VLVIndex.java revision 17f65d4da9ba08476fa18654d15ca3ec22761e9b
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* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
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* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.backends.pluggable;
import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.EntryIDSet.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationChangeListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.BackendVLVIndexCfgDefn.Scope;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.BackendVLVIndexCfg;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.State.IndexFlag;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Cursor;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Importer;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.ReadableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Storage;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.StorageRuntimeException;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.TreeName;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteOperation;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.controls.ServerSideSortRequestControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.VLVRequestControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.VLVResponseControl;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.core.SearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPResultCode;
import org.opends.server.types.Attribute;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.Modification;
import org.opends.server.types.SearchFilter;
import org.opends.server.types.SortKey;
import org.opends.server.types.SortOrder;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
* This class represents a VLV index. Each record corresponds to a single entry matching
* the VLV criteria. Keys are a sequence of the entry's normalized attribute values corresponding to
* the VLV sort order, followed by the entry's entry ID. Records do not have a "value" since all
* required information is held within the key. The entry ID is included in the key as a
* "tie-breaker" and ensures that keys correspond to one and only one entry. This ensures that all
* tree updates can be performed using lock-free operations.
class VLVIndex extends AbstractTree implements ConfigurationChangeListener<BackendVLVIndexCfg>, Closeable
private static final ByteString COUNT_KEY = ByteString.valueOfUtf8("nbRecords");
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
/** The VLV vlvIndex configuration. */
private BackendVLVIndexCfg config;
/** The count of entries in this index. */
private final ShardedCounter counter;
private DN baseDN;
private SearchScope scope;
private SearchFilter filter;
private SortOrder sortOrder;
/** The storage associated with this index. */
private final Storage storage;
private final State state;
* A flag to indicate if this vlvIndex should be trusted to be consistent with the entries tree.
private boolean trusted;
VLVIndex(final BackendVLVIndexCfg config, final State state, final Storage storage,
final EntryContainer entryContainer, final WriteableTransaction txn) throws StorageRuntimeException,
super(new TreeName(entryContainer.getTreePrefix(), "vlv." + config.getName()));
this.counter = new ShardedCounter(new TreeName(entryContainer.getTreePrefix(), "counter.vlv." + config.getName()));
this.config = config;
this.baseDN = config.getBaseDN();
this.scope = convertScope(config.getScope());
this.storage = storage;
this.filter = SearchFilter.createFilterFromString(config.getFilter());
catch (final Exception e)
throw new ConfigException(ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_BAD_FILTER.get(
config.getFilter(), getName(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)));
this.sortOrder = new SortOrder(parseSortKeys(config.getSortOrder()));
this.state = state;
this.trusted = state.getIndexFlags(txn, getName()).contains(IndexFlag.TRUSTED);
if (!trusted && entryContainer.getHighestEntryID(txn).longValue() == 0)
* If there are no entries in the entry container then there is no reason why this vlvIndex
* can't be upgraded to trusted.
