EntryIDSet.java revision 763a75aeed1a7731ddb95b99496aa7c1bf206ed0
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package org.opends.server.backends.pluggable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequenceReader;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
* Represents a set of Entry IDs. It can represent a set where the IDs are
* not defined, for example when the index entry limit has been exceeded.
class EntryIDSet implements Iterable<EntryID>
* The IDs are stored here in an array in ascending order.
* A null array implies not defined, rather than zero IDs.
private long[] values;
* The size of the set when it is not defined. This value is only maintained
* when the set is undefined.
private long undefinedSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
* The database key containing this set, if the set was constructed
* directly from the database.
private final ByteSequence key;
/** Create a new undefined set. */
public EntryIDSet()
* Create a new undefined set with a initial size.
* @param size The undefined size for this set.
EntryIDSet(long size)
this.key = null;
this.undefinedSize = size;
* Create a new entry ID set from the raw database value.
* @param key
* The database key that contains this value.
* @param bytes
* The database value, or null if there are no entry IDs.
EntryIDSet(ByteSequence key, ByteString bytes)
this.key = key;
if (bytes == null)
values = new long[0];
else if (bytes.length() == 0)
// Entry limit has exceeded and there is no encoded undefined set size.
undefinedSize = Long.MAX_VALUE;
else if ((bytes.byteAt(0) & 0x80) == 0x80)
// Entry limit has exceeded and there is an encoded undefined set size.
undefinedSize = decodeUndefinedSize(bytes);
// Seems like entry limit has not been exceeded and the bytes is a
// list of entry IDs.
values = decodeEntryIDList(bytes);
* Decodes and returns the undefined size out of the provided byte string.
* @param bytes
* the encoded undefined size
* @return the undefined size
static long decodeUndefinedSize(ByteString bytes)
return bytes.length() == 8
? bytes.toLong() & Long.MAX_VALUE // remove top bit
* Decodes and returns the entryID list out of the provided byte sequence.
* @param bytes
* the encoded entryID list
* @return a long array representing the entryID list
static long[] decodeEntryIDList(ByteSequence bytes)
final ByteSequenceReader reader = bytes.asReader();
final int count = bytes.length() / 8;
final long[] entryIDList = new long[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
entryIDList[i] = reader.getLong();
return entryIDList;
* Construct an EntryIDSet from an array of longs.
* @param values The array of IDs represented as longs.
* @param pos The position of the first ID to take from the array.
* @param len the number of IDs to take from the array.
EntryIDSet(long[] values, int pos, int len)
this.key = null;
this.values = new long[len];
System.arraycopy(values, pos, this.values, 0, len);
* Create a new set of entry IDs that is the union of several entry ID sets.
* @param sets A list of entry ID sets.
* @param allowDuplicates true if duplicate IDs are allowed in the resulting
* set, or if the provided sets are sure not to overlap; false if
* duplicates should be eliminated.
* @return The union of the provided entry ID sets.
static EntryIDSet unionOfSets(ArrayList<EntryIDSet> sets,
boolean allowDuplicates)
int count = 0;
boolean undefined = false;
for (EntryIDSet l : sets)
if (!l.isDefined())
if(l.undefinedSize == Long.MAX_VALUE)
return new EntryIDSet();
undefined = true;
count += l.size();
return new EntryIDSet(count);
boolean needSort = false;
long[] n = new long[count];
int pos = 0;
for (EntryIDSet l : sets)
if (l.values.length != 0)
if (!needSort && pos > 0 && l.values[0] < n[pos-1])
needSort = true;
System.arraycopy(l.values, 0, n, pos, l.values.length);
pos += l.values.length;
if (needSort)
if (allowDuplicates)
EntryIDSet ret = new EntryIDSet();
ret.values = n;
return ret;
long[] n1 = new long[n.length];
long last = -1;
int j = 0;
for (long l : n)
if (l != last)
last = n1[j++] = l;
if (j == n1.length)
EntryIDSet ret = new EntryIDSet();
ret.values = n1;
return ret;
return new EntryIDSet(n1, 0, j);
* Get the size of this entry ID set.
* @return The number of IDs in the set.
public long size()
if (values != null)
return values.length;
return undefinedSize;
* Get a string representation of this object.
* @return A string representation of this object.
public String toString()
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(16);
return buffer.toString();
* Convert to a short string to aid with debugging.
* @param buffer The string is appended to this string builder.
void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
if (!isDefined())
if (key != null)
// The index entry limit was exceeded
if(undefinedSize == Long.MAX_VALUE)
// Not indexed
* Determine whether this set of IDs is defined.
* @return true if the set of IDs is defined.
boolean isDefined()
return values != null;
* Get a database representation of this object.
* @return A database representation of this object as a byte array.
ByteString toByteString()
if (isDefined())
final ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder(8 * values.length);
for (long value : values)
return builder.toByteString();
// Set top bit.
return ByteString.valueOf(undefinedSize | Long.MIN_VALUE);
* Insert an ID into this set.
* @param entryID The ID to be inserted.
* @return true if the set was changed, false if it was not changed,
* for example if the set is undefined or the ID was already present.
public boolean add(EntryID entryID)
if (values == null)
if(undefinedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE)
return true;
long id = entryID.longValue();
if (values.length == 0)
values = new long[] { id };
return true;
if (id > values[values.length-1])
long[] updatedValues = Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length + 1);
updatedValues[values.length] = id;
values = updatedValues;
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(values, id);
if (pos >= 0)
// The ID is already present.
return false;
// For a negative return value r, the index -(r+1) gives the array
// index at which the specified value can be inserted to maintain
// the sorted order of the array.
pos = -(pos+1);
long[] updatedValues = new long[values.length+1];
System.arraycopy(values, 0, updatedValues, 0, pos);
System.arraycopy(values, pos, updatedValues, pos+1, values.length-pos);
updatedValues[pos] = id;
values = updatedValues;
return true;
* Remove an ID from this set.
