revision 8ac57ee1cd50fcc3d02b36bea4ab1335924f1d7a
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright 2006-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* Portions Copyright 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS
* Portions Copyright 2014 Manuel Gaupp
package org.opends.server.backends.jeb;
import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessageBuilder;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.Assertion;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteSequence;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.DecodeException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.schema.MatchingRule;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.IndexQueryFactory;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.Indexer;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.IndexingOptions;
import org.forgerock.util.Utils;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationChangeListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.meta.LocalDBIndexCfgDefn.IndexType;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.LocalDBIndexCfg;
import org.opends.server.core.DirectoryServer;
import org.opends.server.monitors.DatabaseEnvironmentMonitor;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils;
* Class representing an attribute index.
* We have a separate database for each type of indexing, which makes it easy
* to tell which attribute indexes are configured. The different types of
* indexing are equality, presence, substrings and ordering. The keys in the
* ordering index are ordered by setting the btree comparator to the ordering
* matching rule comparator.
* Note that the values in the equality index are normalized by the equality
* matching rule, whereas the values in the ordering index are normalized
* by the ordering matching rule. If these could be guaranteed to be identical
* then we would not need a separate ordering index.
public class AttributeIndex
implements ConfigurationChangeListener<LocalDBIndexCfg>, Closeable
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
/** Type of the index filter. */
static enum IndexFilterType
/** Equality. */
/** Presence. */
/** Ordering. */
/** Ordering. */
/** Substring. */
/** Approximate. */
private final IndexType indexType;
private IndexFilterType(IndexType indexType)
this.indexType = indexType;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString()
return indexType.toString();
* FIXME Matthew Swift: Once the matching rules have been migrated we should
* revisit this class. All of the evaluateXXX methods should go (the Matcher
* class in the SDK could implement the logic, I hope).
/** The entryContainer in which this attribute index resides. */
private final EntryContainer entryContainer;
/** The attribute index configuration. */
private LocalDBIndexCfg indexConfig;
private IndexingOptions indexingOptions;
/** The mapping from names to indexes. */
private Map<String, Index> indexIdToIndexes;
private IndexQueryFactory<IndexQuery> indexQueryFactory;
* Create a new attribute index object.
* @param indexConfig The attribute index configuration.
* @param entryContainer The entryContainer of this attribute index.
* @throws ConfigException if a configuration related error occurs.
public AttributeIndex(LocalDBIndexCfg indexConfig, EntryContainer entryContainer) throws ConfigException
this.entryContainer = entryContainer;
this.indexConfig = indexConfig;
this.indexingOptions = new JEIndexingOptions(indexConfig.getSubstringLength());
this.indexIdToIndexes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(buildIndexes(entryContainer, indexConfig, indexingOptions));
this.indexQueryFactory = new IndexQueryFactoryImpl(indexIdToIndexes, indexingOptions, indexConfig.getAttribute());
private static Map<String, Index> buildIndexes(EntryContainer entryContainer,
LocalDBIndexCfg config,
IndexingOptions options) throws ConfigException
final Map<String, Index> indexes = new HashMap<>();
final AttributeType attributeType = config.getAttribute();
final int indexEntryLimit = config.getIndexEntryLimit();
for(IndexType indexType : config.getIndexType()) {
Collection<? extends Indexer> indexers;
switch (indexType)
indexes.put(indexType.toString(), newPresenceIndex(entryContainer, config));
indexers = Collections.emptyList();
indexers = getExtensibleIndexers(config.getAttribute(), config.getIndexExtensibleMatchingRule(), options);
indexers =
