Task.java revision 998747bfaaa3c6b28bbfaf0e282e6c0ccbf46bc0
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Copyright 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2014-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.backends.task;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ModificationType;
import org.opends.messages.Severity;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.opends.server.util.EMailMessage;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
import org.opends.server.util.TimeThread;
import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
* This class defines a task that may be executed by the task backend within the
* Directory Server.
public abstract class Task
implements Comparable<Task>
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
// The DN for the task entry.
private DN taskEntryDN;
// The entry that actually defines this task.
private Entry taskEntry;
// The action to take if one of the dependencies for this task does not
// complete successfully.
private FailedDependencyAction failedDependencyAction;
// The counter used for log messages associated with this task.
private int logMessageCounter;
// The task IDs of other tasks on which this task is dependent.
private LinkedList<String> dependencyIDs;
// A set of log messages generated by this task.
// TODO: convert from String to LocalizableMessage objects.
// Since these are stored in an entry we would need
// to adopt some way for writing message to string in such
// a way that the information could be reparsed from its
// string value.
private LinkedList<String> logMessages;
// The set of e-mail addresses of the users to notify when the task is done
// running, regardless of whether it completes successfully.
private LinkedList<String> notifyOnCompletion;
// The set of e-mail addresses of the users to notify if the task does not
// complete successfully for some reason.
private LinkedList<String> notifyOnError;
// The time that processing actually started for this task.
private long actualStartTime;
// The time that actual processing ended for this task.
private long completionTime;
// The time that this task was scheduled to start processing.
private long scheduledStartTime;
// The operation used to create this task in the server.
private Operation operation;
// The ID of the recurring task with which this task is associated.
private String recurringTaskID;
// The unique ID assigned to this task.
private String taskID;
// The task backend with which this task is associated.
private TaskBackend taskBackend;
// The current state of this task.
private TaskState taskState;
// The task state that may be set when the task is interrupted.
private TaskState taskInterruptState;
// The scheduler with which this task is associated.
private TaskScheduler taskScheduler;
* Gets a message that identifies this type of task suitable for
* presentation to humans in monitoring tools.
* @return name of task
public LocalizableMessage getDisplayName() {
// NOTE: this method is invoked via reflection. If you rename
// it be sure to modify the calls.
return null;
* Given an attribute type name returns and locale sensitive
* representation.
* @param name of an attribute type associated with the object
* class that represents this entry in the directory
* @return LocalizableMessage diaplay name
public LocalizableMessage getAttributeDisplayName(String name) {
// Subclasses that are schedulable from the task interface
// should override this
// NOTE: this method is invoked via reflection. If you rename
// it be sure to modify the calls.
return null;
* Performs generic initialization for this task based on the information in
* the provided task entry.
* @param taskScheduler The scheduler with which this task is associated.
* @param taskEntry The entry containing the task configuration.
* @throws InitializationException If a problem occurs while performing the
* initialization.
public final void initializeTaskInternal(TaskScheduler taskScheduler,
Entry taskEntry)
throws InitializationException
this.taskScheduler = taskScheduler;
this.taskEntry = taskEntry;
this.taskEntryDN = taskEntry.getName();
String taskDN = taskEntryDN.toString();
taskBackend = taskScheduler.getTaskBackend();
// Get the task ID and recurring task ID values. At least one of them must
// be provided. If it's a recurring task and there is no task ID, then
// generate one on the fly.
taskID = getAttributeValue(ATTR_TASK_ID, false);
recurringTaskID = getAttributeValue(ATTR_RECURRING_TASK_ID, false);
if (taskID == null)
if (recurringTaskID == null)
throw new InitializationException(ERR_TASK_MISSING_ATTR.get(taskEntry.getName(), ATTR_TASK_ID));
taskID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Get the current state from the task. If there is none, then assume it's
// a new task.
