revision 4bf97a0d53caa31340e8ffdccba31cdc4cf02dbd
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* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
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* Portions Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.types;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import static org.opends.messages.CoreMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
* This class defines a data structure for holding information about a
* filesystem directory that contains data for one or more backups associated
* with a backend. Only backups for a single backend may be placed in any given
* directory.
stability = org.opends.server.types.StabilityLevel.VOLATILE,
mayInstantiate = true,
mayExtend = false,
mayInvoke = true)
public final class BackupDirectory
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
* The name of the property that will be used to provide the DN of
* the configuration entry for the backend associated with the
* backups in this directory.
public static final String PROPERTY_BACKEND_CONFIG_DN = "backend_dn";
* The DN of the configuration entry for the backend with which this
* backup directory is associated.
private final DN configEntryDN;
* The set of backups in the specified directory. The iteration
* order will be the order in which the backups were created.
private final Map<String, BackupInfo> backups;
/** The filesystem path to the backup directory. */
private final String path;
* Creates a new backup directory object with the provided information.
* @param path
* The path to the directory containing the backup file(s).
* @param configEntryDN
* The DN of the configuration entry for the backend with which this
* backup directory is associated.
public BackupDirectory(String path, DN configEntryDN)
this(path, configEntryDN, null);
* Creates a new backup directory object with the provided information.
* @param path
* The path to the directory containing the backup file(s).
* @param configEntryDN
* The DN of the configuration entry for the backend with which this
* backup directory is associated.
* @param backups
* Information about the set of backups available within the
* specified directory.
public BackupDirectory(String path, DN configEntryDN, LinkedHashMap<String, BackupInfo> backups)
this.path = path;
this.configEntryDN = configEntryDN;
if (backups != null)
this.backups = backups;
this.backups = new LinkedHashMap<>();
* Retrieves the path to the directory containing the backup file(s).
* @return The path to the directory containing the backup file(s).
public String getPath()
return path;
* Retrieves the DN of the configuration entry for the backend with which this
* backup directory is associated.
* @return The DN of the configuration entry for the backend with which this
* backup directory is associated.
public DN getConfigEntryDN()
return configEntryDN;
* Retrieves the set of backups in this backup directory, as a mapping between
* the backup ID and the associated backup info. The iteration order for the
* map will be the order in which the backups were created.
* @return The set of backups in this backup directory.
public Map<String, BackupInfo> getBackups()
return backups;
* Retrieves the backup info structure for the backup with the specified ID.
* @param backupID
* The backup ID for the structure to retrieve.
* @return The requested backup info structure, or <CODE>null</CODE> if no such
* structure exists.
public BackupInfo getBackupInfo(String backupID)
return backups.get(backupID);
* Retrieves the most recent backup for this backup directory, according to
* the backup date.
* @return The most recent backup for this backup directory, according to the
* backup date, or <CODE>null</CODE> if there are no backups in the
* backup directory.
public BackupInfo getLatestBackup()
BackupInfo latestBackup = null;
for (BackupInfo backup : backups.values())
if (latestBackup == null
|| backup.getBackupDate().getTime() > latestBackup.getBackupDate().getTime())
latestBackup = backup;
return latestBackup;
* Adds information about the provided backup to this backup directory.
* @param backupInfo
* The backup info structure for the backup to be added.
* @throws ConfigException
* If another backup already exists with the same backup ID.
public void addBackup(BackupInfo backupInfo) throws ConfigException
String backupID = backupInfo.getBackupID();
if (backups.containsKey(backupID))
throw new ConfigException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_ADD_DUPLICATE_ID.get(backupID, path));
backups.put(backupID, backupInfo);
* Removes the backup with the specified backup ID from this backup directory.
* @param backupID
* The backup ID for the backup to remove from this backup directory.
* @throws ConfigException
* If it is not possible to remove the requested backup for some
* reason (e.g., no such backup exists, or another backup is
* dependent on it).
public void removeBackup(String backupID) throws ConfigException
if (!backups.containsKey(backupID))
throw new ConfigException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_NO_SUCH_BACKUP.get(backupID, path));
for (BackupInfo backup : backups.values())
if (backup.dependsOn(backupID))
throw new ConfigException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_UNRESOLVED_DEPENDENCY.get(backupID, path, backup.getBackupID()));
* Retrieves a path to the backup descriptor file that should be used for this
* backup directory.
* @return A path to the backup descriptor file that should be used for this
* backup directory.
public String getDescriptorPath()
return path + File.separator + BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTOR_FILE;
* Writes the descriptor with the information contained in this structure to
* disk in the appropriate directory.
* @throws IOException
* If a problem occurs while writing to disk.
public void writeBackupDirectoryDescriptor() throws IOException
// First make sure that the target directory exists. If it doesn't, then try to create it.
