appendix-rest2ldap.xml revision b1dce270ec218b8ad86ce6d745d295da038a5c88
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<appendix xml:id='appendix-rest2ldap'
xmlns='' version='5.0' xml:lang='en'
<title>REST LDAP Configuration</title>
<para>OpenDJ offers two alternatives for RESTful access to directory
<para>OpenDJ directory server has an HTTP connection handler that exposes
the RESTful API over HTTP (or HTTPS). You configure the mapping between
JSON resources and LDAP entries by editing the configuration file for the
HTTP connection handler, by default
<para>The OpenDJ REST LDAP gateway runs as a Servlet independent from your
directory service. You configure the gateway to access your directory service
by editing <filename>opendj-rest2ldap-servlet.json</filename> where you
deploy the gateway web application.</para>
<para>The JSON format configuration can hold the following configuration
objects. Some of the configuration settings are available only in the REST
LDAP gateway configuration. The order here is the order shown in the default
configuration file.</para>
<para>Interface stability: <link xlink:href="reference#interface-stability"
xlink:show="new" xlink:role=""
<term>"ldapConnectionFactories" (required, gateway only)</term>
<para>Configures how the gateway connects to LDAP servers. This entire
configuration object applies only to the REST LDAP gateway.</para>
<para>Configures at least a connection factory for unauthenticated
connections that are used for bind requests. By default, also configures a
factory for authenticated connections that are used for searches during
authentication and for proxied authorization operations.</para>
<para>The default configuration is set to connect to a local directory
server listening for LDAP connections on port 1389, authenticating as the
root DN user <literal>cn=Directory Manager</literal>, with the password
<para>Configures the unauthenticated connection factory for bind
<term>"connectionPoolSize" (optional)</term>
<para>The gateway creates connection pools to the primary and
secondary LDAP servers that maintain up to
<literal>connectionPoolSize</literal> connections to the
<para>Default: 24</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">"connectionPoolSize": 24</programlisting>
<term>"connectionSecurity" (optional)</term>
<para>Whether connections to LDAP servers should be secured by using
SSL or StartTLS. The following values are supported.</para>
<para>"none" (default) means connections use plain LDAP and are
not secured.</para>
<para>"ssl" means connections are secured using LDAPS.</para>
<para>"startTLS" means connections are secured using LDAP and
<para>If you set "connectionSecurity", also review the
"trustManager" and "fileBasedTrustManager*" settings.</para>
<term>"heartBeatIntervalSeconds" (optional)</term>
<para>The gateway tests its connections every
<literal>heartBeatIntervalSeconds</literal> to detect whether
the connection is still alive. The first test is performed
immediately when the gateway gets a connection. Subsequent tests
follow every <literal>heartBeatIntervalSeconds</literal>.</para>
<para>Default: 30 (seconds)</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">"heartBeatIntervalSeconds": 30</programlisting>
<term>"heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds" (optional)</term>
<para>When the gateway tests a connection, if the heartbeat does not come back after
<literal>heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds</literal> the connection is marked as closed.</para>
<para>Default: 500 (milliseconds)</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">"heartBeatTimeoutMilliSeconds": 500</programlisting>
<term>"fileBasedTrustManagerFile" (optional)</term>
<para>If "trustManager" is set to "file", then this setting
configures the location of the trust store file.</para>
<para>Default: "/path/to/truststore"</para>
<term>"fileBasedTrustManagerPassword" (optional)</term>
<para>If "trustManager" is set to "file", then this setting
specifies the trust store password.</para>
<para>Default: "password"</para>
<term>"fileBasedTrustManagerType" (optional)</term>
<para>If "trustManager" is set to "file", then this setting
configures the format for the data in the trust store file specified
by the "fileBasedTrustManagerFile" setting. Formats include the
following, though other implementations might be supported as well
depending on the Java environment.</para>
<para>"JKS" (default) specifies Java Key Store format.</para>
<para>"PKCS12" specifies Public-Key Cryptography Standards 12
<term>"primaryLDAPServers" (required)</term>
<para>The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers before failing
over to the secondary LDAP servers. These might be LDAP servers in
the same data center for example.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"primaryLDAPServers": [
"hostname": "",
"port": 1389
"hostname": "",
"port": 1389
<para>By default, the gateway connects to the directory server
listening on port 1389 on the local host.</para>
<term>"secondaryLDAPServers" (optional)</term>
<para>The gateway accesses this array of LDAP servers if primary LDAP
servers cannot be contacted. These might be LDAP servers in the same
data center for example.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"secondaryLDAPServers": [
"hostname": "",
"port": 1389
"hostname": "",
"port": 1389
<para>No secondary LDAP servers are configured by default.</para>
<term>"trustManager" (optional)</term>
<para>If "connectionSecurity" is set to "ssl" or "startTLS", then
this setting configures how the LDAP servers are trusted. This
setting is ignored if "connectionSecurity" is set to "none".</para>
<para>"file" means trust the LDAP server certificate if it is
signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted according to the
file-based trust store configured with the "fileBasedTrustManager*"
<para>"jvm" means trust the LDAP server certificate if it is signed
