OnDiskMergeStorageImporter.java revision 412ad6b800c1fbd15661110e21d836b888231cce
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* Copyright 2008-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
package org.opends.server.backends.pluggable;
import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.DnKeyFormat.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.SuffixContainer.*;
import static org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.DynamicConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import org.forgerock.util.Utils;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.BackendIndexCfgDefn.IndexType;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.BackendIndexCfg;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.PluggableBackendCfg;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.AttributeIndex.MatchingRuleIndex;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.ImportLDIFReader.EntryInformation;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.OnDiskMergeBufferImporter.DNCache;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.AccessMode;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Cursor;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Importer;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.ReadOperation;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.ReadableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.SequentialCursor;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Storage;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.StorageRuntimeException;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.StorageStatus;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.TreeName;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteOperation;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.core.ServerContext;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType;
import org.opends.server.types.BackupConfig;
import org.opends.server.types.BackupDirectory;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.InitializationException;
import org.opends.server.types.LDIFImportConfig;
import org.opends.server.types.LDIFImportResult;
import org.opends.server.types.RestoreConfig;
import org.opends.server.util.Platform;
* This class provides the engine that performs both importing of LDIF files and
* the rebuilding of indexes.
final class OnDiskMergeStorageImporter
private static UnsupportedOperationException notImplemented()
return new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented");
/** Data to put into id2entry tree. */
private static final class Id2EntryData
private final Suffix suffix;
private final EntryID entryID;
private final Entry entry;
public Id2EntryData(Suffix suffix, EntryID entryID, Entry entry)
this.suffix = suffix;
this.entryID = entryID;
this.entry = entry;
private void put(WriteableTransaction txn) throws DirectoryException
suffix.getID2Entry().put(txn, entryID, entry);
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName()
+ "(suffix=" + suffix
+ ", entryID=" + entryID
+ ", entry=" + entry + ")";
/** Runnable putting data into id2entry tree in batches. */
private final class Id2EntryPutTask implements Runnable
private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 100;
private volatile boolean moreData = true;
private final Storage storage;
private final NavigableSet<Id2EntryData> dataToPut = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(new Comparator<Id2EntryData>()
public int compare(Id2EntryData o1, Id2EntryData o2)
return o1.entryID.compareTo(o2.entryID);
private Id2EntryPutTask(Storage storage)
this.storage = storage;
private void put(Suffix suffix, EntryID entryID, Entry entry)
dataToPut.add(new Id2EntryData(suffix, entryID, entry));
if (enoughDataToPut())
synchronized (dataToPut)
public void run()
while (!isCanceled() && moreData)
if (enoughDataToPut())
synchronized (dataToPut)
if (moreData)
while (!isCanceled() && !dataToPut.isEmpty())
catch (Exception e)
private boolean enoughDataToPut()
return dataToPut.size() > BATCH_SIZE;
private void put(final int batchSize) throws Exception
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
int count = 0;
while (!dataToPut.isEmpty() && count < batchSize)
private void finishedWrites()
moreData = false;
synchronized (dataToPut)
public String toString()
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
Iterator<Id2EntryData> it = dataToPut.iterator();
if (it.hasNext())
while (it.hasNext())
return super.toString();
* Represents an on-disk buffer file, accessed via memory mapped files.
* <p>
* Data to write is appended in-memory before being dumped into a {@link MappedByteBuffer}
* for writing to disk.
private static final class Buffer
private final TreeName treeName;
private final File indexFile;
private final File bufferFile;
private final FileChannel fileChannel;
private final List<Integer> bufferPositions = new ArrayList<>();
/** TODO JNR offer configuration for this. */
private final int bufferSize = 10 * MB;
* Maps {@link ByteSequence} keys to (conflicting) values.
* <p>
* This will be persisted once {@link #maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk} reaches the
* {@link #bufferSize}.
private Map<ByteSequence, List<ByteSequence>> inMemoryStore = new HashMap<>();
/** Projected occupied disk for the data stored in {@link #inMemoryStore}. */
private int maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk;
private long totalBytes;
public Buffer(TreeName treeName, File bufferDir, MapMode mapMode) throws IOException
this.treeName = treeName;
bufferFile = new File(bufferDir, treeName.toString());
indexFile = new File(bufferDir, treeName + ".index");
this.fileChannel = new RandomAccessFile(bufferFile, getMode(mapMode)).getChannel();
if (MapMode.READ_WRITE.equals(mapMode))
private String getMode(MapMode mapMode)
if (MapMode.READ_ONLY.equals(mapMode))
return "r";
else if (MapMode.READ_WRITE.equals(mapMode))
return "rw";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled map mode: " + mapMode);
void putKeyValue(ByteSequence key, ByteSequence value) throws IOException
int recordSize = INT_SIZE + key.length() + INT_SIZE + value.length();
if (bufferSize < maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk + recordSize)
maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk = 0;
List<ByteSequence> values = inMemoryStore.get(key);
if (values == null)
values = new ArrayList<>();
inMemoryStore.put(key, values);
maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk += recordSize;
private void flushToMappedByteBuffer() throws IOException
final SortedMap<ByteSequence, List<ByteSequence>> sortedStore = new TreeMap<>(inMemoryStore);
MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer = nextBuffer();
for (Map.Entry<ByteSequence, List<ByteSequence>> mapEntry : sortedStore.entrySet())
ByteSequence key = mapEntry.getKey();
// FIXME JNR merge values before put
// Edit: Merging during phase one is slower than not merging at all,
// perhaps due to merging importIDSets for keys that will exceed index entry limits anyway?
for (ByteSequence value : mapEntry.getValue())
put(byteBuffer, key);
put(byteBuffer, value);
if (byteBuffer.position() != maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk)
logger.trace("Expected to write %d bytes, but actually wrote %d bytes",
maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk, byteBuffer.position());
addPosition(bufferPositions, byteBuffer);
private MappedByteBuffer nextBuffer() throws IOException
// FIXME JNR when merging duplicate keys during phase one,
// maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk is an acceptable over approximation
return fileChannel.map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, getLastPosition(bufferPositions), maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk);
private int getLastPosition(List<Integer> l)
return l.get(l.size() - 1);
private void addPosition(List<Integer> l, MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer)
l.add(getLastPosition(l) + byteBuffer.position());
private void put(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, ByteSequence b)
// Need to do all of this because b.copyTo(byteBuffer) calls ByteBuffer.flip().
