appendix-standards.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
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<appendix xml:id='appendix-standards'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>Standards, RFCs, &amp; Internet-Drafts</title>
<para>OpenDJ <?eval ${docTargetVersion}?> software implements the following
RFCs, Internet-Drafts, and standards.</para>
<!-- Document [link], description -->
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc1274">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 1274:
The COSINE and Internet X.500 Schema</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 1274</secondary>
<para>X.500 Directory Schema, or Naming Architecture, for use in the
COSINE and Internet X.500 pilots.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc1321">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 1321:
The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 1321</secondary>
<para>MD5 message-digest algorithm that takes as input a message of
arbitrary length and produces as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or
"message digest" of the input.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc1777">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 1777:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAPv2)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 1777</secondary>
<para>Provide access to the X.500 Directory while not incurring the
resource requirements of the Directory Access Protocol.</para>
<para>Classified as an Historic document.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc1778">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 1778:
The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 1778</secondary>
<para>Defines the requirements that must be satisfied by encoding
rules used to render X.500 Directory attribute syntaxes into a form
suitable for use in the LDAP, then defines the encoding rules for the
standard set of attribute syntaxes.</para>
<para>Classified as an Historic document.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc1779">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 1779:
A String Representation of Distinguished Names</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 1779</secondary>
<para>Defines a string format for representing names, which is designed
to give a clean representation of commonly used names, whilst being
able to represent any distinguished name.</para>
<para>Classified as an Historic document.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2079">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2079:
Definition of an X.500 Attribute Type and an Object Class to Hold
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2079</secondary>
<para>Defines a new attribute type and an auxiliary object class to
allow URIs, including URLs, to be stored in directory entries in a
standard way.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2222">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2222:
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2222</secondary>
<para>Describes a method for adding authentication support to
connection-based protocols.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2246">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2246:
The TLS Protocol Version 1.0</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2246</secondary>
<para>Specifies Version 1.0 of the Transport Layer Security
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2247">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2247:
Using Domains in LDAP/X.500 Distinguished Names</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2247</secondary>
<para>Defines an algorithm by which a name registered with the Internet
Domain Name Service can be represented as an LDAP distinguished name.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2251">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2251:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2251</secondary>
<para>Describes a directory access protocol designed to provide access
to directories supporting the X.500 models, while not incurring the
resource requirements of the X.500 Directory Access Protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2252">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2252:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2252</secondary>
<para>Defines a set of syntaxes for LDAPv3, and the rules by which
attribute values of these syntaxes are represented as octet strings
for transmission in the LDAP protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2253">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2253:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation
of Distinguished Names</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2253</secondary>
<para>Defines a common UTF-8 format to represent distinguished names
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2254">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2254:
The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2254</secondary>
<para>Defines the string format for representing names, which is designed
to give a clean representation of commonly used distinguished names,
while being able to represent any distinguished name.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2255">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2255:
The LDAP URL Format</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2255</secondary>
<para>Describes a format for an LDAP Uniform Resource Locator.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2256">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2256:
A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2256</secondary>
<para>Provides an overview of the attribute types and object classes
defined by the ISO and ITU-T committees in the X.500 documents, in
particular those intended for use by directory clients.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2307">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2307:
An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2307</secondary>
<para>Describes an experimental mechanism for mapping entities related
to TCP/IP and the UNIX system into X.500 entries so that they may be
resolved with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2377">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2377:
Naming Plan for Internet Directory-Enabled Applications</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2377</secondary>
<para>Proposes a new directory naming plan that leverages the strengths
of the most popular and successful Internet naming schemes for naming
objects in a hierarchical directory.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2696">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2696:
LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2696</secondary>
<para>Allows a client to control the rate at which an LDAP server
returns the results of an LDAP search operation.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2713">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2713:
Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2713</secondary>
<para>Defines a common way for applications to store and retrieve Java
objects from the directory.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2714">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2714:
Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2714</secondary>
<para>Define a common way for applications to store and retrieve CORBA
object references from the directory.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2739">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2739:
Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2739</secondary>
<para>Defines a mechanism to locate a user calendar and free/busy time
using the LDAP protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2798">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2798:
Definition of the inetOrgPerson LDAP Object Class</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2798</secondary>
<para>Define an object class called inetOrgPerson for use in LDAP and
X.500 directory services that extends the X.521 standard
organizationalPerson class.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2829">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2829:
Authentication Methods for LDAP</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2829</secondary>
<para>Specifies particular combinations of security mechanisms which
are required and recommended in LDAP implementations.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2830">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2830:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport
Layer Security</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2830</secondary>
<para>Defines the "Start Transport Layer Security (TLS) Operation"
for LDAP.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2849">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2849:
The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2849</secondary>
<para>Describes a file format suitable for describing directory
information or modifications made to directory information.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2891">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2891:
LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2891</secondary>
<para>Describes two LDAPv3 control extensions for server side
sorting of search results.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc2926">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 2926:
Conversion of LDAP Schemas to and from SLP Templates</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 2926</secondary>
<para>Describes a procedure for mapping between Service Location
Protocol service advertisements and lightweight directory access
protocol descriptions of services.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3045">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3045:
Storing Vendor Information in the LDAP root DSE</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3045</secondary>
<para>Specifies two Lightweight Directory Access Protocol attributes,
vendorName and vendorVersion that MAY be included in the root
DSA-specific Entry (DSE) to advertise vendor-specific information.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3062">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3062:
LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3062</secondary>
<para>Describes an LDAP extended operation to allow modification of
user passwords which is not dependent upon the form of the authentication
identity nor the password storage mechanism used.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3112">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3112:
LDAP Authentication Password Schema</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3112</secondary>
<para>Describes schema in support of user/password authentication in
a LDAP directory including the authPassword attribute type. This
attribute type holds values derived from the user's password(s)
(commonly using cryptographic strength one-way hash).</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3377">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3377:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3377</secondary>
<para>Specifies the set of RFCs comprising the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol Version 3 (LDAPv3), and addresses the "IESG Note"
attached to RFCs 2251 through 2256.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3383">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3383:
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Considerations for the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3383</secondary>
<para>Provides procedures for registering extensible elements
of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3546">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3546:
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Extensions</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3546</secondary>
<para>Describes extensions that may be used to add functionality to
Transport Layer Security.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3671">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3671:
Collective Attributes in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3671</secondary>
<para>Summarizes the X.500 information model for collective attributes
and describes use of collective attributes in LDAP.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3672">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3672:
Subentries in the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3672</secondary>
<para>Adapts X.500 subentries mechanisms for use with the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3673">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3673:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol version 3 (LDAPv3): All Operational
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3673</secondary>
<para>Describes an LDAP extension which clients may use to request the
return of all operational attributes.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3674">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3674:
Feature Discovery in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3674</secondary>
<para>Introduces a general mechanism for discovery of elective features
and extensions which cannot be discovered using existing mechanisms.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3771">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3771:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Intermediate Response
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3771</secondary>
<para>Defines and describes the IntermediateResponse message, a general
mechanism for defining single-request/multiple-response operations in
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3829">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3829:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Authorization Identity
Request and Response Controls</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3829</secondary>
<para>Extends the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol bind operation
with a mechanism for requesting and returning the authorization identity
it establishes.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3876">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3876:
Returning Matched Values with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
version 3 (LDAPv3)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3876</secondary>
<para>Describes a control for the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
version 3 that is used to return a subset of attribute values from an
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc3909">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 3909:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Cancel Operation</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 3909</secondary>
<para>Describes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol extended operation
to cancel (or abandon) an outstanding operation, with a response to
indicate the outcome of the operation.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4346">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4346:
The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4346</secondary>
<para>Specifies Version 1.1 of the Transport Layer Security
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4370">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4370:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Proxied Authorization
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4370</secondary>
<para>Defines the Proxy Authorization Control, that allows a client
to request that an operation be processed under a provided authorization
identity instead of under the current authorization identity associated
with the connection.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4403">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4403:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Schema for Universal
Description, Discovery, and Integration version 3 (UDDIv3)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4403</secondary>
<para>Defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol schema for
representing Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
data types in an LDAP directory.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4422">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4422:
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4422</secondary>
<para>Describes a framework for providing authentication and data
security services in connection-oriented protocols via replaceable
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4505">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4505:
Anonymous Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4505</secondary>
<para>Describes a new way to provide anonymous login is needed
within the context of the Simple Authentication and Security
Layer framework.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4510">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4510:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Technical Specification
Road Map</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4510</secondary>
<para>Provides a road map of the LDAP Technical Specification.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4511">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4511:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): The Protocol</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4511</secondary>
<para>Describes the protocol elements, along with their semantics and
encodings, of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4512">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4512:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Directory Information
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4512</secondary>
<para>Describes the X.500 Directory Information Models as used in
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4513">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4513:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Authentication Methods
and Security Mechanisms</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4513</secondary>
