revision f1fec12bd1a545622e25a27ca1e118179c27e4e5
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information:
* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2007-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2012-2015 ForgeRock AS.
import static com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentConstants.*;
import static com.forgerock.opendj.cli.Utils.*;
import static org.opends.messages.AdminToolMessages.*;
import static org.opends.messages.ToolMessages.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessageBuilder;
import org.opends.quicksetup.Constants;
import org.opends.server.admin.AdministrationConnector;
import org.opends.server.admin.client.cli.SecureConnectionCliArgs;
import org.opends.server.admin.client.cli.SecureConnectionCliParser;
import org.opends.server.admin.client.cli.TaskScheduleArgs;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.DirectoryServerVersionHandler;
import org.opends.server.extensions.ConfigFileHandler;
import org.opends.server.tasks.PurgeConflictsHistoricalTask;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.Argument;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentException;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ArgumentGroup;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.BooleanArgument;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.ClientException;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.CommonArguments;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.FileBasedArgument;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.IntegerArgument;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.StringArgument;
import com.forgerock.opendj.cli.SubCommand;
* This class is used to parse the arguments passed to the replication CLI.
* It also checks the compatibility between the values and that all the
* required information has been provided. However it does not do any
* verification that require connection to any server.
public class ReplicationCliArgumentParser extends SecureConnectionCliParser
private SubCommand enableReplicationSubCmd;
private SubCommand disableReplicationSubCmd;
private SubCommand initializeReplicationSubCmd;
private SubCommand initializeAllReplicationSubCmd;
private SubCommand postExternalInitializationSubCmd;
private SubCommand preExternalInitializationSubCmd;
private SubCommand statusReplicationSubCmd;
private SubCommand purgeHistoricalSubCmd;
private int defaultAdminPort =
/** No-prompt argument. */
BooleanArgument noPromptArg;
private String defaultLocalHostValue;
/** The 'hostName' argument for the first server. */
private StringArgument hostName1Arg;
/** The 'port' argument for the first server. */
private IntegerArgument port1Arg;
/** The 'bindDN' argument for the first server. */
private StringArgument bindDn1Arg;
/** The 'bindPasswordFile' argument for the first server. */
FileBasedArgument bindPasswordFile1Arg;
/** The 'bindPassword' argument for the first server. */
StringArgument bindPassword1Arg;
/** The 'replicationPort' argument for the first server. */
IntegerArgument replicationPort1Arg;
/** The 'noReplicationServer' argument for the first server. */
BooleanArgument noReplicationServer1Arg;
/** The 'onlyReplicationServer' argument for the first server. */
BooleanArgument onlyReplicationServer1Arg;
/** The 'secureReplication' argument for the first server. */
private BooleanArgument secureReplication1Arg;
/** The 'hostName' argument for the second server. */
private StringArgument hostName2Arg;
/** The 'port' argument for the second server. */
private IntegerArgument port2Arg;
/** The 'binDN' argument for the second server. */
private StringArgument bindDn2Arg;
/** The 'bindPasswordFile' argument for the second server. */
FileBasedArgument bindPasswordFile2Arg;
/** The 'bindPassword' argument for the second server. */
StringArgument bindPassword2Arg;
/** The 'replicationPort' argument for the second server. */
IntegerArgument replicationPort2Arg;
/** The 'noReplicationServer' argument for the second server. */
BooleanArgument noReplicationServer2Arg;
/** The 'onlyReplicationServer' argument for the second server. */
BooleanArgument onlyReplicationServer2Arg;
/** The 'secureReplication' argument for the second server. */
private BooleanArgument secureReplication2Arg;
/** The 'skipPortCheckArg' argument to not check replication ports. */
private BooleanArgument skipPortCheckArg;
/** The 'noSchemaReplication' argument to not replicate schema. */
BooleanArgument noSchemaReplicationArg;
/** The 'useSecondServerAsSchemaSource' argument to not replicate schema. */
private BooleanArgument useSecondServerAsSchemaSourceArg;
/** The 'disableAll' argument to disable all the replication configuration of server. */
BooleanArgument disableAllArg;
/** The 'disableReplicationServer' argument to disable the replication server. */
BooleanArgument disableReplicationServerArg;
/** The 'hostName' argument for the source server. */
private StringArgument hostNameSourceArg;
/** The 'port' argument for the source server. */
private IntegerArgument portSourceArg;
/** The 'hostName' argument for the destination server. */
private StringArgument hostNameDestinationArg;
/** The 'port' argument for the destination server. */
private IntegerArgument portDestinationArg;
/** The 'suffixes' global argument. */
StringArgument baseDNsArg;
/**The 'quiet' argument. */
private BooleanArgument quietArg;
/**The 'scriptFriendly' argument. */
BooleanArgument scriptFriendlyArg;
/**Properties file argument. */
StringArgument propertiesFileArgument;
/**No-properties file argument. */
BooleanArgument noPropertiesFileArgument;
* The argument that the user must set to display the equivalent
* non-interactive mode argument.
