character must be an equal sign. If it is not,
// then that's an error.
if (b != '=')
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_NO_EQUAL.get(dnString, attributeName, (char) b));
// Skip over any spaces after the equal sign.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 && (b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
// If we are at the end of the DN string, then that must mean
// that the attribute value was empty. This will probably never
// happen in a real-world environment, but technically isn't
// illegal. If it does happen, then go ahead and create the RDN
// component and return the DN.
if (b == ' ')
StringBuilder lowerName = new StringBuilder();
toLowerCase(attributeName, lowerName, true);
AttributeType attrType =
String attributeNameString = attributeName.toString();
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know about.
// In that case, we'll create a new attribute using the
// default syntax. If this is a problem, it will be caught
// later either by not finding the target entry or by not
// allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(
new RDN(attrType, attributeNameString, ByteString.empty()));
return new DN(rdnComponents);
// Parse the value for this RDN component.
ByteString parsedValue = parseAttributeValue(dnReader);
// Create the new RDN with the provided information.
StringBuilder lowerName = new StringBuilder();
toLowerCase(attributeName, lowerName, true);
AttributeType attrType =
String attributeNameString = attributeName.toString();
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know about.
// In that case, we'll create a new attribute using the
// default syntax. If this is a problem, it will be caught
// later either by not finding the target entry or by not
// allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(
RDN rdn = new RDN(attrType, attributeNameString, parsedValue);
// Skip over any spaces that might be after the attribute value.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 && (b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
// Most likely, we will be at either the end of the RDN
// component or the end of the DN. If so, then handle that
// appropriately.
if (b == ' ')
// We're at the end of the DN string and should have a valid
// DN so return it.
return new DN(rdnComponents);
else if ((b == ',') || (b == ';'))
// We're at the end of the RDN component, so add it to the
// list, skip over the comma/semicolon, and start on the next
// component.
else if (b != '+')
// This should not happen. At any rate, it's an illegal
// character, so throw an exception.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
dnReader, (char) b, dnReader.position()-1));
// If we have gotten here, then this must be a multi-valued RDN.
// In that case, parse the remaining attribute/value pairs and
// add them to the RDN that we've already created.
while (true)
// Skip over the plus sign and any spaces that may follow it
// before the next attribute name.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 &&
(b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
// Parse the attribute name from the DN string.
attributeName = parseAttributeName(dnReader, allowExceptions);
// Make sure that we're not at the end of the DN string
// because that would be invalid.
if (b == ' ')
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
// Skip over any spaces between the attribute name and its
// value.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 &&
(b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
if(b == ' ')
// This means that we hit the end of the value before
// finding a '='. This is illegal because there is no
// attribute-value separator.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
// The next character must be an equal sign. If it is not,
// then that's an error.
if (b != '=')
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_NO_EQUAL.get(dnString, attributeName, (char) b));
// Skip over any spaces after the equal sign.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 &&
(b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
// If we are at the end of the DN string, then that must mean
// that the attribute value was empty. This will probably
// never happen in a real-world environment, but technically
// isn't illegal. If it does happen, then go ahead and create
// the RDN component and return the DN.
if (b == ' ')
lowerName = new StringBuilder();
toLowerCase(attributeName, lowerName, true);
attrType =
attributeNameString = attributeName.toString();
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know
// about. In that case, we'll create a new attribute
// using the default syntax. If this is a problem, it
// will be caught later either by not finding the target
// entry or by not allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(
rdn.addValue(attrType, attributeNameString, ByteString.empty());
return new DN(rdnComponents);
// Parse the value for this RDN component.
parsedValue = parseAttributeValue(dnReader);
lowerName = new StringBuilder();
toLowerCase(attributeName, lowerName, true);
attrType =
attributeNameString = attributeName.toString();
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know about.
// In that case, we'll create a new attribute using the
// default syntax. If this is a problem, it will be caught
// later either by not finding the target entry or by not
// allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(
rdn.addValue(attrType, attributeNameString, parsedValue);
// Skip over any spaces that might be after the attribute
// value.
