EntryIDSet.java revision 20fdcbef0d17440c367d2943f9c5799bddfe661f
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package org.opends.server.backends.pluggable;
import static org.forgerock.util.Reject.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequenceReader;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import com.forgerock.opendj.util.Iterators;
* Represents a set of Entry IDs. It can represent a set where the IDs are not defined, for example when the index entry
* limit has been exceeded.
final class EntryIDSet implements Iterable<EntryID>
public static final EntryIDSetCodec CODEC_V1 = new EntryIDSetCodecV1();
public static final EntryIDSetCodec CODEC_V2 = new EntryIDSetCodecV2();
private static final ByteSequence NO_KEY = ByteString.valueOf("<none>");
private static final long[] EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY = new long[0];
private static final long[] NO_ENTRY_IDS_RANGE = new long[] { 0, 0 };
/** Interface for EntryIDSet concrete implementations. */
private interface EntryIDSetImplementor extends Iterable<EntryID>
long size();
void toString(StringBuilder buffer);
boolean isDefined();
long[] getRange();
long[] getIDs();
boolean add(EntryID entryID);
boolean remove(EntryID entryID);
boolean contains(EntryID entryID);
void addAll(EntryIDSet that);
void removeAll(EntryIDSet that);
Iterator<EntryID> iterator();
Iterator<EntryID> iterator(EntryID begin);
* Define serialization contract for EntryIDSet
interface EntryIDSetCodec {
static final int INT_SIZE = 4;
static final int LONG_SIZE = 8;
ByteString encode(EntryIDSet idSet);
EntryIDSet decode(ByteSequence key, ByteString value);
* Concrete implements representing a set of EntryIDs, sorted in ascending order.
private static final class DefinedImpl implements EntryIDSetImplementor
* The IDs are stored here in an array in ascending order. A null array implies not defined, rather than zero IDs.
private long[] entryIDs;
DefinedImpl(long... entryIDs)
this.entryIDs = entryIDs;
public long size()
return entryIDs.length;
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
public boolean isDefined()
return true;
public boolean add(EntryID entryID)
long id = entryID.longValue();
if (entryIDs.length == 0)
entryIDs = new long[] { id };
else if (id > entryIDs[entryIDs.length - 1])
long[] updatedValues = Arrays.copyOf(entryIDs, entryIDs.length + 1);
updatedValues[entryIDs.length] = id;
entryIDs = updatedValues;
int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(entryIDs, id);
if (pos >= 0)
// The ID is already present.
return false;
// For a negative return value r, the index -(r+1) gives the array
// index at which the specified value can be inserted to maintain
// the sorted order of the array.
pos = -(pos + 1);
long[] updatedValues = new long[entryIDs.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, 0, updatedValues, 0, pos);
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, pos, updatedValues, pos + 1, entryIDs.length - pos);
updatedValues[pos] = id;
entryIDs = updatedValues;
return true;
public boolean remove(EntryID entryID)
// Binary search to locate the ID.
final int pos = Arrays.binarySearch(entryIDs, entryID.longValue());
if (pos >= 0)
// Found it.
final long[] updatedValues = new long[entryIDs.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, 0, updatedValues, 0, pos);
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, pos + 1, updatedValues, pos, entryIDs.length - pos - 1);
entryIDs = updatedValues;
return true;
// Not found.