BooleanArgument displayEquivalentArgument;
* The argument that allows the user to dump the equivalent non-interactive
* command to a file.
StringArgument equivalentCommandFileArgument;
/** The argument that the user must set to have advanced options in interactive mode. */
BooleanArgument advancedArg;
* The argument set by the user to specify the configuration class
* (useful when dsreplication purge-historical runs locally).
private StringArgument configClassArg;
* The argument set by the user to specify the configuration file
* (useful when dsreplication purge-historical runs locally).
private StringArgument configFileArg;
TaskScheduleArgs taskArgs;
/** The 'maximumDuration' argument for the purge of historical. */
IntegerArgument maximumDurationArg;
/** The text of the enable replication subcommand. */
static final String ENABLE_REPLICATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "enable";
/** The text of the disable replication subcommand. */
static final String DISABLE_REPLICATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "disable";
/** The text of the initialize replication subcommand. */
static final String INITIALIZE_REPLICATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "initialize";
/** The text of the initialize all replication subcommand. */
public static final String INITIALIZE_ALL_REPLICATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "initialize-all";
/** The text of the pre external initialization subcommand. */
static final String PRE_EXTERNAL_INITIALIZATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "pre-external-initialization";
/** The text of the initialize all replication subcommand. */
static final String POST_EXTERNAL_INITIALIZATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "post-external-initialization";
/** The text of the status replication subcommand. */
static final String STATUS_REPLICATION_SUBCMD_NAME = "status";
/** The text of the purge historical subcommand. */
static final String PURGE_HISTORICAL_SUBCMD_NAME = "purge-historical";
/** This CLI is always using the administration connector with SSL. */
private static final boolean alwaysSSL = true;
* Creates a new instance of this argument parser with no arguments.
* @param mainClassName
* The fully-qualified name of the Java class that should
* be invoked to launch the program with which this
* argument parser is associated.
ReplicationCliArgumentParser(String mainClassName)
setVersionHandler(new DirectoryServerVersionHandler());
* Initialize the parser with the Global options and subcommands.
* @param outStream
* The output stream to use for standard output, or {@code null}
* if standard output is not needed.
* @throws ArgumentException
* If there is a problem with any of the parameters used to create this argument.
void initializeParser(OutputStream outStream)
throws ArgumentException
taskArgs = new TaskScheduleArgs();
defaultAdminPort = secureArgsList.getAdminPortFromConfig();
catch (Throwable t)
// Ignore
* Checks all the options parameters and updates the provided LocalizableMessageBuilder
* with the errors that where encountered.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
void validateOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int validateGlobalOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
int returnValue;
ArrayList<LocalizableMessage> errors = new ArrayList<LocalizableMessage>();
if (secureArgsList.bindPasswordArg.isPresent() &&
secureArgsList.bindPasswordFileArg.isPresent()) {
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_TOOL_CONFLICTING_ARGS.get(
// Check that we can write on the provided path where we write the
// equivalent non-interactive commands.
if (equivalentCommandFileArgument.isPresent())
String file = equivalentCommandFileArgument.getValue();
if (!canWrite(file))
File f = new File(file);
if (f.isDirectory())
if (noPromptArg.isPresent() && advancedArg.isPresent())
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_TOOL_CONFLICTING_ARGS.get(
if (!isInteractive())
// Check that we have the required data
if (!baseDNsArg.isPresent() &&
!isStatusReplicationSubcommand() &&
!disableAllArg.isPresent() &&
if (getBindPasswordAdmin() == null &&
if (baseDNsArg.isPresent())
LinkedList<String> baseDNs = baseDNsArg.getValues();
for (String dn : baseDNs)
if (!isDN(dn))
if (dn.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.REPLICATION_CHANGES_DN))
if (errors.size() > 0)
for (LocalizableMessage error : errors)
addMessage(buf, error);
if (buf.length() > 0)
returnValue = ReplicationCliReturnCode.CONFLICTING_ARGS.getReturnCode();
returnValue = ReplicationCliReturnCode.SUCCESSFUL_NOP.getReturnCode();
return returnValue;
* Initialize Global option.
* @param outStream
* The output stream used for the usage.