// Skip over any spaces that might be after the attribute
// value.
b = ' ';
while (dnReader.remaining() > 0 &&
(b = dnReader.get()) == ' ')
// Most likely, we will be at either the end of the RDN
// component or the end of the DN. If so, then handle that
// appropriately.
if (b == ' ')
// We're at the end of the DN string and should have a valid
// DN so return it.
return new DN(rdnComponents);
else if ((b == ',') || (b == ';'))
// We're at the end of the RDN component, so add it to the
// list, skip over the comma/semicolon, and start on the
// next component.
else if (b != '+')
// This should not happen. At any rate, it's an illegal
// character, so throw an exception.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
dnString, (char) b, dnReader.position()-1));
* Decodes the provided string as a DN.
* @param dnString The string to decode as a DN.
* @return The decoded DN.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while trying to
* decode the provided string as a DN.
public static DN valueOf(String dnString)
throws DirectoryException
// A null or empty DN is acceptable.
if (dnString == null)
return NULL_DN;
int length = dnString.length();
if (length == 0)
return NULL_DN;
// Iterate through the DN string. The first thing to do is to get
// rid of any leading spaces.
int pos = 0;
char c = dnString.charAt(pos);
while (c == ' ')
if (pos == length)
// This means that the DN was completely comprised of spaces
// and therefore should be considered the same as a null or
// empty DN.
return NULL_DN;
c = dnString.charAt(pos);
// We know that it's not an empty DN, so we can do the real
// processing. Create a loop and iterate through all the RDN
// components.
boolean allowExceptions =
LinkedList<RDN> rdnComponents = new LinkedList<RDN>();
while (true)
StringBuilder attributeName = new StringBuilder();
pos = parseAttributeName(dnString, pos, attributeName,
// Make sure that we're not at the end of the DN string because
// that would be invalid.
if (pos >= length)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
// Skip over any spaces between the attribute name and its
// value.
c = dnString.charAt(pos);
while (c == ' ')
if (pos >= length)
// This means that we hit the end of the value before
// finding a '='. This is illegal because there is no
// attribute-value separator.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
c = dnString.charAt(pos);
// The next character must be an equal sign. If it is not, then
// that's an error.
if (c == '=')
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_NO_EQUAL.get(dnString, attributeName, c));
// Skip over any spaces after the equal sign.
while ((pos < length) && ((c = dnString.charAt(pos)) == ' '))
// If we are at the end of the DN string, then that must mean
// that the attribute value was empty. This will probably never
// happen in a real-world environment, but technically isn't
// illegal. If it does happen, then go ahead and create the
// RDN component and return the DN.
if (pos >= length)
String name = attributeName.toString();
String lowerName = toLowerCase(name);
AttributeType attrType =
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know about.
// In that case, we'll create a new attribute using the
// default syntax. If this is a problem, it will be caught
// later either by not finding the target entry or by not
// allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(name);
rdnComponents.add(new RDN(attrType, name, ByteString.empty()));
return new DN(rdnComponents);
// Parse the value for this RDN component.
ByteStringBuilder parsedValue = new ByteStringBuilder(0);
pos = parseAttributeValue(dnString, pos, parsedValue);
// Create the new RDN with the provided information.
String name = attributeName.toString();
String lowerName = toLowerCase(name);
AttributeType attrType =
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know about.
// In that case, we'll create a new attribute using the
// default syntax. If this is a problem, it will be caught
// later either by not finding the target entry or by not
// allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(name);
RDN rdn = new RDN(attrType, name, parsedValue.toByteString());
// Skip over any spaces that might be after the attribute value.
while ((pos < length) && ((c = dnString.charAt(pos)) == ' '))
// Most likely, we will be at either the end of the RDN
// component or the end of the DN. If so, then handle that
// appropriately.
if (pos >= length)
// We're at the end of the DN string and should have a valid
// DN so return it.
return new DN(rdnComponents);
else if ((c == ',') || (c == ';'))
// We're at the end of the RDN component, so add it to the
// list, skip over the comma/semicolon, and start on the next
// component.
else if (c != '+')
// This should not happen. At any rate, it's an illegal
// character, so throw an exception.
LocalizableMessage message =
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_INVALID_CHAR.get(dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// If we have gotten here, then this must be a multi-valued RDN.