setTrusted(txn, true);
private SearchScope convertScope(final Scope cfgScope)
switch (cfgScope)
return SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT;
return SearchScope.SINGLE_LEVEL;
return SearchScope.SUBORDINATES;
default: // WHOLE_SUBTREE
return SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE;
void afterOpen(final WriteableTransaction txn, boolean createOnDemand) throws StorageRuntimeException
counter.open(txn, createOnDemand);
void beforeDelete(WriteableTransaction txn) throws StorageRuntimeException
void importCount(Importer importer, long count)
counter.importPut(importer, COUNT_KEY, count);
public synchronized boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(final BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg,
final List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
// TODO JNR remove duplication
catch (final Exception e)
final LocalizableMessage msg = ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_BAD_FILTER.get(
cfg.getFilter(), getName(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
return false;
catch (final ConfigException e)
return false;
return true;
public synchronized ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(final BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(final WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
applyConfigurationChange0(txn, cfg, ccr);
return ccr;
catch (final Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
private synchronized void applyConfigurationChange0(
final WriteableTransaction txn, final BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg, final ConfigChangeResult ccr)
// Update base DN only if changed
if (!config.getBaseDN().equals(cfg.getBaseDN()))
this.baseDN = cfg.getBaseDN();
// Update scope only if changed
if (!config.getScope().equals(cfg.getScope()))
this.scope = convertScope(cfg.getScope());
// Update the filter only if changed
if (!config.getFilter().equals(cfg.getFilter()))
this.filter = SearchFilter.createFilterFromString(cfg.getFilter());
catch (final Exception e)
ccr.addMessage(ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_BAD_FILTER.get(config.getFilter(), getName(),
// Update the sort order only if changed
if (!config.getSortOrder().equals(cfg.getSortOrder()))
this.sortOrder = new SortOrder(parseSortKeys(cfg.getSortOrder()));
catch (final ConfigException e)
if (ccr.adminActionRequired())
trusted = false;
state.removeFlagsFromIndex(txn, getName(), IndexFlag.TRUSTED);
catch (final StorageRuntimeException de)
this.config = cfg;
private SortKey[] parseSortKeys(final String sortOrder) throws ConfigException
final String[] sortAttrs = sortOrder.split(" ");
final SortKey[] sortKeys = new SortKey[sortAttrs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < sortAttrs.length; i++)
final boolean ascending;
if (sortAttrs[i].startsWith("-"))
ascending = false;
sortAttrs[i] = sortAttrs[i].substring(1);
ascending = true;
if (sortAttrs[i].startsWith("+"))
sortAttrs[i] = sortAttrs[i].substring(1);
catch (final Exception e)
throw new ConfigException(ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_UNDEFINED_ATTR.get(sortKeys[i], getName()));
final AttributeType attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypeOrNull(sortAttrs[i].toLowerCase());
if (attrType == null)
throw new ConfigException(ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_UNDEFINED_ATTR.get(sortAttrs[i], getName()));
// TODO Add ordering matching rule null check
sortKeys[i] = new SortKey(attrType, ascending);
return sortKeys;
public void close()
boolean isTrusted()
return trusted;
synchronized void setTrusted(final WriteableTransaction txn, final boolean trusted) throws StorageRuntimeException
this.trusted = trusted;
if ( trusted ) {
state.addFlagsToIndex(txn, getName(), IndexFlag.TRUSTED);
} else {
state.removeFlagsFromIndex(txn, getName(), IndexFlag.TRUSTED);
void addEntry(final IndexBuffer buffer, final EntryID entryID, final Entry entry) throws DirectoryException
if (shouldInclude(entry))
buffer.put(this, toKey(entry, entryID));
ByteString toKey(final Entry entry, final EntryID entryID)
return encodeVLVKey(entry, entryID.longValue());
ByteString toValue()
return ByteString.empty();
private boolean shouldInclude(final Entry entry) throws DirectoryException
return entry.getName().matchesBaseAndScope(baseDN, scope) && filter.matchesEntry(entry);
void modifyEntry(final IndexBuffer buffer, final EntryID entryID, final Entry oldEntry, final Entry newEntry,
final List<Modification> mods) throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException
if (shouldInclude(oldEntry))
if (shouldInclude(newEntry))
// The entry should still be indexed. See if any sorted attributes are changed.
if (isSortAttributeModified(mods))
// Sorted attributes have changed. Reindex the entry.
removeEntry(buffer, entryID, oldEntry);
addEntry(buffer, entryID, newEntry);
// The modifications caused the new entry to be unindexed. Remove from vlvIndex.
removeEntry(buffer, entryID, oldEntry);
else if (shouldInclude(newEntry))
// The modifications caused the new entry to be indexed. Add to vlvIndex
addEntry(buffer, entryID, newEntry);
private boolean isSortAttributeModified(final List<Modification> mods)
for (final SortKey sortKey : sortOrder.getSortKeys())
final AttributeType attributeType = sortKey.getAttributeType();
final List<AttributeType> subTypes = DirectoryServer.getSchema().getSubTypes(attributeType);
for (final Modification mod : mods)
final AttributeType modAttrType = mod.getAttribute().getAttributeType();
if (modAttrType.equals(attributeType)
|| subTypes.contains(modAttrType))
return true;
return false;
void removeEntry(final IndexBuffer buffer, final EntryID entryID, final Entry entry) throws DirectoryException
if (shouldInclude(entry))
buffer.remove(this, toKey(entry, entryID));
void updateIndex(final WriteableTransaction txn, final TreeSet<ByteString> addedkeys,
final TreeSet<ByteString> deletedKeys) throws StorageRuntimeException
// Perform all updates in key order.