by a CA trusted by the Java environment.</para>
<para>"trustAll" (default) means blindly trust all LDAP server
<para>Configures the authenticated connection factory.</para>
<term>"inheritFrom" (optional)</term>
<para>Identifies the unauthenticated connection factory from which
to inherit settings. If this connection factory does not inherit from
another configuration object, then you must specify the configuration
<para>Default: "default"</para>
<term>"authentication" (required)</term>
<para>The gateway authenticates by simple bind using the credentials
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"authentication": {
"bindDN": "cn=Directory Manager",
"password": "password"
<term>"authenticationFilter" (required)</term>
<para>Configures the REST LDAP authentication filter. If the configuration
is not present, the filter is disabled.</para>
<para>The default configuration allows HTTP Basic authentication where user
entries are <literal>inetOrgPerson</literal> entries expected to have
<literal>uid=<replaceable>username</replaceable></literal>, and to be found
under <literal>ou=people,dc=example,dc=com</literal>. The default
configuration also allows alternative, HTTP header based authentication in
the style of OpenIDM.</para>
<para>By default, authentication is required both for the gateway and for
the HTTP connection handler. When the HTTP connection handler property
<literal>authentication-required</literal> is set to
<literal>false</literal> (default: <literal>true</literal>), the HTTP
connection handler accepts both authenticated and unauthenticated requests.
All requests are subject to access control and resource limit settings in
the same way as LDAP client requests to the directory server. The
<literal>authentication-required</literal> setting can be overridden by the
global configuration property
<literal>reject-unauthenticated-requests</literal> (default:
<literal>false</literal>), described in the section on <link
xlink:show="new" xlink:href="admin-guide#restrict-clients"
Client Access</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para>To protect passwords, configure HTTPS for the HTTP connection handler
or for the container where the REST LDAP gateway runs.</para>
<para>The filter has the following configuration fields.</para>
<para>Whether to support HTTP Basic authentication. If this is set to
<literal>true</literal>, then the entry corresponding to the user name
is found using the "searchBaseDN", "searchScope", and
"searchFilterTemplate" settings.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
<para>Whether to allow alternative, HTTP header based authentication. If
this is set to <literal>true</literal>, then the headers to use are
specified in the "altAuthenticationUsernameHeader" and
"altAuthenticationPasswordHeader" values, and the bind DN is resolved
using the "searchFilterTemplate" value.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
<para>Specifies the HTTP header containing the username for
authentication when alternative, HTTP-header based authentication is
<para>Default: "X-OpenIDM-Username"</para>
<para>Specifies the HTTP header containing the password for
authentication when alternative, HTTP-header based authentication is
<para>Default: "X-OpenIDM-Password"</para>
<term>"reuseAuthenticatedConnection" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Whether to use authenticated LDAP connections for subsequent LDAP
operations. If this is set to <literal>true</literal>, the gateway does
not need its own connection factory, nor does it need to use proxied
authorization for LDAP operations. Instead, it performs the operations
as the user on the authenticated connection.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>true</literal></para>
<term>"method" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Specifies the authentication method used by the gateway. The
following values are supported.</para>
<para>"search-simple" (default) means the user name is resolved to
an LDAP bind DN by a search using the "searchFilterTemplate" value.</para>
<para>"sasl-plain" means the user name is resolved to an
authorization ID (authzid) using the "saslAuthzIdTemplate" value.</para>
<para>"simple" means the user name is the LDAP bind DN.</para>
<term>"bindLDAPConnectionFactory" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Identifies the factory providing connections used for bind
operations to authenticate users to LDAP servers.</para>
<para>Default: "default"</para>
<term>"saslAuthzIdTemplate" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Sets how to resolve the authorization ID when the authentication
"method" is set to "sasl-plain", substituting <literal>%s</literal>
in the template with the user name provided. The user name provided by
is DN escaped before the value is returned.</para>
<para>Default: "dn:uid=%s,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"</para>
<term>"searchLDAPConnectionFactory" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Identifies the factory providing connections used to find
user entries in the directory server when the "method" is set to
<para>Default: "root"</para>
<para>Sets the base DN to search for user entries. For the gateway,
this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This always
applies for the HTTP connection handler.</para>
<para>Default: "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"</para>
<para>Sets the search scope below the base DN such as "sub" (subtree
search) or "one" (one-level search) to search for user entries. For the
gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple". This
always applies for the HTTP connection handler.</para>
<para>Default: "sub"</para>
<para>Sets the search filter used to find the user entry, substituting
<literal>%s</literal> in the template with the user name provided. The
user name provided by is DN escaped before the value is returned. For
the gateway, this applies when the "method" is set to "search-simple".
