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package org.opends.server.backends.pluggable;
import static org.forgerock.util.Reject.checkNotNull;
import static org.opends.messages.JebMessages.ERR_JEB_INDEX_CORRUPT_REQUIRES_REBUILD;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.EntryIDSet.*;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.State.IndexFlag.COMPACTED;
import static org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.State.IndexFlag.TRUSTED;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.util.promise.NeverThrowsException;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.CursorTransformer.ValueTransformer;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.EntryIDSet.EntryIDSetCodec;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.State.IndexFlag;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.Cursor;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.ReadableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.StorageRuntimeException;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.TreeName;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.UpdateFunction;
import org.opends.server.backends.pluggable.spi.WriteableTransaction;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
* Represents an index implemented by a tree in which each key maps to a set of entry IDs. The key
* is a byte array, and is constructed from some normalized form of an attribute value (or fragment
* of a value) appearing in the entry.
class DefaultIndex extends AbstractDatabaseContainer implements Index
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
/** The limit on the number of entry IDs that may be indexed by one key. */
private int indexEntryLimit;
* Whether to maintain a count of IDs for a key once the entry limit has exceeded.
private final boolean maintainCount;
private final State state;
private final EntryIDSetCodec codec;
* A flag to indicate if this index should be trusted to be consistent with the entries database.
* If not trusted, we assume that existing entryIDSets for a key is still accurate. However, keys
* that do not exist are undefined instead of an empty entryIDSet. The following rules will be
* observed when the index is not trusted: - no entryIDs will be added to a non-existing key. -
* undefined entryIdSet will be returned whenever a key is not found.
private volatile boolean trusted;
* Create a new index object.
* @param name
* The name of the index database within the entryContainer.
* @param state
* The state database to persist index state info.
* @param indexEntryLimit
* The configured limit on the number of entry IDs that may be indexed by one key.
* @param maintainCount
* Whether to maintain a count of IDs for a key once the entry limit has exceeded.
* @param txn
* a non null database transaction
* @param entryContainer
* The database entryContainer holding this index.
* @throws StorageRuntimeException
* If an error occurs in the database.
DefaultIndex(TreeName name, State state, int indexEntryLimit, boolean maintainCount, WriteableTransaction txn,
EntryContainer entryContainer) throws StorageRuntimeException
this.indexEntryLimit = indexEntryLimit;
this.maintainCount = maintainCount;
this.state = state;
final EnumSet<IndexFlag> flags = state.getIndexFlags(txn, getName());
this.codec = flags.contains(COMPACTED) ? CODEC_V2 : CODEC_V1;
this.trusted = flags.contains(TRUSTED);
if (!trusted && entryContainer.getHighestEntryID(txn).longValue() == 0)
// If there are no entries in the entry container then there
// is no reason why this index can't be upgraded to trusted.
setTrusted(txn, true);
public final Cursor<ByteString, EntryIDSet> openCursor(ReadableTransaction txn)
checkNotNull(txn, "txn must not be null");
return CursorTransformer.transformValues(txn.openCursor(getName()),
new ValueTransformer<ByteString, ByteString, EntryIDSet, NeverThrowsException>()
public EntryIDSet transform(ByteString key, ByteString value) throws NeverThrowsException
return codec.decode(key, value);
public final void importPut(WriteableTransaction txn, ImportIDSet idsToBeAdded) throws StorageRuntimeException
ByteSequence key = idsToBeAdded.getKey();
ByteString value =, key);
if (value != null)
final ImportIDSet importIDSet = new ImportIDSet(key, codec.decode(key, value), indexEntryLimit, maintainCount);
txn.put(getName(), key, importIDSet.valueToByteString(codec));
txn.put(getName(), key, idsToBeAdded.valueToByteString(codec));
public final void importRemove(WriteableTransaction txn, ImportIDSet idsToBeRemoved) throws StorageRuntimeException
ByteSequence key = idsToBeRemoved.getKey();
ByteString value =, key);
if (value != null)
final ImportIDSet importIDSet = new ImportIDSet(key, codec.decode(key, value), indexEntryLimit, maintainCount);
if (importIDSet.isDefined() && importIDSet.size() == 0)
txn.delete(getName(), key);
txn.put(getName(), key, importIDSet.valueToByteString(codec));
// Should never happen -- the keys should always be there.
