chap-compatibility.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
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<chapter xml:id='chap-compatibility'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>OpenDJ Compatibility</title>
This chapter covers both major changes to existing functionality,
and also deprecated and removed functionality.
<section xml:id="changed-functionality">
<title>Important Changes to Existing Functionality</title>
Take the following changes into account
when upgrading to OpenDJ ${docTargetVersion}.
TODO: Update for next release
LDAP SDK ${sdkDocTargetVersion}
<filename>makeldif.template</filename> files
are not backwards-compatible
with the OpenDJ directory server <command>make-ldif</command> command.
When specifying a branch in LDAP SDK <command>makeldif</command> templates,
you must now also specify the object classes for the branch.
Server <command>make-ldif</command> templates require branch specifications
that do not specify the object classes for the branch.
<para>The following global ACI settings have changed.</para>
<para>The attribute <literal>debugsearchindex</literal> has also been
added to the list of attributes that are not allowed in the "Anonymous
read access" global ACI.</para>
When you upgrade from earlier versions of OpenDJ, however,
the previous <literal>global-aci</literal> settings are not updated.
To apply the changes manually,
change the relevant <literal>global-aci</literal> settings
by using the <command>dsconfig</command> command.
An example of how to change a <literal>global-aci</literal> property
can be found in the <citetitle>Administration Guide</citetitle> section,
><citetitle>ACI: Disable Anonymous Access</citetitle></link>.
<!-- Not yet
<para>The <command>ldif-diff</command> command has been renamed
<command>ldifdiff</command>, and the <option>-\-outputLDIF</option>,
<option>-\-overwriteExisting</option>, <option>-\-sourceLDIF</option>,
<option>-\-targetLDIF</option> options have been dropped in favor of a
format closer to that of the <command>diff</command> command.</para>
<section xml:id="deprecated-functionality">
<title>Deprecated Functionality</title>
TODO: Update for next release
<section xml:id="removed-functionality">
<title>Removed Functionality</title>
TODO: Update for next release
Native packages in SVR4 format for Solaris are not provided at this time.