revision c0a5d19fa897c532ced3e13e01f18f869270e9a0
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at legal-notices/CDDLv1_0.txt
* or
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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* Portions Copyright 2012-2015 ForgeRock AS.
package org.opends.server.backends;
import static org.opends.messages.BackendMessages.*;
import static org.opends.messages.ConfigMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.config.ConfigConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.ServerConstants.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigChangeResult;
import org.forgerock.opendj.config.server.ConfigException;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ByteString;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ConditionResult;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.ResultCode;
import org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.SearchScope;
import org.forgerock.util.Reject;
import org.opends.server.admin.server.ConfigurationChangeListener;
import org.opends.server.admin.std.server.MonitorBackendCfg;
import org.opends.server.api.Backend;
import org.opends.server.api.MonitorProvider;
import org.opends.server.config.ConfigEntry;
import org.opends.server.core.*;
import org.opends.server.types.*;
import org.opends.server.util.DynamicConstants;
import org.opends.server.util.LDIFWriter;
import org.opends.server.util.TimeThread;
* This class defines a backend to hold Directory Server monitor entries. It
* will not actually store anything, but upon request will retrieve the
* requested monitor and dynamically generate the associated entry. It will also
* construct a base monitor entry with some useful server-wide data.
public class MonitorBackend extends Backend<MonitorBackendCfg> implements
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
* The set of user-defined attributes that will be included in the base
* monitor entry.
private ArrayList<Attribute> userDefinedAttributes;
/** The set of objectclasses that will be used in monitor entries. */
private final HashMap<ObjectClass, String> monitorObjectClasses = new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(2);
/** The DN of the configuration entry for this backend. */
private DN configEntryDN;
/** The current configuration state. */
private MonitorBackendCfg currentConfig;
/** The DN for the base monitor entry. */
private DN baseMonitorDN;
/** The set of base DNs for this backend. */
private DN[] baseDNs;
* Creates a new backend with the provided information. All backend
* implementations must implement a default constructor that use
* <CODE>super()</CODE> to invoke this constructor.
public MonitorBackend()
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void addEntry(final Entry entry, final AddOperation addOperation)
throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
ERR_BACKEND_ADD_NOT_SUPPORTED.get(entry.getName(), getBackendID()));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ConfigChangeResult applyConfigurationChange(
final MonitorBackendCfg backendCfg)
final ConfigChangeResult ccr = new ConfigChangeResult();
// Check to see if there is a new set of user-defined attributes.
final ArrayList<Attribute> userAttrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
final ConfigEntry configEntry = DirectoryServer
for (final List<Attribute> attrs : configEntry.getEntry()
for (final Attribute a : attrs)
if (!isMonitorConfigAttribute(a))
for (final List<Attribute> attrs : configEntry.getEntry()
for (final Attribute a : attrs)
if (!isMonitorConfigAttribute(a))
catch (final Exception e)
configEntryDN, stackTraceToSingleLineString(e)));
userDefinedAttributes = userAttrs;
currentConfig = backendCfg;
return ccr;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void configureBackend(final MonitorBackendCfg config, ServerContext serverContext)
throws ConfigException
final MonitorBackendCfg cfg = config;
final ConfigEntry configEntry = DirectoryServer.getConfigEntry(cfg.dn());
// Make sure that a configuration entry was provided. If not, then we will
// not be able to complete initialization.
if (configEntry == null)
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_MONITOR_CONFIG_ENTRY_NULL.get();
throw new ConfigException(message);
configEntryDN = configEntry.getDN();
// Get the set of user-defined attributes for the configuration entry. Any
// attributes that we don't recognize will be included directly in the base
// monitor entry.
userDefinedAttributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
addAll(userDefinedAttributes, configEntry.getEntry().getUserAttributes().values());
addAll(userDefinedAttributes, configEntry.getEntry().getOperationalAttributes().values());
// Construct the set of objectclasses to include in the base monitor entry.
final ObjectClass topOC = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(OC_TOP, true);
monitorObjectClasses.put(topOC, OC_TOP);
final ObjectClass monitorOC = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(
monitorObjectClasses.put(monitorOC, OC_MONITOR_ENTRY);
// Create the set of base DNs that we will handle. In this case, it's just
// the DN of the base monitor entry.
baseMonitorDN = DN.valueOf(DN_MONITOR_ROOT);
catch (final Exception e)
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_MONITOR_CANNOT_DECODE_MONITOR_ROOT_DN
throw new ConfigException(message, e);
// FIXME -- Deal with this more correctly.
this.baseDNs = new DN[] { baseMonitorDN };
currentConfig = cfg;
private void addAll(ArrayList<Attribute> attributes, Collection<List<Attribute>> attributesToAdd)
for (final List<Attribute> attrs : attributesToAdd)
for (final Attribute a : attrs)
if (!isMonitorConfigAttribute(a))
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void createBackup(final BackupConfig backupConfig)
throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void deleteEntry(final DN entryDN,
final DeleteOperation deleteOperation) throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean entryExists(final DN entryDN) throws DirectoryException
return getDIT().containsKey(entryDN);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void exportLDIF(final LDIFExportConfig exportConfig)
throws DirectoryException
// TODO export-ldif reports nonsense for upTime etc.