// Why does it do that?
final int limitBeforeFlip = byteBuffer.limit();
final int posBeforeFlip = byteBuffer.position();
byteBuffer.position(posBeforeFlip + b.length());
void flush() throws IOException
private void writeBufferIndexFile()
try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(indexFile))
writer.print(Utils.joinAsString(" ", this.bufferPositions));
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
private Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> openCursor() throws IOException
totalBytes = Files.size(bufferFile.toPath());
final MappedByteBuffer byteBuffer = fileChannel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, totalBytes);
final List<ByteBufferCursor> cursors = new ArrayList<>(bufferPositions.size() - 1);
Iterator<Integer> it = bufferPositions.iterator();
if (it.hasNext())
int lastPos = it.next();
while (it.hasNext())
final int bufferPos = it.next();
cursors.add(new ByteBufferCursor(byteBuffer, lastPos, bufferPos));
lastPos = bufferPos;
Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> composite = new CompositeCursor<>(cursors);
return new ProgressCursor<>(composite, this, cursors);
private void readBufferPositions() throws IOException
List<String> indexLines = Files.readAllLines(indexFile.toPath(), Charset.defaultCharset());
if (indexLines.size() != 1)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not implemented");// TODO JNR
final String[] bufferPositionsString = indexLines.get(0).split(" ");
for (String bufferPos : bufferPositionsString)
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName()
+ "(treeName=\"" + treeName + "\""
+ ", current buffer holds " + inMemoryStore.size() + " record(s)"
+ " and " + (bufferSize - maximumExpectedSizeOnDisk) + " byte(s) remaining)";
/** A cursor performing the "merge" phase of the on-disk merge. */
private static final class MergingCursor<K, V> implements SequentialCursor<K, V>
private final Cursor<K, V> delegate;
private final MergingConsumer<V> merger;
private K key;
private V value;
private boolean isDefined;
private MergingCursor(Cursor<K, V> cursor, MergingConsumer<V> merger)
this.delegate = cursor;
this.merger = merger;
public boolean next()
if (key == null)
if (!delegate.next())
return isDefined = false;
key = delegate.getKey();
return isDefined = true;
else if (delegate.isDefined())
// we did yet not consume key/value from the delegate cursor
key = delegate.getKey();
return isDefined = true;
// no more data to compute
return isDefined = false;
private void accumulateValues()
while (delegate.isDefined() && key.equals(delegate.getKey()))
value = merger.merge();
public boolean isDefined()
return isDefined;
public K getKey() throws NoSuchElementException
return key;
public V getValue() throws NoSuchElementException
return value;
private void throwIfNotDefined()
if (!isDefined())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
public void close()
isDefined = false;
/** A cursor implementation keeping stats about reading progress. */
private static final class ProgressCursor<K, V> implements Cursor<K, V>
private final Cursor<K, V> delegate;
private final List<ByteBufferCursor> cursors;
private final Buffer buffer;
public ProgressCursor(Cursor<K, V> delegateCursor, Buffer buffer, List<ByteBufferCursor> cursors)
this.delegate = delegateCursor;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.cursors = new ArrayList<>(cursors);
public String getBufferFileName()
return buffer.treeName.toString();
private long getTotalBytes()
return buffer.totalBytes;
private int getBytesRead()
int count = 0;
for (ByteBufferCursor cursor : cursors)
count += cursor.getBytesRead();
return count;
public boolean next()
return delegate.next();
public boolean isDefined()
return delegate.isDefined();
public K getKey() throws NoSuchElementException
return delegate.getKey();
public V getValue() throws NoSuchElementException
return delegate.getValue();
public void close()
public boolean positionToKey(ByteSequence key)
return delegate.positionToKey(key);
public boolean positionToKeyOrNext(ByteSequence key)
return delegate.positionToKeyOrNext(key);
public boolean positionToLastKey()
return delegate.positionToLastKey();
public boolean positionToIndex(int index)
return delegate.positionToIndex(index);
/** A cursor implementation aggregating several cursors and ordering them by their key value. */
private static final class CompositeCursor<K extends Comparable<? super K>, V> implements Cursor<K, V>
private static final byte UNINITIALIZED = 0;
private static final byte READY = 1;
private static final byte CLOSED = 2;
* The state of this cursor. One of {@link #UNINITIALIZED}, {@link #READY} or {@link #CLOSED}
private byte state = UNINITIALIZED;
* The cursors are sorted based on the key change of each cursor to consider the next change
* across all cursors.
private final NavigableSet<SequentialCursor<K, V>> cursors = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<SequentialCursor<K, V>>()
public int compare(SequentialCursor<K, V> c1, SequentialCursor<K, V> c2)
final int cmp = c1.getKey().compareTo(c2.getKey());
if (cmp == 0)
// Never return 0. Otherwise both cursors are considered equal
// and only one of them is kept by this set
return System.identityHashCode(c1) - System.identityHashCode(c2);
return cmp;
private CompositeCursor(Collection<? extends SequentialCursor<K, V>> cursors)
final List<SequentialCursor<K, V>> tmpCursors = new ArrayList<>(cursors);
for (Iterator<SequentialCursor<K, V>> it = tmpCursors.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
SequentialCursor<K, V> cursor = it.next();
if (!cursor.isDefined() && !cursor.next())
public boolean next()
if (state == CLOSED)
return false;
// If previous state was ready, then we must advance the first cursor
// To keep consistent the cursors' order in the SortedSet, it is necessary
// to remove the first cursor, then add it again after moving it forward.
