EntryContainer.java revision 870930ab008b106540456b3efe47e7ec613c174d
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* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
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* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or http://forgerock.org/license/CDDLv1.0.html.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
* Portions copyright 2013 Manuel Gaupp
package org.opends.server.backends.pluggable;
import static org.forgerock.util.Utils.*;
import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.DnKeyFormat.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.EntryIDSet.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.IndexFilter.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.VLVIndex.*;
import static org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer.*;
import static org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPResultCode.*;
import static org.opends.server.types.AdditionalLogItem.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessageBuilder;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteStringBuilder;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.forgerock.util.Pair;
import org.opends.messages.CoreMessages;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationAddListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationChangeListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationDeleteListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.BackendIndexCfg;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.BackendVLVIndexCfg;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.PluggableBackendCfg;
import org.opends.server.api.ClientConnection;
import org.opends.server.api.EntryCache;
import org.opends.server.api.VirtualAttributeProvider;
import org.opends.server.api.plugin.PluginResult.SubordinateDelete;
import org.opends.server.api.plugin.PluginResult.SubordinateModifyDN;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.AccessMode;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Cursor;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.ReadOperation;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.ReadableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.SequentialCursor;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Storage;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.StorageRuntimeException;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.TreeName;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteOperation;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.controls.PagedResultsControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.ServerSideSortRequestControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.ServerSideSortResponseControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.SubtreeDeleteControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.VLVRequestControl;
import org.opends.server.controls.VLVResponseControl;
import org.opends.server.core.AddOperation;
import org.opends.server.core.DeleteOperation;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.core.ModifyDNOperation;
import org.opends.server.core.ModifyOperation;
import org.opends.server.core.SearchOperation;
import org.opends.server.protocols.ldap.LDAPResultCode;
import org.opends.server.types.Attribute;
import org.opends.server.types.AttributeType;
import org.opends.server.types.Attributes;
import org.opends.server.types.CanceledOperationException;
import org.opends.server.types.Control;
import org.opends.server.types.DN;
import org.opends.server.types.DirectoryException;
import org.opends.server.types.Entry;
import org.opends.server.types.Modification;
import org.opends.server.types.Operation;
import org.opends.server.types.Privilege;
import org.opends.server.types.RDN;
import org.opends.server.types.SearchFilter;
import org.opends.server.types.SortKey;
import org.opends.server.types.SortOrder;
import org.opends.server.types.VirtualAttributeRule;
import org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
* Storage container for LDAP entries. Each base DN of a backend is given
* its own entry container. The entry container is the object that implements
* the guts of the backend API methods for LDAP operations.
public class EntryContainer
implements SuffixContainer, ConfigurationChangeListener<PluggableBackendCfg>
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
/** Number of EntryID to considers when building EntryIDSet from DN2ID. */
private static final int SCOPE_IDSET_LIMIT = 4096;
/** The name of the entry tree. */
private static final String ID2ENTRY_TREE_NAME = ID2ENTRY_INDEX_NAME;
/** The name of the DN tree. */
private static final String DN2ID_TREE_NAME = DN2ID_INDEX_NAME;
/** The name of the children index tree. */
/** The name of the referral tree. */
private static final String REFERRAL_TREE_NAME = REFERRAL_INDEX_NAME;
/** The name of the state tree. */
private static final String STATE_TREE_NAME = STATE_INDEX_NAME;
/** The attribute index configuration manager. */
private final AttributeIndexCfgManager attributeIndexCfgManager;
/** The vlv index configuration manager. */
private final VLVIndexCfgManager vlvIndexCfgManager;
/** The backend configuration. */
private PluggableBackendCfg config;
/** ID of the backend to which this entry container belongs. */
private final String backendID;
/** The baseDN this entry container is responsible for. */
private final DN baseDN;
/** The root container in which this entryContainer belongs. */
private final RootContainer rootContainer;
/** The tree storage. */
private final Storage storage;
/** The DN tree maps a normalized DN string to an entry ID (8 bytes). */
private final DN2ID dn2id;
/** The entry tree maps an entry ID (8 bytes) to a complete encoded entry. */
private ID2Entry id2entry;
/** Store the number of children for each entry. */
private final ID2ChildrenCount id2childrenCount;
/** The referral tree maps a normalized DN string to labeled URIs. */
private final DN2URI dn2uri;
/** The state tree maps a config DN to config entries. */
private final State state;
/** The set of attribute indexes. */
private final Map<AttributeType, AttributeIndex> attrIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
/** The set of VLV (Virtual List View) indexes. */
private final Map<String, VLVIndex> vlvIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
* Prevents name clashes for common indexes (like id2entry) across multiple suffixes.
* For example when a root container contains multiple suffixes.
private final String treePrefix;
* This class is responsible for managing the configuration for attribute
* indexes used within this entry container.
private class AttributeIndexCfgManager implements
public boolean isConfigurationAddAcceptable(final BackendIndexCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
new AttributeIndex(cfg, state, EntryContainer.this);
return true;
catch(Exception e)
return false;
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationAdd(final BackendIndexCfg cfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
final AttributeIndex index = new AttributeIndex(cfg, state, EntryContainer.this);
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
index.open(txn, true);
if (!index.isTrusted())
attrIndexMap.put(cfg.getAttribute(), index);
catch(Exception e)
return ccr;
public boolean isConfigurationDeleteAcceptable(
BackendIndexCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
// TODO: validate more before returning true?
return true;
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationDelete(final BackendIndexCfg cfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
catch (Exception de)
return ccr;
* This class is responsible for managing the configuration for VLV indexes
* used within this entry container.
private class VLVIndexCfgManager implements
public boolean isConfigurationAddAcceptable(BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
catch(Exception e)
cfg.getFilter(), cfg.getName(), e.getLocalizedMessage()));
return false;
String[] sortAttrs = cfg.getSortOrder().split(" ");
SortKey[] sortKeys = new SortKey[sortAttrs.length];
boolean[] ascending = new boolean[sortAttrs.length];
for(int i = 0; i < sortAttrs.length; i++)
ascending[i] = !sortAttrs[i].startsWith("-");
if (sortAttrs[i].startsWith("-") || sortAttrs[i].startsWith("+"))
sortAttrs[i] = sortAttrs[i].substring(1);
catch(Exception e)
unacceptableReasons.add(ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_UNDEFINED_ATTR.get(sortKeys[i], cfg.getName()));
return false;
AttributeType attrType = DirectoryServer.getAttributeTypeOrNull(sortAttrs[i].toLowerCase());
if(attrType == null)
unacceptableReasons.add(ERR_CONFIG_VLV_INDEX_UNDEFINED_ATTR.get(sortAttrs[i], cfg.getName()));
return false;
sortKeys[i] = new SortKey(attrType, ascending[i]);
return true;
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationAdd(final BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
VLVIndex vlvIndex = new VLVIndex(cfg, state, storage, EntryContainer.this, txn);
vlvIndex.open(txn, true);
vlvIndexMap.put(cfg.getName().toLowerCase(), vlvIndex);
catch(Exception e)
return ccr;
public boolean isConfigurationDeleteAcceptable(BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
// TODO: validate more before returning true?
return true;
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationDelete(final BackendVLVIndexCfg cfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
catch (Exception e)
return ccr;
/** A read write lock to handle schema changes and bulk changes. */
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
final Lock sharedLock = lock.readLock();
final Lock exclusiveLock = lock.writeLock();
* Create a new entry container object.
* @param baseDN The baseDN this entry container will be responsible for
* storing on disk.
* @param backendID ID of the backend that is creating this entry container.
* It is needed by the Directory Server entry cache methods.
* @param config The configuration of the backend.
* @param storage The storage for this entryContainer.
* @param rootContainer The root container this entry container is in.
* @throws ConfigException if a configuration related error occurs.