// Create the LDIF writer.
LDIFWriter ldifWriter;
ldifWriter = new LDIFWriter(exportConfig);
catch (final Exception e)
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_ROOTDSE_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LDIF_WRITER
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);
// Write the base monitor entry to the LDIF.
catch (final Exception e)
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_MONITOR_UNABLE_TO_EXPORT_BASE
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);
// Get all the monitor providers, convert them to entries, and write them to
// LDIF.
for (final MonitorProvider<?> monitorProvider : DirectoryServer
// TODO implementation of export is incomplete
catch (final Exception e)
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_MONITOR_UNABLE_TO_EXPORT_PROVIDER_ENTRY
.get(monitorProvider.getMonitorInstanceName(), stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
throw new DirectoryException(
DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(), message);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void closeBackend()
catch (final Exception e)
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public DN[] getBaseDNs()
return baseDNs;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Entry getEntry(final DN entryDN) throws DirectoryException
// If the requested entry was null, then throw an exception.
if (entryDN == null)
throw new DirectoryException(DirectoryServer.getServerErrorResultCode(),
// If the requested entry was the monitor base entry, then retrieve it
// without constructing the DIT.
if (entryDN.equals(baseMonitorDN))
return getBaseMonitorEntry();
// From now on we'll need the DIT.
final Map<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> dit = getDIT();
if (!dit.containsKey(entryDN))
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT,
ERR_MONITOR_INVALID_BASE.get(entryDN, baseMonitorDN));
// The DN is associated with a valid monitor/glue entry.
return getEntry(entryDN, dit);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public long getEntryCount()
return getDIT().size();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Set<String> getSupportedControls()
return Collections.emptySet();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Set<String> getSupportedFeatures()
return Collections.emptySet();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ConditionResult hasSubordinates(final DN entryDN)
throws DirectoryException
final NavigableMap<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> dit = getDIT();
if (dit.containsKey(entryDN))
final DN nextDN = dit.higherKey(entryDN);
return ConditionResult.valueOf(nextDN != null && nextDN.isDescendantOf(entryDN));
return ConditionResult.UNDEFINED;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public LDIFImportResult importLDIF(final LDIFImportConfig importConfig, ServerContext serverContext)
throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void openBackend() throws ConfigException, InitializationException
// Register with the Directory Server as a configurable component.
// Register the monitor base as a private suffix.
DirectoryServer.registerBaseDN(baseMonitorDN, this, true);
catch (final Exception e)
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKEND_CANNOT_REGISTER_BASEDN.get(
baseMonitorDN, getExceptionMessage(e));
throw new InitializationException(message, e);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isConfigurationChangeAcceptable(
final MonitorBackendCfg backendCfg,
final List<LocalizableMessage> unacceptableReasons)
// We'll pretty much accept anything here as long as it isn't one of our
// private attributes.
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isIndexed(final AttributeType attributeType,
final IndexType indexType)
// All searches in this backend will always be considered indexed.
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public long numSubordinates(final DN entryDN, final boolean subtree)
throws DirectoryException
final NavigableMap<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> dit = getDIT();
if (!dit.containsKey(entryDN))
return -1L;
long count = 0;
final int childDNSize = entryDN.size() + 1;
for (final DN dn : dit.tailMap(entryDN, false).navigableKeySet())
if (!dn.isDescendantOf(entryDN))
else if (subtree || dn.size() == childDNSize)
return count;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void preloadEntryCache() throws UnsupportedOperationException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation not supported.");
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void removeBackup(final BackupDirectory backupDirectory,
final String backupID) throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void renameEntry(final DN currentDN, final Entry entry,
final ModifyDNOperation modifyDNOperation) throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void replaceEntry(final Entry oldEntry, final Entry newEntry,
final ModifyOperation modifyOperation) throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
ERR_MONITOR_MODIFY_NOT_SUPPORTED.get(newEntry.getName(), configEntryDN));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void restoreBackup(final RestoreConfig restoreConfig)
throws DirectoryException
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM,
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void search(final SearchOperation searchOperation)
throws DirectoryException
// Get the base DN, scope, and filter for the search.
final DN baseDN = searchOperation.getBaseDN();
final SearchScope scope = searchOperation.getScope();
final SearchFilter filter = searchOperation.getFilter();
// Compute the current monitor DIT.
final NavigableMap<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> dit = getDIT();
// Resolve the base entry and return no such object if it does not exist.
if (!dit.containsKey(baseDN))
// Not found, so find the nearest match.