if (state == UNINITIALIZED)
state = READY;
else if (state == READY)
final SequentialCursor<K, V> cursorToAdvance = cursors.pollFirst();
if (cursorToAdvance != null && cursorToAdvance.next())
return isDefined();
public boolean isDefined()
return state == READY && !cursors.isEmpty();
public K getKey() throws NoSuchElementException
return cursors.first().getKey();
public V getValue() throws NoSuchElementException
return cursors.first().getValue();
private void throwIfNotDefined()
if (!isDefined())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
public void close()
state = CLOSED;
public String toString()
if (isDefined())
return cursors.first().toString();
return "not defined";
public boolean positionToKey(ByteSequence key)
throw notImplemented();
public boolean positionToKeyOrNext(ByteSequence key)
throw notImplemented();
public boolean positionToLastKey()
throw notImplemented();
public boolean positionToIndex(int index)
throw notImplemented();
/** A cursor implementation reading key/value pairs from memory mapped files, a.k.a {@link MappedByteBuffer}. */
private static final class ByteBufferCursor implements SequentialCursor<ByteString, ByteString>
private final ByteBuffer byteBuffer;
private final int startPos;
private final int endPos;
// TODO JNR build ByteSequence implementation reading from memory mapped files?
private final ByteStringBuilder keyBuffer = new ByteStringBuilder();//FIXME JNR bad: do zero copy?
private final ByteStringBuilder valueBuffer = new ByteStringBuilder();//FIXME JNR bad: do zero copy?
private int currentPos;
private boolean isDefined;
private ByteBufferCursor(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, int startPos, int endPos)
this.byteBuffer = byteBuffer;
this.startPos = startPos;
this.endPos = endPos;
this.currentPos = startPos;
public boolean next()
isDefined = false;
if (currentPos >= endPos)
return isDefined = false;
return isDefined = true;
private void read(ByteStringBuilder buffer)
int length = byteBuffer.getInt(currentPos);
currentPos += INT_SIZE;
byteBuffer.get(buffer.getBackingArray(), 0, length);
currentPos += length;
public boolean isDefined()
return isDefined;
public ByteString getKey() throws NoSuchElementException
return keyBuffer.toByteString();
public ByteString getValue() throws NoSuchElementException
return valueBuffer.toByteString();
private void throwIfNotDefined()
if (!isDefined())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
public void close()
// nothing to do
public int getBytesRead()
return currentPos - startPos;
public String toString()
if (isDefined())
final ByteString key = getKey();
final ByteString value = getValue();
return "<key=" + key + "(" + key.toHexString() + "), value=" + value + "(" + value.toHexString() + ")>";
return "not defined";
/** A storage using memory mapped files, a.k.a {@link MappedByteBuffer}. */
private static final class MemoryMappedStorage implements Storage
private final File bufferDir;
private MemoryMappedStorage(File bufferDir)
this.bufferDir = bufferDir;
public Importer startImport() throws ConfigException, StorageRuntimeException
return new MemoryMappedBufferImporter(bufferDir);
public void open(AccessMode accessMode) throws Exception
throw notImplemented();
public <T> T read(ReadOperation<T> readOperation) throws Exception
return readOperation.run(new ReadableTransaction()
public Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> openCursor(TreeName treeName)
Buffer buffer = new Buffer(treeName, bufferDir, MapMode.READ_ONLY);
return buffer.openCursor();
catch (IOException e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
public ByteString read(TreeName treeName, ByteSequence key)
throw notImplemented();
public long getRecordCount(TreeName treeName)
throw notImplemented();
public void write(WriteOperation writeOperation) throws Exception
throw notImplemented();
public void removeStorageFiles() throws StorageRuntimeException
throw notImplemented();
public StorageStatus getStorageStatus()
throw notImplemented();
public boolean supportsBackupAndRestore()
throw notImplemented();
public void close()
throw notImplemented();
public void createBackup(BackupConfig backupConfig) throws DirectoryException
throw notImplemented();
public void removeBackup(BackupDirectory backupDirectory, String backupID) throws DirectoryException
throw notImplemented();
public void restoreBackup(RestoreConfig restoreConfig) throws DirectoryException
throw notImplemented();
public Set<TreeName> listTrees()
final Set<TreeName> results = new HashSet<>();
for (File baseDN : this.bufferDir.listFiles())
for (File index : baseDN.listFiles())
if (!index.getName().endsWith(".index"))
results.add(new TreeName(baseDN.getName(), index.getName()));
return results;
/** An importer using memory mapped files, a.k.a {@link MappedByteBuffer}. */
private static final class MemoryMappedBufferImporter implements Importer
private final File bufferDir;
private final Map<TreeName, Buffer> treeNameToBufferMap = new HashMap<>();
private MemoryMappedBufferImporter(File bufferDir)
this.bufferDir = bufferDir;
public void put(TreeName treeName, ByteSequence key, ByteSequence value)
getBuffer(treeName).putKeyValue(key, value);
catch (IOException e)
private Buffer getBuffer(TreeName treeName) throws IOException
Buffer buffer = treeNameToBufferMap.get(treeName);
if (buffer == null)
// Creates sub directories for each suffix
// FIXME JNR cannot directly use DN names as directory + file names
buffer = new Buffer(treeName, bufferDir, MapMode.READ_WRITE);
treeNameToBufferMap.put(treeName, buffer);
return buffer;
public void close()
for (Buffer buffer : treeNameToBufferMap.values())
catch (IOException e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
public ByteString read(TreeName treeName, ByteSequence key)
throw notImplemented();
public boolean delete(TreeName treeName, ByteSequence key)
throw notImplemented();
public void createTree(TreeName name)
throw notImplemented();
* Shim that allows properly constructing an {@link OnDiskMergeStorageImporter} without polluting
* {@link ImportStrategy} and {@link RootContainer} with this importer inner workings.