This always applies for the HTTP connection handler.</para>
<para>Default: "(&amp;(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))"</para>
<term>"servlet" (required)</term>
<para>Configures how HTTP resources map to LDAP entries, and for the gateway
how to connect to LDAP servers and how to use proxied authorization.</para>
<para>The default gateway configuration tries to reuse authenticated
connections for LDAP operations, falling back to a connection authenticated
as root DN using proxied authorization for LDAP operations.</para>
<term>"ldapConnectionFactory" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Specifies the connection factory used by the gateway to perform
LDAP operations if an authenticated connection is not passed from the
authentication filter according to the setting for
<para>Default: "root"</para>
<term>"authorizationPolicy" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Specifies how to handle LDAP authorization. The following values
are supported.</para>
<para>"proxy" (default) means use proxied authorization when no
authenticated connection is provided for reuse, resolving the
authorization ID according to the setting for
<para>"none" means do not use proxied authorization and do not reuse
authenticated connections, but instead use connections from the
factory specified in "ldapConnectionFactory".</para>
<para>"reuse" means reuse an authenticated connection passed by the
filter, and fail if no connection was passed by the filter.</para>
<term>"proxyAuthzIdTemplate" (gateway only)</term>
<para>Specifies the template to derive the authorization ID from the
security context created during authentication. Use
<literal>{dn}</literal> to indicate the user's bind DN or
<literal>{id}</literal> to indicate the user name provided for
<para>Default: "dn:{dn}"</para>
<para>For each collection URI such as <literal>/users</literal> and
<literal>/groups</literal>, you configure a mapping between the JSON
resource returned over HTTP, and the LDAP entry returned by the
directory service.</para>
<para>Each mapping has a number of configuration elements.</para>
<term>"baseDN" (required)</term>
<para>The base DN where LDAP entries are found for this mapping.</para>
<term>"readOnUpdatePolicy" (optional)</term>
<para>The policy used to read an entry before it is deleted, or to
read an entry after it is added or modified. One of the following.</para>
<para>"controls": (default) use RFC 4527 read-entry controls to
reflect the state of the resource at the time the update was
<para>The directory service must support RFC 4527.</para>
<para>"disabled": do not read the entry or return the resource on
<para>"search": perform an LDAP search to retrieve the entry before
deletion or after it is added or modified.</para>
<para>The JSON resource returned might differ from the LDAP entry
that was updated.</para>
<term>"useSubtreeDelete" (required)</term>
<para>Whether to use the LDAP Subtree Delete Request Control (OID:
<literal>1.2.840.113556.1.4.805</literal>) for LDAP delete operations
resulting from delete operations on resources.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal>. The default configuration
uses <literal>false</literal>.</para>
<para>Set this to <literal>true</literal> if you want this behavior,
if your directory server supports the control, and if clients that
request delete operations have access to use the control.</para>
<term>"usePermissiveModify" (required)</term>
<para>Whether to use the LDAP Permissive Modify Request Control (OID:
<literal>1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413</literal>) for LDAP modify operations
resulting from patch and update operations on resources.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal>. The default configuration
uses <literal>true</literal>.</para>
<para>Set this to <literal>false</literal> when using the gateway if
your directory server does not support the control.</para>
<term>"etagAttribute" (optional)</term>
<para>The LDAP attribute to use for multi-version concurrency control
<para>Default: "etag"</para>
<term>"namingStrategy" (required)</term>
The approach used to map LDAP entry names to JSON resources.