* @throws ArgumentException
* If there is a problem with any of the parameters used
* to create this argument.
private void initializeGlobalArguments(OutputStream outStream)
throws ArgumentException
ArrayList<Argument> defaultArgs =
new ArrayList<Argument>(createGlobalArguments(outStream, alwaysSSL));
Argument[] argsToRemove = {
for (Argument arg : argsToRemove)
// Remove it from the default location and redefine it.
int index = 0;
baseDNsArg = new StringArgument("baseDNs", OPTION_SHORT_BASEDN,
defaultArgs.add(index++, baseDNsArg);
secureArgsList.adminUidArg = new StringArgument("adminUID", 'I',
OPTION_LONG_ADMIN_UID, false, false, true,
Constants.GLOBAL_ADMIN_UID, null,
defaultArgs.add(index++, getAdminUidArg());
secureArgsList.bindPasswordArg = new StringArgument(
defaultArgs.add(index++, secureArgsList.bindPasswordArg);
secureArgsList.bindPasswordFileArg = new FileBasedArgument(
defaultArgs.add(index++, secureArgsList.bindPasswordFileArg);
quietArg = CommonArguments.getQuiet();
defaultArgs.add(index++, quietArg);
noPromptArg = CommonArguments.getNoPrompt();
defaultArgs.add(index++, noPromptArg);
displayEquivalentArgument = CommonArguments.getDisplayEquivalentCommand();
defaultArgs.add(index++, displayEquivalentArgument);
equivalentCommandFileArgument =
defaultArgs.add(index++, equivalentCommandFileArgument);
advancedArg = CommonArguments.getAdvancedMode();
defaultArgs.add(index++, advancedArg);
configClassArg =
defaultArgs.add(index++, configClassArg);
configFileArg = CommonArguments.getConfigFile();
defaultArgs.add(index++, configFileArg);
for (int i=0; i<index; i++)
Argument arg = defaultArgs.get(i);
this.propertiesFileArgument = CommonArguments.getPropertiesFile();
this.noPropertiesFileArgument = CommonArguments.getNoPropertiesFile();
initializeGlobalArguments(defaultArgs, null);
* Initialize the global options with the provided set of arguments.
* @param args the arguments to use to initialize the global options.
* @param argGroup the group to which args will be added.
* @throws ArgumentException if there is a conflict with the provided
* arguments.
protected void initializeGlobalArguments(
Collection<Argument> args,
ArgumentGroup argGroup)
throws ArgumentException
for (Argument arg : args)
if (arg == advancedArg)
ArgumentGroup toolOptionsGroup = new ArgumentGroup(
addGlobalArgument(advancedArg, toolOptionsGroup);
addGlobalArgument(arg, argGroup);
// Set the propertiesFile argument
* Creates the enable replication subcommand and all the specific options
* for the subcommand.
private void createEnableReplicationSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
hostName1Arg = new StringArgument("host1", OPTION_SHORT_HOST,
"host1", false, false, true, INFO_HOST_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
port1Arg = new IntegerArgument("port1", OPTION_SHORT_PORT, "port1",
false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
defaultAdminPort, null,
true, 1,
true, 65336,
bindDn1Arg = new StringArgument("bindDN1", OPTION_SHORT_BINDDN,
"bindDN1", false, false, true, INFO_BINDDN_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
"cn=Directory Manager", null,
bindPassword1Arg = new StringArgument("bindPassword1",
null, "bindPassword1", false, false, true,
bindPasswordFile1Arg = new FileBasedArgument("bindPasswordFile1",
null, "bindPasswordFile1", false, false,
replicationPort1Arg = new IntegerArgument("replicationPort1", 'r',
"replicationPort1", false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
8989, null,
true, 1,
true, 65336,
secureReplication1Arg = new BooleanArgument("secureReplication1", null,
noReplicationServer1Arg = new BooleanArgument(
"noreplicationserver1", null, "noReplicationServer1",
onlyReplicationServer1Arg = new BooleanArgument(
"onlyreplicationserver1", null, "onlyReplicationServer1",
hostName2Arg = new StringArgument("host2", 'O',
"host2", false, false, true, INFO_HOST_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
port2Arg = new IntegerArgument("port2", null, "port2",
false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(), defaultAdminPort, null,
true, 1,
true, 65336,
bindDn2Arg = new StringArgument("bindDN2", null,
"bindDN2", false, false, true, INFO_BINDDN_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
"cn=Directory Manager", null,
bindPassword2Arg = new StringArgument("bindPassword2",
null, "bindPassword2", false, false, true,
bindPasswordFile2Arg = new FileBasedArgument("bindPasswordFile2",
'F', "bindPasswordFile2", false, false,
replicationPort2Arg = new IntegerArgument("replicationPort2", 'R',
"replicationPort2", false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
8989, null,
true, 1,
true, 65336,
secureReplication2Arg = new BooleanArgument("secureReplication2", null,
noReplicationServer2Arg = new BooleanArgument(
"noreplicationserver2", null, "noReplicationServer2",
onlyReplicationServer2Arg = new BooleanArgument(
"onlyreplicationserver2", null, "onlyReplicationServer2",
skipPortCheckArg = new BooleanArgument(
"skipportcheck", 'S', "skipPortCheck",
noSchemaReplicationArg = new BooleanArgument(
"noschemareplication", null, "noSchemaReplication",
useSecondServerAsSchemaSourceArg = new BooleanArgument(
"usesecondserverasschemasource", null, "useSecondServerAsSchemaSource",
enableReplicationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
Argument[] argsToAdd = {
hostName1Arg, port1Arg, bindDn1Arg, bindPassword1Arg,
bindPasswordFile1Arg, replicationPort1Arg, secureReplication1Arg,
noReplicationServer1Arg, onlyReplicationServer1Arg,
hostName2Arg, port2Arg, bindDn2Arg, bindPassword2Arg,
bindPasswordFile2Arg, replicationPort2Arg, secureReplication2Arg,
noReplicationServer2Arg, onlyReplicationServer2Arg,
skipPortCheckArg, noSchemaReplicationArg,
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the disable replication subcommand and all the specific options
* for the subcommand. Note: this method assumes that
* initializeGlobalArguments has already been called and that hostNameArg and
* portArg have been created.