EntryContainer(DN baseDN, String backendID, PluggableBackendCfg config, Storage storage,
RootContainer rootContainer) throws ConfigException
this.backendID = backendID;
this.baseDN = baseDN;
this.config = config;
this.storage = storage;
this.rootContainer = rootContainer;
this.treePrefix = baseDN.toNormalizedUrlSafeString();
this.id2childrenCount = new ID2ChildrenCount(getIndexName(ID2CHILDREN_COUNT_TREE_NAME));
this.dn2id = new DN2ID(getIndexName(DN2ID_TREE_NAME), baseDN);
this.dn2uri = new DN2URI(getIndexName(REFERRAL_TREE_NAME), this);
this.state = new State(getIndexName(STATE_TREE_NAME));
attributeIndexCfgManager = new AttributeIndexCfgManager();
vlvIndexCfgManager = new VLVIndexCfgManager();
private TreeName getIndexName(String indexId)
return new TreeName(treePrefix, indexId);
* Opens the entryContainer for reading and writing.
* @param txn a non null transaction
* @param accessMode specifies how the container has to be opened (read-write or read-only)
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws ConfigException if a configuration related error occurs.
void open(WriteableTransaction txn, AccessMode accessMode) throws StorageRuntimeException, ConfigException
boolean shouldCreate = accessMode.isWriteable();
DataConfig entryDataConfig = new DataConfig(
config.isEntriesCompressed(), config.isCompactEncoding(), rootContainer.getCompressedSchema());
id2entry = new ID2Entry(getIndexName(ID2ENTRY_TREE_NAME), entryDataConfig);
id2entry.open(txn, shouldCreate);
id2childrenCount.open(txn, shouldCreate);
dn2id.open(txn, shouldCreate);
state.open(txn, shouldCreate);
dn2uri.open(txn, shouldCreate);
for (String idx : config.listBackendIndexes())
BackendIndexCfg indexCfg = config.getBackendIndex(idx);
final AttributeIndex index = new AttributeIndex(indexCfg, state, this);
index.open(txn, shouldCreate);
logger.info(NOTE_INDEX_ADD_REQUIRES_REBUILD, index.getName());
attrIndexMap.put(indexCfg.getAttribute(), index);
for (String idx : config.listBackendVLVIndexes())
BackendVLVIndexCfg vlvIndexCfg = config.getBackendVLVIndex(idx);
VLVIndex vlvIndex = new VLVIndex(vlvIndexCfg, state, storage, this, txn);
vlvIndex.open(txn, shouldCreate);
logger.info(NOTE_INDEX_ADD_REQUIRES_REBUILD, vlvIndex.getName());
vlvIndexMap.put(vlvIndexCfg.getName().toLowerCase(), vlvIndex);
catch (StorageRuntimeException de)
throw de;
* Closes the entry container.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
public void close() throws StorageRuntimeException
// Deregister any listeners.
* Retrieves a reference to the root container in which this entry container
* exists.
* @return A reference to the root container in which this entry container
* exists.
RootContainer getRootContainer()
return rootContainer;
* Get the DN tree used by this entry container.
* The entryContainer must have been opened.
* @return The DN tree.
DN2ID getDN2ID()
return dn2id;
* Get the entry tree used by this entry container.
* The entryContainer must have been opened.
* @return The entry tree.
ID2Entry getID2Entry()
return id2entry;
* Get the referral tree used by this entry container.
* The entryContainer must have been opened.
* @return The referral tree.
return dn2uri;
* Get the children tree used by this entry container.
* The entryContainer must have been opened.
* @return The children tree.
ID2ChildrenCount getID2ChildrenCount()
return id2childrenCount;
* Look for an attribute index for the given attribute type.
* @param attrType The attribute type for which an attribute index is needed.
* @return The attribute index or null if there is none for that type.
AttributeIndex getAttributeIndex(AttributeType attrType)
return attrIndexMap.get(attrType);
* Look for a VLV index for the given index name.
* @param vlvIndexName The vlv index name for which an vlv index is needed.
* @return The VLV index or null if there is none with that name.
VLVIndex getVLVIndex(String vlvIndexName)
return vlvIndexMap.get(vlvIndexName);
* Retrieve all attribute indexes.
* @return All attribute indexes defined in this entry container.
Collection<AttributeIndex> getAttributeIndexes()
return attrIndexMap.values();
* Retrieve all VLV indexes.
* @return The collection of VLV indexes defined in this entry container.
Collection<VLVIndex> getVLVIndexes()
return vlvIndexMap.values();
* Determine the highest entryID in the entryContainer.
* The entryContainer must already be open.
* @param txn a non null transaction
* @return The highest entry ID.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
EntryID getHighestEntryID(ReadableTransaction txn) throws StorageRuntimeException
try (Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(id2entry.getName()))
// Position a cursor on the last data item, and the key should give the highest ID.
if (cursor.positionToLastKey())
return new EntryID(cursor.getKey());
return new EntryID(0);
boolean hasSubordinates(final DN dn)
return storage.read(new ReadOperation<Boolean>()
public Boolean run(final ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
try (final SequentialCursor<?, ?> cursor = dn2id.openChildrenCursor(txn, dn))
return cursor.next();
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
* Determine the number of children entries for a given entry.
* @param entryDN The distinguished name of the entry.
* @return The number of children entries for the given entry or -1 if
* the entry does not exist.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
long getNumberOfChildren(final DN entryDN) throws StorageRuntimeException
return storage.read(new ReadOperation<Long>()
public Long run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
final EntryID entryID = dn2id.get(txn, entryDN);
return entryID != null ? id2childrenCount.getCount(txn, entryID) : -1;
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
* Processes the specified search in this entryContainer.
* Matching entries should be provided back to the core server using the
* <CODE>SearchOperation.returnEntry</CODE> method.
* @param searchOperation The search operation to be processed.
* @throws DirectoryException
* If a problem occurs while processing the
* search.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws CanceledOperationException if this operation should be cancelled.
void search(final SearchOperation searchOperation)
throws DirectoryException, StorageRuntimeException, CanceledOperationException
storage.read(new ReadOperation<Void>()
public Void run(final ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
DN aBaseDN = searchOperation.getBaseDN();
SearchScope searchScope = searchOperation.getScope();
PagedResultsControl pageRequest = searchOperation.getRequestControl(PagedResultsControl.DECODER);
ServerSideSortRequestControl sortRequest =
if (sortRequest != null && !sortRequest.containsSortKeys() && sortRequest.isCritical())
* If the control's criticality field is true then the server SHOULD
* do the following: return unavailableCriticalExtension as a return
* code in the searchResultDone message; include the
* sortKeyResponseControl in the searchResultDone message, and not
* send back any search result entries.
return null;
VLVRequestControl vlvRequest = searchOperation.getRequestControl(VLVRequestControl.DECODER);
if (vlvRequest != null && pageRequest != null)
throw new DirectoryException(
// Handle client abandon of paged results.
if (pageRequest != null)
if (pageRequest.getSize() == 0)
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, null);
return null;
if (searchOperation.getSizeLimit() > 0 && pageRequest.getSize() >= searchOperation.getSizeLimit())
// The RFC says : "If the page size is greater than or equal to the
// sizeLimit value, the server should ignore the control as the
// request can be satisfied in a single page"
pageRequest = null;
// Handle base-object search first.
if (searchScope == SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT)
final Entry baseEntry = fetchBaseEntry(txn, aBaseDN, searchScope);
if (!isManageDsaITOperation(searchOperation))
dn2uri.checkTargetForReferral(baseEntry, searchOperation.getScope());
if (searchOperation.getFilter().matchesEntry(baseEntry))
searchOperation.returnEntry(baseEntry, null);
if (pageRequest != null)
// Indicate no more pages.
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, null);
return null;
// Check whether the client requested debug information about the
// contribution of the indexes to the search.