static final class StrategyImpl implements ImportStrategy
private final PluggableBackendCfg backendCfg;
StrategyImpl(PluggableBackendCfg backendCfg)
this.backendCfg = backendCfg;
public LDIFImportResult importLDIF(LDIFImportConfig importConfig, RootContainer rootContainer,
ServerContext serverContext) throws DirectoryException, InitializationException
return new OnDiskMergeStorageImporter(rootContainer, importConfig, backendCfg, serverContext).processImport();
catch (DirectoryException | InitializationException e)
throw e;
catch (ConfigException e)
throw new DirectoryException(getServerErrorResultCode(), e.getMessageObject(), e);
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(getServerErrorResultCode(),
LocalizableMessage.raw(stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)), e);
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
private static final int TIMER_INTERVAL = 10000;
private static final String DEFAULT_TMP_DIR = "import-tmp";
/** Defaults for DB cache. */
private static final int MAX_DB_CACHE_SIZE = 8 * MB;
private static final int MAX_DB_LOG_SIZE = 10 * MB;
private static final int MIN_DB_CACHE_SIZE = 4 * MB;
* Defaults for LDIF reader buffers, min memory required to import and default
* size for byte buffers.
private static final int READER_WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE = 8 * KB;
/** Max size of phase one buffer. */
private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2 * MB;
/** Min size of phase one buffer. */
private static final int MIN_BUFFER_SIZE = 4 * KB;
/** Small heap threshold used to give more memory to JVM to attempt OOM errors. */
private static final int SMALL_HEAP_SIZE = 256 * MB;
/** Root container. */
private final RootContainer rootContainer;
/** Import configuration. */
private final LDIFImportConfig importCfg;
private final ServerContext serverContext;
/** LDIF reader. */
private ImportLDIFReader reader;
/** Phase one imported entries count. */
private final AtomicLong importCount = new AtomicLong(0);
/** Migrated entry count. */
private int migratedCount;
/** Phase one buffer size in bytes. */
private int bufferSize;
/** Index count. */
private final int indexCount;
/** Thread count. */
private int threadCount;
/** Whether DN validation should be performed. If true, then it is performed during phase one. */
private final boolean validateDNs;
/** Temp scratch directory. */
private final File tempDir;
/** Available memory at the start of the import. */
private long availableMemory;
/** Size in bytes of DB cache. */
private long dbCacheSize;
/** Map of DNs to Suffix objects. */
private final Map<DN, Suffix> dnSuffixMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** Set to true if the backend was cleared. */
private final boolean clearedBackend;
/** Used to shutdown import if an error occurs in phase one. */
private volatile boolean isCanceled;
/** Number of phase one buffers. */
private int phaseOneBufferCount;
private OnDiskMergeStorageImporter(RootContainer rootContainer, LDIFImportConfig importCfg,
PluggableBackendCfg backendCfg, ServerContext serverContext)
throws InitializationException, ConfigException, StorageRuntimeException
this.rootContainer = rootContainer;
this.importCfg = importCfg;
this.serverContext = serverContext;
if (importCfg.getThreadCount() == 0)
this.threadCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2;
this.threadCount = importCfg.getThreadCount();
// Determine the number of indexes.
this.indexCount = getTotalIndexCount(backendCfg);
this.clearedBackend = mustClearBackend(importCfg, backendCfg);
validateDNs = !importCfg.getSkipDNValidation();
this.tempDir = prepareTempDir(backendCfg, importCfg.getTmpDirectory());
// be careful: requires that a few data has been set
private File prepareTempDir(PluggableBackendCfg backendCfg, String tmpDirectory) throws InitializationException
File parentDir = getFileForPath(tmpDirectory != null ? tmpDirectory : DEFAULT_TMP_DIR);
File tempDir = new File(parentDir, backendCfg.getBackendId());
if (!tempDir.exists() && !tempDir.mkdirs())
throw new InitializationException(ERR_IMPORT_CREATE_TMPDIR_ERROR.get(tempDir));
return tempDir;
* Returns whether the backend must be cleared.
* @param importCfg
* the import configuration object
* @param backendCfg
* the backend configuration object
* @return true if the backend must be cleared, false otherwise
* @see #prepareSuffix(WriteableTransaction, EntryContainer) for per-suffix cleanups.
private static boolean mustClearBackend(LDIFImportConfig importCfg, PluggableBackendCfg backendCfg)
return !importCfg.appendToExistingData()
&& (importCfg.clearBackend() || backendCfg.getBaseDN().size() <= 1);
* Why do we clear when there is only one baseDN?
* any baseDN for which data is imported will be cleared anyway (see getSuffix()),
* so if there is only one baseDN for this backend, then clear it now.
private static int getTotalIndexCount(PluggableBackendCfg backendCfg) throws ConfigException
int indexes = 2; // dn2id, dn2uri
for (String indexName : backendCfg.listBackendIndexes())
BackendIndexCfg index = backendCfg.getBackendIndex(indexName);
SortedSet<IndexType> types = index.getIndexType();
if (types.contains(IndexType.EXTENSIBLE))
indexes += types.size() - 1 + index.getIndexExtensibleMatchingRule().size();
indexes += types.size();
return indexes;
* Calculate buffer sizes and initialize properties based on memory.
* @throws InitializationException
* If a problem occurs during calculation.
private void computeMemoryRequirements() throws InitializationException
// Calculate amount of usable memory. This will need to take into account
// various fudge factors, including the number of IO buffers used by the
// scratch writers (1 per index).
final long usableMemory = availableMemory - (indexCount * READER_WRITER_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (System.getProperty(PROPERTY_RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS) != null)
dbCacheSize = 500 * KB;
// We need caching when doing DN validation
else if (usableMemory < MIN_DB_CACHE_MEMORY + (validateDNs ? MIN_DB_CACHE_SIZE : 0))
dbCacheSize = MIN_DB_CACHE_SIZE;
dbCacheSize = MAX_DB_CACHE_SIZE;
final long phaseOneBufferMemory = usableMemory - dbCacheSize;
final int oldThreadCount = threadCount;
if (indexCount != 0) // Avoid / by zero
while (true)
phaseOneBufferCount = 2 * indexCount * threadCount;
// Scratch writers allocate 4 buffers per index as well.
final int totalPhaseOneBufferCount = phaseOneBufferCount + (4 * indexCount);
long longBufferSize = phaseOneBufferMemory / totalPhaseOneBufferCount;
// We need (2 * bufferSize) to fit in an int for the insertByteStream
// and deleteByteStream constructors.
bufferSize = (int) Math.min(longBufferSize, Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2);
if (bufferSize > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
if (validateDNs)
// The buffers are big enough: the memory is best used for the DN2ID temp DB
bufferSize = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
final long extraMemory = phaseOneBufferMemory - (totalPhaseOneBufferCount * bufferSize);
if (!clearedBackend)
dbCacheSize += extraMemory;
else if (bufferSize > MIN_BUFFER_SIZE)
// This is acceptable.
else if (threadCount > 1)
// Retry using less threads.