return false;
public boolean contains(EntryID entryID)
return Arrays.binarySearch(entryIDs, entryID.longValue()) >= 0;
public void addAll(EntryIDSet anotherEntryIDSet)
if (anotherEntryIDSet.size() == 0)
if (entryIDs.length == 0)
entryIDs = anotherEntryIDSet.getIDs();
final int overlap = compareForOverlap(getRange(), anotherEntryIDSet.getRange());
if (overlap < 0)
entryIDs = concatIdsFrom(entryIDs, anotherEntryIDSet.getIDs());
else if (overlap > 0)
entryIDs = concatIdsFrom(anotherEntryIDSet.getIDs(), entryIDs);
entryIDs = mergeOverlappingEntryIDSet(entryIDs, anotherEntryIDSet.getIDs());
public void removeAll(EntryIDSet that)
if (compareForOverlap(getRange(), that.getRange()) == 0)
// Set overlaps
final long[] newEntryIds = new long[entryIDs.length];
final long[] entriesToRemove = that.getIDs();
int sourceIndex, toRemoveIndex, targetIndex;
for (sourceIndex = 0, targetIndex = 0, toRemoveIndex = 0; sourceIndex < entryIDs.length
&& toRemoveIndex < entriesToRemove.length;)
if (entryIDs[sourceIndex] < entriesToRemove[toRemoveIndex])
newEntryIds[targetIndex++] = entryIDs[sourceIndex++];
else if (entriesToRemove[toRemoveIndex] < entryIDs[sourceIndex])
System.arraycopy(entryIDs, sourceIndex, newEntryIds, targetIndex, entryIDs.length - sourceIndex);
targetIndex += entryIDs.length - sourceIndex;
if (targetIndex < entryIDs.length)
entryIDs = Arrays.copyOf(newEntryIds, targetIndex);
entryIDs = newEntryIds;
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator()
return new IDSetIterator(entryIDs);
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator(EntryID begin)
return new IDSetIterator(entryIDs, begin == null ? 0 : begin.longValue());
public long[] getRange()
if (entryIDs.length != 0)
return new long[] { entryIDs[0], entryIDs[entryIDs.length - 1] };
public long[] getIDs()
return entryIDs;
* Concrete implementation the EntryIDs are not defined, for example when the index entry limit has been exceeded.
private static final class UndefinedImpl implements EntryIDSetImplementor
* The number of entry IDs in the set if the size is being maintained, otherwise Long.MAX_VALUE
private long undefinedSize;
* The database key containing this set, if the set was constructed directly from the database.
private final ByteSequence databaseKey;
UndefinedImpl(ByteSequence key, long size)
databaseKey = checkNotNull(key, "key must not be null");
undefinedSize = size;
public long size()
return undefinedSize;
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
if (databaseKey == NO_KEY)
else if (maintainUndefinedSize())
private boolean maintainUndefinedSize()
return undefinedSize != Long.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean isDefined()
return false;
public boolean add(EntryID entryID)
if (maintainUndefinedSize())
return true;
public boolean remove(EntryID entryID)
if (maintainUndefinedSize() && undefinedSize > 0)
return true;
public boolean contains(EntryID entryID)
return true;
public void addAll(EntryIDSet that)
// Assume there are no overlap between IDs in that set with this set
if (maintainUndefinedSize())
undefinedSize += that.size();
public void removeAll(EntryIDSet that)
// Assume all IDs in the given set exists in this set.
if (maintainUndefinedSize())
undefinedSize = Math.max(0, undefinedSize - that.size());
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator()
return Iterators.emptyIterator();
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator(EntryID begin)
return Iterators.emptyIterator();
public long[] getRange()
public long[] getIDs()
* Iterator for a set of Entry IDs. It must return values in order of ID.
private static final class IDSetIterator implements Iterator<EntryID>
private final long[] entryIDSet;
private int currentIndex;
IDSetIterator(long[] entryIDSet)
this.entryIDSet = entryIDSet;
IDSetIterator(long[] entryIDSet, long begin)
currentIndex = Math.max(0, Arrays.binarySearch(entryIDSet, begin));
public boolean hasNext()
return currentIndex < entryIDSet.length;
public EntryID next()
if (hasNext())
return new EntryID(entryIDSet[currentIndex++]);
throw new NoSuchElementException();
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Legacy EntryIDSet codec implementation
private static final class EntryIDSetCodecV1 implements EntryIDSetCodec
public ByteString encode(EntryIDSet idSet)
return ByteString.wrap(append(new ByteStringBuilder(getEstimatedSize(idSet)), idSet).trimToSize()
public EntryIDSet decode(ByteSequence key, ByteString value)
checkNotNull(key, "key must not be null");
checkNotNull(value, "value must not be null");
if (value.isEmpty())
// Entry limit has exceeded and there is no encoded undefined set size.