String stateString = getAttributeValue(ATTR_TASK_STATE, false);
if (stateString == null)
taskState = TaskState.UNSCHEDULED;
taskState = TaskState.fromString(stateString);
if (taskState == null)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_TASK_INVALID_STATE.get(taskDN, stateString);
throw new InitializationException(message);
// Get the scheduled start time for the task, if there is one. It may be
// in either UTC time (a date followed by a 'Z') or in the local time zone
// (not followed by a 'Z').
scheduledStartTime = -1;
String timeString = getAttributeValue(ATTR_TASK_SCHEDULED_START_TIME,
if (timeString != null)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;
if (timeString.endsWith("Z"))
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_GMT_TIME);
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_COMPACT_LOCAL_TIME);
scheduledStartTime = dateFormat.parse(timeString).getTime();
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new InitializationException(message, e);
// Get the actual start time for the task, if there is one.
actualStartTime = -1;
timeString = getAttributeValue(ATTR_TASK_ACTUAL_START_TIME, false);
if (timeString != null)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;
if (timeString.endsWith("Z"))
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_GMT_TIME);
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_COMPACT_LOCAL_TIME);
actualStartTime = dateFormat.parse(timeString).getTime();
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new InitializationException(message, e);
// Get the completion time for the task, if there is one.
completionTime = -1;
timeString = getAttributeValue(ATTR_TASK_COMPLETION_TIME, false);
if (timeString != null)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;
if (timeString.endsWith("Z"))
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_GMT_TIME);
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_COMPACT_LOCAL_TIME);
completionTime = dateFormat.parse(timeString).getTime();
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new InitializationException(message, e);
// Get information about any dependencies that the task might have.
dependencyIDs = getAttributeValues(ATTR_TASK_DEPENDENCY_IDS);
failedDependencyAction = FailedDependencyAction.CANCEL;
String actionString = getAttributeValue(ATTR_TASK_FAILED_DEPENDENCY_ACTION,
if (actionString != null)
failedDependencyAction = FailedDependencyAction.fromString(actionString);
if (failedDependencyAction == null)
failedDependencyAction = FailedDependencyAction.defaultValue();
// Get the information about the e-mail addresses to use for notification
// purposes.
notifyOnCompletion = getAttributeValues(ATTR_TASK_NOTIFY_ON_COMPLETION);
notifyOnError = getAttributeValues(ATTR_TASK_NOTIFY_ON_ERROR);
// Get the log messages for the task.
logMessages = getAttributeValues(ATTR_TASK_LOG_MESSAGES);
if (logMessages != null) {
logMessageCounter = logMessages.size();
* Retrieves the single value for the requested attribute as a string.
* @param attributeName The name of the attribute for which to retrieve the
* value.
* @param isRequired Indicates whether the attribute is required to have
* a value.
* @return The value for the requested attribute, or <CODE>null</CODE> if it
* is not present in the entry and is not required.
* @throws InitializationException If the requested attribute is not present
* in the entry but is required, or if there
* are multiple instances of the requested
* attribute in the entry with different
* sets of options, or if there are multiple
* values for the requested attribute.
private String getAttributeValue(String attributeName, boolean isRequired)
throws InitializationException
List<Attribute> attrList =
if ((attrList == null) || attrList.isEmpty())
if (isRequired)
throw new InitializationException(ERR_TASK_MISSING_ATTR.get(taskEntry.getName(), attributeName));
return null;
if (attrList.size() > 1)
throw new InitializationException(ERR_TASK_MULTIPLE_ATTRS_FOR_TYPE.get(attributeName, taskEntry.getName()));
Iterator<ByteString> iterator = attrList.get(0).iterator();
if (! iterator.hasNext())
if (isRequired)
throw new InitializationException(ERR_TASK_NO_VALUES_FOR_ATTR.get(attributeName, taskEntry.getName()));
return null;
ByteString value = iterator.next();
if (iterator.hasNext())
throw new InitializationException(ERR_TASK_MULTIPLE_VALUES_FOR_ATTR.get(attributeName, taskEntry.getName()));
return value.toString();
* Retrieves the values for the requested attribute as a list of strings.
* @param attributeName The name of the attribute for which to retrieve the
* values.
* @return The list of values for the requested attribute, or an empty list
* if the attribute does not exist or does not have any values.