private void createDisableReplicationSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
disableReplicationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
secureArgsList.bindDnArg = new StringArgument("bindDN", OPTION_SHORT_BINDDN,
"cn=Directory Manager", OPTION_LONG_BINDDN,
disableReplicationServerArg = new BooleanArgument(
"disablereplicationserver", null, "disableReplicationServer",
disableAllArg = new BooleanArgument(
"disableall", 'a', "disableAll",
Argument[] argsToAdd = { secureArgsList.hostNameArg,
secureArgsList.portArg, secureArgsList.bindDnArg,
disableReplicationServerArg, disableAllArg};
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the initialize replication subcommand and all the specific options
* for the subcommand.
private void createInitializeReplicationSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
hostNameSourceArg = new StringArgument("hostSource", OPTION_SHORT_HOST,
"hostSource", false, false, true, INFO_HOST_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
getDefaultHostValue(), null,
portSourceArg = new IntegerArgument("portSource", OPTION_SHORT_PORT,
"portSource", false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
defaultAdminPort, null,
true, 1,
true, 65336,
hostNameDestinationArg = new StringArgument("hostDestination", 'O',
"hostDestination", false, false, true, INFO_HOST_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
getDefaultHostValue(), null,
portDestinationArg = new IntegerArgument("portDestination", null,
"portDestination", false, false, true, INFO_PORT_PLACEHOLDER.get(),
true, 1,
true, 65336,
initializeReplicationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
Argument[] argsToAdd = {
hostNameSourceArg, portSourceArg, hostNameDestinationArg,
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the initialize all replication subcommand and all the specific
* options for the subcommand. Note: this method assumes that
* initializeGlobalArguments has already been called and that hostNameArg and
* portArg have been created.
private void createInitializeAllReplicationSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
initializeAllReplicationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
Argument[] argsToAdd = { secureArgsList.hostNameArg,
secureArgsList.portArg };
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the subcommand that the user must launch before doing an external
* initialization of the topology ( and all the specific
* options for the subcommand. Note: this method assumes that
* initializeGlobalArguments has already been called and that hostNameArg and
* portArg have been created.
private void createPreExternalInitializationSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
preExternalInitializationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
BooleanArgument externalInitializationLocalOnlyArg = new BooleanArgument(
Argument[] argsToAdd = { secureArgsList.hostNameArg,
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the subcommand that the user must launch after doing an external
* initialization of the topology ( and all the specific
* options for the subcommand. Note: this method assumes that
* initializeGlobalArguments has already been called and that hostNameArg and
* portArg have been created.
private void createPostExternalInitializationSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
postExternalInitializationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
Argument[] argsToAdd = { secureArgsList.hostNameArg,
secureArgsList.portArg };
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the status replication subcommand and all the specific options
* for the subcommand. Note: this method assumes that
* initializeGlobalArguments has already been called and that hostNameArg and
* portArg have been created.
private void createStatusReplicationSubCommand() throws ArgumentException
statusReplicationSubCmd = new SubCommand(this,
scriptFriendlyArg = new BooleanArgument(
Argument[] argsToAdd = { secureArgsList.hostNameArg,
secureArgsList.portArg, scriptFriendlyArg };
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
* Creates the purge historical subcommand and all the specific options
* for the subcommand. Note: this method assumes that
* initializeGlobalArguments has already been called and that hostNameArg and
* portArg have been created.
private void createPurgeHistoricalSubCommand()
throws ArgumentException
maximumDurationArg = new IntegerArgument(
null, // shortId
true, // isRequired
false, // isMultivalued
true, // needsValue
true, 0,
false, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
purgeHistoricalSubCmd = new SubCommand(
Argument[] argsToAdd = {
for (Argument arg : argsToAdd)
for (Argument arg : taskArgs.getArguments())
* Tells whether the user specified to have an interactive operation or not.