* @param entryID The ID to be removed
* @return true if the set was changed, false if it was not changed,
* for example if the set was undefined or the ID was not present.
public boolean remove(EntryID entryID)
if (values == null)
if(undefinedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE)
return true;
if (values.length == 0)
return false;
// Binary search to locate the ID.
long id = entryID.longValue();
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(values, id);
if (pos >= 0)
// Found it.
long[] updatedValues = new long[values.length-1];
System.arraycopy(values, 0, updatedValues, 0, pos);
System.arraycopy(values, pos+1, updatedValues, pos, values.length-pos-1);
values = updatedValues;
return true;
// Not found.
return false;
* Check whether this set of entry IDs contains a given ID.
* @param entryID The ID to be checked.
* @return true if this set contains the given ID,
* or if the set is undefined.
boolean contains(EntryID entryID)
if (values == null)
return true;
final long id = entryID.longValue();
return values.length != 0
&& id <= values[values.length - 1]
&& Arrays.binarySearch(values, id) >= 0;
* Takes the intersection of this set with another.
* Retain those IDs that appear in the given set.
* @param that The set of IDs that are to be retained from this object.
void retainAll(EntryIDSet that)
if (!isDefined())
this.values = that.values;
this.undefinedSize = that.undefinedSize;
if (!that.isDefined())
// TODO Perhaps Arrays.asList and retainAll list method are more efficient?
long[] a = this.values;
long[] b = that.values;
int ai = 0, bi = 0, ci = 0;
long[] c = new long[Math.min(a.length,b.length)];
while (ai < a.length && bi < b.length)
if (a[ai] == b[bi])
c[ci] = a[ai];
else if (a[ai] > b[bi])
if (ci < c.length)
values = Arrays.copyOf(c, ci);
values = c;
* Add all the IDs from a given set that are not already present.
* @param that The set of IDs to be added. It MUST be defined
public void addAll(EntryIDSet that)
if (!isDefined())
// Assume there are no overlap between IDs in that set with this set
if(undefinedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE)
undefinedSize += that.size();
long[] a = this.values;
long[] b = that.values;
if (a.length == 0)
values = b;
if (b.length == 0)
// Optimize for case where the two sets are sure to have no overlap.
if (b[0] > a[a.length-1])
// All IDs in 'b' are greater than those in 'a'.
long[] n = new long[a.length + b.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, n, 0, a.length);
System.arraycopy(b, 0, n, a.length, b.length);
values = n;
if (a[0] > b[b.length-1])
// All IDs in 'a' are greater than those in 'b'.
long[] n = new long[a.length + b.length];
System.arraycopy(b, 0, n, 0, b.length);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, n, b.length, a.length);
values = n;
long[] n;
if ( b.length < a.length ) {
n = a;
a = b;
b = n;
n = new long[a.length + b.length];
int ai, bi, ni;
for ( ni = 0, ai = 0, bi = 0; ai < a.length && bi < b.length; ) {
if ( a[ai] < b[bi] ) {
n[ni++] = a[ai++];
} else if ( b[bi] < a[ai] ) {
n[ni++] = b[bi++];
} else {
n[ni++] = a[ai];
// Copy any remainder from the first array.
int aRemain = a.length - ai;
if (aRemain > 0)
System.arraycopy(a, ai, n, ni, aRemain);
ni += aRemain;
// Copy any remainder from the second array.
int bRemain = b.length - bi;
if (bRemain > 0)
System.arraycopy(b, bi, n, ni, bRemain);
ni += bRemain;
if (ni < n.length)
values = Arrays.copyOf(n, ni);
values = n;
* Delete all IDs in this set that are in a given set.
* @param that The set of IDs to be deleted. It MUST be defined.
void deleteAll(EntryIDSet that)
if (!isDefined())
// Assume all IDs in the given set exists in this set.
if(undefinedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE)
undefinedSize -= that.size();
long[] a = this.values;
long[] b = that.values;
if (a.length == 0 || b.length == 0
// Optimize for cases where the two sets are sure to have no overlap.
|| b[0] > a[a.length-1]
|| a[0] > b[b.length-1])
long[] n = new long[a.length];
int ai, bi, ni;
for ( ni = 0, ai = 0, bi = 0; ai < a.length && bi < b.length; ) {
if ( a[ai] < b[bi] ) {
n[ni++] = a[ai++];
} else if ( b[bi] < a[ai] ) {
} else {
System.arraycopy(a, ai, n, ni, a.length - ai);
ni += a.length - ai;
if (ni < a.length)
values = Arrays.copyOf(n, ni);
values = n;
* Create an iterator over the set or an empty iterator
* if the set is not defined.
* @return An EntryID iterator.
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator()
return iterator(null);
* Create an iterator over the set or an empty iterator
* if the set is not defined.
* @param begin The entry ID of the first entry to return in the list.
* @return An EntryID iterator.
Iterator<EntryID> iterator(EntryID begin)
if (values != null)
// The set is defined.
return new IDSetIterator(values, begin);
// The set is not defined.
return new IDSetIterator(new long[0]);