// In that case, parse the remaining attribute/value pairs and
// add them to the RDN that we've already created.
while (true)
// Skip over the plus sign and any spaces that may follow it
// before the next attribute name.
while ((pos < length) && (dnString.charAt(pos) == ' '))
// Parse the attribute name from the DN string.
attributeName = new StringBuilder();
pos = parseAttributeName(dnString, pos, attributeName,
// Make sure that we're not at the end of the DN string
// because that would be invalid.
if (pos >= length)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
// Skip over any spaces between the attribute name and its
// value.
c = dnString.charAt(pos);
while (c == ' ')
if (pos >= length)
// This means that we hit the end of the value before
// finding a '='. This is illegal because there is no
// attribute-value separator.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_END_WITH_ATTR_NAME.get(dnString, attributeName));
c = dnString.charAt(pos);
// The next character must be an equal sign. If it is not,
// then that's an error.
if (c == '=')
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_NO_EQUAL.get(dnString, attributeName, c));
// Skip over any spaces after the equal sign.
while ((pos < length) && ((c = dnString.charAt(pos)) == ' '))
// If we are at the end of the DN string, then that must mean
// that the attribute value was empty. This will probably
// never happen in a real-world environment, but technically
// isn't illegal. If it does happen, then go ahead and create
// the RDN component and return the DN.
if (pos >= length)
name = attributeName.toString();
lowerName = toLowerCase(name);
attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(lowerName);
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know
// about. In that case, we'll create a new attribute
// using the default syntax. If this is a problem, it
// will be caught later either by not finding the target
// entry or by not allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(name);
rdn.addValue(attrType, name, ByteString.empty());
return new DN(rdnComponents);
// Parse the value for this RDN component.
pos = parseAttributeValue(dnString, pos, parsedValue);
// Create the new RDN with the provided information.
name = attributeName.toString();
lowerName = toLowerCase(name);
attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(lowerName);
if (attrType == null)
// This must be an attribute type that we don't know about.
// In that case, we'll create a new attribute using the
// default syntax. If this is a problem, it will be caught
// later either by not finding the target entry or by not
// allowing the entry to be added.
attrType = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(name);
rdn.addValue(attrType, name, parsedValue.toByteString());
// Skip over any spaces that might be after the attribute
// value.
while ((pos < length) && ((c = dnString.charAt(pos)) == ' '))
// Most likely, we will be at either the end of the RDN
// component or the end of the DN. If so, then handle that
// appropriately.
if (pos >= length)
// We're at the end of the DN string and should have a valid
// DN so return it.
return new DN(rdnComponents);
else if ((c == ',') || (c == ';'))
// We're at the end of the RDN component, so add it to the
// list, skip over the comma/semicolon, and start on the
// next component.
else if (c != '+')
// This should not happen. At any rate, it's an illegal
// character, so throw an exception.
LocalizableMessage message =
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_INVALID_CHAR.get(dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
* Parses an attribute name from the provided DN string starting at
* the specified location.
* @param dnBytes The byte array containing the DN to
* parse.
* @param allowExceptions Indicates whether to allow certain
* exceptions to the strict requirements
* for attribute names.
* @return The parsed attribute name.
* @throws DirectoryException If it was not possible to parse a
* valid attribute name from the
* provided DN string.
static ByteString parseAttributeName(ByteSequenceReader dnBytes,
boolean allowExceptions)
throws DirectoryException
// Skip over any leading spaces.
while(dnBytes.remaining() > 0 && dnBytes.get() == ' ')
if(dnBytes.remaining() <= 0)
// This means that the remainder of the DN was completely
// comprised of spaces. If we have gotten here, then we
// know that there is at least one RDN component, and
// therefore the last non-space character of the DN must
// have been a comma. This is not acceptable.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
int nameStartPos = dnBytes.position();
ByteString nameBytes = null;
// Next, we should find the attribute name for this RDN component.