LDAP entries mapped to JSON resources
must be immediate subordinates of the mapping's "baseDN".
The following naming strategies are supported.
<para>RDN and resource ID are both derived from a single user
attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following example, where the
<literal>uid</literal> attribute is the RDN and its value is the
JSON resource ID.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"namingStrategy": {
"strategy": "clientDNNaming",
"dnAttribute": "uid"
<para>RDN and resource ID are derived from separate user attributes
in the LDAP entry, as in the following example where the RDN
attribute is <literal>uid</literal> but the JSON resource ID is the
value of the <literal>mail</literal> attribute.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"namingStrategy": {
"strategy": "clientNaming",
"dnAttribute": "uid",
"idAttribute": "mail"
<para>RDN is derived from a user attribute and the resource ID from
an operational attribute in the LDAP entry, as in the following
example, where the RDN attribute is <literal>uid</literal> but the
JSON resource ID is the value of the <literal>entryUUID</literal>
operational attribute.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"namingStrategy": {
"strategy": "serverNaming",
"dnAttribute": "uid",
"idAttribute": "entryUUID"
<term>"additionalLDAPAttributes" (optional, but necessary)</term>
<para>LDAP attributes to include during LDAP add operations as an
array of type-value lists, such as the following example.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"additionalLDAPAttributes": [
"type": "objectClass",
"values": [
<para>This configuration element is useful to set LDAP object classes
for example, which are not present in JSON resources.</para>
<term>"attributes" (required)</term>
<para>How the JSON resource fields map to attributes on LDAP
entries, each taking the form "<replaceable>field-name</replaceable>":
<replaceable>mapping-object</replaceable>. A number of
<replaceable>mapping-object</replaceable>s are supported.</para>
<para>Maps a single JSON attribute to a fixed value.</para>
<para>This can be useful as in the default case where each JSON
resource "schemas" takes the SCIM URN, and so the value is not
related to the underlying LDAP entries.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"schemas": {
"constant": [
<para>Maps a JSON field to an LDAP attribute.</para>
<para>Simple mappings are used where the correspondence between
JSON fields and LDAP attributes is one-to-one.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"userName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "mail",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
<para>Simple mappings can take a number of fields.</para>
<para>(Required) "ldapAttribute": the name of LDAP attribute.</para>
<para>(Optional) "defaultJSONValue": the JSON value if no LDAP
attribute is available on the entry.</para>
<para>No default is set if this is omitted.</para>
<para>(Optional) "isBinary": true means the LDAP attribute is
binary and the JSON field gets the base64-encoded value.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<para>(Optional) "isRequired": true means the LDAP attribute is
mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false
means it is optional.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<para>(Optional) "isSingleValued": true means represent a
possibly multi-valued LDAP attribute as a single value; false
means represent it as an array of values.</para>
<para>Default: determine the representation based on the LDAP
schema, so SINGLE-VALUE attributes take single values, and
multi-valued attributes take arrays.</para>
<para>(Optional) "writability": indicates whether the LDAP
attribute supports updates. This field can take the following
<para>"createOnly": This attribute can be set only when the
entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute thereafter
result in errors.</para>
<para>"createOnlyDiscardWrites": This attribute can be set only
when the entry is created. Attempts to update this attribute
thereafter do not result in errors. Instead the update value
is discarded.</para>
<para>"readOnly": This attribute cannot be written. Attempts to
write this attribute result in errors.</para>
<para>"readOnlyDiscardWrites": This attribute cannot be written.
Attempts to write this attribute do not result in errors.
