CertificateValidationPolicy.java revision 99aaa917a95d7ec19e14dad25f61f58ff84753b1
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package org.opends.server.extensions;
* This class implements an enumeration that may be used to indicate if/how a
* client's certificate should be validated against the corresponding user entry
* in the Directory Server.
public enum CertificateValidationPolicy
* Indicates that the server should always attempt to validate the client
* certificate against the version in the corresponding user's entry. If no
* certificates exist in the user's entry, then the validation will fail.
* Indicates that the server should not attempt to validate the client
* certificate against the version in the corresponding user's entry.
* Indicates that the server should attempt to validate the client certificate
* against the version in the corresponding user's entry if there are any
* certificates in that user's entry. If the user's entry does not contain
* any certificates, then no validation will be attempted.
/** The human-readable name for this policy. */
private String policyName;
* Creates a new certificate validation policy with the provided name.
* @param policyName The human-readable name for this policy.
private CertificateValidationPolicy(String policyName)
this.policyName = policyName;
* Retrieves the certificate validation policy for the specified name.
* @param policyName The name of the policy to retrieve.
* @return The requested certificate validation policy, or <CODE>null</CODE>
* if the provided value is not the name of a valid policy.
public static CertificateValidationPolicy policyForName(String policyName)
String lowerName = policyName.toLowerCase();
if (lowerName.equals("always"))
return CertificateValidationPolicy.ALWAYS;
else if (lowerName.equals("never"))
return CertificateValidationPolicy.NEVER;
else if (lowerName.equals("ifpresent"))
return CertificateValidationPolicy.IFPRESENT;
return null;
* Retrieves the human-readable name for this certificate validation policy.
* @return The human-readable name for this certificate validation policy.
public String toString()
return policyName;