// Not enough memory.
final long minimumPhaseOneBufferMemory = totalPhaseOneBufferCount * MIN_BUFFER_SIZE;
throw new InitializationException(ERR_IMPORT_LDIF_LACK_MEM.get(
usableMemory, minimumPhaseOneBufferMemory + dbCacheSize));
if (oldThreadCount != threadCount)
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_ADJUST_THREAD_COUNT, oldThreadCount, threadCount);
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_TOT_MEM_BUF, availableMemory, phaseOneBufferCount);
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_DB_MEM_BUF_INFO, dbCacheSize, bufferSize);
* Calculates the amount of available memory which can be used by this import,
* taking into account whether or not the import is running offline or online
* as a task.
private void calculateAvailableMemory()
final long totalAvailableMemory;
if (DirectoryServer.isRunning())
// Online import/rebuild.
final long availableMemory = serverContext.getMemoryQuota().getAvailableMemory();
totalAvailableMemory = Math.max(availableMemory, 16 * MB);
// Offline import/rebuild.
totalAvailableMemory = Platform.getUsableMemoryForCaching();
// Now take into account various fudge factors.
int importMemPct = 90;
if (totalAvailableMemory <= SMALL_HEAP_SIZE)
// Be pessimistic when memory is low.
importMemPct -= 25;
availableMemory = totalAvailableMemory * importMemPct / 100;
private boolean isCanceled()
return isCanceled || (importCfg != null && importCfg.isCancelled());
private void initializeSuffixes(WriteableTransaction txn) throws ConfigException, DirectoryException
for (EntryContainer ec : rootContainer.getEntryContainers())
Suffix suffix = getSuffix(txn, ec);
if (suffix != null)
dnSuffixMap.put(ec.getBaseDN(), suffix);
private Suffix getSuffix(WriteableTransaction txn, EntryContainer entryContainer)
throws ConfigException, DirectoryException
DN baseDN = entryContainer.getBaseDN();
ImportSuffixCommand importCommand = new ImportSuffixCommand(baseDN, importCfg);
EntryContainer sourceEntryContainer = null;
switch (importCommand.getSuffixImportStrategy())
return new Suffix(entryContainer);
return null;
sourceEntryContainer = entryContainer;
// Create a temp entry container
DN tempDN = DN.valueOf(baseDN.rdn() + "_importTmp");
if (baseDN.size() > 1)
tempDN = baseDN.parent().child(tempDN);
entryContainer = rootContainer.openEntryContainer(tempDN, txn, AccessMode.READ_WRITE);
throw new DirectoryException(getServerErrorResultCode(),
return new Suffix(entryContainer, sourceEntryContainer, importCommand.getIncludeBranches(),
private static void clearSuffix(EntryContainer entryContainer)
private LDIFImportResult processImport() throws Exception
try {
reader = new ImportLDIFReader(importCfg, rootContainer);
catch (IOException ioe)
throw new InitializationException(ERR_IMPORT_LDIF_READER_IO_ERROR.get(), ioe);
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_STARTING, DirectoryServer.getVersionString(), BUILD_ID, REVISION);
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_THREAD_COUNT, threadCount);
final Storage backendStorage = rootContainer.getStorage();
backendStorage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
setIndexesTrusted(txn, false);
final MemoryMappedStorage tmpStorage = new MemoryMappedStorage(tempDir);
final long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
importPhaseOne(backendStorage, tmpStorage);
final long phaseOneFinishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (isCanceled())
throw new InterruptedException("Import processing canceled.");
final long phaseTwoTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
importPhaseTwo(backendStorage, tmpStorage);
if (isCanceled())
throw new InterruptedException("Import processing canceled.");
final long phaseTwoFinishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
backendStorage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
setIndexesTrusted(txn, true);
final long finishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long importTime = finishTime - startTime;
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_PHASE_STATS, importTime / 1000,
(phaseOneFinishTime - startTime) / 1000,
(phaseTwoFinishTime - phaseTwoTime) / 1000);
float rate = 0;
if (importTime > 0)
rate = 1000f * reader.getEntriesRead() / importTime;
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_FINAL_STATUS, reader.getEntriesRead(), importCount.get(),
reader.getEntriesIgnored(), reader.getEntriesRejected(),
migratedCount, importTime / 1000, rate);
return new LDIFImportResult(reader.getEntriesRead(),
reader.getEntriesRejected(), reader.getEntriesIgnored());
private void switchEntryContainers(WriteableTransaction txn) throws StorageRuntimeException, InitializationException
for (Suffix suffix : dnSuffixMap.values())
final EntryContainer toDelete = suffix.getSrcEntryContainer();
if (toDelete != null)
final DN baseDN = toDelete.getBaseDN();
final EntryContainer replacement = suffix.getEntryContainer();
replacement.setTreePrefix(txn, baseDN.toNormalizedUrlSafeString());
rootContainer.registerEntryContainer(baseDN, replacement);
private void setIndexesTrusted(WriteableTransaction txn, boolean trusted) throws StorageRuntimeException
for (Suffix s : dnSuffixMap.values())
if (trusted)
s.setIndexesNotTrusted(txn, importCfg.appendToExistingData());
catch (StorageRuntimeException ex)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_TRUSTED_FAILED.get(ex.getMessage()).toString());
* Reads all entries from id2entry, and:
* <ol>
* <li>compute how the entry is indexed for each index</li>
* <li>store the result of indexing entries into in-memory index buffers</li>
* <li>each time an in-memory index buffer is filled, sort it and write it to scratch files.