throwIfNoMatchingRule(attributeType, indexType, attributeType.getApproximateMatchingRule())
indexers =
throwIfNoMatchingRule(attributeType, indexType, attributeType.getEqualityMatchingRule())
indexers =
throwIfNoMatchingRule(attributeType, indexType, attributeType.getOrderingMatchingRule())
indexers =
throwIfNoMatchingRule(attributeType, indexType, attributeType.getSubstringMatchingRule())
throw new ConfigException(ERR_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE_NEEDS_MATCHING_RULE.get(attributeType, indexType.toString()));
buildAndRegisterIndexesWithIndexers(entryContainer, attributeType, indexEntryLimit, indexers, indexes);
return indexes;
private static Index newPresenceIndex(EntryContainer entryContainer, LocalDBIndexCfg cfg)
final AttributeType attrType = cfg.getAttribute();
final String indexName = getIndexName(entryContainer, attrType, IndexType.PRESENCE.toString());
final PresenceIndexer indexer = new PresenceIndexer(attrType);
return entryContainer.newIndexForAttribute(indexName, indexer, cfg.getIndexEntryLimit());
private static MatchingRule throwIfNoMatchingRule(AttributeType attributeType, IndexType type, MatchingRule rule)
throws ConfigException
if (rule == null)
throw new ConfigException(ERR_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE_NEEDS_MATCHING_RULE.get(attributeType, type.toString()));
return rule;
private static void buildAndRegisterIndexesWithIndexers(EntryContainer entryContainer,
AttributeType attributeType,
int indexEntryLimit,
Collection<? extends Indexer> indexers,
Map<String, Index> indexes)
for (Indexer indexer : indexers)
final String indexID = indexer.getIndexID();
if (!indexes.containsKey(indexID))
final Index index = newAttributeIndex(entryContainer, attributeType, indexer, indexEntryLimit);
indexes.put(indexID, index);
private static Collection<Indexer> getExtensibleIndexers(AttributeType attributeType, Set<String> extensibleRules,
IndexingOptions options) throws ConfigException
if (extensibleRules == null || extensibleRules.isEmpty())
throw new ConfigException(
final Collection<Indexer> indexers = new ArrayList<>();
for (final String ruleName : extensibleRules)
final MatchingRule rule = DirectoryServer.getMatchingRule(toLowerCase(ruleName));
if (rule == null)
logger.error(ERR_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE_NEEDS_VALID_MATCHING_RULE, attributeType, ruleName);
return indexers;
private static MatchingRule getMatchingRule(IndexType indexType, AttributeType attrType)
switch (indexType)
return attrType.getApproximateMatchingRule();
return attrType.getEqualityMatchingRule();
return attrType.getOrderingMatchingRule();
return attrType.getSubstringMatchingRule();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not implemented for index type " + indexType);
private static Index newAttributeIndex(EntryContainer entryContainer, AttributeType attributeType,
org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.Indexer indexer, int indexEntryLimit)
final String indexName = getIndexName(entryContainer, attributeType, indexer.getIndexID());
final AttributeIndexer attrIndexer = new AttributeIndexer(attributeType, indexer);
return entryContainer.newIndexForAttribute(indexName, attrIndexer, indexEntryLimit);
private static String getIndexName(EntryContainer entryContainer, AttributeType attrType, String indexID)
return entryContainer.getDatabasePrefix() + "_" + attrType.getNameOrOID() + "." + indexID;
* Open the attribute index.
* @throws DatabaseException if a JE database error occurs while
* opening the index.
public void open() throws DatabaseException
for (Index index : indexIdToIndexes.values())
/** Closes the attribute index. */
public void close()
// The entryContainer is responsible for closing the JE databases.
* Get the attribute type of this attribute index.
* @return The attribute type of this attribute index.
public AttributeType getAttributeType()
return indexConfig.getAttribute();
* Return the indexing options of this AttributeIndex.
* @return the indexing options of this AttributeIndex.
public IndexingOptions getIndexingOptions()
return indexQueryFactory.getIndexingOptions();
* Get the JE index configuration used by this index.
* @return The configuration in effect.
public LocalDBIndexCfg getConfiguration()
return indexConfig;
* Update the attribute index for a new entry.
* @param buffer The index buffer to use to store the added keys
* @param entryID The entry ID.