DN matchedDN = baseDN.parent();
while (matchedDN != null)
if (dit.containsKey(matchedDN))
matchedDN = matchedDN.parent();
final LocalizableMessage message = ERR_BACKEND_ENTRY_DOESNT_EXIST.get(baseDN, getBackendID());
throw new DirectoryException(ResultCode.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, message,
matchedDN, null);
// Walk through all entries and send the ones that match.
for (final Map.Entry<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> e : dit.tailMap(baseDN).entrySet())
final DN dn = e.getKey();
if (dn.matchesBaseAndScope(baseDN, scope))
final Entry entry = getEntry(dn, dit);
if (filter.matchesEntry(entry))
searchOperation.returnEntry(entry, null);
else if (scope == SearchScope.BASE_OBJECT || !dn.isDescendantOf(baseDN))
// No more entries will be in scope.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean supports(BackendOperation backendOperation)
// We can export all the monitor entries as a point-in-time snapshot.
// TODO implementation of export is incomplete
// TODO export-ldif reports nonsense for upTime etc.
return false;
* Retrieves the base monitor entry for the Directory Server.
* @return The base monitor entry for the Directory Server.
private Entry getBaseMonitorEntry()
final ObjectClass extensibleObjectOC = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(OC_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT_LC, true);
final HashMap<ObjectClass, String> monitorClasses = newObjectClasses(extensibleObjectOC, OC_EXTENSIBLE_OBJECT);
final HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> monitorUserAttrs =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>();
final HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> monitorOperationalAttrs =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>();
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_COMMON_NAME, "monitor"));
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_PRODUCT_NAME, DynamicConstants.PRODUCT_NAME));
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_VENDOR_NAME, SERVER_VENDOR_NAME));
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_VENDOR_VERSION, DirectoryServer.getVersionString()));
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_START_TIME, DirectoryServer.getStartTimeUTC()));
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_CURRENT_TIME, TimeThread.getGMTTime()));
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_UP_TIME, getHumanReadableUpTime()));
// Add the number of connections currently established.
final long currentConns = DirectoryServer.getCurrentConnections();
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_CURRENT_CONNS, String.valueOf(currentConns)));
// Add the maximum number of connections established at one time.
final long maxConns = DirectoryServer.getMaxConnections();
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_MAX_CONNS, String.valueOf(maxConns)));
// Add the total number of connections the server has accepted.
final long totalConns = DirectoryServer.getTotalConnections();
put(monitorUserAttrs, Attributes.create(ATTR_TOTAL_CONNS, String.valueOf(totalConns)));
// Add all the user-defined attributes.
for (final Attribute a : userDefinedAttributes)
final AttributeType type = a.getAttributeType();
final HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrsMap =
type.isOperational() ? monitorOperationalAttrs : monitorUserAttrs;
List<Attribute> attrs = attrsMap.get(type);
if (attrs == null)
attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
attrsMap.put(type, attrs);
return newEntry(baseMonitorDN, monitorClasses, monitorUserAttrs, monitorOperationalAttrs);
private String getHumanReadableUpTime()
long upSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - DirectoryServer.getStartTime()) / 1000;
final long upDays = upSeconds / 86400;
upSeconds %= 86400;
final long upHours = upSeconds / 3600;
upSeconds %= 3600;
final long upMinutes = upSeconds / 60;
upSeconds %= 60;
return INFO_MONITOR_UPTIME.get(upDays, upHours, upMinutes, upSeconds).toString();
private void put(final HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrsMap, final Attribute attr)
attrsMap.put(attr.getAttributeType(), toList(attr));
private ArrayList<Attribute> toList(final Attribute attr)
final ArrayList<Attribute> results = new ArrayList<Attribute>(1);
return results;
* Retrieves the branch monitor entry for the Directory Server.
* @param dn
* to get.
* @return The branch monitor entry for the Directory Server.
private Entry getBranchMonitorEntry(final DN dn)
final ObjectClass monitorOC = DirectoryServer.getObjectClass(OC_MONITOR_BRANCH, true);
final HashMap<ObjectClass, String> monitorClasses = newObjectClasses(monitorOC, OC_MONITOR_BRANCH);
final HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> monitorUserAttrs =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>();
final RDN rdn = dn.rdn();
if (rdn != null)
// Add the RDN values
for (int i = 0; i < rdn.getNumValues(); i++)
final AttributeType attributeType = rdn.getAttributeType(i);
final ByteString value = rdn.getAttributeValue(attributeType);
final Attribute attr = Attributes.create(attributeType, value);
monitorUserAttrs.put(attributeType, toList(attr));
return newEntry(dn, monitorClasses, monitorUserAttrs, null);
* Returns a map containing records for each DN in the monitor backend's DIT.