* @throws InitializationException If there are multiple instances of the
* requested attribute in the entry with
* different sets of options.
private LinkedList<String> getAttributeValues(String attributeName)
throws InitializationException
LinkedList<String> valueStrings = new LinkedList<String>();
List<Attribute> attrList =
if ((attrList == null) || attrList.isEmpty())
return valueStrings;
if (attrList.size() > 1)
throw new InitializationException(ERR_TASK_MULTIPLE_ATTRS_FOR_TYPE.get(attributeName, taskEntry.getName()));
Iterator<ByteString> iterator = attrList.get(0).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
return valueStrings;
* Retrieves the DN of the entry containing the definition for this task.
* @return The DN of the entry containing the definition for this task.
public final DN getTaskEntryDN()
return taskEntryDN;
* Retrieves the entry containing the definition for this task.
* @return The entry containing the definition for this task.
public final Entry getTaskEntry()
return taskEntry;
* Retrieves the operation used to create this task in the server. Note that
* this will only be available when the task is first added to the scheduler,
* and it should only be accessed from within the {@code initializeTask}
* method (and even that method should not depend on it always being
* available, since it will not be available if the server is restarted and
* the task needs to be reinitialized).
* @return The operation used to create this task in the server, or
* {@code null} if it is not available.
public final Operation getOperation()
return operation;
* Specifies the operation used to create this task in the server.
* @param operation The operation used to create this task in the server.
public final void setOperation(Operation operation)
this.operation = operation;
* Retrieves the unique identifier assigned to this task.
* @return The unique identifier assigned to this task.
public final String getTaskID()
return taskID;
* Retrieves the unique identifier assigned to the recurring task that is
* associated with this task, if there is one.
* @return The unique identifier assigned to the recurring task that is
* associated with this task, or <CODE>null</CODE> if it is not
* associated with any recurring task.
public final String getRecurringTaskID()
return recurringTaskID;
* Retrieves the current state for this task.
* @return The current state for this task.
public final TaskState getTaskState()
return taskState;
* Indicates whether or not this task is an iteration of
* some recurring task.
* @return boolean where true indicates that this task is
* recurring, false otherwise.
public boolean isRecurring()
return (recurringTaskID != null);
* Indicates whether or not this task has been cancelled.
* @return boolean where true indicates that this task was
* cancelled either before or during execution
public boolean isCancelled()
return taskInterruptState != null &&
* Sets the state for this task and updates the associated task entry as
* necessary. It does not automatically persist the updated task information
* to disk.
* @param taskState The new state to use for the task.
void setTaskState(TaskState taskState)
// We only need to grab the entry-level lock if we don't already hold the
// broader scheduler lock.
boolean needLock = (! taskScheduler.holdsSchedulerLock());
Lock lock = null;
if (needLock)
lock = taskScheduler.writeLockEntry(taskEntryDN);
this.taskState = taskState;
Attribute attr = Attributes.create(ATTR_TASK_STATE,
ArrayList<Attribute> attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
taskEntry.putAttribute(attr.getAttributeType(), attrList);
if (needLock)
taskScheduler.unlockEntry(taskEntryDN, lock);
* Sets a state for this task that is the result of a call to
* {@link #interruptTask(TaskState, org.opends.messages.LocalizableMessage)}.
* It may take this task some time to actually cancel to that
* actual state may differ until quiescence.
* @param state for this task once it has canceled whatever it is doing
protected void setTaskInterruptState(TaskState state)
this.taskInterruptState = state;
* Gets the interrupt state for this task that was set as a
* result of a call to {@link #interruptTask(TaskState,
* org.opends.messages.LocalizableMessage)}.
* @return interrupt state for this task
protected TaskState getTaskInterruptState()
return this.taskInterruptState;
* Returns a state for this task after processing has completed.
* If the task was interrupted with a call to
* {@link #interruptTask(TaskState, org.opends.messages.LocalizableMessage)}
* then that method's interruptState is returned here. Otherwse
* this method returns TaskState.COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY. It is
* assumed that if there were errors during task processing that
* task state will have been derived in some other way.