StringBuilder debugBuffer = null;
if (searchOperation.getAttributes().contains(ATTR_DEBUG_SEARCH_INDEX))
debugBuffer = new StringBuilder();
EntryIDSet entryIDSet = null;
boolean candidatesAreInScope = false;
if (sortRequest != null)
for (VLVIndex vlvIndex : vlvIndexMap.values())
entryIDSet = vlvIndex.evaluate(txn, searchOperation, sortRequest, vlvRequest, debugBuffer);
if (entryIDSet != null)
candidatesAreInScope = true;
catch (DirectoryException de)
if (sortRequest.isCritical())
throw de;
if (entryIDSet == null)
if (processSearchWithVirtualAttributeRule(searchOperation, true))
return null;
// Create an index filter to get the search result candidate entries
IndexFilter indexFilter = new IndexFilter(
EntryContainer.this, txn, searchOperation, debugBuffer, rootContainer.getMonitorProvider());
// Evaluate the filter against the attribute indexes.
entryIDSet = indexFilter.evaluate();
if (!isBelowFilterThreshold(entryIDSet))
final int lookThroughLimit = searchOperation.getClientConnection().getLookthroughLimit();
final int idSetLimit =
lookThroughLimit == 0 ? SCOPE_IDSET_LIMIT : Math.min(SCOPE_IDSET_LIMIT, lookThroughLimit);
final EntryIDSet scopeSet = getIDSetFromScope(txn, aBaseDN, searchScope, idSetLimit);
if (debugBuffer != null)
debugBuffer.append(" scope=").append(searchScope);
if (scopeSet.isDefined())
// In this case we know that every candidate is in scope.
candidatesAreInScope = true;
if (sortRequest != null)
// If the sort key is not present, the sorting will generate the
// default ordering. VLV search request goes through as if
// this sort key was not found in the user entry.
entryIDSet = sort(txn, entryIDSet, searchOperation, sortRequest.getSortOrder(), vlvRequest);
if (sortRequest.containsSortKeys())
* There is no sort key associated with the sort control.
* Since it came here it means that the criticality is false
* so let the server return all search results unsorted and
* include the sortKeyResponseControl in the searchResultDone
* message.
catch (DirectoryException de)
if (sortRequest.isCritical())
throw de;
// If requested, construct and return a fictitious entry containing
// debug information, and no other entries.
if (debugBuffer != null)
debugBuffer.append(" final=");
Entry debugEntry = buildDebugSearchIndexEntry(debugBuffer);
searchOperation.returnEntry(debugEntry, null);
return null;
if (entryIDSet.isDefined())
searchIndexed(txn, entryIDSet, candidatesAreInScope, searchOperation, pageRequest);
searchOperation.addAdditionalLogItem(keyOnly(getClass(), "unindexed"));
if (processSearchWithVirtualAttributeRule(searchOperation, false))
return null;
ClientConnection clientConnection = searchOperation.getClientConnection();
if (!clientConnection.hasPrivilege(Privilege.UNINDEXED_SEARCH, searchOperation))
throw new DirectoryException(
if (sortRequest != null)
// FIXME -- Add support for sorting unindexed searches using indexes
// like DSEE currently does.
if (sortRequest.isCritical())
throw new DirectoryException(
searchNotIndexed(txn, searchOperation, pageRequest);
return null;
private ServerSideSortResponseControl newServerSideSortControl(int resultCode)
return new ServerSideSortResponseControl(resultCode, null);
private EntryIDSet getIDSetFromScope(final ReadableTransaction txn, DN aBaseDN, SearchScope searchScope,
int idSetLimit) throws DirectoryException
final EntryIDSet scopeSet;
switch (searchScope.asEnum())
try (final SequentialCursor<?, EntryID> scopeCursor = dn2id.openCursor(txn, aBaseDN))
scopeSet = EntryIDSet.newDefinedSet(scopeCursor.getValue().longValue());
try (final SequentialCursor<?, EntryID> scopeCursor = dn2id.openChildrenCursor(txn, aBaseDN))
scopeSet = newIDSetFromCursor(scopeCursor, false, idSetLimit);
try (final SequentialCursor<?, EntryID> scopeCursor = dn2id.openSubordinatesCursor(txn, aBaseDN))
scopeSet = newIDSetFromCursor(scopeCursor, searchScope.equals(SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE), idSetLimit);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
catch (NoSuchElementException e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, ERR_SEARCH_NO_SUCH_OBJECT.get(aBaseDN),
getMatchedDN(txn, aBaseDN), e);
return scopeSet;
catch (Exception e)
throwAllowedExceptionTypes(e, DirectoryException.class, CanceledOperationException.class);
private static EntryIDSet newIDSetFromCursor(SequentialCursor<?, EntryID> cursor, boolean includeCurrent,
int idSetLimit)
long entryIDs[] = new long[idSetLimit];
int offset = 0;
if (includeCurrent)
entryIDs[offset++] = cursor.getValue().longValue();
while(offset < idSetLimit && cursor.next())
entryIDs[offset++] = cursor.getValue().longValue();
if (offset == idSetLimit && cursor.next())
return EntryIDSet.newUndefinedSet();
else if (offset != idSetLimit)
entryIDs = Arrays.copyOf(entryIDs, offset);
return EntryIDSet.newDefinedSet(entryIDs);
private <E1 extends Exception, E2 extends Exception>
void throwAllowedExceptionTypes(Exception e, Class<E1> clazz1, Class<E2> clazz2)
throws E1, E2
throwIfPossible(e, clazz1, clazz2);
if (e.getCause() != null)
throwIfPossible(e.getCause(), clazz1, clazz2);
else if (e instanceof StorageRuntimeException)
throw (StorageRuntimeException) e;
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
private static <E1 extends Exception, E2 extends Exception> void throwIfPossible(final Throwable cause,
Class<E1> clazz1, Class<E2> clazz2) throws E1, E2
if (clazz1.isAssignableFrom(cause.getClass()))
throw clazz1.cast(cause);
else if (clazz2.isAssignableFrom(cause.getClass()))
throw clazz2.cast(cause);
private static boolean processSearchWithVirtualAttributeRule(final SearchOperation searchOperation,
boolean isPreIndexed)
for (VirtualAttributeRule rule : DirectoryServer.getVirtualAttributes())
VirtualAttributeProvider<?> provider = rule.getProvider();
if (provider.isSearchable(rule, searchOperation, isPreIndexed))
provider.processSearch(rule, searchOperation);
return true;
return false;
private static Entry buildDebugSearchIndexEntry(StringBuilder debugBuffer) throws DirectoryException
Attribute attr = Attributes.create(ATTR_DEBUG_SEARCH_INDEX, debugBuffer.toString());
Entry entry = new Entry(DN.valueOf("cn=debugsearch"), null, null, null);
entry.addAttribute(attr, new ArrayList<ByteString>());
return entry;
* We were not able to obtain a set of candidate entry IDs for the
* search from the indexes.
* <p>
* Here we are relying on the DN key order to ensure children are
* returned after their parents.
* <ul>
* <li>iterate through a subtree range of the DN tree
* <li>discard non-children DNs if the search scope is single level
* <li>fetch the entry by ID from the entry cache or the entry tree
* <li>return the entry if it matches the filter
* </ul>
* @param searchOperation The search operation.
* @param pageRequest A Paged Results control, or null if none.
* @throws DirectoryException If an error prevented the search from being
* processed.
private void searchNotIndexed(ReadableTransaction txn, SearchOperation searchOperation,
PagedResultsControl pageRequest) throws DirectoryException, CanceledOperationException
DN aBaseDN = searchOperation.getBaseDN();
SearchScope searchScope = searchOperation.getScope();
boolean manageDsaIT = isManageDsaITOperation(searchOperation);
// The base entry must already have been processed if this is
// a request for the next page in paged results. So we skip
// the base entry processing if the cookie is set.
if (pageRequest == null || pageRequest.getCookie().length() == 0)
final Entry baseEntry = fetchBaseEntry(txn, aBaseDN, searchScope);
if (!manageDsaIT)
dn2uri.checkTargetForReferral(baseEntry, searchScope);
/* The base entry is only included for whole subtree search. */
if (searchScope == SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE
&& searchOperation.getFilter().matchesEntry(baseEntry))
searchOperation.returnEntry(baseEntry, null);
if (!manageDsaIT
&& !dn2uri.returnSearchReferences(txn, searchOperation)
&& pageRequest != null)
// Indicate no more pages.