* @param entry The contents of the new entry.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
public void addEntry(IndexBuffer buffer, EntryID entryID, Entry entry) throws DatabaseException, DirectoryException
for (Index index : indexIdToIndexes.values())
index.addEntry(buffer, entryID, entry);
* Update the attribute index for a deleted entry.
* @param buffer The index buffer to use to store the deleted keys
* @param entryID The entry ID
* @param entry The contents of the deleted entry.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs in the JE database.
* @throws DirectoryException If a Directory Server error occurs.
public void removeEntry(IndexBuffer buffer, EntryID entryID, Entry entry)
throws DatabaseException, DirectoryException
for (Index index : indexIdToIndexes.values())
index.removeEntry(buffer, entryID, entry);
* Update the index to reflect a sequence of modifications in a Modify
* operation.
* @param buffer The index buffer used to buffer up the index changes.
* @param entryID The ID of the entry that was modified.
* @param oldEntry The entry before the modifications were applied.
* @param newEntry The entry after the modifications were applied.
* @param mods The sequence of modifications in the Modify operation.
* @throws DatabaseException If an error occurs during an operation on a
* JE database.
public void modifyEntry(IndexBuffer buffer,
EntryID entryID,
Entry oldEntry,
Entry newEntry,
List<Modification> mods)
throws DatabaseException
for (Index index : indexIdToIndexes.values())
index.modifyEntry(buffer, entryID, oldEntry, newEntry, mods);
* Makes a byte string representing a substring index key for
* one substring of a value.
* @param bytes The byte array containing the value.
* @param pos The starting position of the substring.
* @param len The length of the substring.
* @return A byte string containing a substring key.
private static ByteString makeSubstringKey(byte[] bytes, int pos, int len)
byte[] keyBytes = new byte[len];
System.arraycopy(bytes, pos, keyBytes, 0, len);
return ByteString.wrap(keyBytes);
* Decompose an attribute value into a set of substring index keys.
* The ID of the entry containing this value should be inserted
* into the list of each of these keys.
* @param value A byte array containing the normalized attribute value.
* @return A set of index keys.
Set<ByteString> substringKeys(byte[] value)
{ // FIXME replace this code with SDK's
// AbstractSubstringMatchingRuleImpl.SubstringIndexer.createKeys()
// Eliminate duplicates by putting the keys into a set.
// Sorting the keys will ensure database record locks are acquired
// in a consistent order and help prevent transaction deadlocks between
// concurrent writers.
Set<ByteString> set = new HashSet<ByteString>();
int substrLength = indexConfig.getSubstringLength();
// Example: The value is ABCDE and the substring length is 3.
// We produce the keys ABC BCD CDE DE E
// To find values containing a short substring such as DE,
// iterate through keys with prefix DE. To find values
// containing a longer substring such as BCDE, read keys BCD and CDE.
for (int i = 0, remain = value.length; remain > 0; i++, remain--)
int len = Math.min(substrLength, remain);
set.add(makeSubstringKey(value, i, len));
return set;
* Retrieve the entry IDs that might match the provided assertion.
* @param indexQuery
* The query used to retrieve entries.
* @param indexName
* The name of index used to retrieve entries.
* @param filter
* The filter on entries.
* @param debugBuffer
* If not null, a diagnostic string will be written which will help
* determine how the indexes contributed to this search.
* @param monitor
* The database environment monitor provider that will keep index
* filter usage statistics.
* @return The candidate entry IDs that might contain the filter assertion
* value.
private EntryIDSet evaluateIndexQuery(IndexQuery indexQuery, String indexName, SearchFilter filter,
StringBuilder debugBuffer, DatabaseEnvironmentMonitor monitor)
LocalizableMessageBuilder debugMessage = monitor.isFilterUseEnabled() ? new LocalizableMessageBuilder() : null;
EntryIDSet results = indexQuery.evaluate(debugMessage);
if (debugBuffer != null)
if (monitor.isFilterUseEnabled())
if (results.isDefined())
monitor.updateStats(filter, results.size());
monitor.updateStats(filter, debugMessage.toMessage());
return results;
* Retrieve the entry IDs that might match two filters that restrict a value
* to both a lower bound and an upper bound.