return newDefinedSet();
else if ((value.byteAt(0) & 0x80) == 0x80)
// Entry limit has exceeded and there is an encoded undefined set size.
return newUndefinedSetWithSize(key, decodeUndefinedSize(value));
// Seems like entry limit has not been exceeded and the bytes is a list of entry IDs.
return newDefinedSet(decodeRaw(value.asReader(), value.length() / LONG_SIZE));
private int getEstimatedSize(EntryIDSet idSet)
if (idSet.isDefined())
return idSet.getIDs().length * LONG_SIZE;
return LONG_SIZE;
private long[] decodeRaw(ByteSequenceReader reader, int nbEntriesToDecode)
checkNotNull(reader, "builder must not be null");
Reject.ifFalse(nbEntriesToDecode >= 0, "nbEntriesToDecode must be >= 0");
final long ids[] = new long[nbEntriesToDecode];
for(int i = 0 ; i < nbEntriesToDecode ; i++) {
ids[i] = reader.getLong();
return ids;
private ByteStringBuilder append(ByteStringBuilder builder, EntryIDSet idSet)
checkNotNull(idSet, "idSet must not be null");
checkNotNull(builder, "builder must not be null");
if (idSet.isDefined())
for (long value : idSet.getIDs())
return builder;
// Set top bit.
return builder.append(idSet.size() | Long.MIN_VALUE);
private static long decodeUndefinedSize(ByteSequence bytes)
// remove top bit
return bytes.length() == LONG_SIZE ? bytes.asReader().getLong() & Long.MAX_VALUE : Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Compacted EntryIDSet codec implementation. Idea is to take advantages of
* org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder#appendCompact() able to write small values of long in fewer bytes.
* Rather than storing the full list of IDs, we store only the difference of the Nth ID with the N-1th one in the hope
* that the result will be small enough to be compacted by appendCompact().
private static final class EntryIDSetCodecV2 implements EntryIDSetCodec
private static final byte UNDEFINED_SET = (byte) 0xFF;
public ByteString encode(EntryIDSet idSet)
checkNotNull(idSet, "idSet must not be null");
ByteStringBuilder builder = new ByteStringBuilder(getEstimatedSize(idSet));
return append(builder, idSet).toByteString();
public EntryIDSet decode(ByteSequence key, ByteString value)
checkNotNull(key, "key must not be null");
checkNotNull(value, "value must not be null");
final ByteSequenceReader reader = value.asReader();
if ( reader.get() == UNDEFINED_SET) {
return newUndefinedSetWithSize(key, reader.getLong());
} else {
return newDefinedSet(decodeRaw(reader, (int) reader.getCompactUnsigned()));
private ByteStringBuilder append(ByteStringBuilder builder, EntryIDSet idSet)
checkNotNull(idSet, "idSet must not be null");
checkNotNull(builder, "builder must not be null");
if (idSet.isDefined())
long basis = 0;
for (long value : idSet.getIDs())
builder.appendCompactUnsigned(value - basis);
basis = value;
return builder;
private int getEstimatedSize(EntryIDSet idSet)
checkNotNull(idSet, "idSet must not be null");
return idSet.getIDs().length * LONG_SIZE + INT_SIZE;
private long[] decodeRaw(ByteSequenceReader reader, int nbEntriesToDecode)
checkNotNull(reader, "reader must not be null");
Reject.ifFalse(nbEntriesToDecode >= 0, "nbEntriesToDecode must be >= 0");
if ( nbEntriesToDecode == 0 ) {
} else {
final long ids[] = new long[nbEntriesToDecode];
ids[0] = reader.getCompactUnsigned();
for(int i = 1 ; i < nbEntriesToDecode ; i++) {
ids[i] = ids[i-1] + reader.getCompactUnsigned();
return ids;
static EntryIDSet newUndefinedSet()
return new EntryIDSet(new UndefinedImpl(NO_KEY, Long.MAX_VALUE));
static EntryIDSet newUndefinedSetWithKey(ByteSequence key)
return newUndefinedSetWithSize(key, Long.MAX_VALUE);
static EntryIDSet newUndefinedSetWithSize(ByteSequence key, long undefinedSize)
return new EntryIDSet(new UndefinedImpl(key, undefinedSize));
* Creates a new defined entry ID set with the specified ids.