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, null);
* We will iterate forwards through a range of the dn2id keys to
* find subordinates of the target entry from the top of the tree
* downwards. For example, any subordinates of "dc=example,dc=com" appear
* in dn2id with a key ending in ",dc=example,dc=com". The entry
* "cn=joe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" will appear after the entry
* "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com".
ByteString baseDNKey = dnToDNKey(aBaseDN, this.baseDN.size());
ByteStringBuilder suffix = beforeKey(baseDNKey);
ByteStringBuilder end = afterKey(baseDNKey);
// Set the starting value.
ByteSequence begin;
if (pageRequest != null && pageRequest.getCookie().length() != 0)
// The cookie contains the DN of the next entry to be returned.
begin = ByteString.wrap(pageRequest.getCookie().toByteArray());
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
ERR_INVALID_PAGED_RESULTS_COOKIE.get(pageRequest.getCookie().toHexString()), e);
// Set the starting value to the suffix.
begin = suffix;
int lookthroughCount = 0;
int lookthroughLimit = searchOperation.getClientConnection().getLookthroughLimit();
try (final Cursor<ByteString, ByteString> cursor = txn.openCursor(dn2id.getName()))
// Initialize the cursor very close to the starting value.
boolean success = cursor.positionToKeyOrNext(begin);
// Step forward until we pass the ending value.
while (success && cursor.getKey().compareTo(end) < 0)
if (lookthroughLimit > 0 && lookthroughCount > lookthroughLimit)
// Lookthrough limit exceeded
// We have found a subordinate entry.
EntryID entryID = new EntryID(cursor.getValue());
boolean isInScope =
searchScope != SearchScope.SINGLE_LEVEL
// Check if this entry is an immediate child.
|| findDNKeyParent(cursor.getKey()) == baseDNKey.length();
if (isInScope)
// Process the candidate entry.
final Entry entry = getEntry(txn, entryID);
if (entry != null)
if ((manageDsaIT || entry.getReferralURLs() == null)
&& searchOperation.getFilter().matchesEntry(entry))
if (pageRequest != null
&& searchOperation.getEntriesSent() == pageRequest.getSize())
// The current page is full.
// Set the cookie to remember where we were.
ByteString cookie = cursor.getKey();
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, cookie);
if (!searchOperation.returnEntry(entry, null))
// We have been told to discontinue processing of the
// search. This could be due to size limit exceeded or
// operation cancelled.
// Move to the next record.
success = cursor.next();
catch (StorageRuntimeException e)
if (pageRequest != null)
// Indicate no more pages.
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, null);
* Returns the entry corresponding to the provided entryID.
* @param txn a non null transaction
* @param entryID
* the id of the entry to retrieve
* @return the entry corresponding to the provided entryID
* @throws DirectoryException
* If an error occurs retrieving the entry
private Entry getEntry(ReadableTransaction txn, EntryID entryID) throws DirectoryException
// Try the entry cache first.
final EntryCache<?> entryCache = getEntryCache();
final Entry cacheEntry = entryCache.getEntry(backendID, entryID.longValue());
if (cacheEntry != null)
return cacheEntry;
final Entry entry = id2entry.get(txn, entryID);
if (entry != null)
// Put the entry in the cache making sure not to overwrite a newer copy
// that may have been inserted since the time we read the cache.
entryCache.putEntryIfAbsent(entry, backendID, entryID.longValue());
return entry;
* We were able to obtain a set of candidate entry IDs for the
* search from the indexes.
* <p>
* Here we are relying on ID order to ensure children are returned
* after their parents.
* <ul>
* <li>Iterate through the candidate IDs
* <li>fetch entry by ID from cache or id2entry
* <li>put the entry in the cache if not present
* <li>discard entries that are not in scope
* <li>return entry if it matches the filter
* </ul>
* @param entryIDSet The candidate entry IDs.
* @param candidatesAreInScope true if it is certain that every candidate
* entry is in the search scope.
* @param searchOperation The search operation.
* @param pageRequest A Paged Results control, or null if none.
* @throws DirectoryException If an error prevented the search from being
* processed.
private void searchIndexed(ReadableTransaction txn, EntryIDSet entryIDSet, boolean candidatesAreInScope,
SearchOperation searchOperation, PagedResultsControl pageRequest) throws DirectoryException,
SearchScope searchScope = searchOperation.getScope();
DN aBaseDN = searchOperation.getBaseDN();
boolean manageDsaIT = isManageDsaITOperation(searchOperation);
boolean continueSearch = true;
// Set the starting value.
EntryID begin = null;
if (pageRequest != null && pageRequest.getCookie().length() != 0)
// The cookie contains the ID of the next entry to be returned.
begin = new EntryID(pageRequest.getCookie());
catch (Exception e)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
ERR_INVALID_PAGED_RESULTS_COOKIE.get(pageRequest.getCookie().toHexString()), e);
else if (!manageDsaIT)
continueSearch = dn2uri.returnSearchReferences(txn, searchOperation);
// Make sure the candidate list is smaller than the lookthrough limit
int lookthroughLimit =
if(lookthroughLimit > 0 && entryIDSet.size() > lookthroughLimit)
//Lookthrough limit exceeded
continueSearch = false;
// Iterate through the index candidates.
if (continueSearch)
final SearchFilter filter = searchOperation.getFilter();
for (Iterator<EntryID> it = entryIDSet.iterator(begin); it.hasNext();)
final EntryID id = it.next();
Entry entry;
entry = getEntry(txn, id);
catch (Exception e)
// Process the candidate entry.
if (entry != null
&& isInScope(candidatesAreInScope, searchScope, aBaseDN, entry)
&& (manageDsaIT || entry.getReferralURLs() == null)
&& filter.matchesEntry(entry))
if (pageRequest != null
&& searchOperation.getEntriesSent() == pageRequest.getSize())
// The current page is full.
// Set the cookie to remember where we were.
ByteString cookie = id.toByteString();
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, cookie);
if (!searchOperation.returnEntry(entry, null))
// We have been told to discontinue processing of the
// search. This could be due to size limit exceeded or
// operation cancelled.
// Before we return success from the search we must ensure the base entry
// exists. However, if we have returned at least one entry or subordinate
// reference it implies the base does exist, so we can omit the check.
if (searchOperation.getEntriesSent() == 0
&& searchOperation.getReferencesSent() == 0)
final Entry baseEntry = fetchBaseEntry(txn, aBaseDN, searchScope);
if (!manageDsaIT)
dn2uri.checkTargetForReferral(baseEntry, searchScope);
if (pageRequest != null)
// Indicate no more pages.
Control control = new PagedResultsControl(pageRequest.isCritical(), 0, null);
private boolean isInScope(boolean candidatesAreInScope, SearchScope searchScope, DN aBaseDN, Entry entry)
DN entryDN = entry.getName();
if (candidatesAreInScope)
return true;
else if (searchScope == SearchScope.SINGLE_LEVEL)
// Check if this entry is an immediate child.
if (entryDN.size() == aBaseDN.size() + 1
&& entryDN.isDescendantOf(aBaseDN))
return true;
else if (searchScope == SearchScope.WHOLE_SUBTREE)
if (entryDN.isDescendantOf(aBaseDN))
return true;
else if (searchScope == SearchScope.SUBORDINATES
&& entryDN.size() > aBaseDN.size()
&& entryDN.isDescendantOf(aBaseDN))
return true;
return false;
* Adds the provided entry to this tree. This method must ensure that the
* entry is appropriate for the tree and that no entry already exists with
* the same DN. The caller must hold a write lock on the DN of the provided
* entry.
* @param entry The entry to add to this tree.
