sec-formatting-conventions.xml revision 3b574cd1ee8b7536278db5241e8aef5155e371d3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<section xml:id="formatting-conventions"
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Formatting Conventions</title>
<para>Some items are formatted differently from other text, like
<filename>filenames</filename>, <command>commands</command>, and
<literal>literal values</literal>.</para>
<screen>$ echo Command line sessions are formatted with lines folded for easier reading.
In HTML documents click the [-] image for a flat, copy-paste version. Click
the [+] image for an expanded, line-wrapped version. &gt; /dev/null</screen>
<para>In many cases, sections pertaining to UNIX, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, BSD,
and so forth are marked (UNIX). Sections pertaining to Microsoft Windows
might be marked (Windows). To avoid repetition, however, file system
directory names are often given only in UNIX format as in
<filename>/path/to/opendj</filename>, even if the text applies to
<filename>C:\path\to\opendj</filename> as well.</para>
<para>Absolute path names usually begin with the placeholder
<filename>/path/to/</filename>, which might translate to
<filename>/opt/</filename>, <filename>C:\Program Files\</filename>, or
somewhere else on your system. Unless you install from native packages,
you create this location before you install.</para>
<programlisting language='java'>class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) {
System.out.println("This is a program listing.");