* The scratch files will be read by phaseTwo to perform on-disk merge</li>
* </ol>
* TODO JNR fix all javadocs
private void importPhaseOne(Storage backendStorage, Storage tmpStorage) throws Exception
final FirstPhaseProgressTask progressTask = new FirstPhaseProgressTask();
final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timerService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
scheduleAtFixedRate(timerService, progressTask);
threadCount = 2; // FIXME JNR id2entry + another task
final ExecutorService execService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount);
try (Importer tmpImporter = tmpStorage.startImport())
final Id2EntryPutTask id2EntryPutTask = new Id2EntryPutTask(backendStorage);
final Future<?> dn2IdPutFuture = execService.submit(id2EntryPutTask);
execService.submit(new MigrateExistingEntriesTask(backendStorage, tmpImporter, id2EntryPutTask)).get();
final List<Callable<Void>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(threadCount);
if (!importCfg.appendToExistingData() || !importCfg.replaceExistingEntries())
for (int i = 0; i < threadCount - 1; i++)
tasks.add(new ImportTask(tmpImporter, backendStorage, id2EntryPutTask));
execService.submit(new MigrateExcludedTask(tmpImporter, backendStorage, id2EntryPutTask)).get();
shutdownAll(timerService, execService);
private static void scheduleAtFixedRate(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timerService, Runnable task)
timerService.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, TIMER_INTERVAL, TIMER_INTERVAL, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private static void shutdownAll(ExecutorService... executorServices) throws InterruptedException
for (ExecutorService executorService : executorServices)
for (ExecutorService executorService : executorServices)
executorService.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void importPhaseTwo(final Storage outputStorage, Storage inputStorage) throws Exception
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timerService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
final SecondPhaseProgressTask progressTask = new SecondPhaseProgressTask();
scheduleAtFixedRate(timerService, progressTask);
final Set<TreeName> treeNames = inputStorage.listTrees();
ExecutorService dbService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(treeNames.size());
try (Importer outputImporter = outputStorage.startImport())
for (final TreeName treeName : treeNames)
copyTo(treeName, inputStorage, outputImporter, progressTask);// FIXME JNR use dbService
shutdownAll(timerService, dbService);
private void copyTo(final TreeName treeName, Storage input, final Importer output,
final SecondPhaseProgressTask progressTask) throws Exception
input.read(new ReadOperation<Void>()
public Void run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
try (Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor0 = txn.openCursor(treeName);
SequentialCursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = new MergingCursor<>(cursor0, getMerger(treeName)))
while (cursor.next())
output.put(treeName, cursor.getKey(), cursor.getValue());
return null;
private MergingConsumer<ByteString> getMerger(final TreeName treeName) throws DirectoryException
EntryContainer entryContainer = rootContainer.getEntryContainer(DN.valueOf(treeName.getBaseDN()));
final MatchingRuleIndex index = getIndex(entryContainer, treeName);
if (index != null)
// key conflicts == merge EntryIDSets
return new ImportIDSetsMerger(index);
else if (treeName.getIndexId().equals(ID2CHILDREN_COUNT_NAME))
// key conflicts == sum values
return new AddLongMerger(entryContainer.getID2ChildrenCount());
else if (treeName.getIndexId().equals(DN2ID_INDEX_NAME)
|| treeName.getIndexId().equals(DN2URI_INDEX_NAME)
|| isVLVIndex(entryContainer, treeName))
// key conflicts == exception
return new NoMultipleValuesConsumer<>();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tree: " + treeName);
private boolean isVLVIndex(EntryContainer entryContainer, TreeName treeName)
for (VLVIndex vlvIndex : entryContainer.getVLVIndexes())
if (treeName.equals(vlvIndex.getName()))
return true;
return false;
private MatchingRuleIndex getIndex(EntryContainer entryContainer, TreeName treeName)
for (AttributeIndex attrIndex : entryContainer.getAttributeIndexes())
for (MatchingRuleIndex index : attrIndex.getNameToIndexes().values())
if (treeName.equals(index.getName()))
return index;
return null;
* Copies JDK 8 Consumer.
* <p>
* FIXME Remove once we move to Java 8.
* @see java.util.function.Consumer Consumer from JDK 8
private static interface Consumer<T>
* Performs this operation on the given argument.
* @param t
* the input argument
void accept(T t);
* A merging consumer that merges the supplied values.
* <p>
* Sample usage:
* <pre>
* while (it.hasNext())
* {
* mergingConsumer.accept(it.next());
* }
* Object result = mergingConsumer.merge();
* <pre>
* @param <T>
* the type of the arguments and the returned merged value
* @see java.util.function.Consumer Consumer from JDK 8
private static interface MergingConsumer<T> extends Consumer<T>
* Merges the arguments provided via {@link Consumer#accept(Object)}.
* @return the merged value
T merge();
/** {@link MergingConsumer} that throws an exception when given several values to accept. */
private static final class NoMultipleValuesConsumer<V> implements MergingConsumer<V>
private V first;
private boolean moreThanOne;
public void accept(V value)
if (first == null)
this.first = value;
moreThanOne = true;
public V merge()
// copy before cleaning state
final boolean mustThrow = moreThanOne;
final V mergedValue = first;
// clean up state
first = null;
moreThanOne = false;
if (mustThrow)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return mergedValue;
* {@link MergingConsumer} that accepts {@link ByteSequence} objects
* and produces a {@link ByteSequence} representing the merged {@link ImportIDSet}.
private static final class ImportIDSetsMerger implements MergingConsumer<ByteString>
private final MatchingRuleIndex index;
private final Set<ByteString> values = new HashSet<>();
private boolean aboveIndexEntryLimit;
private ImportIDSetsMerger(MatchingRuleIndex index)
this.index = index;
public void accept(ByteString value)
if (!aboveIndexEntryLimit)
if (values.size() < index.getIndexEntryLimit())
aboveIndexEntryLimit = true;
public ByteString merge()
if (aboveIndexEntryLimit)
return index.toValue(EntryIDSet.newUndefinedSet());
else if (values.size() == 1)
// Avoids unnecessary decoding + encoding
return values.iterator().next();
return index.toValue(buildEntryIDSet(values));
// reset state
aboveIndexEntryLimit = false;
private EntryIDSet buildEntryIDSet(Set<ByteString> values)
// accumulate in array
int i = 0;
long[] entryIDs = new long[index.getIndexEntryLimit()];
for (ByteString value : values)
final EntryIDSet entryIDSet = index.decodeValue(ByteString.empty(), value);
if (!entryIDSet.isDefined() || i + entryIDSet.size() >= index.getIndexEntryLimit())
// above index entry limit
return EntryIDSet.newUndefinedSet();
for (EntryID entryID : entryIDSet)
entryIDs[i++] = entryID.longValue();
// trim the array to the actual size
entryIDs = Arrays.copyOf(entryIDs, i);
// due to how the entryIDSets are built, there should not be any duplicate entryIDs
return EntryIDSet.newDefinedSet(entryIDs);
* {@link MergingConsumer} that accepts {@link ByteSequence} objects
* and produces a {@link ByteSequence} representing the added {@code long}s.