* @return state for this task after processing has completed
protected TaskState getFinalTaskState()
if (this.taskInterruptState == null)
return this.taskInterruptState;
* Replaces an attribute values of the task entry.
* @param name The name of the attribute that must be replaced.
* @param value The value that must replace the previous values of the
* attribute.
* @throws DirectoryException When an error occurs.
protected void replaceAttributeValue(String name, String value)
throws DirectoryException
// We only need to grab the entry-level lock if we don't already hold the
// broader scheduler lock.
boolean needLock = (! taskScheduler.holdsSchedulerLock());
Lock lock = null;
if (needLock)
lock = taskScheduler.writeLockEntry(taskEntryDN);
Entry taskEntry = getTaskEntry();
ArrayList<Modification> modifications = new ArrayList<Modification>();
modifications.add(new Modification(ModificationType.REPLACE,
Attributes.create(name, value)));
if (needLock)
taskScheduler.unlockEntry(taskEntryDN, lock);
* Retrieves the scheduled start time for this task, if there is one. The
* value returned will be in the same format as the return value for
* <CODE>System.currentTimeMillis()</CODE>. Any value representing a time in
* the past, or any negative value, should be taken to mean that the task
* should be considered eligible for immediate execution.
* @return The scheduled start time for this task.
public final long getScheduledStartTime()
return scheduledStartTime;
* Retrieves the time that this task actually started running, if it has
* started. The value returned will be in the same format as the return value
* for <CODE>System.currentTimeMillis()</CODE>.
* @return The time that this task actually started running, or -1 if it has
* not yet been started.
public final long getActualStartTime()
return actualStartTime;
* Sets the actual start time for this task and updates the associated task
* entry as necessary. It does not automatically persist the updated task
* information to disk.
* @param actualStartTime The actual start time to use for this task.
private void setActualStartTime(long actualStartTime)
// We only need to grab the entry-level lock if we don't already hold the
// broader scheduler lock.
boolean needLock = (! taskScheduler.holdsSchedulerLock());
Lock lock = null;
if (needLock)
lock = taskScheduler.writeLockEntry(taskEntryDN);
this.actualStartTime = actualStartTime;
Date d = new Date(actualStartTime);
String startTimeStr = StaticUtils.formatDateTimeString(d);
Attribute attr = Attributes.create(ATTR_TASK_ACTUAL_START_TIME,
ArrayList<Attribute> attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
taskEntry.putAttribute(attr.getAttributeType(), attrList);
if (needLock)
taskScheduler.unlockEntry(taskEntryDN, lock);
* Retrieves the time that this task completed all of its associated
* processing (regardless of whether it was successful), if it has completed.
* The value returned will be in the same format as the return value for
* <CODE>System.currentTimeMillis()</CODE>.
* @return The time that this task actually completed running, or -1 if it
* has not yet completed.
public final long getCompletionTime()
return completionTime;
* Sets the completion time for this task and updates the associated task
* entry as necessary. It does not automatically persist the updated task
* information to disk.
* @param completionTime The completion time to use for this task.
protected void setCompletionTime(long completionTime)
// We only need to grab the entry-level lock if we don't already hold the
// broader scheduler lock.
boolean needLock = (! taskScheduler.holdsSchedulerLock());
Lock lock = null;
if (needLock)
lock = taskScheduler.writeLockEntry(taskEntryDN);
this.completionTime = completionTime;
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_GMT_TIME);
Date d = new Date(completionTime);
Attribute attr = Attributes.create(ATTR_TASK_COMPLETION_TIME,
ArrayList<Attribute> attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
taskEntry.putAttribute(attr.getAttributeType(), attrList);
if (needLock)
taskScheduler.unlockEntry(taskEntryDN, lock);
* Retrieves the set of task IDs for any tasks on which this task is
* dependent. This list must not be directly modified by the caller.
* @return The set of task IDs for any tasks on which this task is dependent.
public final LinkedList<String> getDependencyIDs()
return dependencyIDs;
* Retrieves the action that should be taken if any of the dependencies for
* this task do not complete successfully.
