DNS.java revision e3fed6978fb8085b119df2966b5c27785756d70b
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package org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat;
import static org.opends.messages.AccessControlMessages.*;
import static org.opends.server.authorization.dseecompat.Aci.*;
import static org.opends.server.util.StaticUtils.*;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.forgerock.i18n.LocalizableMessage;
import org.forgerock.i18n.slf4j.LocalizedLogger;
* This class implements the dns bind rule keyword.
public class DNS implements KeywordBindRule {
private static final LocalizedLogger logger = LocalizedLogger.getLoggerForThisClass();
/** List of patterns to match against. */
private List<String> patterns = null;
/** The enumeration representing the bind rule type of the DNS rule. */
private EnumBindRuleType type=null;
/** Regular expression group used to match a dns rule. */
private static final String valueRegex = "([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-\\*]+)";
/** Regular expression group used to match one or more DNS values. */
private static final String valuesRegExGroup =
"(," + ZERO_OR_MORE_WHITESPACE + valueRegex + ")*";
* Create a class representing a dns bind rule keyword.
* @param patterns List of dns patterns to match against.
* @param type An enumeration representing the bind rule type.
DNS(List<String> patterns, EnumBindRuleType type) {
* Decode an string representing a dns bind rule.
* @param expr A string representation of the bind rule.
* @param type An enumeration representing the bind rule type.
* @return A keyword bind rule class that can be used to evaluate
* this bind rule.
* @throws AciException If the expression string is invalid.
public static DNS decode(String expr, EnumBindRuleType type)
throws AciException
if (!Pattern.matches(valuesRegExGroup, expr)) {
LocalizableMessage message = WARN_ACI_SYNTAX_INVALID_DNS_EXPRESSION.get(expr);
throw new AciException(message);
List<String> dns = new LinkedList<String>();
int valuePos = 1;
Pattern valuePattern = Pattern.compile(valueRegex);
Matcher valueMatcher = valuePattern.matcher(expr);
while (valueMatcher.find()) {
String hn=valueMatcher.group(valuePos);
String[] hnArray=hn.split("\\.", -1);
for(int i=1, n=hnArray.length; i < n; i++) {
if(hnArray[i].equals("*")) {
LocalizableMessage message =
throw new AciException(message);
// If the provided hostname does not contain any wildcard
// characters, then it must be the canonical hostname for the
// associated IP address. If it is not, then it will not match the
// intended target, and we should generate a warning message to let
// the administrator know about it. If the provided value does not
// match the canonical name for the associated IP address, and the
// given hostname is "localhost", then we should treat it specially
// and also match the canonical hostname. This is necessary because
// "localhost" is likely to be very commonly used in these kinds of
// rules and on some systems the canonical representation is
// configured to be "localhost.localdomain" which may not be known
// to the administrator.
if (!hn.contains("*"))
for (InetAddress addr : InetAddress.getAllByName(hn))
String canonicalName = addr.getCanonicalHostName();
if (! hn.equalsIgnoreCase(canonicalName))
if (hn.equalsIgnoreCase("localhost") &&
(! dns.contains(canonicalName)))
logger.warn(WARN_ACI_LOCALHOST_DOESNT_MATCH_CANONICAL_VALUE, expr, hn, canonicalName);
logger.warn(WARN_ACI_HOSTNAME_DOESNT_MATCH_CANONICAL_VALUE, expr, hn, addr.getHostAddress(),
catch (Exception e)
logger.warn(WARN_ACI_ERROR_CHECKING_CANONICAL_HOSTNAME, hn, expr, getExceptionMessage(e));
return new DNS(dns, type);
* Performs evaluation of dns keyword bind rule using the provided
* evaluation context.
* @param evalCtx An evaluation context to use in the evaluation.
* @return An enumeration evaluation result.
public EnumEvalResult evaluate(AciEvalContext evalCtx) {
EnumEvalResult matched=EnumEvalResult.FALSE;
String[] remoteHost = evalCtx.getHostName().split("\\.", -1);
for(String p : patterns) {
String[] pat = p.split("\\.", -1);
if(evalHostName(remoteHost, pat)) {
return matched.getRet(type, false);
* Checks an array containing the remote client's hostname against
* patterns specified in the bind rule expression. Wild-cards are
* only permitted in the leftmost field and the rest of the domain
* name array components must match. A single wild-card matches any
* hostname.
* @param remoteHostName Array containing components of the remote clients
* hostname (split on ".").
* @param pat An array containing the pattern specified in
* the bind rule expression. The first array slot may be a wild-card "*".
* @return True if the remote hostname matches the pattern.
boolean evalHostName(String[] remoteHostName, String[] pat) {
boolean wildCard=pat[0].equals("*");
//Check if there is a single wild-card.
if(pat.length == 1 && wildCard)
return true;
int remoteHnIndex=remoteHostName.length-pat.length;
if(remoteHnIndex < 0)
return false;
int patternIndex=0;
else {
for(int i=remoteHnIndex ;i<remoteHostName.length;i++)
return false;
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public final void toString(StringBuilder buffer) {