* @param filter1
* The first filter, that is either a less-or-equal filter or a
* greater-or-equal filter.
* @param filter2
* The second filter, that is either a less-or-equal filter or a
* greater-or-equal filter. It must not be of the same type than the
* first filter.
* @param debugBuffer
* If not null, a diagnostic string will be written which will help
* determine how the indexes contributed to this search.
* @param monitor
* The database environment monitor provider that will keep index
* filter usage statistics.
* @return The candidate entry IDs that might contain match both filters.
public EntryIDSet evaluateBoundedRange(SearchFilter filter1, SearchFilter filter2, StringBuilder debugBuffer,
DatabaseEnvironmentMonitor monitor)
// TODO : this implementation is not optimal
// as it implies two separate evaluations instead of a single one,
// thus defeating the purpose of the optimization done
// in IndexFilter#evaluateLogicalAndFilter method.
// One solution could be to implement a boundedRangeAssertion that combine
// the two operations in one.
EntryIDSet results = evaluate(filter1, debugBuffer, monitor);
EntryIDSet results2 = evaluate(filter2, debugBuffer, monitor);
return results;
private EntryIDSet evaluate(SearchFilter filter, StringBuilder debugBuffer, DatabaseEnvironmentMonitor monitor)
boolean isLessOrEqual = filter.getFilterType() == FilterType.LESS_OR_EQUAL;
IndexFilterType indexFilterType = isLessOrEqual ? IndexFilterType.LESS_OR_EQUAL : IndexFilterType.GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
return evaluateFilter(indexFilterType, filter, debugBuffer, monitor);
* Retrieve the entry IDs that might match a filter.
* @param indexFilterType the index type filter
* @param filter The filter.
* @param debugBuffer If not null, a diagnostic string will be written
* which will help determine how the indexes contributed
* to this search.
* @param monitor The database environment monitor provider that will keep
* index filter usage statistics.
* @return The candidate entry IDs that might contain a value
* that matches the filter type.
public EntryIDSet evaluateFilter(IndexFilterType indexFilterType, SearchFilter filter, StringBuilder debugBuffer,
DatabaseEnvironmentMonitor monitor)
final IndexQuery indexQuery = getIndexQuery(indexFilterType, filter);
return evaluateIndexQuery(indexQuery, indexFilterType.toString(), filter, debugBuffer, monitor);
catch (DecodeException e)
return new EntryIDSet();
private IndexQuery getIndexQuery(IndexFilterType indexFilterType, SearchFilter filter) throws DecodeException
MatchingRule rule;
Assertion assertion;
switch (indexFilterType)
rule = filter.getAttributeType().getEqualityMatchingRule();
assertion = rule.getAssertion(filter.getAssertionValue());
return assertion.createIndexQuery(indexQueryFactory);
return indexQueryFactory.createMatchAllQuery();
rule = filter.getAttributeType().getOrderingMatchingRule();
assertion = rule.getGreaterOrEqualAssertion(filter.getAssertionValue());
return assertion.createIndexQuery(indexQueryFactory);
rule = filter.getAttributeType().getOrderingMatchingRule();
assertion = rule.getLessOrEqualAssertion(filter.getAssertionValue());
return assertion.createIndexQuery(indexQueryFactory);
rule = filter.getAttributeType().getSubstringMatchingRule();
assertion = rule.getSubstringAssertion(
filter.getSubInitialElement(), filter.getSubAnyElements(), filter.getSubFinalElement());
return assertion.createIndexQuery(indexQueryFactory);
rule = filter.getAttributeType().getApproximateMatchingRule();
assertion = rule.getAssertion(filter.getAssertionValue());
return assertion.createIndexQuery(indexQueryFactory);
return null;
* Delegator to {@link ByteSequence#BYTE_ARRAY_COMPARATOR}.