* @return The action that should be taken if any of the dependencies for
* this task do not complete successfully.
public final FailedDependencyAction getFailedDependencyAction()
return failedDependencyAction;
* Retrieves the set of e-mail addresses for the users that should receive a
* notification message when processing for this task has completed. This
* notification will be sent to these users regardless of whether the task
* completed successfully. This list must not be directly modified by the
* caller.
* @return The set of e-mail addresses for the users that should receive a
* notification message when processing for this task has
* completed.
public final LinkedList<String> getNotifyOnCompletionAddresses()
return notifyOnCompletion;
* Retrieves the set of e-mail addresses for the users that should receive a
* notification message if processing for this task does not complete
* successfully. This list must not be directly modified by the caller.
* @return The set of e-mail addresses for the users that should receive a
* notification message if processing for this task does not complete
* successfully.
public final LinkedList<String> getNotifyOnErrorAddresses()
return notifyOnError;
* Retrieves the set of messages that were logged by this task. This list
* must not be directly modified by the caller.
* @return The set of messages that were logged by this task.
public final List<LocalizableMessage> getLogMessages()
List<LocalizableMessage> msgList = new ArrayList<LocalizableMessage>();
for(String logString : logMessages) {
// TODO: a better job or recreating the message
return Collections.unmodifiableList(msgList);
* Adds a log message to the set of messages logged by this task. This method
* should not be called directly by tasks, but rather will be called
* indirectly through the {@code ErrorLog.logError} methods. It does not
* automatically persist the updated task information to disk.
* @param severity
* the severity of message.
* @param message
* the log message.
public void addLogMessage(Severity severity, LocalizableMessage message) {
addLogMessage(severity, message, null);
* Adds a log message to the set of messages logged by this task. This method
* should not be called directly by tasks, but rather will be called
* indirectly through the {@code ErrorLog.logError} methods. It does not
* automatically persist the updated task information to disk.
* @param severity
* the severity of message.
* @param message
* the log message.
* @param exception
* the exception to log. May be {@code null}.
public void addLogMessage(Severity severity, LocalizableMessage message, Throwable exception)
// We cannot do task logging if the schema is either destroyed or
// not initialized eg during in-core restart from Restart task.
// Bailing out if there is no schema available saves us from NPE.
if (DirectoryServer.getSchema() == null)
// We only need to grab the entry-level lock if we don't already hold the
// broader scheduler lock.
boolean needLock = (! taskScheduler.holdsSchedulerLock());
Lock lock = null;
if (needLock)
lock = taskScheduler.writeLockEntry(taskEntryDN);
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.append("] severity=\"");
buffer.append("\" msgCount=");
buffer.append(" msgID=");
buffer.append(" message=\"");
if (exception != null)
buffer.append(" exception=\"");
String messageString = buffer.toString();
AttributeType type = DirectoryServer.getAttributeType(
if (type == null)
type = DirectoryServer.getDefaultAttributeType(ATTR_TASK_LOG_MESSAGES);
List<Attribute> attrList = taskEntry.getAttribute(type);
ByteString value = ByteString.valueOf(messageString);
if (attrList == null)
attrList = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
attrList.add(Attributes.create(type, value));
taskEntry.putAttribute(type, attrList);
else if (attrList.isEmpty())
attrList.add(Attributes.create(type, value));
AttributeBuilder builder = new AttributeBuilder(attrList.get(0));
attrList.set(0, builder.toAttribute());
if (needLock)
taskScheduler.unlockEntry(taskEntryDN, lock);
* Compares this task with the provided task for the purposes of ordering in a
* sorted list. Any completed task will always be ordered before an
* uncompleted task. If both tasks are completed, then they will be ordered
* by completion time. If both tasks are uncompleted, then a running task
* will always be ordered before one that has not started. If both are
* running, then they will be ordered by actual start time. If neither have
* started, then they will be ordered by scheduled start time. If all else
* fails, they will be ordered lexicographically by task ID.
* @param task The task to compare with this task.
