man-ldapsearch.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
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<refentry xml:id='ldapsearch-1'
version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<info><copyright><year>2011-2015</year><holder>ForgeRock AS.</holder></copyright></info>
<refmiscinfo class="software">OpenDJ</refmiscinfo>
<refmiscinfo class="version"><?eval ${docTargetVersion}?></refmiscinfo>
<refpurpose>perform LDAP search operations</refpurpose>
<arg choice="req">options</arg>
<arg choice="opt">filter</arg>
<arg choice="opt" rep="repeat">attributes</arg>
<para>This utility can be used to perform LDAP search operations in the
<para>The following options are supported.</para>
<term><option>-a, --dereferencePolicy {dereferencePolicy}</option></term>
<para>Alias dereference policy ('never', 'always', 'search', or 'find')</para>
<para>Default value: never</para>
<term><option>-A, --typesOnly</option></term>
<para>Only retrieve attribute names but not their values</para>
<term><option>--assertionFilter {filter}</option></term>
<para>Use the LDAP assertion control with the provided filter</para>
<term><option>-b, --baseDN {baseDN}</option></term>
<para>Base DN format string</para>
<term><option>-c, --continueOnError</option></term>
<para>Continue processing even if there are errors</para>
<term><option>-C, --persistentSearch ps[:changetype[:changesonly[:entrychgcontrols]]]</option></term>
<para>Use the persistent search control</para>
A persistent search allows the client to continue receiving new results
whenever changes are made to data that is in the scope of the search,
thus using the search as a form of change notification.
The optional <literal>changetype</literal> setting defines
the kinds of updates that result in notification.
By default the <literal>changetype</literal> is not set.
Send notifications for LDAP add operations.
Send notifications for LDAP delete operations.
Send notifications for LDAP modify operations.
Send notifications for LDAP modify DN (rename and move) operations.
Send notifications for all LDAP update operations.
The optional <literal>changesonly</literal> setting defines
whether the server returns existing entries as well as changes.
Do not return existing entries,
but instead only notifications about changes.
This is the default setting.
Also return existing entries.
The optional <literal>entrychgcontrols</literal> setting defines
whether the server returns an Entry Change Notification control
with each entry notification.
The Entry Change Notification control provides additional information
about the change that caused the entry to be returned by the search.
In particular, it indicates the change type,
the change number if available,
and the previous DN if the change type was a modify DN operation.
Do request the Entry Change Notification control.
This is the default setting.
Do not request the Entry Change Notification control.
<para>Count the number of entries returned by the server</para>
<term><option>-e, --getEffectiveRightsAttribute {attribute}</option></term>
<para>Specifies geteffectiverights control specific attribute list</para>
<term><option>-f, --filename {file}</option></term>
<para>LDIF file containing the changes to apply</para>
<term><option>-g, --getEffectiveRightsAuthzid {authzID}</option></term>
<para>Use geteffectiverights control with the provided authzid</para>
<term><option>-G, --virtualListView {before:after:index:count | before:after:value}</option></term>
<para>Use the virtual list view control to retrieve the specified results page</para>
<term><option>-J, --control {controloid[:criticality[:value|::b64value|:&lt;filePath]]}</option></term>
<para>Use a request control with the provided information</para>
For some <replaceable>controloid</replaceable> values,
you can replace object identifiers with user-friendly strings.
The strings are listed here in lower case, but the case is not important.
You can use camelCase if you prefer, for example.
<para>Account Usability Control, Object Identifier:</para>
<para>Authorization Identity Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16</para>
<para>Get Effective Rights Request Control, Object Identifier:</para>
<para>Manage DSAIT Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2</para>
<para>No-Op Control, Object Identifier:</para>
<para>Password Policy Control, Object Identifier:</para>
<para>Real Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.17</para>
<para>Subtree Delete Request Control, Object Identifier: 1.2.840.113556.1.4.805</para>
<para>Virtual Attributes Only Request Control, Object Identifier: 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.19</para>
<term><option>-l, --timeLimit {timeLimit}</option></term>
<para>Maximum length of time in seconds to allow for the search</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<term><option>--matchedValuesFilter {filter}</option></term>
<para>Use the LDAP matched values control with the provided filter</para>
<term><option>-n, --dry-run</option></term>
<para>Show what would be done but do not perform any operation</para>
<term><option>-s, --searchScope {searchScope}</option></term>
<para>Search scope ('base', 'one', 'sub', or 'subordinate')</para>
<para>Default value: sub</para>
<para><literal>subordinate</literal> is an LDAP extension that might
not work with all LDAP servers.</para>
<term><option>-S, --sortOrder {sortOrder}</option></term>
<para>Sort the results using the provided sort order</para>
<term><option>--simplePageSize {numEntries}</option></term>
<para>Use the simple paged results control with the given page size</para>
<para>Default value: 1000</para>
<para>Use subentries control to specify that subentries are visible and
normal entries are not</para>
<term><option>-Y, --proxyAs {authzID}</option></term>
<para>Use the proxied authorization control with the given authorization
<term><option>-z, --sizeLimit {sizeLimit}</option></term>
<para>Maximum number of entries to return from the search</para>
<para>Default value: 0</para>
<title>LDAP Connection Options</title>
<term><option>--connectTimeout {timeout}</option></term>
<para>Maximum length of time (in milliseconds) that can be taken to
establish a connection. Use '0' to specify no time out.</para>
<para>Default value: 30000</para>
<term><option>-D, --bindDN {bindDN}</option></term>
<para>DN to use to bind to the server</para>
<para>Default value: cn=Directory Manager</para>
<term><option>-E, --reportAuthzID</option></term>
