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package org.opends.server.tools.upgrade;
* This class represents the physical state of an OpenDJ installation. All the
* operations are dependent upon the root directory that is specified in the
* constructor.
final class Installation
/** Relative path to bootstrap OpenDJ jar file. */
* The relative path where all the Windows binaries (batch files) are.
static final String WINDOWS_BINARIES_PATH_RELATIVE = "bat";
* The relative path where all the UNIX binaries (scripts) are.
static final String UNIX_BINARIES_PATH_RELATIVE = "bin";
* The relative path where the database files are.
static final String DATABASES_PATH_RELATIVE = "db";
* The relative path where the log files are.
static final String LOGS_PATH_RELATIVE = "logs";
* The relative path where the config files are.
static final String CONFIG_PATH_RELATIVE = "config";
* The relative path where the config files are.
static final String HISTORY_PATH_RELATIVE = "history";
* Path to the config/upgrade directory where upgrade base files are stored.
static final String UPGRADE_PATH = "upgrade";
* Relative path to the change log database directory.
static final String CHANGELOG_PATH_RELATIVE = "changelogDb";
* Relative path to the locks directory.
static final String LOCKS_PATH_RELATIVE = "locks";
* Relative path to the locks directory.
static final String TMP_PATH_RELATIVE = "tmp";
* Relative path to the snmp directory.
static final String SNMP_PATH_RELATIVE = "snmp";
* Relative path to the security directory.
static final String SECURITY_PATH_RELATIVE = "security";
* The relative path to the current Configuration LDIF file.
static final String CURRENT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "config.ldif";
* The path to the default instance.
static final String DEFAULT_INSTANCE_PATH = "/var/opendj";
* The relative path to the instance.loc file.
static final String INSTANCE_LOCATION_PATH_RELATIVE = "instance.loc";
* The path to the instance.loc file.
static final String INSTANCE_LOCATION_PATH = "/etc/opendj/"
* The relative path to tmpl_instance.
static final String TEMPLATE_RELATIVE_PATH = "template";
* Relative path to the schema directory.
static final String SCHEMA_PATH_RELATIVE = "schema";
* The relative path to buildinfo file.
static final String BUILDINFO_RELATIVE_PATH = "buildinfo";
* The UNIX setup script file name.
static final String UNIX_SETUP_FILE_NAME = "setup";
* The UNIX upgrade script file name.
static final String UNIX_UPGRADE_FILE_NAME = "upgrade";
* The UNIX uninstall script file name.
static final String UNIX_UNINSTALL_FILE_NAME = "uninstall";
* The Windows upgrade batch file name.
static final String WINDOWS_UPGRADE_FILE_NAME = "upgrade.bat";
* The UNIX service script file name (used to detect SVR4 pkg).
static final String SVC_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME = "_svc-opendj.sh";
* The MacOS X Java application stub name.
static final String MAC_JAVA_APP_STUB_NAME = "universalJavaApplicationStub";
* Generic name for the backup tool.
static final String BACKUP = "backup";
/** The relative path to the lib directory. */
static final String LIB_RELATIVE_PATH = "lib";