* @return A negative value if the provided task should come before this
* task, a positive value if the provided task should come after this
* task, or zero if there is no difference with regard to their
* order.
public final int compareTo(Task task)
if (completionTime > 0)
if (task.completionTime > 0)
// They have both completed, so order by completion time.
if (completionTime < task.completionTime)
return -1;
else if (completionTime > task.completionTime)
return 1;
// They have the same completion time, so order by task ID.
return taskID.compareTo(task.taskID);
// Completed tasks are always ordered before those that haven't
// completed.
return -1;
else if (task.completionTime > 0)
// Completed tasks are always ordered before those that haven't completed.
return 1;
if (actualStartTime > 0)
if (task.actualStartTime > 0)
// They are both running, so order by actual start time.
if (actualStartTime < task.actualStartTime)
return -1;
else if (actualStartTime > task.actualStartTime)
return 1;
// They have the same actual start time, so order by task ID.
return taskID.compareTo(task.taskID);
// Running tasks are always ordered before those that haven't started.
return -1;
else if (task.actualStartTime > 0)
// Running tasks are always ordered before those that haven't started.
return 1;
// Neither task has started, so order by scheduled start time, or if nothing
// else by task ID.
if (scheduledStartTime < task.scheduledStartTime)
return -1;
else if (scheduledStartTime > task.scheduledStartTime)
return 1;
return taskID.compareTo(task.taskID);
* Begins execution for this task. This is a wrapper around the
* <CODE>runTask</CODE> method that performs the appropriate set-up and
* tear-down. It should only be invoked by a task thread.
* @return The final state to use for the task.
public final TaskState execute()
TaskState taskState = this.taskState;
taskState = runTask();
catch (Exception e)
taskState = TaskState.STOPPED_BY_ERROR;
logger.error(ERR_TASK_EXECUTE_FAILED, taskEntry.getName(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
return taskState;
* If appropriate, send an e-mail message with information about the
* completed task.
* @throws MessagingException If a problem occurs while attempting to send
* the message.
protected void sendNotificationEMailMessage()
throws MessagingException
if (DirectoryServer.mailServerConfigured())
LinkedHashSet<String> recipients = new LinkedHashSet<String>(notifyOnCompletion);
if (! TaskState.isSuccessful(taskState))
if (! recipients.isEmpty())
EMailMessage message =
new EMailMessage(taskBackend.getNotificationSenderAddress(),
new ArrayList<String>(recipients),
taskState.toString() + " " + taskID);
String scheduledStartDate;
if (scheduledStartTime <= 0)
scheduledStartDate = "";
scheduledStartDate = new Date(scheduledStartTime).toString();
String actualStartDate = new Date(actualStartTime).toString();
String completionDate = new Date(completionTime).toString();
taskID, taskState, scheduledStartDate, actualStartDate, completionDate));
for (String logMessage : logMessages)
* Performs any task-specific initialization that may be required before
* processing can start. This default implementation does not do anything,
* but subclasses may override it as necessary. This method will be called at
* the time the task is scheduled, and therefore any failure in this method
* will be returned to the client.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs during initialization that
* should be returned to the client.
public void initializeTask()
throws DirectoryException
// No action is performed by default.
* Performs the actual core processing for this task. This method should not
* return until all processing associated with this task has completed.
* @return The final state to use for the task.
protected abstract TaskState runTask();
* Performs any necessary processing to prematurely interrupt the execution of
* this task. By default no action is performed, but if it is feasible to
* gracefully interrupt a task, then subclasses should override this method to
* do so.
* Implementations of this method are exprected to call
* {@link #setTaskInterruptState(TaskState)} if the interruption is accepted
* by this task.
* @param interruptState The state to use for the task if it is
* successfully interrupted.
* @param interruptReason A human-readable explanation for the cancellation.
public void interruptTask(TaskState interruptState, LocalizableMessage interruptReason)
// No action is performed by default.
// NOTE: if you implement this make sure to override isInterruptable
// to return 'true'
* Indicates whether or not this task is interruptable or not.
* @return boolean where true indicates that this task can be interrupted.
public boolean isInterruptable() {
return false;