* @param addOperation The add operation with which the new entry is
* associated. This may be <CODE>null</CODE> for adds
* performed internally.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while trying to add the
* entry.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws CanceledOperationException if this operation should be cancelled.
void addEntry(final Entry entry, final AddOperation addOperation)
throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException, CanceledOperationException
final DN parentDN = getParentWithinBase(entry.getName());
final EntryID entryID = rootContainer.getNextEntryID();
// Insert into the indexes, in index configuration order.
final IndexBuffer indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer();
insertEntryIntoIndexes(indexBuffer, entry, entryID);
final ByteString encodedEntry = id2entry.encode(entry);
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
// No need to call indexBuffer.reset() since IndexBuffer content will be the same for each retry attempt.
// Check whether the entry already exists.
if (dn2id.get(txn, entry.getName()) != null)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS,
// Check that the parent entry exists.
EntryID parentID = null;
if (parentDN != null)
// Check for referral entries above the target.
dn2uri.targetEntryReferrals(txn, entry.getName(), null);
parentID = dn2id.get(txn, parentDN);
if (parentID == null)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
getMatchedDN(txn, parentDN),
// Ensure same access ordering as deleteEntry.
dn2id.put(txn, entry.getName(), entryID);
id2childrenCount.updateCount(txn, parentID, 1);
id2entry.put(txn, entryID, encodedEntry);
dn2uri.addEntry(txn, entry);
id2childrenCount.updateTotalCount(txn, 1);
if (addOperation != null)
// One last check before committing
catch (StorageRuntimeException | DirectoryException | CanceledOperationException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null)
msg = stackTraceToSingleLineString(e);
throw new DirectoryException(
DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_UNCHECKED_EXCEPTION.get(msg), e);
catch (Exception e)
throwAllowedExceptionTypes(e, DirectoryException.class, CanceledOperationException.class);
final EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
if (entryCache != null)
entryCache.putEntry(entry, backendID, entryID.longValue());
private void writeTrustState(final IndexBuffer indexBuffer)
// Transaction modifying the index has been rolled back.
// Ensure that the index trusted state is persisted.
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
catch (Exception e)
// Cannot throw because this method is used in a catch block and we do not want to hide the real exception.
void importEntry(WriteableTransaction txn, EntryID entryID, Entry entry) throws DirectoryException,
final IndexBuffer indexBuffer = IndexBuffer.newImportIndexBuffer(txn, entryID);
insertEntryIntoIndexes(indexBuffer, entry, entryID);
dn2id.put(txn, entry.getName(), entryID);
id2entry.put(txn, entryID, id2entry.encode(entry));
dn2uri.addEntry(txn, entry);
* Removes the specified entry from this tree. This method must ensure
* that the entry exists and that it does not have any subordinate entries
* (unless the storage supports a subtree delete operation and the client
* included the appropriate information in the request). The caller must hold
* a write lock on the provided entry DN.
* @param entryDN The DN of the entry to remove from this tree.
* @param deleteOperation The delete operation with which this action is
* associated. This may be <CODE>null</CODE> for
* deletes performed internally.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while trying to remove the
* entry.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws CanceledOperationException if this operation should be cancelled.
void deleteEntry(final DN entryDN, final DeleteOperation deleteOperation)
throws DirectoryException, StorageRuntimeException, CanceledOperationException
final IndexBuffer indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
// Check for referral entries above the target entry.
dn2uri.targetEntryReferrals(txn, entryDN, null);
// We'll need the parent ID when we update the id2childrenCount. Fetch it now so that accesses to dn2id
// are ordered.
final DN parentDN = getParentWithinBase(entryDN);
EntryID parentID = null;
if (parentDN != null)
parentID = dn2id.get(txn, parentDN);
if (parentID == null)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
getMatchedDN(txn, parentDN),
// Delete the subordinate entries in dn2id if requested.
final boolean isSubtreeDelete = deleteOperation != null
&& deleteOperation.getRequestControl(SubtreeDeleteControl.DECODER) != null;
/* draft-armijo-ldap-treedelete, 4.1 Tree Delete Semantics: The server MUST NOT chase referrals stored in
* the tree. If information about referrals is stored in this section of the tree, this pointer will be
* deleted.
final boolean isManageDsaIT = isSubtreeDelete || isManageDsaITOperation(deleteOperation);
/* Ensure that all index updates are done in the correct order to avoid deadlocks. First iterate over
* dn2id collecting all the IDs of the entries to be deleted. Then update dn2uri, id2entry,
* id2childrenCount, and finally the attribute indexes.
final List<Long> entriesToBeDeleted = new ArrayList<>();
try (final SequentialCursor<Void, EntryID> cursor = dn2id.openSubordinatesCursor(txn, entryDN))
// Delete the target entry in dn2id.
if (!cursor.isDefined())
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
getMatchedDN(txn, entryDN),
// Now delete the subordinate entries in dn2id.
while (cursor.next())
if (!isSubtreeDelete)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF,
// The target entry will have the lowest entryID so it will remain the first element.
// Now update id2entry, dn2uri, and id2childrenCount in key order.
id2childrenCount.updateCount(txn, parentID, -1);
final EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
boolean isBaseEntry = true;
try (final Cursor<EntryID, Entry> cursor = id2entry.openCursor(txn))
for (Long entryIDLong : entriesToBeDeleted)
final EntryID entryID = new EntryID(entryIDLong);
if (!cursor.positionToKey(entryID.toByteString()))
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(),
final Entry entry = cursor.getValue();
if (isBaseEntry && !isManageDsaIT)
dn2uri.checkTargetForReferral(entry, null);
dn2uri.deleteEntry(txn, entry);
id2childrenCount.removeCount(txn, entryID);
removeEntryFromIndexes(indexBuffer, entry, entryID);
if (!isBaseEntry)
if (entryCache != null)
isBaseEntry = false;
id2childrenCount.updateTotalCount(txn, -entriesToBeDeleted.size());
if (isSubtreeDelete)
deleteOperation.addAdditionalLogItem(unquotedKeyValue(getClass(), "deletedEntries",
catch (StorageRuntimeException | DirectoryException | CanceledOperationException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null)
msg = stackTraceToSingleLineString(e);
throw new DirectoryException(
DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_UNCHECKED_EXCEPTION.get(msg), e);
private void invokeSubordinateDeletePlugins(final Entry entry) throws DirectoryException
if (deleteOperation != null && !deleteOperation.isSynchronizationOperation())
SubordinateDelete pluginResult =
getPluginConfigManager().invokeSubordinateDeletePlugins(deleteOperation, entry);
if (!pluginResult.continueProcessing())
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(),
private void checkIfCanceled(boolean signalTooLate) throws CanceledOperationException
if (deleteOperation != null)
catch (Exception e)
throwAllowedExceptionTypes(e, DirectoryException.class, CanceledOperationException.class);
* Indicates whether an entry with the specified DN exists.
* @param entryDN The DN of the entry for which to determine existence.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the specified entry exists,
* or <CODE>false</CODE> if it does not.
private boolean entryExists(ReadableTransaction txn, final DN entryDN)
// Try the entry cache first.
EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
return (entryCache != null && entryCache.containsEntry(entryDN))
|| dn2id.get(txn, entryDN) != null;
boolean entryExists(final DN entryDN) throws StorageRuntimeException
final EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
if (entryCache != null && entryCache.containsEntry(entryDN))
return true;
return storage.read(new ReadOperation<Boolean>()
public Boolean run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
return dn2id.get(txn, entryDN) != null;
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
* Fetch an entry by DN, trying the entry cache first, then the tree.
* Retrieves the requested entry, trying the entry cache first,
* then the tree.
* @param entryDN The distinguished name of the entry to retrieve.
* @return The requested entry, or <CODE>null</CODE> if the entry does not
* exist.
* @throws DirectoryException If a problem occurs while trying to retrieve
* the entry.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException An error occurred during a storage operation.