// It may either be a name (with only letters, digits, and dashes
// and starting with a letter) or an OID (with only digits and
// periods, optionally prefixed with "oid."), and there is also a
// special case in which we will allow underscores. Because of
// the complexity involved, read the entire name first with
// minimal validation and then do more thorough validation later.
boolean checkForOID = false;
boolean endOfName = false;
while (dnBytes.remaining() > 0)
// To make the switch more efficient, we'll include all ASCII
// characters in the range of allowed values and then reject the
// ones that aren't allowed.
byte b = dnBytes.get();
switch (b)
case ' ':
// This should denote the end of the attribute name.
endOfName = true;
case '!':
case '"':
case '#':
case '$':
case '%':
case '&':
case '\'':
case '(':
case ')':
case '*':
case '+':
case ',':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
case '-':
// This will be allowed as long as it isn't the first
// character in the attribute name.
if (dnBytes.position() == nameStartPos + 1)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '.':
// The period could be allowed if the attribute name is
// actually expressed as an OID. We'll accept it for now,
// but make sure to check it later.
checkForOID = true;
case '/':
// This is not allowed in an attribute name or any character
// immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
// Digits are always allowed if they are not the first
// character. However, they may be allowed if they are the
// first character if the valid is an OID or if the
// attribute name exceptions option is enabled. Therefore,
// we'll accept it now and check it later.
case ':':
case ';': // NOTE: attribute options are not allowed in a DN.
case '<':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
case '=':
// This should denote the end of the attribute name.
endOfName = true;
case '>':
case '?':
case '@':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'E':
case 'F':
case 'G':
case 'H':
case 'I':
case 'J':
case 'K':
case 'L':
case 'M':
case 'N':
case 'O':
case 'P':
case 'Q':
case 'R':
case 'S':
case 'T':
case 'U':
case 'V':
case 'W':
case 'X':
case 'Y':
case 'Z':
// These will always be allowed.
case '[':
case '\\':
case ']':
case '^':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
case '_':
// This will never be allowed as the first character. It
// may be allowed for subsequent characters if the attribute
// name exceptions option is enabled.
if (dnBytes.position() == nameStartPos + 1)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
else if (!allowExceptions)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '`':
// This is not allowed in an attribute name or any character
// immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'h':
case 'i':
case 'j':
case 'k':
case 'l':
case 'm':
case 'n':
case 'o':
case 'p':
case 'q':
case 'r':
case 's':
case 't':
case 'u':
case 'v':
case 'w':
case 'x':
case 'y':
case 'z':
// These will always be allowed.
// This is not allowed in an attribute name or any character
// immediately following it.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, invalidChar(dnBytes, b));
if (endOfName)
int nameEndPos = dnBytes.position() - 1;
nameBytes =
dnBytes.getByteString(nameEndPos - nameStartPos);
// We should now have the full attribute name. However, we may
// still need to perform some validation, particularly if the name
// contains a period or starts with a digit. It must also have at
// least one character.
if (nameBytes == null || nameBytes.length() == 0)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_NO_NAME.get(dnBytes);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, message);
else if (checkForOID)
boolean validOID = true;
int namePos = 0;
int nameLength = nameBytes.length();
byte ch0 = nameBytes.byteAt(0);
if (ch0 == 'o' || ch0 == 'O')
if (nameLength <= 4)
validOID = false;
byte ch1 = nameBytes.byteAt(1);
byte ch2 = nameBytes.byteAt(1);
if ((ch1 == 'i' || ch1 == 'I')
&& (ch2 == 'd' || ch2 == 'D')
&& nameBytes.byteAt(3) == '.')
nameBytes = nameBytes.subSequence(4, nameBytes.length());
nameLength -= 4;
validOID = false;
while (validOID && (namePos < nameLength))
byte ch = nameBytes.byteAt(namePos++);
if (isDigit((char)ch))
while (validOID && (namePos < nameLength) &&
if ((namePos < nameLength) &&
(nameBytes.byteAt(namePos) != '.'))
validOID = false;
else if (ch == '.')
if ((namePos == 1) ||
(nameBytes.byteAt(namePos-2) == '.'))
validOID = false;
validOID = false;
if (validOID && (nameBytes.byteAt(nameLength-1) == '.'))
validOID = false;
if (! validOID)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
else if (isDigit((char)nameBytes.byteAt(0)) && (!allowExceptions))
get(dnBytes, ((char)nameBytes.byteAt(0)),
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, message);
return nameBytes;
private static LocalizableMessage invalidChar(ByteSequenceReader dnBytes, byte b)
dnBytes, (char) b, dnBytes.position()-1);
* Parses an attribute name from the provided DN string starting at
* the specified location.
* @param dnString The DN string to be parsed.