final Iterator<ByteString> ai = iteratorFor(addedkeys);
ByteString nextAddedKey = nextOrNull(ai);
final Iterator<ByteString> di = iteratorFor(deletedKeys);
ByteString nextDeletedKey = nextOrNull(di);
while (nextAddedKey != null || nextDeletedKey != null)
if (nextDeletedKey == null || (nextAddedKey != null && nextAddedKey.compareTo(nextDeletedKey) < 0))
txn.put(getName(), nextAddedKey, toValue());
nextAddedKey = nextOrNull(ai);
counter.addCount(txn, COUNT_KEY, 1);
txn.delete(getName(), nextDeletedKey);
nextDeletedKey = nextOrNull(di);
counter.addCount(txn, COUNT_KEY, -1);
private Iterator<ByteString> iteratorFor(final TreeSet<ByteString> sortValues)
return sortValues != null ? sortValues.iterator() : Collections.<ByteString> emptySet().iterator();
private ByteString nextOrNull(final Iterator<ByteString> i)
return i.hasNext() ? i.next() : null;
EntryIDSet evaluate(final ReadableTransaction txn, final SearchOperation searchOperation,
final ServerSideSortRequestControl sortControl, final VLVRequestControl vlvRequest,
final StringBuilder debugBuilder) throws DirectoryException, StorageRuntimeException
if (!trusted ||
!searchOperation.getBaseDN().equals(baseDN) ||
!searchOperation.getScope().equals(scope) ||
!searchOperation.getFilter().equals(filter) ||
return null;
if (debugBuilder != null)
if (vlvRequest != null)
if (vlvRequest.getTargetType() == VLVRequestControl.TYPE_TARGET_BYOFFSET)
return evaluateVLVRequestByOffset(txn, searchOperation, vlvRequest, debugBuilder);
return evaluateVLVRequestByAssertion(txn, searchOperation, vlvRequest);
return evaluateNonVLVRequest(txn, debugBuilder);
private EntryIDSet evaluateNonVLVRequest(final ReadableTransaction txn, final StringBuilder debugBuilder)
try (Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(getName()))
final long[] selectedIDs = readRange(cursor, getEntryCount(txn), debugBuilder);
return newDefinedSet(selectedIDs);
private int getEntryCount(final ReadableTransaction txn)
return (int) counter.getCount(txn, COUNT_KEY);
* Reads a page of entries from the VLV which includes the nearest entry corresponding to the VLV
* assertion, {@code beforeCount} entries leading up to the nearest entry, and {@code afterCount}
* entries following the nearest entry.
private EntryIDSet evaluateVLVRequestByAssertion(final ReadableTransaction txn,
final SearchOperation searchOperation, final VLVRequestControl vlvRequest)
throws DirectoryException
final int currentCount = getEntryCount(txn);
final int beforeCount = vlvRequest.getBeforeCount();
final int afterCount = vlvRequest.getAfterCount();
final ByteString assertion = vlvRequest.getGreaterThanOrEqualAssertion();
final ByteSequence encodedTargetAssertion =
encodeTargetAssertion(sortOrder, assertion, searchOperation, currentCount);
try (Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(getName()))
final LinkedList<Long> selectedIDs = new LinkedList<>();
int targetPosition = 0;
// Don't waste cycles looking for an assertion that does not match anything.
if (cursor.positionToKeyOrNext(encodedTargetAssertion) && cursor.positionToIndex(0))
* Unfortunately we need to iterate from the start of the index in order to correctly
* calculate the target position.
boolean targetFound = false;
int includedAfter = 0;
final ByteString key = cursor.getKey();
if (!targetFound)
if (encodedTargetAssertion.compareTo(key) > 0)
if (targetPosition >= beforeCount)
// Strip out unwanted results.
targetFound = true;
else if (includedAfter < afterCount)
while (cursor.next());
// Treat a non-matching assertion as matching beyond the end of the index.