Entry getEntry(final DN entryDN) throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException
return storage.read(new ReadOperation<Entry>()
public Entry run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
Entry entry = getEntry0(txn, entryDN);
if (entry == null)
// The entryDN does not exist. Check for referral entries above the target entry.
dn2uri.targetEntryReferrals(txn, entryDN, null);
return entry;
catch (Exception e)
// it is not very clean to specify twice the same exception but it saves me some code for now
throwAllowedExceptionTypes(e, DirectoryException.class, DirectoryException.class);
return null; // it can never happen
private Entry getEntry0(ReadableTransaction txn, final DN entryDN) throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException
final EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
if (entryCache != null)
final Entry entry = entryCache.getEntry(entryDN);
if (entry != null)
return entry;
final EntryID entryID = dn2id.get(txn, entryDN);
if (entryID == null)
return null;
final Entry entry = id2entry.get(txn, entryID);
if (entry != null && entryCache != null)
* Put the entry in the cache making sure not to overwrite a newer copy that may have been
* inserted since the time we read the cache.
entryCache.putEntryIfAbsent(entry, backendID, entryID.longValue());
return entry;
* The simplest case of replacing an entry in which the entry DN has
* not changed.
* @param oldEntry The old contents of the entry
* @param newEntry The new contents of the entry
* @param modifyOperation The modify operation with which this action is
* associated. This may be <CODE>null</CODE> for
* modifications performed internally.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
* @throws CanceledOperationException if this operation should be cancelled.
void replaceEntry(final Entry oldEntry, final Entry newEntry, final ModifyOperation modifyOperation)
throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException, CanceledOperationException
final IndexBuffer indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
EntryID entryID = dn2id.get(txn, newEntry.getName());
if (entryID == null)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
getMatchedDN(txn, newEntry.getName()),
if (!isManageDsaITOperation(modifyOperation))
// Check if the entry is a referral entry.
dn2uri.checkTargetForReferral(oldEntry, null);
// Ensure same ordering as deleteEntry: id2entry, dn2uri, then indexes.
id2entry.put(txn, entryID, newEntry);
// Update the referral tree.
if (modifyOperation != null)
// In this case we know from the operation what the modifications were.
List<Modification> mods = modifyOperation.getModifications();
dn2uri.modifyEntry(txn, oldEntry, newEntry, mods);
dn2uri.replaceEntry(txn, oldEntry, newEntry);
// Update the indexes.
if (modifyOperation != null)
// In this case we know from the operation what the modifications were.
List<Modification> mods = modifyOperation.getModifications();
indexModifications(indexBuffer, oldEntry, newEntry, entryID, mods);
// The most optimal would be to figure out what the modifications were.
removeEntryFromIndexes(indexBuffer, oldEntry, entryID);
insertEntryIntoIndexes(indexBuffer, newEntry, entryID);
if(modifyOperation != null)
// One last check before committing
// Update the entry cache.
EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
if (entryCache != null)
entryCache.putEntry(newEntry, backendID, entryID.longValue());
catch (StorageRuntimeException | DirectoryException | CanceledOperationException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null)
msg = stackTraceToSingleLineString(e);
throw new DirectoryException(
DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_UNCHECKED_EXCEPTION.get(msg), e);
catch (Exception e)
throwAllowedExceptionTypes(e, DirectoryException.class, CanceledOperationException.class);
* Moves and/or renames the provided entry in this backend, altering any
* subordinate entries as necessary. This must ensure that an entry already
* exists with the provided current DN, and that no entry exists with the
* target DN of the provided entry. The caller must hold write locks on both
* the current DN and the new DN for the entry.
* @param oldTargetDN The current DN of the entry to be renamed.
* @param newTargetEntry The new content to use for the entry.
* @param modifyDNOperation The modify DN operation with which this action
* is associated. This may be <CODE>null</CODE>
* for modify DN operations performed internally.
* @throws DirectoryException
* If a problem occurs while trying to perform the rename.
* @throws CanceledOperationException
* If this backend noticed and reacted
* to a request to cancel or abandon the
* modify DN operation.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
void renameEntry(final DN oldTargetDN, final Entry newTargetEntry, final ModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation)
throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException, CanceledOperationException
final IndexBuffer indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
// Validate the request.
final DN newTargetDN = newTargetEntry.getName();
final DN oldSuperiorDN = getParentWithinBase(oldTargetDN);
final DN newSuperiorDN = getParentWithinBase(newTargetDN);
final EntryID oldSuperiorID = oldSuperiorDN != null ? dn2id.get(txn, oldSuperiorDN) : null;
final EntryID oldTargetID = dn2id.get(txn, oldTargetDN);
if ((oldSuperiorDN != null && oldSuperiorID == null) || oldTargetID == null)
// Check for referral entries above the target entry.
dn2uri.targetEntryReferrals(txn, oldTargetDN, null);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
getMatchedDN(txn, oldTargetDN),
final EntryID newSuperiorID = newSuperiorDN != null ? dn2id.get(txn, newSuperiorDN) : null;
if (newSuperiorDN != null && newSuperiorID == null)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
getMatchedDN(txn, newSuperiorDN),
if (dn2id.get(txn, newTargetDN) != null)
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS,
/* We want to preserve the invariant that the ID of an entry is greater than its parent, since search
* results are returned in ID order. Note: if the superior has changed then oldSuperiorDN and
* newSuperiorDN will be non-null.
final boolean superiorHasChanged = !Objects.equals(oldSuperiorDN, newSuperiorDN);
final boolean renumberEntryIDs = superiorHasChanged && newSuperiorID.compareTo(oldSuperiorID) > 0;
/* Ensure that all index updates are done in the correct order to avoid deadlocks. First iterate over
* dn2id collecting all the IDs of the entries to be renamed. Then update dn2uri, id2entry,
* id2childrenCount, and finally the attribute indexes.
final List<Pair<Long, Long>> renamedEntryIDs = dn2id.renameSubtree(txn,
// The target entry will have the lowest entryID so it will remain the first element.
Collections.sort(renamedEntryIDs, Pair.<Long, Long>getPairComparator());
// Now update id2entry, dn2uri, and id2childrenCount in key order.
if (superiorHasChanged)
id2childrenCount.updateCount(txn, oldSuperiorID, -1);
id2childrenCount.updateCount(txn, newSuperiorID, 1);
boolean isBaseEntry = true;
try (final Cursor<EntryID, Entry> cursor = id2entry.openCursor(txn))
for (Pair<Long, Long> renamedEntryID : renamedEntryIDs)
renameSingleEntry(txn, renamedEntryID, cursor, indexBuffer, newTargetDN, renumberEntryIDs, isBaseEntry);
isBaseEntry = false;
catch (StorageRuntimeException | DirectoryException | CanceledOperationException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg == null)
msg = stackTraceToSingleLineString(e);
throw new DirectoryException(
DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), ERR_UNCHECKED_EXCEPTION.get(msg), e);
private void renameSingleEntry(
final WriteableTransaction txn,
final Pair<Long, Long> renamedEntryID,
final Cursor<EntryID, Entry> cursor,
final IndexBuffer indexBuffer,
final DN newTargetDN,
final boolean renumberEntryIDs,
final boolean isBaseEntry) throws DirectoryException
final EntryID oldEntryID = new EntryID(renamedEntryID.getFirst());
final EntryID newEntryID = new EntryID(renamedEntryID.getSecond());
if (!cursor.positionToKey(oldEntryID.toByteString()))
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(),
final Entry oldEntry = cursor.getValue();
final Entry newEntry;
final List<Modification> modifications;
if (isBaseEntry)
if (!isManageDsaITOperation(modifyDNOperation))
dn2uri.checkTargetForReferral(oldEntry, null);
newEntry = newTargetEntry;
modifications = modifyDNOperation != null ? modifyDNOperation.getModifications() : null;
final DN newDN = modDN(oldEntry.getName(), oldTargetDN.size(), newTargetDN);
newEntry = oldEntry.duplicate(false);
modifications = invokeSubordinateModifyDNPlugins(oldEntry, newEntry);
if (renumberEntryIDs)
id2entry.put(txn, newEntryID, newEntry);
dn2uri.deleteEntry(txn, oldEntry);
dn2uri.addEntry(txn, newEntry);
if (renumberEntryIDs)
// In-order: new entryID is guaranteed to be greater than old entryID.