* @param pos The position at which to start parsing
* the attribute name.
* @param attributeName The buffer to which to append the parsed
* attribute name.
* @param allowExceptions Indicates whether to allow certain
* exceptions to the strict requirements
* for attribute names.
* @return The position of the first character that is not part of
* the attribute name.
* @throws DirectoryException If it was not possible to parse a
* valid attribute name from the
* provided DN string.
static int parseAttributeName(String dnString, int pos,
StringBuilder attributeName,
boolean allowExceptions)
throws DirectoryException
int length = dnString.length();
// Skip over any leading spaces.
if (pos < length)
while (dnString.charAt(pos) == ' ')
if (pos == length)
// This means that the remainder of the DN was completely
// comprised of spaces. If we have gotten here, then we
// know that there is at least one RDN component, and
// therefore the last non-space character of the DN must
// have been a comma. This is not acceptable.
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// Next, we should find the attribute name for this RDN component.
// It may either be a name (with only letters, digits, and dashes
// and starting with a letter) or an OID (with only digits and
// periods, optionally prefixed with "oid."), and there is also a
// special case in which we will allow underscores. Because of
// the complexity involved, read the entire name first with
// minimal validation and then do more thorough validation later.
boolean checkForOID = false;
boolean endOfName = false;
while (pos < length)
// To make the switch more efficient, we'll include all ASCII
// characters in the range of allowed values and then reject the
// ones that aren't allowed.
char c = dnString.charAt(pos);
switch (c)
case ' ':
// This should denote the end of the attribute name.
endOfName = true;
case '!':
case '"':
case '#':
case '$':
case '%':
case '&':
case '\'':
case '(':
case ')':
case '*':
case '+':
case ',':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_ILLEGAL_CHAR.get(
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '-':
// This will be allowed as long as it isn't the first
// character in the attribute name.
if (attributeName.length() > 0)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '.':
// The period could be allowed if the attribute name is
// actually expressed as an OID. We'll accept it for now,
// but make sure to check it later.
checkForOID = true;
case '/':
// This is not allowed in an attribute name or any character
// immediately following it.
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
// Digits are always allowed if they are not the first
// character. However, they may be allowed if they are the
// first character if the valid is an OID or if the
// attribute name exceptions option is enabled. Therefore,
// we'll accept it now and check it later.
case ':':
case ';': // NOTE: attribute options are not allowed in a DN.
case '<':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '=':
// This should denote the end of the attribute name.
endOfName = true;
case '>':
case '?':
case '@':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'E':
case 'F':
case 'G':
case 'H':
case 'I':
case 'J':
case 'K':
case 'L':
case 'M':
case 'N':
case 'O':
case 'P':
case 'Q':
case 'R':
case 'S':
case 'T':
case 'U':
case 'V':
case 'W':
case 'X':
case 'Y':
case 'Z':
// These will always be allowed.
case '[':
case '\\':
case ']':
case '^':
// None of these are allowed in an attribute name or any
// character immediately following it.
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '_':
// This will never be allowed as the first character. It
// may be allowed for subsequent characters if the attribute
// name exceptions option is enabled.
if (attributeName.length() == 0)
message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
else if (allowExceptions)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case '`':
// This is not allowed in an attribute name or any character
// immediately following it.
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'h':
case 'i':
case 'j':
case 'k':
case 'l':
case 'm':
case 'n':
case 'o':
case 'p':
case 'q':
case 'r':
case 's':
case 't':
case 'u':
case 'v':
case 'w':
case 'x':
case 'y':
case 'z':
// These will always be allowed.
// This is not allowed in an attribute name or any character
// immediately following it.
dnString, c, pos);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
if (endOfName)
// We should now have the full attribute name. However, we may
// still need to perform some validation, particularly if the
// name contains a period or starts with a digit. It must also
// have at least one character.
if (attributeName.length() == 0)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_NO_NAME.get(dnString);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
else if (checkForOID)
boolean validOID = true;
int namePos = 0;
int nameLength = attributeName.length();
char ch0 = attributeName.charAt(0);
if (ch0 == 'o' || ch0 == 'O')
if (nameLength <= 4)
validOID = false;
char ch1 = attributeName.charAt(1);
char ch2 = attributeName.charAt(2);
if ((ch1 == 'i' || ch1 == 'I')
&& (ch2 == 'd' || ch2 == 'D')
&& attributeName.charAt(3) == '.')