<para>Use the authorization identity control</para>
<term><option>-h, --hostname {host}</option></term>
<para>Directory server hostname or IP address</para>
<para>Default value: localhost.localdomain</para>
<term><option>-j, --bindPasswordFile {bindPasswordFile}</option></term>
<para>Bind password file</para>
<term><option>-K, --keyStorePath {keyStorePath}</option></term>
<para> Certificate key store path</para>
<term><option>-N, --certNickname {nickname}</option></term>
<para>Nickname of certificate for SSL client authentication</para>
<term><option>-o, --saslOption {name=value}</option></term>
<para>SASL bind options</para>
<term><option>-p, --port {port}</option></term>
<para>Directory server port number</para>
<para>Default value: 389</para>
<term><option>-P, --trustStorePath {trustStorePath}</option></term>
<para>Certificate trust store path</para>
<term><option>-q, --useStartTLS</option></term>
<para>Use StartTLS to secure communication with the server</para>
<term><option>-r, --useSASLExternal</option></term>
<para>Use the SASL EXTERNAL authentication mechanism</para>
<term><option>--trustStorePassword {trustStorePassword}</option></term>
<para>Certificate trust store PIN</para>
<term><option>-u, --keyStorePasswordFile {keyStorePasswordFile}</option></term>
<para>Certificate key store PIN file</para>
<term><option>-U, --trustStorePasswordFile {path}</option></term>
<para>Certificate trust store PIN file</para>
<para>Use the password policy request control</para>
<term><option>-V, --ldapVersion {version}</option></term>
<para>LDAP protocol version number</para>
<para>Default value: 3</para>
<term><option>-w, --bindPassword {bindPassword}</option></term>
<para>Password to use to bind to the server</para>
<term><option>-W, --keyStorePassword {keyStorePassword}</option></term>
<para>Certificate key store PIN</para>
<term><option>-X, --trustAll</option></term>
<para>Trust all server SSL certificates</para>
<term><option>-Z, --useSSL</option></term>
<para>Use SSL for secure communication with the server</para>
<title>Utility Input/Output Options</title>
<term><option>-i, --encoding {encoding}</option></term>
<para>Use the specified character set for command-line input</para>
<para>No properties file will be used to get default command line
argument values</para>
<term><option>--propertiesFilePath {propertiesFilePath}</option></term>
<para>Path to the file containing default property values used for
command line arguments</para>
<term><option>-T, --dontWrap</option></term>
<listitem><para>Do not wrap long lines</para></listitem>
<term><option>-v, --verbose</option></term>
<para>Use verbose mode</para>
<title>General Options</title>
<para>Display version information</para>
<term><option>-?, -H, --help</option></term>
<para>Display usage information</para>
<para>The filter argument is a string representation of an LDAP search filter
as in <literal>(cn=Babs Jensen)</literal>, <literal
>(&amp;(objectClass=Person)(|(sn=Jensen)(cn=Babs J*)))</literal>, or
<literal>(cn:caseExactMatch:=Fred Flintstone)</literal>.</para>
<para>The optional attribute list specifies the attributes to return in the
entries found by the search. In addition to identifying attributes by name
such as <literal>cn sn mail</literal> and so forth, you can use the following
notations, too.</para>
<para>Return all user attributes such as <literal>cn</literal>,
<literal>sn</literal>, and <literal>mail</literal>.</para>
<para>Return all operational attributes such as <literal>etag</literal>
and <literal>pwdPolicySubentry</literal>.</para>
<para>Return all attributes of the specified object class, where
<replaceable>objectclass</replaceable> is one of the object classes
on the entries returned by the search.</para>
Return no attributes, only the DNs of matching entries.
<title>Exit Codes</title>
<para>The command completed successfully.</para>
<para>An LDAP error occurred while processing the operation.</para>
<para>LDAP result codes are described in <link
4511</link>. Also see the additional information for details.</para>
<para>An error occurred while parsing the command-line arguments.</para>
<para>You can use <filename>~/.opendj/</filename> to set
the defaults for bind DN, host name, and port number as in the following
<programlisting language="ini">
<para>The following example searches for entries with UID containing
<literal>jensen</literal>, returning only DNs and uid values.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=*jensen*)" uid</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=ajensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: ajensen
dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: bjensen
dn: uid=gjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: gjensen
dn: uid=jjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: jjensen
dn: uid=kjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: kjensen
dn: uid=rjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: rjensen
dn: uid=tjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
uid: tjensen
Result Code: 0 (Success)</computeroutput>
<para>You can also use <literal>@<replaceable
>objectclass</replaceable></literal> notation in the attribute list to return
the attributes of a particular object class. The following example shows
how to return attributes of the <literal>inetOrgPerson</literal> object
$ <userinput>ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" @inetorgperson</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
givenName: Barbara
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: posixAccount
objectClass: top
uid: bjensen
cn: Barbara Jensen
cn: Babs Jensen
telephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1862
sn: Jensen
roomNumber: 0209
l: Cupertino
ou: Product Development
ou: People
facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 555 1992</computeroutput>
<para>You can use <literal>+</literal> in the attribute list to return
all operational attributes, as in the following example.</para>
$ <userinput>ldapsearch -p 1389 -b dc=example,dc=com "(uid=bjensen)" +</userinput>
<computeroutput>dn: uid=bjensen,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
numSubordinates: 0
structuralObjectClass: inetOrgPerson
etag: 0000000073c29972
pwdPolicySubentry: cn=Default Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config
subschemaSubentry: cn=schema
hasSubordinates: false
entryDN: uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
entryUUID: fc252fd9-b982-3ed6-b42a-c76d2546312c</computeroutput>