private static final class AddLongMerger implements MergingConsumer<ByteString>
private final ID2Count id2ChildrenCount;
private long count;
AddLongMerger(ID2Count id2ChildrenCount)
this.id2ChildrenCount = id2ChildrenCount;
public void accept(ByteString value)
this.count += id2ChildrenCount.fromValue(value);
public ByteString merge()
final ByteString result = id2ChildrenCount.toValue(count);
count = 0;
return result;
/** Task used to migrate excluded branch. */
private final class MigrateExcludedTask extends ImportTask
private MigrateExcludedTask(Importer importer, Storage storage, Id2EntryPutTask id2EntryPutTask)
super(importer, storage, id2EntryPutTask);
public Void call() throws Exception
storage.read(new ReadOperation<Void>()
public Void run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
return null;
return null;
private void call0(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
for (Suffix suffix : dnSuffixMap.values())
EntryContainer entryContainer = suffix.getSrcEntryContainer();
if (entryContainer != null && !suffix.getExcludeBranches().isEmpty())
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_MIGRATION_START, "excluded", suffix.getBaseDN());
Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(entryContainer.getDN2ID().getName());
for (DN excludedDN : suffix.getExcludeBranches())
final ByteString key = dnToDNKey(excludedDN, suffix.getBaseDN().size());
boolean success = cursor.positionToKeyOrNext(key);
if (success && key.equals(cursor.getKey()))
* This is the base entry for a branch that was excluded in the
* import so we must migrate all entries in this branch over to
* the new entry container.
ByteStringBuilder end = afterKey(key);
while (success
&& key.compareTo(end) < 0
&& !isCanceled())
EntryID id = new EntryID(cursor.getValue());
Entry entry = entryContainer.getID2Entry().get(txn, id);
processEntry(entry, rootContainer.getNextEntryID(), suffix);
success = cursor.next();
catch (Exception e)
logger.error(ERR_IMPORT_LDIF_MIGRATE_EXCLUDED_TASK_ERR, e.getMessage());
isCanceled = true;
throw e;
/** Task to migrate existing entries. */
private final class MigrateExistingEntriesTask extends ImportTask
private MigrateExistingEntriesTask(final Storage storage, Importer importer, Id2EntryPutTask id2EntryPutTask)
super(importer, storage, id2EntryPutTask);
public Void call() throws Exception
storage.read(new ReadOperation<Void>()
public Void run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
return null;
return null;
private void call0(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
for (Suffix suffix : dnSuffixMap.values())
EntryContainer entryContainer = suffix.getSrcEntryContainer();
if (entryContainer != null && !suffix.getIncludeBranches().isEmpty())
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_MIGRATION_START, "existing", suffix.getBaseDN());
Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(entryContainer.getDN2ID().getName());
final List<ByteString> includeBranches = includeBranchesAsBytes(suffix);
boolean success = cursor.next();
while (success
&& !isCanceled())
final ByteString key = cursor.getKey();
if (!includeBranches.contains(key))
EntryID id = new EntryID(key);
Entry entry = entryContainer.getID2Entry().get(txn, id);
processEntry(entry, rootContainer.getNextEntryID(), suffix);
success = cursor.next();
* This is the base entry for a branch that will be included
* in the import so we do not want to copy the branch to the
* new entry container.
* Advance the cursor to next entry at the same level in the DIT
* skipping all the entries in this branch.
ByteStringBuilder begin = afterKey(key);
success = cursor.positionToKeyOrNext(begin);
catch (Exception e)
logger.error(ERR_IMPORT_LDIF_MIGRATE_EXISTING_TASK_ERR, e.getMessage());
isCanceled = true;
throw e;
private List<ByteString> includeBranchesAsBytes(Suffix suffix)
List<ByteString> includeBranches = new ArrayList<>(suffix.getIncludeBranches().size());
for (DN includeBranch : suffix.getIncludeBranches())
if (includeBranch.isDescendantOf(suffix.getBaseDN()))
includeBranches.add(dnToDNKey(includeBranch, suffix.getBaseDN().size()));
return includeBranches;
* This task performs phase reading and processing of the entries read from
* the LDIF file(s). This task is used if the append flag wasn't specified.
private class ImportTask implements Callable<Void>
private final Importer importer;
final Storage storage;
private final Id2EntryPutTask id2EntryPutTask;
public ImportTask(Importer importer, Storage storage, Id2EntryPutTask id2EntryPutTask)
this.importer = importer;
this.storage = storage;
this.id2EntryPutTask = id2EntryPutTask;
public Void call() throws Exception
return null;
void call0() throws Exception
EntryInformation entryInfo;
while ((entryInfo = reader.readEntry(dnSuffixMap)) != null)
if (isCanceled())
processEntry(entryInfo.getEntry(), entryInfo.getEntryID(), entryInfo.getSuffix());
catch (Exception e)
logger.error(ERR_IMPORT_LDIF_IMPORT_TASK_ERR, e.getMessage());
isCanceled = true;
throw e;
void processEntry(Entry entry, EntryID entryID, Suffix suffix)
throws DirectoryException, StorageRuntimeException, InterruptedException
if (validateDNs && !dnSanityCheck(entry, entryID, suffix))
if (!validateDNs)
processDN2ID(suffix, entry.getName(), entryID);
processDN2URI(suffix, entry);
processIndexes(suffix, entry, entryID);
processVLVIndexes(suffix, entry, entryID);
id2EntryPutTask.put(suffix, entryID, entry);
* Examine the DN for duplicates and missing parents.