* This method must be called after calling parseArguments.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user specified to have an interactive
* operation and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isInteractive()
return !noPromptArg.isPresent();
* Tells whether the user specified to have a quite operation or not.
* This method must be called after calling parseArguments.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user specified to have a quite operation
* and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isQuiet()
return quietArg.isPresent();
* Tells whether the user specified to have a script-friendly output or not.
* This method must be called after calling parseArguments.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user specified to have a script-friendly
* output and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isScriptFriendly()
return scriptFriendlyArg.isPresent();
* Get the password which has to be used for the command to connect to the
* first server without prompting the user in the enable replication
* subcommand. If no password was specified return null.
* @return the password which has to be used for the command to connect to the
* first server without prompting the user in the enable replication
* subcommand. If no password was specified return null.
public String getBindPassword1()
return getBindPassword(bindPassword1Arg, bindPasswordFile1Arg);
* Get the password which has to be used for the command to connect to the
* second server without prompting the user in the enable replication
* subcommand. If no password was specified return null.
* @return the password which has to be used for the command to connect to the
* second server without prompting the user in the enable replication
* subcommand. If no password was specified return null.
public String getBindPassword2()
return getBindPassword(bindPassword2Arg, bindPasswordFile2Arg);
* Get the global administrator password which has to be used for the command
* to connect to the server(s) without prompting the user. If no password was
* specified, return null.
* @return the global administrator password which has to be used for the
* command to connect to the server(s) without prompting the user. If no
* password was specified, return null.
public String getBindPasswordAdmin()
return getBindPassword(secureArgsList.bindPasswordArg,
* Returns the Administrator UID explicitly provided in the command-line.
* @return the Administrator UID explicitly provided in the command-line.
public String getAdministratorUID()
return getValue(getAdminUidArg());
* Returns the default Administrator UID value.
* @return the default Administrator UID value.
public String getAdministratorUIDOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(getAdminUidArg());
* Returns the Administrator UID argument.
* @return the Administrator UID argument.
StringArgument getAdminUidArg()
return secureArgsList.adminUidArg;
* Returns the first host name explicitly provided in the enable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the first host name explicitly provided in the enable replication
* subcommand.
public StringArgument getHostName1Arg()
return hostName1Arg;
* Returns the first server port explicitly provided in the enable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the first server port explicitly provided in the enable replication
* subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public IntegerArgument getPort1Arg()
return port1Arg;
* Returns the first server bind dn explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand.
* @return the first server bind dn explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand.
public StringArgument getBindDn1Arg()
return bindDn1Arg;
* Returns the first server replication port explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand.
* @return the first server replication port explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getReplicationPort1()
return getValue(replicationPort1Arg);
* Returns the first server replication port default value in the enable
* replication subcommand.
* @return the first server replication port default value in the enable
* replication subcommand.
public int getReplicationPort1OrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(replicationPort1Arg);
* Returns whether the user asked to have replication communication with the
* first server or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> the user asked to have replication communication
* with the first server and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isSecureReplication1()
return secureReplication1Arg.isPresent();
* Returns the second host name explicitly provided in the enable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the second host name explicitly provided in the enable replication
* subcommand.
public StringArgument getHostName2Arg()
return hostName2Arg;
* Returns the second server port explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand.
* @return the second server port explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public IntegerArgument getPort2Arg()
return port2Arg;
* Returns the second server bind dn explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand.
* @return the second server bind dn explicitly provided in the enable
* replication subcommand.
public StringArgument getBindDn2Arg()
return bindDn2Arg;
* Returns the second server replication port explicitly provided in the
* enable replication subcommand.
* @return the second server replication port explicitly provided in the
* enable replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly
* provided.
public int getReplicationPort2()
return getValue(replicationPort2Arg);
* Returns the second server replication port default value in the enable
* replication subcommand.
* @return the second server replication port default value in the enable
* replication subcommand.
public int getReplicationPort2OrDefault()
return getDefaultValue(replicationPort2Arg);
* Returns whether the user asked to have replication communication with the
* second server or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> the user asked to have replication communication
* with the second server and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isSecureReplication2()
return secureReplication2Arg.isPresent();
* Returns whether the user asked to skip the replication port checks (if the
* ports are free) or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> the user asked to skip the replication port
* checks (if the ports are free) and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
boolean skipReplicationPortCheck()
return skipPortCheckArg.isPresent();
* Returns whether the user asked to not replicate the schema between servers.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user asked to not replicate schema and
* <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
boolean noSchemaReplication()
return noSchemaReplicationArg.isPresent();
* Returns whether the user asked to use the second server to initialize the
* schema of the first server.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user asked to use the second server to
* initialize the schema of the first server and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
boolean useSecondServerAsSchemaSource()
return useSecondServerAsSchemaSourceArg.isPresent();
* Returns the host name explicitly provided in the disable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the host name explicitly provided in the disable replication
* subcommand.