* <p>
* This intermediate class is necessary to satisfy JE's requirements for a btree comparator.
* @see
public static class KeyComparator implements Comparator<byte[]>
/** The instance. */
public static final KeyComparator INSTANCE = new KeyComparator();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int compare(byte[] a, byte[] b)
return, b);
* Return the number of values that have exceeded the entry limit since this
* object was created.
* @return The number of values that have exceeded the entry limit.
public long getEntryLimitExceededCount()
long entryLimitExceededCount = 0;
for (Index index : indexIdToIndexes.values())
entryLimitExceededCount += index.getEntryLimitExceededCount();
return entryLimitExceededCount;
* Get a list of the databases opened by this attribute index.
* @param dbList A list of database containers.
public void listDatabases(List<DatabaseContainer> dbList)
* Get a string representation of this object.
* @return return A string representation of this object.
public String toString()
return getName();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(
LocalDBIndexCfg cfg, List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
if (!isIndexAcceptable(cfg, IndexType.EQUALITY, unacceptableReasons)
|| !isIndexAcceptable(cfg, IndexType.SUBSTRING, unacceptableReasons)
|| !isIndexAcceptable(cfg, IndexType.ORDERING, unacceptableReasons)
|| !isIndexAcceptable(cfg, IndexType.APPROXIMATE, unacceptableReasons))
return false;
AttributeType attrType = cfg.getAttribute();
if (cfg.getIndexType().contains(IndexType.EXTENSIBLE))
Set<String> newRules = cfg.getIndexExtensibleMatchingRule();
if (newRules == null || newRules.isEmpty())
unacceptableReasons.add(ERR_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE_NEEDS_MATCHING_RULE.get(attrType, "extensible"));
return false;
return true;
private static boolean isIndexAcceptable(LocalDBIndexCfg cfg, IndexType indexType,
List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
final AttributeType attrType = cfg.getAttribute();
if (cfg.getIndexType().contains(indexType)
&& getMatchingRule(indexType, attrType) == null)
unacceptableReasons.add(ERR_CONFIG_INDEX_TYPE_NEEDS_MATCHING_RULE.get(attrType, indexType.toString()));
return false;
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(final LocalDBIndexCfg newConfiguration)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
final IndexingOptions newIndexingOptions = new JEIndexingOptions(newConfiguration.getSubstringLength());
Map<String, Index> newIndexIdToIndexes = buildIndexes(entryContainer, newConfiguration, newIndexingOptions);
final Map<String, Index> removedIndexes = new HashMap<>(indexIdToIndexes);
final Map<String, Index> addedIndexes = new HashMap<>(newIndexIdToIndexes);
final Map<String, Index> updatedIndexes = new HashMap<>(indexIdToIndexes);
// Replace instances of Index created by buildIndexes() with the one already opened and present in the actual
// indexIdToIndexes
// Open added indexes *before* adding them to indexIdToIndexes
for (Index addedIndex : addedIndexes.values())
openIndex(addedIndex, ccr);
indexConfig = newConfiguration;
indexingOptions = newIndexingOptions;
indexIdToIndexes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(newIndexIdToIndexes);
indexQueryFactory = new IndexQueryFactoryImpl(indexIdToIndexes, indexingOptions, indexConfig.getAttribute());
// FIXME: There is no guarantee here that deleted index are not currently involved in a query
for (Index removedIndex : removedIndexes.values())
deleteIndex(entryContainer, removedIndex);
for (Index updatedIndex : updatedIndexes.values())
updateIndex(updatedIndex, newConfiguration.getIndexEntryLimit(), ccr);
catch (Exception e)
return ccr;
private static void openIndex(Index index, ConfigChangeResult ccr)
if (!index.isTrusted())
private static void updateIndex(Index updatedIndex, int newIndexEntryLimit, ConfigChangeResult ccr)
if (updatedIndex.setIndexEntryLimit(newIndexEntryLimit))
// This index can still be used since index size limit doesn't impact validity of the results.
private static void deleteIndex(EntryContainer entryContainer, Index index)
* Return true iff this index is trusted.