throw new RuntimeException();
public final void update(WriteableTransaction txn, ByteString key, EntryIDSet deletedIDs, EntryIDSet addedIDs)
throws StorageRuntimeException
* Check the special condition where both deletedIDs and addedIDs are null. This is used when
* deleting entries and corresponding id2children and id2subtree records must be completely
* removed.
if (deletedIDs == null && addedIDs == null)
boolean success = txn.delete(getName(), key);
if (success && logger.isTraceEnabled())
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StaticUtils.byteArrayToHexPlusAscii(builder, key.toByteArray(), 4);
logger.trace("The expected key does not exist in the index %s.\nKey:%s ", getName(), builder);
// Handle cases where nothing is changed early to avoid DB access.
if (isNullOrEmpty(deletedIDs) && isNullOrEmpty(addedIDs))
if (maintainCount)
update0(txn, key, deletedIDs, addedIDs);
else if (get(txn, key).isDefined())
* Avoid taking a write lock on a record which has hit all IDs because it is likely to be a
* point of contention.
update0(txn, key, deletedIDs, addedIDs);
} // else the record exists but we've hit all IDs.
private boolean isNullOrEmpty(EntryIDSet entryIDSet)
return entryIDSet == null || entryIDSet.size() == 0;
private boolean isNotEmpty(EntryIDSet entryIDSet)
return entryIDSet != null && entryIDSet.size() > 0;
private void update0(final WriteableTransaction txn, final ByteString key, final EntryIDSet deletedIDs,
final EntryIDSet addedIDs) throws StorageRuntimeException
txn.update(getName(), key, new UpdateFunction()
public ByteSequence computeNewValue(final ByteSequence oldValue)
if (oldValue != null)
EntryIDSet entryIDSet = computeEntryIDSet(key, oldValue.toByteString(), deletedIDs, addedIDs);
ByteString after = codec.encode(entryIDSet);
* If there are no more IDs then return null indicating that the record should be removed.
* If index is not trusted then this will cause all subsequent reads for this key to
* return undefined set.
return after.isEmpty() ? null : after;
else if (trusted)
if (deletedIDs != null)
logIndexCorruptError(txn, key);
if (isNotEmpty(addedIDs))
return codec.encode(addedIDs);
return null; // no change.
private EntryIDSet computeEntryIDSet(ByteString key, ByteString value, EntryIDSet deletedIDs, EntryIDSet addedIDs)
EntryIDSet entryIDSet = codec.decode(key, value);
if (addedIDs != null)
if (entryIDSet.isDefined() && indexEntryLimit > 0)
long idCountDelta = addedIDs.size();
if (deletedIDs != null)
idCountDelta -= deletedIDs.size();
if (idCountDelta + entryIDSet.size() >= indexEntryLimit)
if (maintainCount)
entryIDSet = newUndefinedSetWithSize(key, entryIDSet.size() + idCountDelta);
entryIDSet = newUndefinedSet();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StaticUtils.byteArrayToHexPlusAscii(builder, key.toByteArray(), 4);
logger.trace("Index entry exceeded in index %s. " + "Limit: %d. ID list size: %d.\nKey:%s", getName(),
indexEntryLimit, idCountDelta + addedIDs.size(), builder);
if (deletedIDs != null)
if (deletedIDs != null)
else if (deletedIDs != null)
return entryIDSet;
private void logIndexCorruptError(WriteableTransaction txn, ByteString key)
if (logger.isTraceEnabled())
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
StaticUtils.byteArrayToHexPlusAscii(builder, key.toByteArray(), 4);
logger.trace("The expected key does not exist in the index %s.\nKey:%s", getName(), builder);
setTrusted(txn, false);
public final EntryIDSet get(ReadableTransaction txn, ByteSequence key)
ByteString value =, key);
if (value != null)
return codec.decode(key, value);
return trusted ? newDefinedSet() : newUndefinedSet();
catch (StorageRuntimeException e)
return newUndefinedSet();
public final boolean setIndexEntryLimit(int indexEntryLimit)
final boolean rebuildRequired = this.indexEntryLimit < indexEntryLimit;
this.indexEntryLimit = indexEntryLimit;
return rebuildRequired;
public final int getIndexEntryLimit()
return indexEntryLimit;
public final synchronized void setTrusted(WriteableTransaction txn, boolean trusted) throws StorageRuntimeException
this.trusted = trusted;
if (trusted)
state.addFlagsToIndex(txn, getName(), TRUSTED);
state.removeFlagsFromIndex(txn, getName(), TRUSTED);
public final boolean isTrusted()
return trusted;
public final boolean getMaintainCount()
return maintainCount;