public String getHostNameToDisable()
return getValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name default value in the disable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the host name default value in the disable replication
* subcommand.
public String getHostNameToDisableOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the server bind dn explicitly provided in the disable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the server bind dn explicitly provided in the disable replication
* subcommand.
public String getBindDNToDisable()
return getValue(secureArgsList.bindDnArg);
* Returns the server bind dn default value in the disable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the server bind dn default value in the enable replication
* subcommand.
public String getDefaultBindDnToDisable()
return getDefaultValue(secureArgsList.bindDnArg);
* Returns the host name explicitly provided in the status replication
* subcommand.
* @return the host name explicitly provided in the status replication
* subcommand.
public String getHostNameToStatus()
return getValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name default value in the status replication subcommand.
* @return the host name default value in the status replication subcommand.
public String getHostNameToStatusOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name explicitly provided in the initialize all replication
* subcommand.
* @return the host name explicitly provided in the initialize all replication
* subcommand.
public String getHostNameToInitializeAll()
return getValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name default value in the initialize all replication
* subcommand.
* @return the host name default value in the initialize all replication
* subcommand.
public String getHostNameToInitializeAllOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name explicitly provided in the pre external
* initialization subcommand.
* @return the host name explicitly provided in the pre external
* initialization subcommand.
public String getHostNameToPreExternalInitialization()
return getValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name default value in the pre external initialization
* subcommand.
* @return the host name default value in the pre external initialization
* subcommand.
public String getDefaultHostNameToPreExternalInitialization()
return getDefaultValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name explicitly provided in the post external
* initialization subcommand.
* @return the host name explicitly provided in the post external
* initialization subcommand.
public String getHostNameToPostExternalInitialization()
return getValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the host name default value in the post external initialization
* subcommand.
* @return the host name default value in the post external initialization
* subcommand.
public String getDefaultHostNameToPostExternalInitialization()
return getDefaultValue(secureArgsList.hostNameArg);
* Returns the source host name explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
* @return the source host name explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
public String getHostNameSource()
return getValue(hostNameSourceArg);
* Returns the first host name default value in the initialize replication
* subcommand.
* @return the first host name default value in the initialize replication
* subcommand.
public String getHostNameSourceOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(hostNameSourceArg);
* Returns the destination host name explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
* @return the destination host name explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
public String getHostNameDestination()
return getValue(hostNameDestinationArg);
* Returns the destination host name default value in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
* @return the destination host name default value in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
public String getHostNameDestinationOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(hostNameDestinationArg);
* Returns the source server port explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
* @return the source server port explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortSource()
return getValue(portSourceArg);
* Returns the source server port default value in the initialize replication
* subcommand.
* @return the source server port default value in the initialize replication
* subcommand.
public int getPortSourceOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(portSourceArg);
* Returns the destination server port explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
* @return the destination server port explicitly provided in the initialize
* replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortDestination()
return getValue(portDestinationArg);
* Returns the destination server port default value in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
* @return the destination server port default value in the initialize
* replication subcommand.
public int getPortDestinationOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(portDestinationArg);
* Returns the server port explicitly provided in the disable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the server port explicitly provided in the disable replication
* subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortToDisable()
return getValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port default value in the disable replication
* subcommand.
* @return the server port default value in the disable replication
* subcommand.
public int getPortToDisableOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port explicitly provided in the initialize all
* replication subcommand.
* @return the server port explicitly provided in the initialize all
* replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortToInitializeAll()
return getValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port default value in the initialize all replication
* subcommand.
* @return the server port default value in the initialize all replication
* subcommand.
public int getPortToInitializeAllOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port explicitly provided in the pre external
* initialization subcommand.
* @return the server port explicitly provided in the pre external
* initialization subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortToPreExternalInitialization()
return getValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port default value in the pre external initialization
* subcommand.
* @return the server port default value in the pre external initialization
* subcommand.
public int getDefaultPortToPreExternalInitialization()
return getDefaultValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port explicitly provided in the post external
* initialization subcommand.
* @return the server port explicitly provided in the post external
* initialization subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortToPostExternalInitialization()
return getValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port default value in the post external initialization
* subcommand.
* @return the server port default value in the post external initialization
* subcommand.
public int getDefaultPortToPostExternalInitialization()
return getDefaultValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port explicitly provided in the status replication
* subcommand.
* @return the server port explicitly provided in the status replication
* subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getPortToStatus()
return getValue(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the server port default value in the status replication subcommand.