targetPosition = currentCount;
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(targetPosition + 1, currentCount,
return newDefinedSet(toPrimitiveLongArray(selectedIDs));
private long[] toPrimitiveLongArray(final List<Long> entryIDs)
final long[] result = new long[entryIDs.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Long entryID : entryIDs)
result[i++] = entryID;
return result;
/** Normalize the assertion using the primary key's ordering matching rule. */
static ByteSequence encodeTargetAssertion(final SortOrder sortOrder, final ByteString assertion,
final SearchOperation searchOperation, final int resultSetSize) throws DirectoryException
final SortKey primarySortKey = sortOrder.getSortKeys()[0];
* Over-allocate the buffer for the primary key since it will be larger than the unnormalized
* value. For example it will definitely include a trailing separator byte, but may also
* include some escaped bytes as well. 10 extra bytes should accommodate most inputs.
final ByteStringBuilder encodedPrimaryKey = new ByteStringBuilder(assertion.length() + 10);
final MatchingRule matchingRule = primarySortKey.getEffectiveOrderingRule();
final ByteString normalizedAttributeValue = matchingRule.normalizeAttributeValue(assertion);
encodeVLVKeyValue(normalizedAttributeValue, encodedPrimaryKey, primarySortKey.ascending());
return encodedPrimaryKey;
catch (final DecodeException e)
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(0, resultSetSize, LDAPResultCode.OFFSET_RANGE_ERROR));
final String attributeName = primarySortKey.getAttributeType().getNameOrOID();
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW_ERROR, ERR_VLV_BAD_ASSERTION.get(attributeName));
private EntryIDSet evaluateVLVRequestByOffset(final ReadableTransaction txn, final SearchOperation searchOperation,
final VLVRequestControl vlvRequest, final StringBuilder debugBuilder) throws DirectoryException
final int currentCount = getEntryCount(txn);
int beforeCount = vlvRequest.getBeforeCount();
int afterCount = vlvRequest.getAfterCount();
int targetOffset = vlvRequest.getOffset();
if (targetOffset < 0)
// The client specified a negative target offset. This should never be allowed.
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(targetOffset, currentCount,
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRYIDSORTER_NEGATIVE_START_POS.get();
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW_ERROR, message);
else if (targetOffset == 0)
* This is an easy mistake to make, since VLV offsets start at 1 instead of 0. We'll assume
* the client meant to use 1.
targetOffset = 1;
int listOffset = targetOffset - 1; // VLV offsets start at 1, not 0.
int startPos = listOffset - beforeCount;
if (startPos < 0)
* This can happen if beforeCount >= offset, and in this case we'll just adjust the start
* position to ignore the range of beforeCount that doesn't exist.
startPos = 0;
beforeCount = listOffset;
else if (startPos >= currentCount)
* The start position is beyond the end of the list. In this case, we'll assume that the start
* position was one greater than the size of the list and will only return the beforeCount
* entries. The start position is beyond the end of the list. In this case, we'll assume that
* the start position was one greater than the size of the list and will only return the
* beforeCount entries.
targetOffset = currentCount + 1;
listOffset = currentCount;
startPos = listOffset - beforeCount;
afterCount = 0;
final int count = 1 + beforeCount + afterCount;
try (Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(getName()))
final long[] selectedIDs;
if (cursor.positionToIndex(startPos))
selectedIDs = readRange(cursor, count, debugBuilder);
selectedIDs = new long[0];
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(targetOffset, currentCount, LDAPResultCode.SUCCESS));
return newDefinedSet(selectedIDs);
private long[] readRange(final Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor, final int count,
final StringBuilder debugBuilder)
long[] selectedIDs = new long[count];
int selectedPos = 0;
if (count > 0)
final ByteString key = cursor.getKey();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
selectedIDs[selectedPos++] = decodeEntryIDFromVLVKey(key);
while (selectedPos < count && cursor.next());
if (selectedPos < count)
* We don't have enough entries in the set to meet the requested page size, so we'll need to
* shorten the array.