* @return the trusted state of this index
public boolean isTrusted()
for (Index index : indexIdToIndexes.values())
if (!index.isTrusted())
return false;
return true;
* Get the JE database name prefix for indexes in this attribute index.
* @return JE database name for this database container.
public String getName()
return entryContainer.getDatabasePrefix()
+ "_"
+ indexConfig.getAttribute().getNameOrOID();
Index getIndex(String indexID) {
return indexIdToIndexes.get(indexID);
* Retrieves all the indexes used by this attribute index.
* @return An immutable collection of all indexes in use by this attribute
* index.
public Collection<Index> getAllIndexes() {
return indexIdToIndexes.values();
* Retrieve the entry IDs that might match an extensible filter.
* @param filter The extensible filter.
* @param debugBuffer If not null, a diagnostic string will be written
* which will help determine how the indexes contributed
* to this search.
* @param monitor The database environment monitor provider that will keep
* index filter usage statistics.
* @return The candidate entry IDs that might contain the filter
* assertion value.
public EntryIDSet evaluateExtensibleFilter(SearchFilter filter,
StringBuilder debugBuffer,
DatabaseEnvironmentMonitor monitor)
//Get the Matching Rule OID of the filter.
String matchRuleOID = filter.getMatchingRuleID();
* Use the default equality index in two conditions:
* 1. There is no matching rule provided
* 2. The matching rule specified is actually the default equality.
MatchingRule eqRule = indexConfig.getAttribute().getEqualityMatchingRule();
if (matchRuleOID == null
|| matchRuleOID.equals(eqRule.getOID())
|| matchRuleOID.equalsIgnoreCase(eqRule.getNameOrOID()))
//No matching rule is defined; use the default equality matching rule.
return evaluateFilter(IndexFilterType.EQUALITY, filter, debugBuffer, monitor);
MatchingRule rule = DirectoryServer.getMatchingRule(matchRuleOID);
if (!ruleHasAtLeasOneIndex(rule))
if (monitor.isFilterUseEnabled())
monitor.updateStats(filter, INFO_INDEX_FILTER_MATCHING_RULE_NOT_INDEXED.get(
matchRuleOID, indexConfig.getAttribute().getNameOrOID()));
return IndexQuery.createNullIndexQuery().evaluate(null);
if (debugBuffer != null)
for (org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.Indexer indexer : rule.createIndexers(indexingOptions))
debugBuffer.append(" ")
final IndexQuery indexQuery = rule.getAssertion(filter.getAssertionValue()).createIndexQuery(indexQueryFactory);
LocalizableMessageBuilder debugMessage = monitor.isFilterUseEnabled() ? new LocalizableMessageBuilder() : null;
EntryIDSet results = indexQuery.evaluate(debugMessage);
if (monitor.isFilterUseEnabled())
if (results.isDefined())
monitor.updateStats(filter, results.size());
monitor.updateStats(filter, debugMessage.toMessage());
return results;
catch (DecodeException e)
return IndexQuery.createNullIndexQuery().evaluate(null);
private boolean ruleHasAtLeasOneIndex(MatchingRule rule)
for (org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.spi.Indexer indexer : rule.createIndexers(indexingOptions))
if (indexIdToIndexes.containsKey(indexer.getIndexID()))
return true;
return false;
/** This class extends the IndexConfig for JE Backend. */
private static final class JEIndexingOptions implements IndexingOptions
/** The length of the substring index. */
private int substringLength;
* Creates a new JEIndexConfig instance.
* @param substringLength The length of the substring.
private JEIndexingOptions(int substringLength)
this.substringLength = substringLength;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public int substringKeySize()
return substringLength;