* @return the server port default value in the status replication subcommand.
public int getPortToStatusOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(secureArgsList.portArg);
* Returns the list of base DNs provided by the user.
* @return the list of base DNs provided by the user.
public LinkedList<String> getBaseDNs()
return baseDNsArg.getValues();
* Returns the config class value provided in the hidden argument of the
* command-line.
* @return the config class value provided in the hidden argument of the
* command-line.
public String getConfigClass()
return getValue(configClassArg);
* Returns the config file value provided in the hidden argument of the
* command-line.
* @return the config file value provided in the hidden argument of the
* command-line.
public String getConfigFile()
return getValue(configFileArg);
* Returns the argument's value if present or else return the argument's default value.
* @param arg the argument
* @return the argument's value if present, the argument's default value if not present
static String getValueOrDefault(StringArgument arg)
String v = getValue(arg);
String defaultValue = getDefaultValue(arg);
return v != null ? v : defaultValue;
* Returns the argument's value if present or else return the argument's default value.
* @param arg the argument
* @return the argument's value if present, the argument's default value if not present
static int getValueOrDefault(IntegerArgument arg)
int v = getValue(arg);
int defaultValue = getDefaultValue(arg);
return v != -1 ? v : defaultValue;
* Returns the value of the provided argument only if the user provided it
* explicitly.
* @param arg the StringArgument to be handled.
* @return the value of the provided argument only if the user provided it
* explicitly.
static String getValue(StringArgument arg)
return arg.isPresent() ? arg.getValue() : null;
* Returns the default value of the provided argument.
* @param arg the StringArgument to be handled.
* @return the default value of the provided argument.
static String getDefaultValue(StringArgument arg)
return arg.getDefaultValue();
* Returns the value of the provided argument only if the user provided it
* explicitly.
* @param arg the StringArgument to be handled.
* @return the value of the provided argument only if the user provided it
* explicitly.
static int getValue(IntegerArgument arg)
if (arg.isPresent())
return arg.getIntValue();
catch (ArgumentException ae)
// This is a bug
throw new IllegalStateException(
"There was an argument exception calling "+
"ReplicationCliParser.getValue(). This appears to be a bug "+
"because this method should be called after calling "+
"parseArguments which should result in an error.", ae);
return -1;
* Returns the default value of the provided argument.
* @param arg the StringArgument to be handled.
* @return the default value of the provided argument.
static int getDefaultValue(IntegerArgument arg)
String v = arg.getDefaultValue();
return v != null ? Integer.parseInt(v) : -1;
* Checks the subcommand options and updates the provided LocalizableMessageBuilder
* with the errors that were encountered with the subcommand options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validateSubcommandOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
if (isEnableReplicationSubcommand())
else if (isDisableReplicationSubcommand())
else if (isStatusReplicationSubcommand())
else if (isInitializeReplicationSubcommand())
else if (isInitializeAllReplicationSubcommand())
else if (isPreExternalInitializationSubcommand())
else if (isPostExternalInitializationSubcommand())
else if (isPurgeHistoricalSubcommand())
// This can occur if the user did not provide any subcommand. We assume
// that the error informing of this will be generated in
// validateGlobalOptions.
* Checks the purge historical subcommand options and updates the
* provided LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the
* subcommand options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validatePurgeHistoricalOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
if (!isInteractive() && !connectionArgumentsPresent())
catch (ClientException | ArgumentException e)
addMessage(buf, e.getMessageObject());
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the enable replication
* or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* enable replication and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isEnableReplicationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the disable replication
* or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* disable replication and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isDisableReplicationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the status replication
* or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* status replication and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isStatusReplicationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the purge historical
* or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* purge historical and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isPurgeHistoricalSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the initialize all
* replication or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* initialize all replication and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isInitializeAllReplicationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the pre external
* initialization or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* pre external initialization and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isPreExternalInitializationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the post external
* initialization or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* post external initialization and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isPostExternalInitializationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the user provided subcommand is the initialize replication
* or not.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the user provided subcommand is the
* initialize replication and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
public boolean isInitializeReplicationSubcommand()
* Returns whether the command-line subcommand has the name provided
* or not.