selectedIDs = Arrays.copyOf(selectedIDs, selectedPos);
if (debugBuilder != null)
return selectedIDs;
static long decodeEntryIDFromVLVKey(final ByteString key)
final int sizeOfEncodedEntryID = 8;
return key.subSequence(key.length() - sizeOfEncodedEntryID, key.length()).asReader().readLong();
private void logSearchKeyResult(final ByteString key)
final StringBuilder searchKeyHex = new StringBuilder();
byteArrayToHexPlusAscii(searchKeyHex, key.toByteArray(), 4);
final StringBuilder foundKeyHex = new StringBuilder();
byteArrayToHexPlusAscii(foundKeyHex, key.toByteArray(), 4);
logger.trace("Retrieved a sort values set in VLV vlvIndex %s\n" + "Search Key:%s\nFound Key:%s\n",
config.getName(), searchKeyHex, foundKeyHex);
boolean verifyEntry(final ReadableTransaction txn, final EntryID entryID, final Entry entry)
throws DirectoryException
if (shouldInclude(entry))
final ByteString key = toKey(entry, entryID);
return txn.read(getName(), key) != null;
return false;
static ByteString encodeVLVKey(final SortOrder sortOrder, final Entry entry, final long entryID)
final ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder();
encodeVLVKey0(sortOrder, entry, builder);
return builder.toByteString();
private ByteString encodeVLVKey(final Entry entry, final long entryID)
return encodeVLVKey(sortOrder, entry, entryID);
private static void encodeVLVKey0(final SortOrder sortOrder, final Entry entry, final ByteStringBuilder builder)
for (final SortKey sortKey : sortOrder.getSortKeys())
final AttributeType attributeType = sortKey.getAttributeType();
final MatchingRule matchingRule = sortKey.getEffectiveOrderingRule();
final List<Attribute> attrList = entry.getAttribute(attributeType);
ByteString sortValue = null;
if (attrList != null)
for (Attribute a : attrList)
for (ByteString v : a)
* The RFC states that the lowest value of a multi-valued attribute should be used,
* regardless of the sort order.
final ByteString nv = matchingRule.normalizeAttributeValue(v);
if (sortValue == null || nv.compareTo(sortValue) < 0)
sortValue = nv;
catch (final DecodeException e)
* This shouldn't happen because the attribute should have already been validated. If
* it does then treat the value as missing.
encodeVLVKeyValue(sortValue, builder, sortKey.ascending());
* Package private for testing.
* <p>
* Keys are logically encoded as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>if the key is {@code null} then append {@code 0xff} in order to ensure that all
* {@code null} keys sort after non-{@code null} keys in ascending order
* <li>else
* <ul>
* <li>escape any bytes that look like a separator byte ({@code 0x00}) or a separator escape byte
* ({@code 0x01}) by prefixing the byte with a separator escape byte ({@code 0x01})
* <li>escape the first byte if it looks like a null key byte ({@code 0xff}) or a null key escape
* byte ({@code 0xfe}) by prefixing the byte with a null key escape byte ({@code 0xfe})
* </ul>
* <li>append a separator byte ({@code 0x00}) which will be used for distinguishing between the
* end of the key and the start of the next key
* <li>invert all the bytes if the sort order is descending.
* </ul>
static void encodeVLVKeyValue(final ByteString keyBytes, final ByteStringBuilder builder,
final boolean ascending)
final byte separator = ascending ? (byte) 0x00 : (byte) 0xff;
if (keyBytes != null)
final byte escape = ascending ? (byte) 0x01 : (byte) 0xfe;
final byte sortOrderMask = separator;
final int length = keyBytes.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
final byte b = keyBytes.byteAt(i);
if ((b & (byte) 0x01) == b)
// Escape bytes that look like a separator.
else if (i == 0 && (b & (byte) 0xfe) == (byte) 0xfe)
* Ensure that all keys sort before (ascending) or after (descending) null keys, by
* escaping the first byte if it looks like a null key.
// Invert the bits if this key is in descending order.
builder.appendByte(b ^ sortOrderMask);
// Ensure that null keys sort after (ascending) or before (descending) all other keys.
builder.appendByte(ascending ? 0xFF : 0x00);
public String keyToString(ByteString key)
return String.valueOf(decodeEntryIDFromVLVKey(key));
public String valueToString(ByteString value)
return "N/A";
void closeAndDelete(WriteableTransaction txn)
state.deleteRecord(txn, getName());