<para>Describes authentication methods and security mechanisms of the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4514">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4514:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation of
Distinguished Names</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4514</secondary>
<para>Defines the string representation used in the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol to transfer distinguished names.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4515">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4515:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): String Representation
of Search Filters</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4515</secondary>
<para>Defines a human-readable string representation of LDAP search
filters that is appropriate for use in LDAP URLs and in other
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4516">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4516:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Uniform Resource
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4516</secondary>
<para>Describes a format for a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
Uniform Resource Locator.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4517">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4517:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Syntaxes and Matching
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4517</secondary>
<para>Defines a base set of syntaxes and matching rules for use in
defining attributes for LDAP directories.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4518">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4518:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Internationalized
String Preparation</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4518</secondary>
<para>Defines string preparation algorithms for character-based matching
rules defined for use in LDAP.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4519">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4519:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Schema for User
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4519</secondary>
<para>Provides a technical specification of attribute types and object
classes intended for use by LDAP directory clients for many directory
services, such as White Pages.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4524">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4524:
COSINE LDAP/X.500 Schema</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4524</secondary>
<para>Provides a collection of schema elements for use with the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol from the COSINE and Internet
X.500 pilot projects.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4525">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4525:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Modify-Increment
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4525</secondary>
<para>Describes an extension to the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol Modify operation to support an increment capability.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4526">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4526:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Absolute True and False
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4526</secondary>
<para>Extends the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol to support
absolute True and False filters based upon similar capabilities found
in X.500 directory systems.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4527">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4527:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Read Entry
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4527</secondary>
<para>Specifies an extension to the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol to allow the client to read the target entry of an update
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4528">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4528:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Assertion
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4528</secondary>
<para>Defines the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Assertion
Control, which allows a client to specify that a directory operation
should only be processed if an assertion applied to the target entry
of the operation is true.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4529">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4529:
Requesting Attributes by Object Class in the Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol (LDAP)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4529</secondary>
<para>Extends LDAP to support a mechanism that LDAP clients may use to
request the return of all attributes of an object class.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4530">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4530:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entryUUID Operational
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4530</secondary>
<para>Describes the LDAP/X.500 'entryUUID' operational attribute and
associated matching rules and syntax.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4532">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4532:
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) "Who am I?"
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4532</secondary>
<para>Provides a mechanism for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
clients to obtain the authorization identity the server has associated
with the user or application entity.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4616">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4616:
The PLAIN Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4616</secondary>
<para>Defines a simple clear-text user/password Simple Authentication
and Security Layer mechanism called the PLAIN mechanism.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4634">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4634:
US Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA and HMAC-SHA)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4634</secondary>
<para>Specifies Secure Hash Algorithms, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512,
for computing a condensed representation of a message or a data file.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4752">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4752:
The Kerberos V5 ("GSSAPI") Simple Authentication and Security Layer
(SASL) Mechanism</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4752</secondary>
<para>Describes the method for using the Generic Security
Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) Kerberos V5 in the
Simple Authentication and Security Layer, called the GSSAPI mechanism.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc4876">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 4876:
A Configuration Profile Schema for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP)-Based Agents</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 4876</secondary>
<para>Defines a schema for storing a profile for agents that make use
of the Lightweight Directory Access protocol (LDAP).</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="rfc5020">
<term><link xlink:href=''>RFC 5020:
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) entryDN Operational
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>RFC 5020</secondary>
<para>Describes the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) / X.500 'entryDN' operational attribute, that
provides a copy of the entry's distinguished name for use in
attribute value assertions.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="fips180-1">
<term><link xlink:href=''
>FIPS 180-1: Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1)</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>FIPS 180-1</secondary>
<para>Specifies a Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1, for computing a condensed
representation of a message or a data file.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="fips180-2">
>FIPS 180-2: Secure Hash Standard (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384,
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>FIPS 180-2</secondary>
<para>Specifies four Secure Hash Algorithms for computing a condensed
representation of electronic data.</para>
<varlistentry xml:id="dsmlv2">
>DSMLv2: Directory Service Markup Language</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<para>Provides a method for expressing directory queries and updates as
XML documents.</para>
<term><link xlink:show="new" xlink:href=''
>JavaScript Object Notation</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<para>A data-interchange format that aims to be both "easy for humans to
read and write," and also "easy for machines to parse and generate."</para>
<term><link xlink:show="new"
>Simple Cloud Identity Management: Core Schema 1.0</link></term>
<primary>Supported standards</primary>
<secondary>SCIM Core Schema 1.0</secondary>
<para>Platform neutral schema and extension model for representing users
and groups in JSON and XML formats. OpenDJ supports the JSON formats.</para>