Instead the value to write is discarded.</para>
<para>"readWrite": (default) This attribute can be set at
creation and updated thereafter.</para>
<para>Maps a JSON object to LDAP attributes.</para>
<para>This mapping lets you create JSON objects whose fields
themselves have mappings to LDAP attributes.</para>
<para>Maps a JSON field to an LDAP entry found by reference.</para>
<para>This mapping works for LDAP attributes whose values reference
other entries. This is shown in the following example from the
default configuration. The LDAP <literal>manager</literal>
attribute values are user entry DNs. Here, the JSON
<literal>manager</literal> field takes the user ID and name from
the entry referenced by the LDAP attribute. On updates, changes
to the JSON manager <literal>_id</literal> affect which manager
entry is referenced, yet any changes to the manager's name are
discarded, because changing managers only affects which user entry
to point to, not the referenced user's name.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"manager": {
"reference": {
"ldapAttribute": "manager",
"baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
"primaryKey": "uid",
"mapper": {
"object": {
"_id": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "uid",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true
"displayName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
<para>Babs Jensen's manager in the sample LDAP data is Torrey
Rigden, who has user ID <literal>trigden</literal>. Babs's entry has
<literal>manager: uid=trigden,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com</literal>.
With this mapping, the resulting JSON field is the following.</para>
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"manager": [
"_id": "trigden",
"displayName": "Torrey Rigden"
<para>Reference mapping objects have the following fields.</para>
<para>(Required) "baseDN": indicates the base LDAP DN under which
to find entries referenced by the JSON resource.</para>
<para>(Required) "ldapAttribute": specifies the LDAP attribute in
the entry underlying the JSON resource whose value points to the
referenced entry.</para>
<para>(Required) "mapper": describes how the referenced entry
content maps to the content of this JSON field.</para>
<para>(Required) "primaryKey": indicates which LDAP attribute in
the mapper holds the primary key to the referenced entry.</para>
<para>(Optional) "isRequired": true means the LDAP attribute is
mandatory and must be provided to create the resource; false
means it is optional.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<para>(Optional) "isSingleValued": true means represent a
possibly multi-valued LDAP attribute as a single value; false
means represent it as an array of values.</para>
<para>Default: <literal>false</literal></para>
<!-- Not used.
<para>(Optional) "scope": indicates the scope of the LDAP search
to find the referenced entry. The default is
<para>(Optional) "searchFilter": specifies the LDAP filter to
use to search for the referenced entry. The default is
<para>(Optional) "writability": indicates whether the mapping
supports updates, as described above for the simple mapping. The
default is "readWrite".</para>
<para>The default mappings expose a SCIM view of user and group
<programlisting language="javascript">{
"/users": {
"baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
"readOnUpdatePolicy": "controls",
"useSubtreeDelete": false,
"usePermissiveModify": true,
"etagAttribute": "etag",
"namingStrategy": {
"strategy": "clientDNNaming",
"dnAttribute": "uid"
"additionalLDAPAttributes": [
"type": "objectClass",
"values": [
"attributes": {
"schemas": {
"constant": [
"_id": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "uid",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true,
"writability": "createOnly"
"_rev": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "etag",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"userName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "mail",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"displayName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true
"name": {
"object": {
"givenName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "givenName",
"isSingleValued": true
"familyName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "sn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true
"manager": {
"reference": {
"ldapAttribute": "manager",
"baseDN": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
"primaryKey": "uid",
"mapper": {
"object": {
"_id": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "uid",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true
"displayName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
"groups": {
"reference": {
"ldapAttribute": "isMemberOf",
"baseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
"writability": "readOnly",
"primaryKey": "cn",
"mapper": {
"object": {
"_id": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true
"contactInformation": {
"object": {
"telephoneNumber": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "telephoneNumber",
"isSingleValued": true
"emailAddress": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "mail",
"isSingleValued": true
"meta": {
"object": {
"created": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "createTimestamp",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"lastModified": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "modifyTimestamp",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"/groups": {
"baseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
"readOnUpdatePolicy": "controls",
"useSubtreeDelete": false,
"usePermissiveModify": true,
"etagAttribute": "etag",
"namingStrategy": {
"strategy": "clientDNNaming",
"dnAttribute": "cn"
"additionalLDAPAttributes": [
"type": "objectClass",
"values": [
"attributes": {
"schemas": {
"constant": [
"_id": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true,
"writability": "createOnly"
"_rev": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "etag",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"displayName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"members": {
"reference": {
"ldapAttribute": "uniqueMember",
"baseDN": "dc=example,dc=com",
"primaryKey": "uid",
"mapper": {
"object": {
"_id": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "uid",
"isSingleValued": true,
"isRequired": true
"displayName": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "cn",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnlyDiscardWrites"
"meta": {
"object": {
"created": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "createTimestamp",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"
"lastModified": {
"simple": {
"ldapAttribute": "modifyTimestamp",
"isSingleValued": true,
"writability": "readOnly"