attributeName.delete(0, 4);
nameLength -= 4;
validOID = false;
while (validOID && (namePos < nameLength))
char ch = attributeName.charAt(namePos++);
if (isDigit(ch))
while (validOID && (namePos < nameLength) &&
if ((namePos < nameLength) &&
(attributeName.charAt(namePos) != '.'))
validOID = false;
else if (ch == '.')
if ((namePos == 1) ||
(attributeName.charAt(namePos-2) == '.'))
validOID = false;
validOID = false;
if (validOID && (attributeName.charAt(nameLength-1) == '.'))
validOID = false;
if (! validOID)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_ATTR_ILLEGAL_PERIOD.get(dnString, attributeName));
else if (isDigit(attributeName.charAt(0)) &&
(! allowExceptions))
get(dnString, attributeName.charAt(0),
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, message);
return pos;
* Parses the attribute value from the provided DN string starting
* at the specified location. When the value has been parsed, it
* will be assigned to the provided ASN.1 octet string.
* @param dnBytes The byte array containing the DN to be
* parsed.
* @return The parsed attribute value.
* @throws DirectoryException If it was not possible to parse a
* valid attribute value from the
* provided DN string.
static ByteString parseAttributeValue(ByteSequenceReader dnBytes)
throws DirectoryException
// All leading spaces have already been stripped so we can start
// reading the value. However, it may be empty so check for that.
if (dnBytes.remaining() <= 0)
return ByteString.empty();
// Look at the first character. If it is an octothorpe (#), then
// that means that the value should be a hex string.
byte b = dnBytes.get();
if (b == '#')
// The first two characters must be hex characters.
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
if (dnBytes.remaining() < 2)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
b = dnBytes.get();
if (isHexDigit(b))
hexString.append((char) b);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// The rest of the value must be a multiple of two hex
// characters. The end of the value may be designated by the
// end of the DN, a comma or semicolon, a plus sign, or a space.
while (dnBytes.remaining() > 0)
b = dnBytes.get();
if (isHexDigit(b))
hexString.append((char) b);
if (dnBytes.remaining() > 0)
b = dnBytes.get();
if (isHexDigit(b))
hexString.append((char) b);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
else if ((b == ' ') || (b == ',') || (b == ';') || (b == '+'))
// This denotes the end of the value.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// At this point, we should have a valid hex string. Convert it
// to a byte array and set that as the value of the provided
// octet string.
return ByteString.wrap(hexStringToByteArray(hexString.toString()));
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// If the first character is a quotation mark, then the value
// should continue until the corresponding closing quotation mark.
else if (b == '"')
int valueStartPos = dnBytes.position();
// Keep reading until we find a closing quotation mark.
while (true)
if (dnBytes.remaining() <= 0)
// We hit the end of the DN before the closing quote.
// That's an error.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
if (dnBytes.get() == '"')
// This is the end of the value.
int valueEndPos = dnBytes.position();
ByteString bs = dnBytes.getByteString(valueEndPos - valueStartPos - 1);
return bs;
else if(b == '+' || b == ',')
//We don't allow an empty attribute value. So do not allow the
// first character to be a '+' or ',' since it is not escaped
// by the user.
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// Otherwise, use general parsing to find the end of the value.
// Keep reading until we find a comma/semicolon, a plus sign, or
// the end of the DN.
int valueEndPos = dnBytes.position();
int valueStartPos = valueEndPos - 1;
while (true)
if (dnBytes.remaining() <= 0)
// This is the end of the DN and therefore the end of the
// value.
b = dnBytes.get();
if ((b == ',') || (b == ';') || (b == '+'))
if(b != ' ')
valueEndPos = dnBytes.position();
// Convert the byte buffer to an array.
return dnBytes.getByteString(valueEndPos - valueStartPos);
* Parses the attribute value from the provided DN string starting
* at the specified location. When the value has been parsed, it
* will be assigned to the provided ASN.1 octet string.
* @param dnString The DN string to be parsed.
* @param pos The position of the first character in
* the attribute value to parse.