* @param name the name of the subcommand.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if command-line subcommand has the name provided
* and <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
private boolean isSubcommand(String name)
SubCommand subCommand = getSubCommand();
return subCommand != null && subCommand.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name);
* Checks the enable replication subcommand options and updates the provided
* LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the subcommand
* options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validateEnableReplicationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
Argument[][] conflictingPairs =
{bindPassword1Arg, bindPasswordFile1Arg},
{bindPassword2Arg, bindPasswordFile2Arg},
{replicationPort1Arg, noReplicationServer1Arg},
{noReplicationServer1Arg, onlyReplicationServer1Arg},
{replicationPort2Arg, noReplicationServer2Arg},
{noReplicationServer2Arg, onlyReplicationServer2Arg},
{noSchemaReplicationArg, useSecondServerAsSchemaSourceArg}
for (Argument[] conflictingPair : conflictingPairs)
Argument arg1 = conflictingPair[0];
Argument arg2 = conflictingPair[1];
if (arg1.isPresent() && arg2.isPresent())
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_TOOL_CONFLICTING_ARGS.get(
arg1.getLongIdentifier(), arg2.getLongIdentifier());
addMessage(buf, message);
if (hostName1Arg.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(hostName2Arg.getValue())
&& !isInteractive()
&& port1Arg.getValue().equals(port2Arg.getValue()))
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_REPLICATION_ENABLE_SAME_SERVER_PORT.get(
hostName1Arg.getValue(), port1Arg.getValue());
addMessage(buf, message);
* Checks the disable replication subcommand options and updates the provided
* LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the subcommand
* options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validateDisableReplicationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
Argument[][] conflictingPairs =
{getAdminUidArg(), secureArgsList.bindDnArg},
{disableAllArg, disableReplicationServerArg},
{disableAllArg, baseDNsArg}
for (Argument[] conflictingPair : conflictingPairs)
Argument arg1 = conflictingPair[0];
Argument arg2 = conflictingPair[1];
if (arg1.isPresent() && arg2.isPresent())
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_TOOL_CONFLICTING_ARGS.get(
arg1.getLongIdentifier(), arg2.getLongIdentifier());
addMessage(buf, message);
* Checks the initialize all replication subcommand options and updates the
* provided LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the
* subcommand options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validateInitializeAllReplicationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
* Checks the pre external initialization subcommand options and updates the
* provided LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the
* subcommand options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validatePreExternalInitializationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
* Checks the post external initialization subcommand options and updates the
* provided LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the
* subcommand options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validatePostExternalInitializationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
* Checks the status replication subcommand options and updates the provided
* LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the subcommand
* options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validateStatusReplicationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
if (quietArg.isPresent())
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_REPLICATION_STATUS_QUIET.get(
STATUS_REPLICATION_SUBCMD_NAME, "--"+quietArg.getLongIdentifier());
addMessage(buf, message);
* Checks the initialize replication subcommand options and updates the
* provided LocalizableMessageBuilder with the errors that were encountered with the
* subcommand options.
* This method assumes that the method parseArguments for the parser has
* already been called.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder object where we add the error messages
* describing the errors encountered.
private void validateInitializeReplicationOptions(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf)
if (hostNameSourceArg.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(hostNameDestinationArg.getValue())
&& !isInteractive()
&& portSourceArg.getValue().equals(portDestinationArg.getValue()))
hostNameSourceArg.getValue(), portSourceArg.getValue());
addMessage(buf, message);
* Adds a message to the provided LocalizableMessageBuilder.
* @param buf the LocalizableMessageBuilder.
* @param message the message to be added.
private void addMessage(LocalizableMessageBuilder buf, LocalizableMessage message)
if (buf.length() > 0)
* Returns the default value to be used for the host.
* @return the default value to be used for the host.
private String getDefaultHostValue()
if (defaultLocalHostValue == null)
defaultLocalHostValue =;
catch (Throwable t)
if (defaultLocalHostValue == null)
defaultLocalHostValue = "localhost";
return defaultLocalHostValue;
* Returns the SecureConnectionCliArgs object containing the arguments
* of this parser.
* @return the SecureConnectionCliArgs object containing the arguments
* of this parser.
public SecureConnectionCliArgs getSecureArgsList()
return secureArgsList;
* Returns the TaskScheduleArgs object containing the arguments
* of this parser.
* @return the TaskScheduleArgs object containing the arguments
* of this parser.
public TaskScheduleArgs getTaskArgsList()
return taskArgs;
* Returns whether the user specified connection arguments or not.
* @return {@code true} if the user specified connection arguments and
* {@code false} otherwise.
boolean connectionArgumentsPresent()
if (isPurgeHistoricalSubcommand()) {
boolean secureArgsPresent = getSecureArgsList() != null &&
// This have to be explicitly specified because their original definition
// has been replaced.
boolean adminArgsPresent = getAdminUidArg().isPresent() ||
secureArgsList.bindPasswordArg.isPresent() ||
return secureArgsPresent || adminArgsPresent;
return true;
* Returns the maximum duration explicitly provided in the purge historical
* replication subcommand.
* @return the maximum duration explicitly provided in the purge historical
* replication subcommand. Returns -1 if no port was explicitly provided.
public int getMaximumDuration()
return getValue(maximumDurationArg);
* Returns the maximum duration default value in the purge historical
* replication subcommand.
* @return the maximum duration default value in the purge historical
* replication subcommand.
public int getMaximumDurationOrDefault()
return getValueOrDefault(maximumDurationArg);