* @param ids
* Entry IDs contained in the set.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if ids is null
static EntryIDSet newDefinedSet(long... ids)
checkNotNull(ids, "ids must not be null");
return new EntryIDSet(new DefinedImpl(ids));
private static long[] intersection(long[] set1, long[] set2)
long[] target = new long[Math.min(set1.length, set2.length)];
int index1, index2, ci;
for (index1 = 0, index2 = 0, ci = 0; index1 < set1.length && index2 < set2.length;)
if (set1[index1] == set2[index2])
target[ci++] = set1[index1++];
else if (set1[index1] > set2[index2])
if (ci < target.length)
target = Arrays.copyOf(target, ci);
return target;
* Creates a new set of entry IDs that is the union of several entry ID sets.
* @param sets
* A list of entry ID sets.
* @return The union of the provided entry ID sets.
static EntryIDSet newSetFromUnion(List<EntryIDSet> sets)
checkNotNull(sets, "sets must not be null");
int count = 0;
boolean containsUndefinedSet = false;
for (EntryIDSet l : sets)
if (!l.isDefined())
if (l.size() == Long.MAX_VALUE)
return newUndefinedSet();
containsUndefinedSet = true;
count += l.size();
if (containsUndefinedSet)
return newUndefinedSetWithSize(null, count);
boolean needSort = false;
long[] n = new long[count];
int pos = 0;
for (EntryIDSet l : sets)
if (l.size() != 0)
needSort |= pos > 0 && l.iterator().next().longValue() < n[pos - 1];
System.arraycopy(l.getIDs(), 0, n, pos, l.getIDs().length);
pos += l.size();
if (needSort)
long[] n1 = new long[n.length];
long last = -1;
int j = 0;
for (long l : n)
if (l != last)
last = n1[j++] = l;
if (j == n1.length)
return newDefinedSet(n1);
return newDefinedSet(Arrays.copyOf(n1, j));
private EntryIDSetImplementor concreteImpl;
private EntryIDSet(EntryIDSetImplementor concreteImpl)
this.concreteImpl = concreteImpl;
* Get the size of this entry ID set.
* @return The number of IDs in the set.
public long size()
return concreteImpl.size();
* Convert to a short string to aid with debugging.
* @param buffer
* The string is appended to this string builder.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if buffer is null
public void toString(StringBuilder buffer)
checkNotNull(buffer, "buffer must not be null");
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(16);
return builder.toString();
* Determine whether this set of IDs is defined.
* @return true if the set of IDs is defined.
public boolean isDefined()
return concreteImpl.isDefined();
* Insert an ID into this set.
* @param entryID
* The ID to be inserted.
* @return true if the set was changed, false if it was not changed, for example if the set is undefined or the ID was
* already present.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if entryID is null
public boolean add(EntryID entryID)
checkNotNull(entryID, "entryID must not be null");
return concreteImpl.add(entryID);
* Remove an ID from this set.
* @param entryID
* The ID to be removed
* @return true if the set was changed, false if it was not changed, for example if the set was undefined or the ID
* was not present.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if entryID is null
public boolean remove(EntryID entryID)
checkNotNull(entryID, "entryID must not be null");
return concreteImpl.remove(entryID);
* Check whether this set of entry IDs contains a given ID.
* @param entryID
* The ID to be checked.
* @return true if this set contains the given ID, or if the set is undefined.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if entryID is null
public boolean contains(EntryID entryID)
checkNotNull(entryID, "entryID must not be null");
return concreteImpl.contains(entryID);
* Add all the IDs from a given set that are not already present.