final long count = id2childrenCount.removeCount(txn, oldEntryID);
id2childrenCount.updateCount(txn, newEntryID, count);
if (renumberEntryIDs || modifications == null)
// Slow path: the entry has been renumbered so we need to fully re-index.
removeEntryFromIndexes(indexBuffer, oldEntry, oldEntryID);
insertEntryIntoIndexes(indexBuffer, newEntry, newEntryID);
else if (!modifications.isEmpty())
// Fast-path: the entryID has not changed so we only need to re-index the mods.
indexModifications(indexBuffer, oldEntry, newEntry, oldEntryID, modifications);
final EntryCache<?> entryCache = DirectoryServer.getEntryCache();
if (entryCache != null)
private void checkIfCanceled(boolean signalTooLate) throws CanceledOperationException
if (modifyDNOperation != null)
private List<Modification> invokeSubordinateModifyDNPlugins(
final Entry oldEntry, final Entry newEntry) throws DirectoryException
final List<Modification> modifications = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Modification>(0));
// Create a new entry that is a copy of the old entry but with the new DN.
// Also invoke any subordinate modify DN plugins on the entry.
// FIXME -- At the present time, we don't support subordinate modify DN
// plugins that make changes to subordinate entries and therefore
// provide an unmodifiable list for the modifications element.
// FIXME -- This will need to be updated appropriately if we decided that
// these plugins should be invoked for synchronization operations.
if (modifyDNOperation != null && !modifyDNOperation.isSynchronizationOperation())
SubordinateModifyDN pluginResult = getPluginConfigManager().invokeSubordinateModifyDNPlugins(
modifyDNOperation, oldEntry, newEntry, modifications);
if (!pluginResult.continueProcessing())
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(),
if (!modifications.isEmpty())
LocalizableMessageBuilder invalidReason = new LocalizableMessageBuilder();
if (!newEntry.conformsToSchema(null, false, false, false, invalidReason))
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(),
return modifications;
catch (Exception e)
throwAllowedExceptionTypes(e, DirectoryException.class, CanceledOperationException.class);
* Make a new DN for a subordinate entry of a renamed or moved entry.
* @param oldDN The current DN of the subordinate entry.
* @param oldSuffixLen The current DN length of the renamed or moved entry.
* @param newSuffixDN The new DN of the renamed or moved entry.
* @return The new DN of the subordinate entry.
static DN modDN(DN oldDN, int oldSuffixLen, DN newSuffixDN)
int oldDNNumComponents = oldDN.size();
int oldDNKeepComponents = oldDNNumComponents - oldSuffixLen;
int newSuffixDNComponents = newSuffixDN.size();
RDN[] newDNComponents = new RDN[oldDNKeepComponents+newSuffixDNComponents];
for (int i=0; i < oldDNKeepComponents; i++)
newDNComponents[i] = oldDN.getRDN(i);
for (int i=oldDNKeepComponents, j=0; j < newSuffixDNComponents; i++,j++)
newDNComponents[i] = newSuffixDN.getRDN(j);
return new DN(newDNComponents);
* Insert a new entry into the attribute indexes.
* @param buffer The index buffer used to buffer up the index changes.
* @param entry The entry to be inserted into the indexes.
* @param entryID The ID of the entry to be inserted into the indexes.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
private void insertEntryIntoIndexes(IndexBuffer buffer, Entry entry, EntryID entryID)
throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException
for (AttributeIndex index : attrIndexMap.values())
index.addEntry(buffer, entryID, entry);
for (VLVIndex vlvIndex : vlvIndexMap.values())
vlvIndex.addEntry(buffer, entryID, entry);
* Remove an entry from the attribute indexes.
* @param buffer The index buffer used to buffer up the index changes.
* @param entry The entry to be removed from the indexes.
* @param entryID The ID of the entry to be removed from the indexes.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
private void removeEntryFromIndexes(IndexBuffer buffer, Entry entry, EntryID entryID)
throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException
for (AttributeIndex index : attrIndexMap.values())
index.removeEntry(buffer, entryID, entry);
for (VLVIndex vlvIndex : vlvIndexMap.values())
vlvIndex.removeEntry(buffer, entryID, entry);
* Update the attribute indexes to reflect the changes to the
* attributes of an entry resulting from a sequence of modifications.
* @param buffer The index buffer used to buffer up the index changes.
* @param oldEntry The contents of the entry before the change.
* @param newEntry The contents of the entry after the change.
* @param entryID The ID of the entry that was changed.
* @param mods The sequence of modifications made to the entry.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs in the storage.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
private void indexModifications(IndexBuffer buffer, Entry oldEntry, Entry newEntry,
EntryID entryID, List<Modification> mods)
throws StorageRuntimeException, DirectoryException
// Process in index configuration order.
for (AttributeIndex index : attrIndexMap.values())
// Check whether any modifications apply to this indexed attribute.
if (isAttributeModified(index, mods))
index.modifyEntry(buffer, entryID, oldEntry, newEntry);
for(VLVIndex vlvIndex : vlvIndexMap.values())
vlvIndex.modifyEntry(buffer, entryID, oldEntry, newEntry, mods);
* Get a count of the number of entries stored in this entry container including the baseDN
* @return The number of entries stored in this entry container including the baseDN.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException
* If an error occurs in the storage.
long getNumberOfEntriesInBaseDN() throws StorageRuntimeException
return storage.read(new ReadOperation<Long>()
public Long run(ReadableTransaction txn) throws Exception
return getNumberOfEntriesInBaseDN0(txn);
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
long getNumberOfEntriesInBaseDN0(ReadableTransaction txn)
return id2childrenCount.getTotalCount(txn);
* Determine whether the provided operation has the ManageDsaIT request control.
* @param operation The operation for which the determination is to be made.
* @return true if the operation has the ManageDsaIT request control, or false if not.
private static boolean isManageDsaITOperation(Operation operation)
if(operation != null)
List<Control> controls = operation.getRequestControls();
if (controls != null)
for (Control control : controls)
if (ServerConstants.OID_MANAGE_DSAIT_CONTROL.equals(control.getOID()))
return true;
return false;
* Delete this entry container from disk. The entry container should be
* closed before calling this method.
* @param txn a non null transaction
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs while removing the entry container.
void delete(WriteableTransaction txn) throws StorageRuntimeException
for (Tree tree : listTrees())
* Remove a tree from disk.
* @param txn a non null transaction
* @param tree The tree container to remove.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs while attempting to delete the tree.
void deleteTree(WriteableTransaction txn, Tree tree) throws StorageRuntimeException
if(tree == state)
// The state tree cannot be removed individually.
if(tree instanceof Index)
state.deleteRecord(txn, tree.getName());
* This method constructs a container name from a base DN. Only alphanumeric
* characters are preserved, all other characters are replaced with an
* underscore.
* @return The container name for the base DN.
String getTreePrefix()
return treePrefix;
public DN getBaseDN()
return baseDN;
* Get the parent of a DN in the scope of the base DN.
* @param dn A DN which is in the scope of the base DN.
* @return The parent DN, or null if the given DN is the base DN.
