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* Portions Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.types;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import static org.opends.server.util.CollectionUtils.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
* This class contains various methods for manipulating
* {@link Attribute}s as well as static factory methods for
* facilitating common {@link Attribute} construction use-cases.
* <p>
* Of particular interest are the following three factory methods:
* <pre>
* empty(String);
* create(String, String);
* create(String, String, String...);
* </pre>
* These are provided in order to facilitate construction of empty,
* single-valued, and multi-valued attributes respectively, for
* example, in unit tests. The last factory method is not designed for
* performance critical functionality and, instead, an
* {@link AttributeBuilder} should be used in order to incrementally
* construct multi-valued attributes.
public final class Attributes
* Creates a new single-valued attribute with the specified attribute type and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param value
* The attribute value.
* @return A new attribute with the attribute type and value.
public static Attribute create(AttributeType attributeType, ByteString value)
return create(attributeType, attributeType.getNameOrOID(), value);
* Creates a new List with a single-valued attribute with the specified attribute type and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param value
* The attribute value.
* @return A new List with a single-valued attribute with the attribute type and value.
public static List<Attribute> createAsList(AttributeType attributeType, ByteString value)
return newArrayList(create(attributeType, value));
* Creates a new single-valued attribute with the specified name and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param valueString
* The String representation of the attribute value.
* @return A new attribute with the specified name and value.
public static Attribute create(AttributeType attributeType, String valueString)
return create(attributeType, attributeType.getNameOrOID(), valueString);
* Creates a new List with a single-valued attribute with the specified name and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param valueString
* The String representation of the attribute value.
* @return A new List with a attribute with the specified name and value.
public static List<Attribute> createAsList(AttributeType attributeType, String valueString)
return newArrayList(create(attributeType, valueString));
* Creates a new single-valued attribute with the specified
* attribute type and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param name
* The user-provided name for this attribute.
* @param value
* The attribute value.
* @return A new attribute with the attribute type and value.
public static Attribute create(AttributeType attributeType, String name, ByteString value)
return AttributeBuilder.create(attributeType, name, Collections.singleton(value));
* Creates a new single-valued attribute with the attribute type and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param name
* The user-provided name for this attribute.
* @param valueString
* The String representation of the attribute value.
* @return A new attribute with the attribute type and value.
public static Attribute create(AttributeType attributeType, String name, String valueString)
return create(attributeType, name, ByteString.valueOf(valueString));
* Creates a new List with a single-valued attribute with the attribute type and value.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param name
* The user-provided name for this attribute.
* @param valueString
* The String representation of the attribute value.
* @return A new List with a single-valued attribute with the attribute type and value.
public static List<Attribute> createAsList(AttributeType attributeType, String name, String valueString)
return newArrayList(create(attributeType, name, valueString));
* Creates a new single-valued attribute with the specified
* attribute name and attribute value.
* <p>
* If the attribute name cannot be found in the schema, a new
* attribute type is created using the default attribute syntax.
* @param attributeName
* The name or OID of the attribute type for this attribute
* (can be mixed case).
* @param valueString
* The String representation of the attribute value.
* @return A new attribute with the specified name and value.
public static Attribute create(String attributeName, String valueString)
return create(getAttributeTypeOrDefault(attributeName), attributeName, valueString);
* Creates a new multi-valued attribute with the specified attribute
* name and attribute values.
* <p>
* If the attribute name cannot be found in the schema, a new
* attribute type is created using the default attribute syntax.
* <p>
* <b>NOTE:</b> this method is provided as a convenience and should
* typically be reserved for use in unit tests and places where
* performance is not an issue. In particular, this method will
* construct a temporary array containing the attribute's values.
* For performance critical purposes, incrementally construct an
* attribute using an {@link AttributeBuilder}.
* @param attributeName
* The name or OID of the attribute type for this attribute
* (can be mixed case).
* @param valueStrings
* The string representation of the attribute values.