* @param that
* The set of IDs to be added. It MUST be defined
* @throws NullPointerException
* if that is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if that is undefined.
public void addAll(EntryIDSet that)
checkNotNull(that, "that must not be null");
Reject.ifFalse(that.isDefined(), "that must be defined");
* Takes the intersection of this set with another. Retain those IDs that appear in the given set.
* @param that
* The set of IDs that are to be retained from this object.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if that is null
public void retainAll(EntryIDSet that)
checkNotNull(that, "that must not be null");
if (!concreteImpl.isDefined())
if ( that.isDefined() ) {
// NOTE: It's ok to share the same array instance here thanks to the copy-on-write
// performed by the implementation.
concreteImpl = new DefinedImpl(that.getIDs());
} else {
concreteImpl = new UndefinedImpl(NO_KEY, that.size());
if ( !that.isDefined() ) {
final boolean thatSetOverlap = (compareForOverlap(getRange(), that.getRange()) == 0);
if (thatSetOverlap)
concreteImpl = new DefinedImpl(intersection(concreteImpl.getIDs(), that.getIDs()));
else if (size() != 0)
concreteImpl = new DefinedImpl();
* Remove all IDs in this set that are in a given set.
* @param that
* The set of IDs to be deleted. It MUST be defined.
* @throws NullPointerException
* if that is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if that is undefined.
public void removeAll(EntryIDSet that)
checkNotNull(that, "that must not be null");
Reject.ifFalse(that.isDefined(), "that must be defined");
* Creates an iterator over the set or an empty iterator if the set is not defined.
* @return An EntryID iterator.
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator()
return concreteImpl.iterator();
* Creates an iterator over the set or an empty iterator if the set is not defined.
* @param begin
* The entry ID of the first entry to return in the list.
* @return An EntryID iterator.
public Iterator<EntryID> iterator(EntryID begin)
return concreteImpl.iterator(begin);
private long[] getIDs()
return concreteImpl.getIDs();
private long[] getRange()
return concreteImpl.getRange();
private static long[] mergeOverlappingEntryIDSet(long set1[], long set2[])
final long[] a, b;
if (set1.length >= set2.length)
a = set1;
b = set2;
a = set2;
b = set1;
final long newEntryIDs[] = new long[a.length + b.length];
int sourceAIndex, sourceBIndex, targetIndex;
for (sourceAIndex = 0, sourceBIndex = 0, targetIndex = 0; sourceAIndex < a.length && sourceBIndex < b.length;)
if (a[sourceAIndex] < b[sourceBIndex])
newEntryIDs[targetIndex++] = a[sourceAIndex++];
else if (b[sourceBIndex] < a[sourceAIndex])
newEntryIDs[targetIndex++] = b[sourceBIndex++];
newEntryIDs[targetIndex++] = a[sourceAIndex];
targetIndex = copyRemainder(a, newEntryIDs, sourceAIndex, targetIndex);
targetIndex = copyRemainder(b, newEntryIDs, sourceBIndex, targetIndex);
if (targetIndex < newEntryIDs.length)
return Arrays.copyOf(newEntryIDs, targetIndex);
return newEntryIDs;
private static int copyRemainder(long[] sourceIDSet, final long[] newEntryIDs, int offset, int remainerIndex)
final int currentRemainder = sourceIDSet.length - offset;
if (currentRemainder > 0)
System.arraycopy(sourceIDSet, offset, newEntryIDs, remainerIndex, currentRemainder);
return remainerIndex + currentRemainder;
return remainerIndex;
private static long[] concatIdsFrom(long[] first, long[] second)
long[] ids = new long[first.length + second.length];
System.arraycopy(first, 0, ids, 0, first.length);
System.arraycopy(second, 0, ids, first.length, second.length);
return ids;
* @return -1 if o1 < o2, 0 if o1 overlap o2, +1 if o1 > o2
private static final int compareForOverlap(long[] o1, long[] o2)
if (o1 == null && o2 == null)
return 0;
else if (o1 == null)
return 1;
else if (o2 == null)
return -1;
else if (o1[1] < o2[0])
return -1;
else if (o1[0] > o2[1])
return 1;
return 0;