DN getParentWithinBase(DN dn)
if (dn.equals(baseDN))
return null;
return dn.parent();
public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(
PluggableBackendCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
// This is always true because only all config attributes used
// by the entry container should be validated by the admin framework.
return true;
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(final PluggableBackendCfg cfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
DataConfig entryDataConfig = new DataConfig(cfg.isEntriesCompressed(),
cfg.isCompactEncoding(), rootContainer.getCompressedSchema());
EntryContainer.this.config = cfg;
catch (Exception e)
return ccr;
* Clear the contents of this entry container.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException If an error occurs while removing the entry
* container.
public void clear() throws StorageRuntimeException
storage.write(new WriteOperation()
public void run(WriteableTransaction txn) throws Exception
for (Tree tree : listTrees())
if (tree instanceof Index)
((Index) tree).setTrusted(txn, true);
catch (Exception e)
throw new StorageRuntimeException(e);
List<Tree> listTrees()
final List<Tree> allTrees = new ArrayList<>();
for (AttributeIndex index : attrIndexMap.values())
return allTrees;
* Finds an existing entry whose DN is the closest ancestor of a given baseDN.
* @param targetDN the DN for which we are searching a matched DN.
* @return the DN of the closest ancestor of the baseDN.
* @throws DirectoryException If an error prevented the check of an
* existing entry from being performed.
private DN getMatchedDN(ReadableTransaction txn, DN targetDN) throws DirectoryException
DN parentDN = targetDN.getParentDNInSuffix();
while (parentDN != null && parentDN.isDescendantOf(baseDN))
if (entryExists(txn, parentDN))
return parentDN;
parentDN = parentDN.getParentDNInSuffix();
return null;
* Checks if any modifications apply to this indexed attribute.
* @param index the indexed attributes.
* @param mods the modifications to check for.
* @return true if any apply, false otherwise.
private static boolean isAttributeModified(AttributeIndex index, List<Modification> mods)
AttributeType indexAttributeType = index.getAttributeType();
List<AttributeType> subTypes =
for (Modification mod : mods)
Attribute modAttr = mod.getAttribute();
AttributeType modAttrType = modAttr.getAttributeType();
if (modAttrType.equals(indexAttributeType)
|| subTypes.contains(modAttrType))
return true;
return false;
* Fetch the base Entry of the EntryContainer.
* @param searchBaseDN the DN for the base entry
* @param searchScope the scope under which this is fetched.
* Scope is used for referral processing.
* @return the Entry matching the baseDN.
* @throws DirectoryException if the baseDN doesn't exist.
private Entry fetchBaseEntry(ReadableTransaction txn, DN searchBaseDN, SearchScope searchScope)
throws DirectoryException
Entry baseEntry = getEntry0(txn, searchBaseDN);
if (baseEntry == null)
// Check for referral entries above the base entry.
dn2uri.targetEntryReferrals(txn, searchBaseDN, searchScope);
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
ERR_SEARCH_NO_SUCH_OBJECT.get(searchBaseDN), getMatchedDN(txn, searchBaseDN), null);
return baseEntry;
private EntryIDSet sort(ReadableTransaction txn, EntryIDSet entryIDSet, SearchOperation searchOperation,
SortOrder sortOrder, VLVRequestControl vlvRequest) throws DirectoryException
if (!entryIDSet.isDefined())
return newUndefinedSet();
final DN baseDN = searchOperation.getBaseDN();
final SearchScope scope = searchOperation.getScope();
final SearchFilter filter = searchOperation.getFilter();
final TreeMap<ByteString, EntryID> sortMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (EntryID id : entryIDSet)
Entry e = getEntry(txn, id);
if (e.matchesBaseAndScope(baseDN, scope) && filter.matchesEntry(e))
sortMap.put(encodeVLVKey(sortOrder, e, id.longValue()), id);
catch (Exception e)
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRYIDSORTER_CANNOT_EXAMINE_ENTRY.get(id, getExceptionMessage(e));
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message, e);
// See if there is a VLV request to further pare down the set of results, and if there is where it should be
// processed by offset or assertion value.
if (vlvRequest == null)
return newDefinedSet(toArray(sortMap.values()));
if (vlvRequest.getTargetType() == VLVRequestControl.TYPE_TARGET_BYOFFSET)
return sortByOffset(searchOperation, vlvRequest, sortMap);
return sortByGreaterThanOrEqualAssertion(searchOperation, vlvRequest, sortOrder, sortMap);
private static final long[] toArray(Collection<EntryID> entryIDs)
final long[] array = new long[entryIDs.size()];
int i = 0;
for (EntryID entryID : entryIDs)
array[i++] = entryID.longValue();
return array;
private static final EntryIDSet sortByGreaterThanOrEqualAssertion(SearchOperation searchOperation,
VLVRequestControl vlvRequest, SortOrder sortOrder, final TreeMap<ByteString, EntryID> sortMap)
throws DirectoryException
ByteString assertionValue = vlvRequest.getGreaterThanOrEqualAssertion();
ByteSequence encodedTargetAssertion =
encodeTargetAssertion(sortOrder, assertionValue, searchOperation, sortMap.size());
boolean targetFound = false;
int index = 0;
int targetIndex = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
int includedAfterCount = 0;
long[] idSet = new long[sortMap.size()];
for (Map.Entry<ByteString, EntryID> entry : sortMap.entrySet())
ByteString vlvKey = entry.getKey();
EntryID id = entry.getValue();
idSet[index++] = id.longValue();
if (targetFound)
if (includedAfterCount >= vlvRequest.getAfterCount())
targetFound = vlvKey.compareTo(encodedTargetAssertion) >= 0;
if (targetFound)
startIndex = Math.max(0, targetIndex - vlvRequest.getBeforeCount());
final EntryIDSet result;
if (targetFound)
final long[] array = new long[index - startIndex];
System.arraycopy(idSet, startIndex, array, 0, array.length);
result = newDefinedSet(array);
* No entry was found to be greater than or equal to the sort key, so the target offset will
* be one greater than the content count.
targetIndex = sortMap.size() + 1;
result = newDefinedSet();
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(targetIndex, sortMap.size(), LDAPResultCode.SUCCESS));
return result;
private static final EntryIDSet sortByOffset(SearchOperation searchOperation, VLVRequestControl vlvRequest,
TreeMap<ByteString, EntryID> sortMap) throws DirectoryException
int targetOffset = vlvRequest.getOffset();
if (targetOffset < 0)
// The client specified a negative target offset. This
// should never be allowed.
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(targetOffset, sortMap.size(),
LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ENTRYIDSORTER_NEGATIVE_START_POS.get();
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.VIRTUAL_LIST_VIEW_ERROR, message);
// This is an easy mistake to make, since VLV offsets start at 1 instead of 0. We'll assume the client meant
// to use 1.
targetOffset = (targetOffset == 0) ? 1 : targetOffset;
int beforeCount = vlvRequest.getBeforeCount();
int afterCount = vlvRequest.getAfterCount();
int listOffset = targetOffset - 1; // VLV offsets start at 1, not 0.
int startPos = listOffset - beforeCount;
if (startPos < 0)
// This can happen if beforeCount >= offset, and in this case we'll just adjust the start position to ignore
// the range of beforeCount that doesn't exist.
startPos = 0;
beforeCount = listOffset;
else if (startPos >= sortMap.size())
// The start position is beyond the end of the list. In this case, we'll assume that the start position was
// one greater than the size of the list and will only return the beforeCount entries.
targetOffset = sortMap.size() + 1;
listOffset = sortMap.size();
startPos = listOffset - beforeCount;
afterCount = 0;
int count = 1 + beforeCount + afterCount;
long[] sortedIDs = new long[count];
int treePos = 0;
int arrayPos = 0;
for (EntryID id : sortMap.values())
if (treePos++ < startPos)
sortedIDs[arrayPos++] = id.longValue();
if (arrayPos >= count)
if (arrayPos < count)
// We don't have enough entries in the set to meet the requested page size, so we'll need to shorten the
// array.
sortedIDs = Arrays.copyOf(sortedIDs, arrayPos);
searchOperation.addResponseControl(new VLVResponseControl(targetOffset, sortMap.size(), LDAPResultCode.SUCCESS));
return newDefinedSet(sortedIDs);
/** Get the exclusive lock. */
void lock()
/** Unlock the exclusive lock. */
void unlock()
public String toString() {
return treePrefix;