man-start-ds.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
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<refentry xml:id='start-ds-1'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<info><copyright><year>2011-2014</year><holder>ForgeRock AS</holder></copyright></info>
<refmiscinfo class="software">OpenDJ</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="version"><?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></refmiscinfo>
<refpurpose>start OpenDJ directory server</refpurpose>
<arg choice="opt">options</arg>
<para>This utility can be used to start the directory server, as well as to
obtain the server version and other forms of general server
<para>The following options are supported.</para>
<term><option>-L, --useLastKnownGoodConfig</option></term>
<para>Attempt to start using the configuration that was in place at the
last successful startup (if it is available) rather than using the current
active configuration.</para>
<term><option>-N, --nodetach</option></term>
<para>Do not detach from the terminal and continue running in the
foreground. This option cannot be used with the -t, --timeout
<term><option>-Q, --quiet</option></term>
<para>Use quiet mode.</para>
<term><option>-s, --systemInfo</option></term>
<para>Display general system information.</para>
<term><option>-t, --timeout {seconds}</option></term>
<para>Maximum time (in seconds) to wait before the command returns (the
server continues the startup process, regardless). A value of '0'
indicates an infinite timeout, which means that the command returns only
when the server startup is completed. The default value is 60 seconds.
This option cannot be used with the -N, --nodetach option.</para>
<para>Default value: 200</para>
<term><option>-V, --version</option></term>
<para>Display version information.</para>
<term><option>-?, -H, --help</option></term>
<para>Display usage information.</para>
<title>Exit Codes</title>
<para>The command completed successfully.</para>
<term>&gt; 0</term>
<para>An error occurred.</para>
<para>The following command starts the server without displaying
information about the startup process.</para>
$ <userinput>start-ds -Q</userinput>