* @param attributeValue The ASN.1 octet string whose value should
* be set to the parsed attribute value when
* this method completes successfully.
* @return The position of the first character that is not part of
* the attribute value.
* @throws DirectoryException If it was not possible to parse a
* valid attribute value from the
* provided DN string.
static int parseAttributeValue(String dnString, int pos,
ByteStringBuilder attributeValue)
throws DirectoryException
// All leading spaces have already been stripped so we can start
// reading the value. However, it may be empty so check for that.
int length = dnString.length();
if (pos >= length)
return pos;
// Look at the first character. If it is an octothorpe (#), then
// that means that the value should be a hex string.
char c = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (c == '#')
// The first two characters must be hex characters.
StringBuilder hexString = new StringBuilder();
if ((pos+2) > length)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
c = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (isHexDigit(c))
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// The rest of the value must be a multiple of two hex
// characters. The end of the value may be designated by the
// end of the DN, a comma or semicolon, or a space.
while (pos < length)
c = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (isHexDigit(c))
if (pos < length)
c = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (isHexDigit(c))
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ATTR_SYNTAX_DN_INVALID_HEX_DIGIT.
get(dnString, c);
throw new DirectoryException(
ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, message);
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
else if ((c == ' ') || (c == ',') || (c == ';'))
// This denotes the end of the value.
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// At this point, we should have a valid hex string. Convert it
// to a byte array and set that as the value of the provided
// octet string.
return pos;
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// If the first character is a quotation mark, then the value
// should continue until the corresponding closing quotation mark.
else if (c == '"')
// Keep reading until we find an unescaped closing quotation
// mark.
boolean escaped = false;
StringBuilder valueString = new StringBuilder();
while (true)
if (pos >= length)
// We hit the end of the DN before the closing quote.
// That's an error.
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
c = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (escaped)
// The previous character was an escape, so we'll take this
// one no matter what.
escaped = false;
else if (c == '\\')
// The next character is escaped. Set a flag to denote
// this, but don't include the backslash.
escaped = true;
else if (c == '"')
// This is the end of the value.
// This is just a regular character that should be in the
// value.
return pos;
else if(c == '+' || c == ',')
//We don't allow an empty attribute value. So do not allow the
// first character to be a '+' or ',' since it is not escaped
// by the user.
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
// Otherwise, use general parsing to find the end of the value.
boolean escaped;
StringBuilder valueString = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder hexChars = new StringBuilder();
if (c == '\\')
escaped = true;
escaped = false;
// Keep reading until we find an unescaped comma or plus sign or
// the end of the DN.
while (true)
if (pos >= length)
// This is the end of the DN and therefore the end of the
// value. If there are any hex characters, then we need to
// deal with them accordingly.
appendHexChars(dnString, valueString, hexChars);
c = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (escaped)
// The previous character was an escape, so we'll take this
// one. However, this could be a hex digit, and if that's
// the case then the escape would actually be in front of
// two hex digits that should be treated as a special
// character.
if (isHexDigit(c))
// It is a hexadecimal digit, so the next digit must be
// one too. However, this could be just one in a series
// of escaped hex pairs that is used in a string
// containing one or more multi-byte UTF-8 characters so
// we can't just treat this byte in isolation. Collect
// all the bytes together and make sure to take care of
// these hex bytes before appending anything else to the
// value.
if (pos >= length)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(
ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, message);
char c2 = dnString.charAt(pos++);
if (isHexDigit(c2))
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new DirectoryException(
ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX, message);
appendHexChars(dnString, valueString, hexChars);
escaped = false;
else if (c == '\\')
escaped = true;
else if ((c == ',') || (c == ';'))
appendHexChars(dnString, valueString, hexChars);
else if (c == '+')
appendHexChars(dnString, valueString, hexChars);
appendHexChars(dnString, valueString, hexChars);
// Strip off any unescaped spaces that may be at the end of the
// value.
if (pos > 2 && dnString.charAt(pos-1) == ' ' &&
dnString.charAt(pos-2) != '\\')
int lastPos = valueString.length() - 1;
while (lastPos > 0)
if (valueString.charAt(lastPos) == ' ')
valueString.delete(lastPos, lastPos+1);
return pos;
* Decodes a hexadecimal string from the provided
* <CODE>hexChars</CODE> buffer, converts it to a byte array, and
* then converts that to a UTF-8 string. The resulting UTF-8 string
* will be appended to the provided <CODE>valueString</CODE> buffer,
* and the <CODE>hexChars</CODE> buffer will be cleared.