* Each record maps the entry DN to the associated monitor provider, or
* {@code null} if the entry is a glue (branch) entry.
* @return A map containing records for each DN in the monitor backend's DIT.
private NavigableMap<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> getDIT()
final NavigableMap<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> dit =
new TreeMap<DN, MonitorProvider<?>>();
for (final MonitorProvider<?> monitorProvider : DirectoryServer
DN dn = DirectoryServer.getMonitorProviderDN(monitorProvider);
dit.put(dn, monitorProvider);
// Added glue records.
for (dn = dn.parent(); dn != null; dn = dn.parent())
if (dit.containsKey(dn))
dit.put(dn, null);
return dit;
* Creates the monitor entry having the specified DN.
* @param entryDN
* The name of the monitor entry.
* @param dit
* The monitor DIT.
* @return Returns the monitor entry having the specified DN.
private Entry getEntry(final DN entryDN,
final Map<DN, MonitorProvider<?>> dit)
// Get the monitor provider.
final MonitorProvider<?> monitorProvider = dit.get(entryDN);
if (monitorProvider != null)
return getMonitorEntry(entryDN, monitorProvider);
else if (entryDN.equals(baseMonitorDN))
// The monitor base entry needs special treatment.
return getBaseMonitorEntry();
// Create a generic glue branch entry.
return getBranchMonitorEntry(entryDN);
* Generates and returns a monitor entry based on the contents of the provided
* monitor provider.
* @param entryDN
* The DN to use for the entry.
* @param monitorProvider
* The monitor provider to use to obtain the information for the
* entry.
* @return The monitor entry generated from the information in the provided
* monitor provider.
private Entry getMonitorEntry(final DN entryDN,
final MonitorProvider<?> monitorProvider)
final ObjectClass monitorOC = monitorProvider.getMonitorObjectClass();
final HashMap<ObjectClass, String> monitorClasses = newObjectClasses(monitorOC, monitorOC.getPrimaryName());
final List<Attribute> monitorAttrs = monitorProvider.getMonitorData();
final HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> attrMap =
new LinkedHashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(
monitorAttrs.size() + 1);
// Make sure to include the RDN attribute.
final RDN entryRDN = entryDN.rdn();
final AttributeType rdnType = entryRDN.getAttributeType(0);
final ByteString rdnValue = entryRDN.getAttributeValue(0);
attrMap.put(rdnType, toList(Attributes.create(rdnType, rdnValue)));
// Take the rest of the information from the monitor data.
for (final Attribute a : monitorAttrs)
final AttributeType type = a.getAttributeType();
List<Attribute> attrs = attrMap.get(type);
if (attrs == null)
attrs = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
attrMap.put(type, attrs);
return newEntry(entryDN, monitorClasses, attrMap, new HashMap<AttributeType, List<Attribute>>(0));
private HashMap<ObjectClass, String> newObjectClasses(ObjectClass objectClass, String objectClassName)
final HashMap<ObjectClass, String> monitorClasses =
new LinkedHashMap<ObjectClass, String>(monitorObjectClasses.size() + 1);
monitorClasses.put(objectClass, objectClassName);
return monitorClasses;
private Entry newEntry(final DN dn, final Map<ObjectClass, String> objectClasses,
final Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> userAttrs, Map<AttributeType, List<Attribute>> opAttrs)
final Entry e = new Entry(dn, objectClasses, userAttrs, opAttrs);
return e;
* Indicates whether the provided attribute is one that is used in the
* configuration of this backend.
* @param attribute
* The attribute for which to make the determination.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the provided attribute is one that is used in
* the configuration of this backend, <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
private boolean isMonitorConfigAttribute(final Attribute attribute)
final AttributeType attrType = attribute.getAttributeType();
return attrType.hasName(ATTR_COMMON_NAME)
|| attrType.hasName(ATTR_BACKEND_ENABLED.toLowerCase())
|| attrType.hasName(ATTR_BACKEND_CLASS.toLowerCase())
|| attrType.hasName(ATTR_BACKEND_BASE_DN.toLowerCase())
|| attrType.hasName(ATTR_BACKEND_ID.toLowerCase())
|| attrType.hasName(ATTR_BACKEND_WRITABILITY_MODE.toLowerCase());