* @return A new attribute with the specified name and values.
public static Attribute create(String attributeName, String... valueStrings)
if (valueStrings.length == 0) {
return empty(attributeName);
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(attributeName);
return builder.toAttribute();
* Creates a new attribute which has the same attribute type and
* attribute options as the provided attribute but no attribute
* values.
* @param attribute
* The attribute to be copied.
* @return A new attribute which has the same attribute type and
* attribute options as the provided attribute but no
* attribute values.
public static Attribute empty(Attribute attribute)
return new AttributeBuilder(attribute, true).toAttribute();
* Creates a new attribute with the provided attribute type and no
* values.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @return A new attribute with the provided attribute type and no
* values.
public static Attribute empty(AttributeType attributeType)
return empty(attributeType, attributeType.getNameOrOID());
* Creates a new attribute with the provided attribute type and no
* values.
* @param attributeType
* The attribute type to use.
* @param name
* The user-provided name for this attribute.
* @return A new attribute with the provided attribute type and no
* values.
public static Attribute empty(AttributeType attributeType,
String name)
return AttributeBuilder.create(attributeType, name, Collections
.<ByteString> emptySet());
* Creates a new attribute with the specified attribute name and no
* attribute values.
* <p>
* If the attribute name cannot be found in the schema, a new
* attribute type is created using the default attribute syntax.
* @param attributeName
* The name or OID of the attribute type for this attribute
* (can be mixed case).
* @return A new attribute with the specified name and no values.
public static Attribute empty(String attributeName)
return empty(getAttributeTypeOrDefault(attributeName), attributeName);
* Creates a new attribute containing all the values from the two
* provided attributes. The returned attribute will use the name and
* options taken from the first attribute.
* <p>
* This method is logically equivalent to:
* <pre>
* merge(a1, a2, null);
* </pre>
* @param a1
* The first attribute.
* @param a2
* The second attribute.
* @return A new attribute containing all the values from the two
* provided attributes.
public static Attribute merge(Attribute a1, Attribute a2)
return merge(a1, a2, null);
* Creates a new attribute containing all the values from the two
* provided attributes and put any duplicate values into the
* provided collection. The returned attribute will use the name
* and options taken from the first attribute.
* @param a1
* The first attribute.
* @param a2
* The second attribute.
* @param duplicateValues
* A collection which will be used to store any duplicate
* values, or <code>null</code> if duplicate values should
* not be stored.
* @return A new attribute containing all the values from the two
* provided attributes.
public static Attribute merge(Attribute a1, Attribute a2,
Collection<ByteString> duplicateValues)
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a1);
for (ByteString av : a2)
if (!builder.add(av) && duplicateValues != null)
return builder.toAttribute();
* Creates a new attribute containing the values from the first
* attribute which are not in the second attribute. The returned
* attribute will use the name and options taken from the first
* attribute.
* <p>
* This method is logically equivalent to:
* <pre>
* subtract(a1, a2, null);
* </pre>
* @param a1
* The first attribute.
* @param a2
* The second attribute.
* @return A new attribute containing the values from the first
* attribute which are not in the second attribute.
public static Attribute subtract(Attribute a1, Attribute a2)
return subtract(a1, a2, null);
* Creates a new attribute containing the values from the first
* attribute which are not in the second attribute. Any values which
* were present in the second attribute but which were not present
* in the first attribute will be put into the provided collection.
* The returned attribute will use the name and options taken from
* the first attribute.
* @param a1
* The first attribute.
* @param a2
* The second attribute.
* @param missingValues
* A collection which will be used to store any missing
* values, or <code>null</code> if missing values should
* not be stored.
* @return A new attribute containing the values from the first
* attribute which are not in the second attribute.
public static Attribute subtract(Attribute a1, Attribute a2,
Collection<ByteString> missingValues)
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(a1);
for (ByteString av : a2)
if (!builder.remove(av) && missingValues != null)
return builder.toAttribute();
private static AttributeType getAttributeTypeOrDefault(String attributeName)
return DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypeOrDefault(toLowerCase(attributeName), attributeName);