* @return true if the import operation can proceed with the provided entry, false otherwise
boolean dnSanityCheck(Entry entry, EntryID entryID, Suffix suffix)
throws StorageRuntimeException, InterruptedException
//Perform parent checking.
DN entryDN = entry.getName();
DN parentDN = suffix.getEntryContainer().getParentWithinBase(entryDN);
DNCache dnCache = new Dn2IdDnCache(suffix, storage);
if (parentDN != null && !suffix.isParentProcessed(parentDN, dnCache))
reader.rejectEntry(entry, ERR_IMPORT_PARENT_NOT_FOUND.get(parentDN));
return false;
if (!dnCache.insert(entryDN, entryID))
reader.rejectEntry(entry, WARN_IMPORT_ENTRY_EXISTS.get());
return false;
return true;
void processDN2ID(Suffix suffix, DN dn, EntryID entryID)
DN2ID dn2id = suffix.getDN2ID();
importer.put(dn2id.getName(), dn2id.toKey(dn), dn2id.toValue(entryID));
private void processDN2URI(Suffix suffix, Entry entry)
DN2URI dn2uri = suffix.getDN2URI();
DN entryDN = entry.getName();
ByteSequence value = dn2uri.toValue(entryDN, entry);
if (value != null)
importer.put(dn2uri.getName(), dn2uri.toKey(entryDN), value);
void processIndexes(Suffix suffix, Entry entry, EntryID entryID)
throws StorageRuntimeException, InterruptedException
for (AttributeIndex attrIndex : suffix.getAttributeIndexes())
final AttributeType attrType = attrIndex.getAttributeType();
if (entry.hasAttribute(attrType))
for (MatchingRuleIndex index : attrIndex.getNameToIndexes().values())
final Set<ByteString> keys = index.indexEntry(entry);
if (!keys.isEmpty())
final ByteString value = index.toValue(entryID);
for (ByteString key : keys)
importer.put(index.getName(), key, value);
void processVLVIndexes(Suffix suffix, Entry entry, EntryID entryID) throws DirectoryException
for (VLVIndex vlvIndex : suffix.getEntryContainer().getVLVIndexes())
ByteString key = vlvIndex.toKey(entry, entryID);
importer.put(vlvIndex.getName(), key, vlvIndex.toValue());
/** This class reports progress of first phase of import processing at fixed intervals. */
private final class FirstPhaseProgressTask extends TimerTask
/** The number of entries that had been read at the time of the previous progress report. */
private long previousCount;
/** The time in milliseconds of the previous progress report. */
private long previousTime;
/** Create a new import progress task. */
public FirstPhaseProgressTask()
previousTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
/** The action to be performed by this timer task. */
public void run()
long entriesRead = reader.getEntriesRead();
long entriesIgnored = reader.getEntriesIgnored();
long entriesRejected = reader.getEntriesRejected();
long deltaCount = entriesRead - previousCount;
long latestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long deltaTime = latestTime - previousTime;
if (deltaTime == 0)
float rate = 1000f * deltaCount / deltaTime;
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_PROGRESS_REPORT, entriesRead, entriesIgnored, entriesRejected, rate);
previousCount = entriesRead;
previousTime = latestTime;
/** This class reports progress of the second phase of import processing at fixed intervals. */
private class SecondPhaseProgressTask extends TimerTask
private final Map<ProgressCursor<?, ?>, Integer> cursors = new LinkedHashMap<>();
/** The time in milliseconds of the previous progress report. */
private long previousTime;
/** Create a new import progress task. */
private SecondPhaseProgressTask()
previousTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
private void addCursor(Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor)
if (cursor instanceof ProgressCursor)
final ProgressCursor<?, ?> c = (ProgressCursor<?, ?>) cursor;
cursors.put(c, 0);
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_INDEX_STARTED, c.getBufferFileName(), 1, 1);
/** The action to be performed by this timer task. */
public void run()
long latestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long deltaTime = latestTime - previousTime;
if (deltaTime == 0)
previousTime = latestTime;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<ProgressCursor<?, ?>, Integer>> it = cursors.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
final Map.Entry<ProgressCursor<?, ?>, Integer> mapEntry = it.next();
ProgressCursor<?, ?> cursor = mapEntry.getKey();
int lastBytesRead = mapEntry.getValue();
printStats(deltaTime, cursor, lastBytesRead);
if (!cursor.isDefined())
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_INDEX_CLOSE, cursor.getBufferFileName());
private void printStats(long deltaTime, final ProgressCursor<?, ?> cursor, int lastBytesRead)
final long bufferFileSize = cursor.getTotalBytes();
final int tmpBytesRead = cursor.getBytesRead();
if (lastBytesRead == tmpBytesRead)
final long bytesReadInterval = tmpBytesRead - lastBytesRead;
final int bytesReadPercent = Math.round((100f * tmpBytesRead) / bufferFileSize);
// Kilo and milli approximately cancel out.
final long kiloBytesRate = bytesReadInterval / deltaTime;
final long kiloBytesRemaining = (bufferFileSize - tmpBytesRead) / 1024;
logger.info(NOTE_IMPORT_LDIF_PHASE_TWO_REPORT, cursor.getBufferFileName(), bytesReadPercent, kiloBytesRemaining,
kiloBytesRate, 1, 1);
lastBytesRead = tmpBytesRead;
/** Used to check DN's when DN validation is performed during phase one processing. */
private final class Dn2IdDnCache implements DNCache
private Suffix suffix;
private Storage storage;
private Dn2IdDnCache(Suffix suffix, Storage storage)
this.suffix = suffix;
this.storage = storage;
public boolean insert(final DN dn, final EntryID entryID)
final AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
result.set(suffix.getDN2ID().insert(txn, dn, entryID));
return result.get();
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
public boolean contains(final DN dn) throws StorageRuntimeException
return storage.read(new ReadOperation<Boolean>()
public Boolean run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
return suffix.getDN2ID().get(txn, dn) != null;
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
public void close()
// Nothing to do