// We'll write to a temporary file so that we won't destroy the live copy if a problem occurs.
String newDescriptorFilePath = path + File.separator + BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTOR_FILE + ".new";
File newDescriptorFile = new File(newDescriptorFilePath);
try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newDescriptorFile, false)))
// The first line in the file will only contain the DN of the configuration entry for the associated backend.
writer.write(PROPERTY_BACKEND_CONFIG_DN + "=" + configEntryDN);
// Iterate through all of the backups and add them to the file.
for (BackupInfo backup : backups.values())
List<String> backupLines = backup.encode();
for (String line : backupLines)
// At this point, the file should be complete so flush and close it.
// If previous backup descriptor file exists, then rename it.
String descriptorFilePath = path + File.separator + BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTOR_FILE;
File descriptorFile = new File(descriptorFilePath);
renameOldBackupDescriptorFile(descriptorFile, descriptorFilePath);
// Rename the new descriptor file to match the previous one.
catch (Exception e)
newDescriptorFilePath, descriptorFilePath, getExceptionMessage(e));
throw new IOException(message.toString());
private void createDirectoryIfNotExists() throws IOException
File dir = new File(path);
if (!dir.exists())
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_CANNOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY.get(path, getExceptionMessage(e));
throw new IOException(message.toString());
else if (!dir.isDirectory())
throw new IOException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_NOT_DIRECTORY.get(path).toString());
private void renameOldBackupDescriptorFile(File descriptorFile, String descriptorFilePath) throws IOException
if (descriptorFile.exists())
String savedDescriptorFilePath = descriptorFilePath + ".save";
File savedDescriptorFile = new File(savedDescriptorFilePath);
if (savedDescriptorFile.exists())
catch (Exception e)
savedDescriptorFilePath, getExceptionMessage(e), descriptorFilePath, descriptorFilePath);
throw new IOException(message.toString());
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_CANNOT_RENAME_CURRENT_DESCRIPTOR.get(descriptorFilePath,
savedDescriptorFilePath, getExceptionMessage(e), descriptorFilePath, descriptorFilePath);
throw new IOException(message.toString());
* Reads the backup descriptor file in the specified path and uses the
* information it contains to create a new backup directory structure.
* @param path
* The path to the directory containing the backup descriptor file to
* read.
* @return The backup directory structure created from the contents of the
* descriptor file.
* @throws IOException
* If a problem occurs while trying to read the contents of the
* descriptor file.
* @throws ConfigException
* If the contents of the descriptor file cannot be parsed to create
* a backup directory structure.
public static BackupDirectory readBackupDirectoryDescriptor(String path) throws IOException, ConfigException
// Make sure that the descriptor file exists.
String descriptorFilePath = path + File.separator + BACKUP_DIRECTORY_DESCRIPTOR_FILE;
if (!new File(descriptorFilePath).exists())
throw new ConfigException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_NO_DESCRIPTOR_FILE.get(descriptorFilePath));
// Open the file for reading.
// The first line should be the DN of the associated configuration entry.
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(descriptorFilePath)))
String line = reader.readLine();
if (line == null || line.length() == 0)
throw new ConfigException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_CANNOT_READ_CONFIG_ENTRY_DN.get(descriptorFilePath));
else if (!line.startsWith(PROPERTY_BACKEND_CONFIG_DN))
throw new ConfigException(ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_FIRST_LINE_NOT_DN.get(descriptorFilePath, line));
String dnString = line.substring(PROPERTY_BACKEND_CONFIG_DN.length() + 1);
DN configEntryDN;
configEntryDN = DN.valueOf(dnString);
catch (DirectoryException de)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_CANNOT_DECODE_DN.get(
dnString, descriptorFilePath, de.getMessageObject());
throw new ConfigException(message, de);
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKUPDIRECTORY_CANNOT_DECODE_DN.get(
dnString, descriptorFilePath, getExceptionMessage(e));
throw new ConfigException(message, e);
// Create the backup directory structure from what we know so far.
BackupDirectory backupDirectory = new BackupDirectory(path, configEntryDN);
// Iterate through the rest of the file and create the backup info structures.
// Blank lines will be considered delimiters.
List<String> lines = new LinkedList<>();
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
if (!line.isEmpty())
// We are on a delimiter blank line.
readBackupFromLines(backupDirectory, lines);
readBackupFromLines(backupDirectory, lines);
return backupDirectory;
private static void readBackupFromLines(BackupDirectory backupDirectory, List<String> lines) throws ConfigException
if (!lines.isEmpty())
backupDirectory.addBackup(BackupInfo.decode(backupDirectory, lines));