* @param dnString The DN string that is being decoded.
* @param valueString The buffer containing the value to which the
* decoded string should be appended.
* @param hexChars The buffer containing the hexadecimal
* characters to decode to a UTF-8 string.
* @throws DirectoryException If any problem occurs during the
* decoding process.
private static void appendHexChars(String dnString,
StringBuilder valueString,
StringBuilder hexChars)
throws DirectoryException
if (hexChars.length() == 0)
byte[] hexBytes = hexStringToByteArray(hexChars.toString());
valueString.append(new String(hexBytes, "UTF-8"));
hexChars.delete(0, hexChars.length());
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.INVALID_DN_SYNTAX,
* Indicates whether the provided object is equal to this DN. In
* order for the object to be considered equal, it must be a DN with
* the same number of RDN components and each corresponding RDN
* component must be equal.
* @param o The object for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the provided object is a DN that is
* equal to this DN, or <CODE>false</CODE> if it is not.
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o instanceof DN)
DN other = (DN) o;
if (numComponents == other.numComponents)
if (numComponents == 0)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < numComponents; i++)
if (!rdnComponents[i].equals(other.rdnComponents[i]))
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves the hash code for this DN. The hash code will be the
* sum of the hash codes for all the RDN components.
* @return The hash code for this DN.
public int hashCode()
if (numComponents == 0) {
return 0;
int length = numComponents - 1;
int hash = 31 * rdnComponents[length].hashCode();
if (numComponents > 1)
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
hash += rdnComponents[i].hashCode();
return hash;
* Retrieves a string representation of this DN.
* @return A string representation of this DN.
public String toString()
if (dnString == null)
if (numComponents == 0)
dnString = "";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=1; i < numComponents; i++)
dnString = buffer.toString();
return dnString;
* Appends a string representation of this DN to the provided
* buffer.
* @param buffer The buffer to which the information should be
* appended.
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
* Retrieves a normalized representation of the DN with the provided
* components.
* @return The normalized string representation of the provided RDN
* components.
public String toIrreversibleReadableString()
if (rdnComponents.length == 0)
return "";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=1; i < rdnComponents.length; i++)
return buffer.toString();
* Returns the irreversible normalized byte string representation of a DN,
* suitable for equality and comparisons, and providing a natural hierarchical
* ordering, but not usable as a valid DN nor reversible to a valid DN.
* <p>
* This representation should be used only when a byte string representation
* is needed and when no reversibility to a valid DN is needed. Always consider
* using a {@code CompactDn} as an alternative.
* @return The normalized byte string representation of the provided DN, not
* usable as a valid DN
public ByteString toIrreversibleNormalizedByteString()
if (normalizedDN == null)
if (numComponents == 0)
normalizedDN = ByteString.empty();
final ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
rdnComponents[numComponents - 1].toNormalizedByteString(builder);
for (int i = numComponents - 2; i >= 0; i--)
normalizedDN = builder.toByteString();
return normalizedDN;
* Compares this DN with the provided DN based on a natural order. This order
* will be first hierarchical (ancestors will come before descendants) and
* then alphabetical by attribute name(s) and value(s).
* @param other
* The DN against which to compare this DN.
* @return A negative integer if this DN should come before the provided DN, a
* positive integer if this DN should come after the provided DN, or
* zero if there is no difference with regard to ordering.
public int compareTo(DN other)
if (isRootDN())
/** root DN always come first. */
return other.isRootDN() ? 0 : -1;
if (other.isRootDN())
// this comes after other.
return 1;
int size1 = numComponents - 1;
int size2 = other.numComponents - 1;
while (size1 >= 0 && size2 >= 0)
RDN rdn1 = getRDN(size1);
RDN rdn2 = other.getRDN(size2);
int result = rdn1.compareTo(rdn2);
if (result > 0)
return 1;
else if (result < 0)
return -1;
// Check remaining sizes
if (size1 > size2)
return 1;
else if (size1 < size2)
return -1;
return 0;